Clayton's Octavo Diary 1854. [printed label] WM. M. CHRISTY, STATIONER, PRINTER, AND Account Book Mannfacturer[sic], No.65 South Third St. OPPOSITE GIRARD BANK, PHILADELPHIA Printing, ruling & binding neatly executed. Stt $1.50 Harriet J. Keffer This diary was kept by Bertha Keffer '76 during her Preparatory and collegiate years at Vassar. It was presented to the College Library in 1942, by her sister, Mary Keffer, and at the request of her namesake, Bertha Keffer, V.C. '11, Mrs. [Raymond U]. … . The name HARRIET J. KEFFER inscribed at the top was the name of Bertha Keffer, '76's mother Friday, January 13th, 1854 David M Caudless 146 North Avenue Alleghany. PA. [printed] SATURDAY, January 14th, 1854. Sunday, January 15th, 1854. This year bought a little diary never thinking that this was around to the right day of the week again. But last Friday I came across this and resolved to keep this for longer entries than my little one. Thursday Etta and I went to see Miss Morse about one hundred and twelve. B - We want to change our room. Etta - We thought we would like to room together on the fifth floor. M - There is no room vacant there. E & B - Yes, 192 is. M - (slowly) yes - if you want to go there - without any bed - and sleep on the floor you can. To. E. Why do you wish to change your room? E - My room mate is not very agreeable. M. To B. Is anything of that sort the matter with you? B. Oh no my room mate and parlor mates are very nice and MONDAY, January 16th, 1854. I like them ever so much but we thought we would like to room together. M - would you like to go to the first floor for the sake of rooming together. E - (not liking that a bit but not liking to back out now) yes mamm. M - Well I will see what I can do for you. (To B) you may go. M kept E and told her how much good she might do her roommate by staying put and behaving like a christian, told her to try it on ... a month longer. As soon as we had definitely arranged to go to M - I was sorry but could not very well back out then. Guess that now I'll stay [fixed[ and not trouble her anymore. Thursday I received Papa's Rio letter and it made me feel more homesick than I have since I came here. Poor Papa TUESDAY, January 17th, 1854 President Raymond gave quite a lecture this evening on loyalty - a word he thought we did not know the meaning of. I guess something disloyal in his sense of the word came up in Faculty meeting yesterday. We always have something new after the big folks talk us over. Ella felt badly last night because I did not speak to her when she called after me on the stairs. In fact I was a littled vexed about the manner in which she spoke of L.L. and was afraid of showing it. I had to go and confront her which I did by saying I thought she was a goose to behave as when she knew I liked her better than anyone here. Though I did not say I could do that and not care awfully much for her. I am not in love to distraction with anyone in Vassar. WEDNESDAY, January 18th, 1854. Have had a touch of the blues to day and either I have been cross or every one else has, perhaps both. It was a [hicky] thing I told Ella about the apple roll ring on the floor for now we all have something to say about it even Rob. Heard today of Miss Pa.-n's slapping a girl over the fingers for not playing rightly and now despise her more than ever. Practiced an hour this morning. [L. S-rs] told me she thought (and Miss S-ll said so too at the same time) I was the smartest in the Latin class and then I told her the same and we soft-soaped one another quite awhile on the plan of "you scratch my back and I'll tickle your elbow." Miss [Simleys] head was all right today and we got along splendidly this afternoon. The Pres. told of Roger Sherman slapping his babdy being slapped by his mother and then kissing her hand and leading her to a [scaf.] … [Printed] THURSDAY, January 19th, 1854. Got caught last night. Etta came to sleep with me and when we were undressing some one rapped on the door and I roared come in, thinking it Lottie but it was Miss Hamlin who wanted to know if we were not aware we ought to go to Miss Lyman for permission to sleep out and said she was sorry to disappoint us but Etta must not stay. Etta said "yes mamm."-and went. We are not going to study in May's room anymore between eight and nine and be good generally. Miss Lyman requested through the Pres. this evening that we try being quiet in the corridors in our talk till Monday and see how we like the change. [Printed] FRIDAY, January 20th, 1854 [Printed] SATURDAY, January 21st, 1854 Took the old lady out to skate this afternoon to have some fun out of her. Feel considerably lame in consequence. It was a bad motive to take her out from but she enjoyed it as much as if I took her on purpose for her pleasure and my bad motive hurt no one but myself. Just this moment I happened to think may be it made my darlings feel bad to see me do such a thing so I'll try and be better in fu ture. When I think of them it makes me want to go right off but then I don't think I could bear to leave Papa all alone. I wish Prof. Backus would officiate in Chapel every evening. He quiets and rests me so, and makes me want to do better much more than the President does. [printed] SUNDAY, January 22nd, 1854 [printed] MONDAY, January 23d, 1854. Had a gay time to-night at supper over the Professor's baby. Laughed till we were tired. Thought it a good way to shake the supper down. Some thing was the matter with the three waiters and they had to go out to laugh. It is curious to see them when they are feeling funny and Solomon looks at them. I am glad it is not against the rule for preps to laugh. [printed] TUESDAY, January 24th, 1854. Had a short speech to night about the day of prayer for colleges. Can always tell if we are going to have a speech the night after faculty meeting by looking to see if Prof. Backus is in Chapel. He is always on hand if there is a speech. Poor May is sick again. It seems as if something was troubling her more than any of us guess for it can't be all physical debility which cause these nervous attacks which she tries so hard to conceal I am anxious too about Alice C's. cough What if she should go before I see her! Coming along the hall to-night and noticing how one by one my friends dropped into their rooms and left me to finish the journey alone I wondered if that were typical of my life, if all my friends would go home first leaving me behind till the last one. [printed] WEDNESDAY, January 25th, 1854. [printed] THURSDAY, January 26th, 1854. Continued from next page from Alice last Wed nesday which I answered yesterday. It was three weeks on the way I suppose it was snowed up. She sent me a very pretty work bag for a present Our prospects look very dark just now. Papa stand[sic] in Mobile a week waiting to see Judge Bersteed about his bond and did not and men are in Washington trying to have him re moved and Col Edwards appointed for no other reason than jealousy. I hope we will get out of this fix soon some way [printed]FRIDAY, January 27th, 1854 Mon[FRIDAY and 54 are crossed out]68 It has been just as I expected it would. I have not written a word in my Diary since Papa was in jail and am only writing now by accident Papa got out of jail all well and won his case and did not have to pay a cent Old Mother Salisbery had to pay it all herself. I only wish it had been twice as much. Received a letter from Herbert to-day but am not going to answer it till the 23 or 30 of March to pay him off for waiting so long before he wrote to me. even if I wait till then it will not be so long as he wait ed before answering my letter. I also got a letter [printed] SATURDAY, January 28th, 1854. Last night we had a short speech from Mrs. Prine, the woman who is going to Japan I was sadly disappointed for I thought she had been there and was going to tell us what it was like but instead she was just going and wanted some one to go with her. Went out rid ing this evening. The sleigh had about ten too many in it and we were abominably crowded. The two Misses Lord and Miss Preston tried to be funny but I don't think that is their forte exactly Lottie Rossiter wrote to Sam Walker to telegraph for Lottie to come home which he did so she went at three o'clock today. May she get well recovered before she comes back again! L.R went riding last night. [printed] SUNDAY, January 29th, 1854. Deacon Smith preached to day. He said his sermon was on one verse of the book of Esther but I think it was on the whole book He told us the story of Esther and then drew three lessons from it, the first showing where woman's influence was the next how great its extent and the last its power. He is a better preacher than the Pres. There were some lovely flowers in Chapel which afterwards were given Miss Lyman because it was her birthday I wish it had been mine [printed] MONDAY, January 30th, 1854. [printed] TUESDAY, January 31st, 1854. [printed page no.] 3 [printed] WEDNESDAY, February 1st, 1854 Tomorrow is a great day to a great many girls. Would it were to me! But I have everything put off till the last as an example I suppose of my everlasting sin of procrastination--the buster of success.--Five years ago seems a short time comparatively yet how many and how great changes have taken place since five years ago to-night when Papa Auntie Glenn and I sat all night by my darling Mother All the time since then seems like a dream only there has been more trouble in this time than people usually have in dreams. And from all poor naughty I have been chosen to be benefitted Surely there is some use for me for which I am being thus prepar ed.. May I find it out before another long five years wears away. [printed] THURSDAY, February 2nd, 1854. to write to, it did not seem at all pleasant. Whenever I suc ceed in anything I want to have some one who cares for me to go to and tell and who will make me feel glad over it. I never feel so homesick as when I get bad news from home and next to that time is when I have good news and want to tell it to the home folks. Had a little scrawl from Harry to day. Hope for a long write from Papa to morrow. I wish it were the June examination instead of February. I wish the Faculty had to be examined before a lot of people twice a year when we are. They would soon do away with all such botherations if they came home to themselves. [printed] FRIDAY, February 3d, 1854. Thus endeth the two days of torture. I agree with Mr. Jewett in say ing "Pity the sorrows of a poor young woman." Yesterday was a blue day in my calendar and to-day I have had the meanest of colds in my head. Miss Lyman's corridor is covered all over with matting and her sister is here so I sup pose she is worse. Poor old Lady! Prof. Backus was the leader in Chap el to night Before supper if I had not been afraid of making my eyes red I would have had a good cry I felt so tired and homesick but since listening to Prof. B. and getting May's invite I feel better How people with only themselves to please and tend to get along I dont[sic] see for even because I had no one here to sympathize with me in my success, though there are good ... [printed] SATURDAY, February 4th, 1854 Have been feeling something like crossness because no let ter came from home to-day only a mean little scrawl from Harry. I should not say that for I was glad to get it if only for a proof that when he had a spare minute he did not forget me. Asked Miss Morse if I could go to church with Miss Brown and she was good as pie as she generally is to me. [printed] SUNDAY, February 5th, 1854. Heard a good New Church sermon but it was not by Mr. Giles but by Mr. Keyes I found that I had been mistaken in thinking that it was he I heard in Septem ber. Prof. Farrar is the kindest man around this institution On the way to church he stopped his sleigh and took in the Misses Hogg and Miss Fulick and I heard afterwards that he regretted very much he had not thought to get on top with the driver and take Miss Brown and me in too. Next year I mean to be in his Bible class if it is a possible thing. I'll see what my friends can do for me by writing. [printed] MONDAY, February 6th, 1854. Could not have been suit ed better in regard to my recitations. Have Latin of Miss Smiley the first and fifth periods; French of Miss Kapp the second, Rhetoric of Miss Clark the third. I feel sure of learning more French with Miss Kapp than with Miss Simmonds We had no lessons to recite to day and consequently I spent the day principally in fooling, though I did make a cover for my trunk and sew a little on my blue shirt. I wish I could learn to improve the ex tra time we have thrown in so as it should be improved! May be I can if I try. [printed] TUESDAY, February 7th, 1854. [printed] WEDNESDAY, February 8th, 1854. We had Prof. Backus in Chapel this evening. He read the thirteenth chapter of Cor inthians which is all a bout Charity and made a prayer at the end which [long dash] [printed] THURSDAY, February 9th, 1854. Was stopped somewhat suddenly last night by the close of Silent time and forget now what I was going to say but I think Prof. B. is a good deal of a New Churchman Am tired enough to go to bed but instead must go at old Caesar. We had a new fandan go in gym this afternoon was rather strainsome. Etta returned this afternoon. Was sick the reason she did not come before. Alice was in bed all day yesterday with head ache. Better have that than heart ache. May wrote to Pres. R. to be put in Miss Kapps French so that she might learn a little more this term than last. [printed] FRIDAY, February 10th, 1854 Lecture by the Bishop was good except in one particular and that was, (according to my idea,) that he made his sentences entirely too long so that one had to pay the closest attention in order to keep the thread of his discourse. And as it is tiresome to have to listen so closely he had better shorten his sentences. Saw in the paper yesterday that a diary to be of any use ought to be truthful and that one ought never to leave it unwritten for several days and then fill them all in at once without noting the fact, therefore I acknowl edge this to be written on Saturday instead of Friday. Now my conscience is clear [printed] SATURDAY, February 11th, 1854 Principal events of to-day were the meetings of the Students Association. It a bolished the Transcript because the Faculty would not let them publish it quarterly instead of yearly and intended to send a notice to their Exchanges of the fact in a printed circular and it resolved that each student should send a notice to her corridor teach er of what she particularly abominated in our fare. At noon another meeting was called and they decided to send a written note instead of a circular to their exchanges and voted against that way of altering our eatables and decided on masterly inaction for the present [printed] SUNDAY, February 12th, 1854. Had a splendid sermon from Bishop Huntington. in the evening Mrs Bixby told us about the Birmese [sic]. They say that when they die "they die and go to smoke." Their god is called godimis. The women's highest idea of happiness after death is to become a man. The men's is to go on higher till they get to have no sensation at all of any kind. They believe in the transmigration of souls and fear if they lead bad lives they may become some animal. Fried silkworms is their fa vorite dish. The women wear earrings as large round as [drawn circle] Some are hollow so as to contain their jewels. They got their religion from the Hindoos [printed] MONDAY, February 13th, 1854. coming out of the chapel we went allright but when we got outside we stopped. Have not found out yet who my mice came from not can I imagine who is so terribly smashed on me. Reported that Mr Lyman is smashed on Miss Sewall, [Latin phrase]. Gave her a flower today from Dr. A's. bouquet and she smiled sweetly. I wonder if they guess how much we watch what goes on at the Faculty table. I notice that poor Dr Blackford is having a hard time again in Greensboro May he live to get through it all correct is the sincere wish of ... [printed] TUESDAY, February 14th, 1854. Five years ago, the present time, I was rather a seasick girl. I believe it was just a little after I had left the supper table so abruptly. How well I can remember all about those times although I did not keep a diary. We had a speech to night about our "general movements," to the dining room, out of it and out of chapel. The Pres. told a story of the horses for the New York ferry boats when he was a boy--how they went right fast as long as they were within reach of the man's whip but went slowly as soon as they got out--and said we were like those horses, as long as we were in his sight [printed] WEDNESDAY, February 15th, 1854. Have nothing particular to say here so guess I'll not try to make up anything but will read "Messenger". Have made up my mind to write to the boys for the promise I want on Johns birthday. May Our Father inspire my pen in that letter! If they could only see what I have I know they would promise me [printed] THURSDAY, February 16th, 1854. Horrid ugly blue day. [printed] FRIDAY, February 17th, 1854. Decided not to write the letter I meant to John and Harry and wait till I see them as until then they will be exposed to no temp tation. Meditated all Silent Time on what I would probably have to do after leaving school and came to the conclusion that I must have some definite aim in view and fit myself for it and not keep going on in this blind aimless way. Made up my mind that it was not a sufficient to aim merely to obey the Golden Rule and try to be an accomplished, well educated woman to please my Father and friends but that I must have something definite in view. [printed] SATURDAY, February 18th, 1954. Etta, Alice and I went all over and saw all the girls about Mays birthday. All seemed pleased with the idea. Guess we will have a fine time. Myra saw Pussy. It has rained so that we could not have our sleigh ride and I, for one, am glad of it for I knew all the time it was too much of an extravagance for me. The others are sorry and will try it again but I guess I'll have courage and sense enough to keep out of it next time. They came at me so suddenly last time that I hardly knew what I was about. I am afraid that when folks come at me so they could make me do almost anything. [printed] SUNDAY, February 19th, 1854. Feel pretty miserable all day today. Mean in a little while to get undressed and lie in bed and read till I go to sleep. I suppose Miss Hamlin thinks I am dreadful wicked to stay away from prayer meeting but I get enough false theology during the daytime. [flourish with pen] it for a real love of them and not because she had to, etc. etc. but he could not force her love. She will keep her promise. That is why she did not want to make one. [printed] MONDAY, February 20th, 1854. Took a lone walk to-day a round the lake. Going the mud was almost ankle deep; coming the snow was knee deep. But it was fun except when I most fell down. The men have a big place cleared out at the end of the lake, I guess it will be gay rowing next year. Jen was sent for by Miss M. again who said she would waive the telling of the rooms she was in study hour but she must promise to keep the rules. V. B. would not promise. The President sent for her a little after and said if she did not promise she should be expelled. So the poor child had to do it And then he said how he wished she would do [printed] TUESDAY, February 21st, 1854. Miss Lyman died to-day at four o'clock. She peacefully slept away. I first heard of it at the gymnasium. It was curious to see how the girls received the news; some looked as jolly as they heard it as they had a moment before, some looked grave, and a very few cried. At supper the room was as still as chapel almost; no one spoke above a whisper and the creaking of the waiters shoes was plainly heard. The President made some very fitting remarks in Chapel. He said we must not feel sad. Miss Lyman wish ed us to rejoice that she was gone. Her prayer for days had been, not that she might stay but that she might be made willing to stay. Dr. Avery seems to feel worse than any one else. [printed] WEDNESDAY, February 22nd, 1854. We had funeral services to-day in the Chapel. There were a great many strangers here from town All the gallery was filled and down stairs packed. Nearly all the girls had on black entirely and it made it look very mel ancholy. (How funny that looks) There was a meeting of the S. A. in the morning at which it was determined to send to town for flowers. The Fresh. a wreath the Soph. a cross, the Jun. an anchor, the Sen, a crown, the Spec. and Preps cut flowers. The anchor and crown which could not be got in Po'keepsie are to be obtained in Montreal. At another meeting it was decided that we all wear crape [sic] for thirty days. after the services there was a procession of twenty three carriages of teachers who went to the train and visitors. [printed] THURSDAY, February 23d, 1854. Day of Prayer for Colleges. Had Chapel services at 11:15, prayer meet ing in the afternoon and evening. I went only to the first Heard a good sermon by Rev. ... Hall of New York, a Presbyterian. He is an Irishman and has only been in this country three years. Preached entirely without notes. Began a frame for May which was spoiled in the making. About every evening I think of going to Dr. Avery and saying I want some med icine but before her office hour the next day feel so much better I put it off hoping to get well of myself. I have a great admiration for Dr. A. and if I had anything serious troubling me would go to her. {printed] FRIDAY, February 24th, 1854. Mira went to Pussy to-day. Pussy said she-a-thought that-a-fruit cake was-anot necessary, nor-a-candy or-a-raisins, a...chickens-a could we strike some of those off. As we could not help ourselves we struck of [sic] the cake and raisins and candy. She is afraid we will spend too much money and-a-Vassar College has a name-a-to be sustained and -a-she wishes we would try and not feell [sic] her objections as restrictions at all but try and feel cheerful over it. It is queer how she can imagine in what other way we could take them. It is a pity Vassar is in such need of a character for solidity that we can't have a spree once a year. [printed] SATURDAY, February 25th, 1854. The lecture yesterday evening was glorious and I too al most forgot the speakers hair. in admiring his talk. Sir Philip was very good according to Mr Curtis representations When May was got up stairs un der pretence [sic] of seeing a fine view in 112, just as soon as she was fairly in Mira toast ed her and they all drank her many happy returns. Poor girl she was overwhelmed and I thought she would fall to the floor but luckily there was a chair near by for her to hold fast to till she recovered. On the whole it was a success and all seemed to enjoy themselves I think the absence of chairs helped off the stiffness. When I have a party it would be well to tote off all the chairs [printed] SUNDAY, February 26th, 1854. Last night after I got to bed I suddenly thought of the bas ket of remains and hopped out and set it on top of the two pitchers, the basins being filled with water, so as to keep the mice off. Had lots to write home about to-day. I wish every week would have as many events. I hear them all going to prayer meeting but ain't going. The great subject of conversation is Miss Slocum who has been put back from the Senior Class. I pity her but am not yet sure whether herself or the Faculty is most to blame. Whichever it is she will have a hard time for the rest of this term. Lottie is in Poughkeepsie visiting [printed] MONDAY, February 27th, 1854. Miss Smiley slid neatly over the 21st chapter that we were dreading so when Prof. H. came in by telling us to turn directly to the advance in the 22nd Was a good girl today, copied up my French and practised besides Elocution. Today we had a whispering exercise beside the breathing and sounds of A. Little H... made Little Hinkle laugh in Latin by saying one of her happy thoughts. I distinguished myself in a very uncomfortable manner in the class, but did better than my associates. It was an abominably hard lesson any way. [printed] TUESDAY, February 28th, 1854. For the last of Feb. I have nothing to say besides my little book record except that I have begun to read Philip the Second. I think of begin ning a tidy for Mamma and making her some of the deep tattaing [?] that Abbie White made a pattern of. [printed] WEDNESDAY,March 1st, 1854. The report of Miss Lovell of what the Faculty think of Founders day programme was made in S. A. this eve. They propose that we go to Sunnyside and spend the day. After some talk the Stu. did not agree to go. Then Miss Jewett proposed that we have the ordinary collation. Miss Fulsom opposed the plan. After a good deal of discussion and two votes had been taken Miss Jewett lost by fourteen. A pretty close vote for so many. The subject of college colors was settled and we are to send for the number of yards we want (of ribbon) before Saturday. There was more discussion the meeting than in any before. Some said, in effect, that the only objection to the collation was Miss L. and now she was dead there could be none. [printed] THURSDAY, March 2nd, 1854. "As the communicants meeting is on Saturday evening the usual prayer meeting this evening will be omitted" was this evenings notice. Rather a sing ular reason for putting off a prayer meeting. I wonder if only communicants go to it! Heard from Clara Critken today, and was told for the third or fourth time of -- I won't write such an illnatured sounding thing even in my diary. I wonder if I should ever rise to be a celebrated crackter [sic] if my diary will be published with my life and letters. It would be so exceedingly interesting to the public. I am really afraid to put down my thoughts for fear they will be published N.B. That sentence is like "Credo" in "Rick" [printed] FRIDAY, March 3d [sic], 1854. [printed] SATURDAY, March 4th, 1854. Miss Monks and Miss Nich ols were the essayists of the evening. The latter's essay was a plea for Charles Dick ens and was first rate. She is a smart girl and thinks correctly of Charles --according to my idea. May is coming to sleep with me tonight. Miss Ham lin had been in Po'keepsie since yesterday noon. Exchanged the old cracked plate Com edy gave me, for Smith, for a decent looking one that he will probably ac cept even if it is not the identical one he sent up here. The girls in Vassar are the poorest set I ever came across for change or big bills either I guess from the way they spoke when I tried to change that today [printed] SUNDAY, March 5th, 1854. All I remember of the sermon was the anecdote about the boy eating honey and when his father asked him how sweet it was he said taste it and see for yourself. Rather impudent. Feel quite satisfied with myself to-day in point of writing and what I will read this evening Yesterday's snow all melted and now everything is nice again. Sent on my bill to-day. It was a disagreeable thing to do, but such things have to be done and the best way is to grin and bear it. Screwed my courage up to asking the boys for the promise I want to-day. [printed] MONDAY, March 6th, 1854. Nothing-[ two lines in French] [printed] TUESDAY, March 7th, 1854. Miss Smiley was sick so we had no Latin to day Prof. Hinkle told us of it the first time; the second, after waiting five minutes we cut--in all directions for fear we would meet the Prof who might send us back. Even the Seniors stopped and stared to see the Preps cut. Misses Monks and Folsom have killed a cat and they are going to stuff it. Nice wok [sic]! Am going to begin on my other tatting chemise after Silent time and Latin. Have got about third way through Philip the Second, vol.I Found a trowel on my wanderings to day which I'll keep for future gardenings [printed] WEDNESDAY, March 8th, 1854. There is to be a concert by the Cecilia society this even ing. Would I were a member. Found my music book in No.13 where I looked lots of times. Miss Preston was so good when I asked her about it that I almost begin to like her. President said we would have no new Lady P. till next year etc. etc. but the same arrangement as at present would continue ... Did not take off our blankets this morning as ordered. Studied Rhetoric with Mame Kiersted. Was picked up on "Augustine" in class this morning. I will be mad to morrow if I find out that my way was wrong. [printed] THURSDAY, March 9th, 1854. chairs put the books from the stand. under the table poured all the water out of their pitchers and put out the gas in all the rooms [printed] FRIDAY, March 10th, 1854. Lecture by Robinson Pres. of some college and author of our Algebra--on the real movers of the world. First rate good for him I think. About half the girls think it was splen did and the other half that it was abominable I don't like lectures on Friday evening for we have to study so hard Saturday in consequence This has been one of the least eventful weeks since I came to Vas sar nothing done, nothing to say about. Went with Etta before the lecture and unmade the two beds in Alice's parlor upset all the [printed] SATURDAY, March 11th, 1854. Miss Brown was too tired to go and call on that young lady avec moi for which I am truly thankful. Went with Etta to see Prof. Hinkle He did not see me com ing after the other two & shut the door in my face but excused himself im mediately. I think he is gay. Made a little tatting and did nothing--another Saturday wasted. Paid Mr. Schon to day He was in a much better humor than usual. Gay old gentleman Heaps of gay old gentle men around here it pears like. [printed] SUNDAY, March 12th, 1854. [printed] MONDAY, March 13th, 1854. [printed] TUESDAY, March 14th, 1854. [printed] WEDNESDAY, March 15th, 1854. Last night May and Grace were scared because they thought some one was at their window and they scream ed. Which brought in Misses Preston, Swayze and Hamlin. The [sic] got quieted down soon and went to rest again It was kept pretty quiet all day but at night Eva R. came up and heard the news and said she was going to frighten the girls and sure enough she did. About two hours after a deputy came up from the 1st South to know if they should barricade their windows to keep people out. and Lottie and Jen yelled out as soon as I got home to know all the story about Miss Pennell [printed] THURSDAY, March 16th, 1854. May's man is growing. To-day the story is that he got in the window and had a heap of jewelry out and was just going off with the watches and when they screamed he ran. He went through several stages before he got to this. Miss Hamlin says he was all made by the watchman shutting down the windows when it began to rain. Anyhow it was nice for a little excitement. Jen slept with Lottie Last night and left me to guard the ... side of the house ... ... Miss Morse sent for ... and told her she ... ... down stairs on account of [line too light to read] [printed] FRIDAY, March 17th, 1854. Yesterday my home letters came so I received ... to-day. My boys promised what I asked without a ... for which I was gladder than I have been ...anything for a long long time. St. Pat's day and we had tea at ... ... gyms were to come in the evening but we were excused from them so I did not have to walk. Wrote to Mr. McCandless which is one of the hardest things I have to do and I am thankful it is done Have withstood Etta's teasing so far and guess I can stand it till the ... Wrote to Mamma & sent it yesterday. [printed] SATURDAY, March 18th, 1854. Spent all the morning studying Rhetoric. It is a shame to always give us harder lessons for Monday than any other day. Prac tised in the afternoon and did one or two other things and Saturday was gone. Nothing happened more than usual and I am glad vacation is coming when there will be a chance to rest. [printed] SUNDAY, March 19th, 1854. ... ... classes excused ... ... ... was sick. May and Etta and I walked ... B. c. time up and ... the observatory path. It was a most delightful day. That at way off looks as if I were studying Latin Wrote to Christine that I had fully made up my changeable mind to stay here during the Easter time. I expect to have a gay time reading then if ... don't worry the life out of me before then. May is helping her so it is much as possi ble [printed] MONDAY, March 20th, 1854. Made up my mind to go to Brooklyn. Had a long letter from Papa and he sent me Parson's Essays, Hohnes Mechanism of thought and Scripture paradoxes and gave his explanation of what I wanted to know Gave in my ticket at cor ridor meeting. Don't want to go very much but guess I will to please my parents [printed] TUESDAY, March 21st, 1854. Letters to-day which frustrated my plans of yesterday. Miss Spelman writes that she has to go away from home to nurse her sister so that I cannot go there. Can't say I am very sorry but ... will be. Letter from Julia wanting to know when I will be in B. so that she can come and see me. Am not going to tell the girls of the change in my ideas for I don't want to die before my time by worrying. Told Miss Hamlin to keep it quiet and so she will. [printed] WEDNESDAY, March 22nd, 1854. Small explanation this evening on examina tions. The three weeks review determines whether we pass in our studies and the two days are for the benefit of the examinating committee. President Raymond made several little jokes, about our changing our names and having pet names go down to posterity. He wants good names and respectable if not beautiful go into the Vassar Catalogue. Thankful I have not one of that sort. [printed] THURSDAY, March 23d, 1854. Letter from John containing a riddle. Why is a man eating soup with a fork like one try ing to kiss his sweetheart. Heard of the revolution in Paris, mean to read up Sunday. President said in Chapel that they had written to Mr Gough and if he came he would be here about eleven to morrow. May he come. [printed] FRIDAY, March 24th, 1854. Went to Delta and saw Much ado about nothing. It was first rate. How the girls get up their costumes I can't see. They are almost as good as if they were regular actors and had everything instead of having to borrow a little here and a little there. Society Hall was about as full as it could be, teachers in abundance. Letter from Papa enclosing a notice of Dr. Harper and some seeds which I hope had nothing to do with Mr. Buckley. Did not think they would take at my word so quickly. Mr Gough did not come though we watched all 4th Period. One girl said a watched pot never boils. ... [printed] SATURDAY, March 25th, 1854. Read In Trust all the afternoon and am sorry I wasted my time so. It would not be so bad if there were not so many simple remarks in it, especially about the broad high forehead, expressive mouth, and roman nose of the three weeks old baby. Miss Douglass appears to think the first duty of a married woman is to have a baby to go down to posterity-at any rate every one had one in less than a year from when they were married. [printed] SUNDAY, March 26th, 1854. Wrote to John, Miss Spelman Matha, Clara, Julia, Papa In the afternoon and evening Dora read Dream Life by Donald G. Mitchell It is good and leaves one something to think of besides babies I seem to go by starts, usually I read nothing and now I have read two books in two days. Called on Miss Brown and she told me some queer stories about Alice Clark and others I wonder how much she knows about the Carters. I hope not so much as I do for their sakes. [printed] MONDAY, March 27th, 1854. Nobody ever had more different plans. This morning I was as fixed in my resolve to stay here through the vacation as possible--to night my trunk is packed for going to Philadelphia. All because Papa said I might run over there for a day or two from Brooklyn. I thought if I could go at all I might as well go for the whole time as I cannot go to Brooklyn. But I must take back my invitations to Clara an [sic] Julia. I will go and see [squiggle] on my way back here Monday if nothing happens [printed] TUESDAY, March 28th, 1854. [printed] WEDNESDAY, March 29th, 1854. Meeting of the Students Asso ciation lasting till after eight. The President was caught on the way out of Chapel and reminded of his promise to explain the reasons why the Faculty would not let the S. A. Support Mary Kneisel any more. He ex plained very satisfactorily to me, and then said he would answer any questions they wished to ask on the subject and the [sic] asked and he answered, in the meanwhile giving quite an animated speech on the want of Trust the S. A. had in the Faculty. After he left they discussed Founders Day again -decided to ask H. [initial] Beecher before finally deciding on Prof. Raymonds reading [printed] THURSDAY, March 30th, 1854. Our trunks were toted off this afternoon to my delight. Had a letter from Papa enclosing check for fifty dollars. And the news that he had resigned as C. I. R. but he did not say what he was going to do. May he have some business that will bring him North. A glorious concert this evening by four Philharmonics under Prof. Ritter. Miss Lloyd and Miss Mussel played. The Misses Lord sat right in front in the gallery with white kids on and an opera glass and looked childlike and bland and mighty simple. [printed] FRIDAY, March 31st, 1854. Arrived in Phil. 8-15.P.M. Went down to Po'keepsie in a carriage with May, Etta, Alice, Abbie and Kiersted. The first three went on the 12-20 train and we others wandered around town till the 1-15. Over 130 of us went down. Was Piloted to the ferry by Lott. W. and then I was leader and piloted the Tituses and Shultis across the Ferry and to the cars myself. Talked to Mr. Hon ell most of the way to Phil. A Gay Old Gentleman. Kate asked me to join their party. Miss Hamlin came to talk to me in the cars but I was cool and calm. She don't like me [printed] SATURDAY, April 1st, 1854. April Fool's Day. The clock face was covered with paper and we all looked at it and were fooled. It rained all day long. Began my green tidy and made a little tatting. Played Rounces all the evening till after ten before one game was finished Poor Uncle John Aitken seems pretty feeble. Wrote to Julia and Clara Raynor telling them not to come to Vassar during the vacation to see me. [printed] SUNDAY, April 2nd, 1854. Went to Sunday School and Church. There were not many people in either place and I should not wonder if the society was broken up soon. It is a pity people are poor and fight so. Mary, Fannie and Sue. Aitken came over in the afternoon and Ben brought Mary and Lizzie Snyder to see me. Wrote to Harry and home. We sat in the parlor without the gas lit all the evening and talked books and authors The boys had to take the girls home. Glad I aint boys to have to go home with girls whether or no I want to. [printed] MONDAY, April 3rd, 1854. Spent the evening at Fanny Aitkens. Dont think she is the most ladylike girl I ever saw. If I was a boy I would not like to have cold potatoes thrown at me in my face and on my good coat. If I were to sling one my pere would give me a short address on the evils of my ways. It rained all the evening and we were caught in it in the after noon. Rode up in a car without paying any fare. Ella under took it but in the crowd could not find the conductor. [printed] TUESDAY, April 4th, 1854. Was a little extravagant but I could not help it because it was for Sallie for her birthday. Poor Uncle John is worse. I don't think the children realize how sick he is, or else I think he is worse than he is. It seems as though he might go off in any of the smoth ering spells he has. Ben is most to be pitied for he seems to think so much of his father. [printed] WEDNESDAY, April 5th, 1854. Had a real good time at Lizzie Snyder's last night and danced the ... again Awkward looking body I guess I am in them as it is the second time since nine years. Hope I have spent my last cent for I have not much more than enough to get back on Have only been extrava gant in two things this time which is pretty good for me. We went over to Mr. Smith's store and got weighed. I weighed 142 1/2 pounds Am coming down a little or else had on thinner clothing [printed] THURSDAY, April 6th, 1854. [printed] FRIDAY, April 7th, 1854. [printed] SATURDAY, April 8th, 1854. Fussed over my dress all the morning and in the afternoon we went to the matinee; it was decidedly a mixed up play that we saw and there was considerable dancing. The last scene was very beautiful, but on the whole it was dif ferent from what we ex pected and I did not admire it much but I was glad I went for it was something new. Our escort told us to tell anyone who might ask us about it that "it was very deep." Spent half an hour after I came back bathing Mary's head. She seemed entirely worn out. [printed] SUNDAY, April 9th, 1854. Saw Mr & Mrs Ballon in church. He sent her up to the altar to see what those young girls were doing with the flowers and then she recognized me. On my way down stairs to wash some ivy he stopped me & asked me lots of things with out knowing me. In the evening lost a lock of my hair and read spots of Innocents Abroad, selected by Ben. Saw Dr. Harper go by in the afternoon but had no chance to call to him. Wish I had for I wanted to talk to him so much. Sat up with Ella and the boys till everyone had gone to bed. [printed] MONDAY, April 10th, 1854. Left Phil. on the 3-10 train. Made a very quick trip to Newark When I got there they put me down at the wrong place and I had a gay time find ing where the girls live Guess I'll not be such a fool next time. Took a walk in the evening and got some ice cream and after we went to bed talked till very late. They scolded me for not coming on Sat- day. Saw Mrs Guyger in the evening and Mr Pinney. [printed] TUESDAY, April 11th, 1854. Went over to New York at little past nine. Found that my trunk had not yet left Philadelphia and had to telegraph for it. Call ed on Mrs Lockwood who was at dinner, fortunately for us. She has a beautiful new house with alcove bed rooms beautifully furnished. Called on Clara and got another sound scolding for not coming before. Hope my friends will hereafter expect me when I say I'll come and not when they take a kink I will be there. [printed] WEDNESDAY, April 12th, 1854. Studied a little last eve but not much for I was tired. Went to class to-day without knowing very much but got along tolerably well as we had dictation in French. A great many of the girls are not back yet. Etta and Alice came this morning. May did not take our advice but came back on time. The girls say they had a gay time here boating excursioning etc. But I don't wish I had stayed. Found letters from Harry and Mary. [printed] THURSDAY, April 13th, 1854. In choral class this morning the second sopranos were as stupid as before the vacation and I am ashamed of them. Fin ished the first vol ume of Philip the Sec ond. Am beginning to feel as if there had been no vacation. It is so easy to get back into the old habits. Had gymnastics. The prohibition on walk ing after five o clock has been removed for which I say three cheers. Am going to have Mrs Green make my skirts. Tuttle told me about her trouble as Prep. Special. [printed] FRIDAY, April 14th, 1854. Got out Philip the tooth. In the evening wrote up my small diary and read and talked instead of studying Latin. Studied my French in the afternoon. My trunk came yesterday to my great delight but I had to pay two dollars and a half for it. Guess my fifty won't be near fifty very long at the present rate. Wrote to Mrs McCandless;and wrote to Rob telling him not to worry for my trunk was here all correct & unpacked. [two lines too faint to read] [printed] SATURDAY, April 15th, 1854. Studied a few minutes in the morning and most of the rest of the day I fussed over my dress. Lottie read some of the Newcomes to me while I worked. Miss Morse sent for May and told her she would have to give her Miss Irwin for a roommate which was mean consider ing that she had told her that she need not have any. Studied Latin in Mays room with Miss Meeker who is quite an addition to we folks. I like smart folks to study with [printed] SUNDAY, April 16th, 1854. Had a "... ..." to preach for us to-day. For a wonder the sermon was not about Martha & Mary. He was an ugly little fellow with a crooked, one-sided, wig. Preached us pretty near to sleep, but had such a cracked voice that we did not set quite to it. Tuttle wrote to Harry and it was a gay old letter notwithstanding she said I held the baby for the little girl who told me the way in Newark when I did not at all. Read a little in the library in the evening [printed] MONDAY, April 17th, 1854. Letter from Mamma saying I must get my calico dresses here, so I guess I'll not get any at least not till I am sure about going home. Took May and Tuttle over to Mrs ...'s. A goose chased us and frightened May. We sat down under one of the trees to play euchre on the way back but it was so near the road and in such plain sight of the building that we only played one game before coming in. [printed] TUESDAY, April 18th, 1854. A wasp stung me just before Silent time but by putting mud on immediately I seemed to draw out the poison. Got a piece of classical Latin poetry (as I thought ... three classes for I did not have a chance to look at it in Latin class when I read the accompany ing letter. Subject of it was "Carmen" [printed] WEDNESDAY,April 19th, 1854. Sunday April 19, 1868 Today I wrote to my old uncle I wonder how soon he will answer me. Papa is quite sick to day and Mary is trying to be. Mrs Harper goes tomorrow. I don't think there is much of a chance at present of my going to the Xenia seminary to take singing lessons We have broken all ties to Slippery Dick and have declared war To day the Sentinel denounces Papa and the Mail defends him What a change from last winter! We may have to leave the State yet [printed] THURSDAY,April 20th, 1854. Prof. Backus was not in Rhetoric if Miss Clard did ask him to come in every day till we did not care whether he came or not. We were quite Smart last night We translated about 120 lines of Cicero in an hour and twenty min utes, a line and a half a minute. This is our last night with that author I trust and believe A beautiful mist is ov er all the earth like some soft veil to hide the preparations for natures beautiful appearance on a sunshiny to-mor row. [printed]FRIDAY,April 21st, 1854. Annie Love spent the evenity with me, mir abile dictu, and over our ravelling ... had quite a pleasant talk for nearly two hours, on clothes and people. Saw Miss Darling, whom I supposed to be still away and was reminded that I must call on her soon. [printed] SATURDAY, April 22nd, 1854. Rose ce matin at half past six and was dressed by the time the rising bell rang and went down and fix ed May's hair for her picture. Worked on my dress rouchs all the morning while Etta darned. She and May are going to belong to Tuttle's croquet club. There is a quiet sort of row going on between Etta and Alice, sorry to write. [printed] SUNDAY, April 23rd, 1854. [printed]MONDAY, April 24th, 1854. [initial]T. told us the news at supper that she had run off and gone to town this afternoon. She walked in and a young gent brought her out in his buggy to the lake steps Pretty risky business but it must have been fun. I am afraid she talked too much at supper and that my friend of the big eyes knows of it. Some one made a noise in Cor. meet ing and I know Miss Hamlin thought I did it for she stared at me so. She suspects me of everything I guess now 2 days. [printed]TUESDAY, April 25th, 1854. It is after half past seven and I have just returned from the Students We have had a long discus sion on Mary Kniesel, the last I hope for she is to send here [sic] dressmakers bill her [sic] to be paid and the rest of the money for her is to be sent to Mr. Van Meter. Her Sem inary has been burned and she dont know just what she has lost except two pairs of corsets. She must have had three pairs for she had one on, a good lot for such a poor girl. They want us each to pay fifteen cents more for Founder's Day. I have paid as much as I am going to for one. [printed]WEDNESDAY, April 26th, 1854. not go to Chapel. Jen and Fan and lots of others have been called up for something. They two got off quite easily as they had only done it once for fun. F had to tell this afternoon where she got the cigarettes so probably Lot. will be sent for. I should think that in all this investigation Tut tle would tremble. It is said that Nell Epler received a box of Cigaretts [sic] every day from one of the Bizby boys. Fred Hinkle is the go between. I expect the President will give us a fine speech on the subject next Tuesday. [printed]THURSDAY, April 27th, 1854. Great excitement throughout the building not for Founders Day but for the row on the gambling smoking and drinking question also the flirting with the Bizby boys. Rumors fly all over the college. Every time Jen and I meet we have some new edition to relate. The last was that Misses Ledue and Cornell are as deep in it as the others and were found gambling after ten also drinking. 4 girls were to be publicly ex pelled tonight in Chapel but they weren't. There are thirty or forty others who are to be privately expelled Two girls were so drunk last Sunday that they could [printed]FRIDAY, April 28th, 1854. The latest to night is that Waltby and Dane have hid out of the fuss and Epler alone told the truth and is alone to be expelled. Dane mean. Of course every one is furious at that Epler has the sympathies of the teachers. We will probably hear of it in Chapel Tuesday. Up till twelve at the F.[ounders] D.[ay] performance. It was too long for any use. The reading lasted over two hours. Lough and Safford were so cold in the beginning that we almost suffocated. The music was good except the singing which was not much count. The tableaux were fine but not worth thirty dollars. [printed]SATURDAY, April 29th, 1854. It was lucky I sewed all day yesterday for not an earthly thing have I done to-day, except working an hour in the garden In the afternoon just as I was beginning to study Miss Brown came. She was very blue and, as usual in such cases, talked all the time about the sad condition of the Waltham school and the bad way it is of educating the N. C. children outside the church. I am sorry the school is so but as I can't help it I am sorry that she is always complaining of it to me. She is rather sceptical [sic] of the stories about the scrape of Maltby Dane & Epler May she be in better spirits next time she comes. [printed]SUNDAY, April 30th, 1854. Fooled away most of the time between Bible class and Chapel so did not get to writing till after noon. Wrote six letters though before nine. Then read a little in Philip who passes away slowly. Annie Love was up in the evening to see Miss Hamlin who, as usual, was not at home. She must be in the scrape or she would not want Miss Hamlin so much. Lottie Rossiter is too I guess by her looks. I wonder what they had to do. Annie always is very envious when on [sic] goes to tell her anything and when she is told says O yes she kows [sic] all about it! [printed]MONDAY, May 1st, 1854. Written 1868 I am one year old this day My first birthday outside the paternal mansion and it is rather a lone some affair. I have told no one that it was my birthday so did not even get a good luck wish. But such a good letter from Mamma came that it was not so very bad. It is queer what she likes me for. If I was some one else I would not like me a bit, it seems. I mean to suggest going out west next time I write home. The south is not fit for decent people to live in when they belong to our persuasion I hate the place. [printed]TUESDAY, May 2nd, 1854. To-night the expected blow came. He began "Smoking, Drinking, Card playing, Clandestine correspondence with young men, going on in Vassar College" and then went on to say what he had heard from fathers and brothers. He then said what he had found out. In two cases cigars had been sent, and came. The cigars had been smoked in a frolic and the wine drank [sic]. He fussed lightly over that. Then enlarged on the girl's unwillingness to help him discover the facts. In two cases such was alowable [sic]- in Honor among Thieves and in shielding good men from tyrants It was wrong here. He read the girls names out in Chapel. Said he would rather have ten scourgings than do it. I never felt so sorry for anyone in my life as those three poor girls. They are not to pass the front fence or the stream back or to receive gents in the parlors. The cards he skipped. A birthday package from Phil. came this afternoon. My friends are too good to me. It makes me want to do what I cannot. I have thought much of George to-day. Wonder if he thought of me yesterday. Though he may be ever so good in future. [printed]WEDNESDAY, May 3d, 1854. Yesterday it appeared that some other people remember my birthday besides Mamma Very pleasant for me. It appeareth strange that Mrs. McCandless don't write I must heap coals of fire on her head next Sunday Walked with Dora out in the woods in the rain so that she could get some flowers to anylize [sic]. Began my pink bracket It will not be handsome but it will answer the purpose and fill a place on the walls. We fear that Mrs Humphries called this morning and found our par lor in disorder. [printed] THURSDAY, May 4th, 1854. Prof. Hinkle was in Latin this noon. Came just as I was finishing luckily. I drew a picture of him. Very good picture but not much like him. Noth in in particular to say. Two ladies from Phil, principals of schools have been here. One wears a cap on her head like a crown. Trimmed up with purple feathers. Looks like Queen Victoria would if she were an old maid and fixed her hair in little bunches of curls sticking out the front and the side under her crown. [printed] FRIDAY, May 5th, 1854. Left two things out of my letter to Ella that I meant to put in, about my cold and my brack et. Will speak of them the next time I write. Have nothing to say. Am afraid that John is still sick as no letter from him has come yet. I hope for one to-morrow. I am so sorry about poor Mary ..., that she don't get better. I hope that they will have sense enough to make her go away some place and pay attention to getting well. [printed] SATURDAY, May 6th, 1854. Had a delightful ... in Papa's letter that they think of coming north in the fall- not in so many words but I guessed it and I am going home in June I guess. Did not eat any supper last night except a doughnut I stole. As I felt the same indisposition to eat this evening I did not go down at all, preferring to eat the remaining doughnut in Silent time to sitting half an hour at supper doing nothing. Hope my cold will get well soon. Also that the supply of coal will not give out again this spring, or I will have another. [printed] SUNDAY, May 7th, 1854. Went to chapel and found it was cold and that Prof. Orton was going to preach so I left just before the sermon. Heard after wards that it was a very good one. Read the Messenger till the service was over when I went to walk. Took a roasting hot bath and went to bed under a pile of covers last night in hopes of bettering my cold but succeeded not at all. Hope to be better to-morrow [printed] MONDAY, May 9th, 1854. Have just been hearing a most romantic story from Lottie Walker of a Mrs Dick Colwell in Jersey. Hope to it remember. Discovered that I made a mistake in my planting l'autre jour and planted pinks for mignonette et vice versa. Don't think Miss Lerow is nearly as good a reader as Miss Swayze She is too monotonous. [printed] TUESDAY, May 9th, 1854. Practised with Emily Dane in gymnastics to day during the steps. Etta fooled over the dumb bells and I chastised her. Then she would not take my arms so I left the ranks. Then Miss Colwell asked if I would practise with Miss Dane. Saying yes, I did so while Etta stood by the wall and grinned. Determined to have my picture took. Am in a pickle about what to wear. Mr Kirtz wants us to wear white but I guess my silk will be light enough for this time. [printed] WEDNESDAY, May 10th, 1854. Cecilia has a soiree tonight. Wish I were a member. I would go instead of studying Latin. Conundrum business comes on slowly. One of last night was Why is the Pres ident like a Wildcat. Because he is related to pussy. an- other-Why is a horse running away like a dress being slit down the back. Because they both go licketty split. They were both rejected. Taken-When is a man in the smallest possible space.-When he is in a pickle. Miss Bennetts name was proposed for membership in the Philaletheau, to night. [printed] THURSDAY, May 11th, 1854. Tried to draw a picture at supper to-night of we'uns studying Latin. May sprawled across the foot of the bed Etta with her feet cocked up on the foot board. Me seated at the top of the bed, Kiersted alongside of me, Alice in the rocking chair side of her. Etta was saying "I have that in my notes" Kiersted "May what does hospitio mean" Alice "I have the order of that" I, "wait till I find my notes" May "Please read your notes Bertha." It was not a success in the artistic line, though very expressive. [printed] FRIDAY, May 12th, 1854. After much consideration have made up my mind not to go to ... Fields lecture on French Literature this evening. Because by close calculation I have decided that if I don't go this evening I can almost finish my dress tomorrow. Got the two skirts finished this afternoon. May is sick this afternoon. Prof. Backus officiated in Chapel. Wish the President would resign to him. Miss Clark told us yesterday that a gentleman Principal of a school visiting here said he was much confused to see that there was communication in every class he saw.[three words too light to read] to that Lady & said she was delighted with the girls here because they did not [two lines too light to read] [printed] SATURDAY, May 13th, 1854. Changed my mind and went to the lecture whh.[sic] lasted a period and was splendid. The President had her change her subject to "What French will do for you." She said that even if we learned French pretty well it would not do us much good in French society for the people were too sel fish and fond of good conversation to invite anyone to their parties who could not enjoy them and be an or nament to society. Said it would do us a great deal of good in reading French writing Memoirs and Letters) It would teach us to give parties and get up general converse instead of having off people for the eve. Told us the story of the french gentleman she gave a reception to who wanted to know why the Americans were so ... in asking information about France. Each taking ... ... alone .... [printed] SUNDAY, May 14th, 1854. (Written Monday.) Had a most splendid ... talk by Prof. Back us before the society of Religious Inquiry. It was on Home Missions. It was the most interesting thing I have heard in the College He is an American in sentiment and don't believe in letting the enthusiasm of foreign missions drown the home miss ions He spoke of how wonderful a thing it was that Christianity kept pace with the population But it is no use trying to repeat. I only spoil it. Etta came in afterwards and we read Dr Johns till ten o'clock. But we were not very interested [printed] MONDAY, May 15th, 1854. Had my picture taken this morning. He took the girl that should have come after me be fore me so I was late to noon Latin. As there was a good excuse and it was not my fault I suppose it won't matter Heard that the soft look ing minister who has been here several days and who preached yesterday is going to write us up in "Scribners." He appears better in the pulpit than out. It would be well if he could always stay there. He is about the softest looking specimen that we have had here. [printed] TUESDAY, May 16th, 1854. ... was at the gymnasium this afternoon Wonder if he will report about the girls shoes. If he does ,woe is me! Etta and I came suddenly upon him on the front steps after supper, when we went out to see if it was warm enough to go out and read Dr. Johns It was warm enough and we went out and read. But, if I were a man visit ing a ladies college I would let them know when I was around so they would not be startled at coming suddenly upon me. Also I would be too bashful to be always perambulating the halls just when all the girls were there going from one place of duty to another so I would. He don't [printed] WEDNESDAY, May 17th, 1854. Sunday 68 Today morning Papa started for the Presidential Con vention at Chicago. He expects to be gone about two but I expect he will be gone three weeks We are still waiting like the Micawbers for something to turn up The Senate have as good as acquitted Andrew Johnson and there is very small chance of the State being admitted in less than two months if it is at all. If it isnt we will all of us turn up in some other state. The 2 states I particu larly want to be in are the states of health and wealth. May we be in both very soon Even so [printed] THURSDAY, May 18th, 1854. Guess I wont rub out the record of three years ago. It seems like six since the summer I used to write now and then a day up by my window in Mrs. Weiss house. Yesterday Pussy sent for me I went down in fear and trembling for fear she would give me a roommate But she only wanted to know why I was absent from Chapel 2 weeks ago. Told her I had a cold and the Chapel was cold she excused me from that and for being late to Latin Monday As I ... was going out she said "I suppose you would like to know what your marks are" said I "yes mamm." She said they were very good with the exception of one month in Latin. A little more study would make them perfect. I am very glad of it Would like to know that month Thanked her and ... how I had wanted to find out about them. [printed] FRIDAY, May 19th, 1854. Went down to supper this evening with Corinne and we were the first in the room and when we saw what a horrid old supper there was we left after pocketing some cookies from our respective tables It was well we were in soon or we would have had to stay An illustration of how the early bird catches the worm. When I went at noon to the mail Miss Preston said in her ugly way you won't look so smiling when you see its only a paper. I told her it was just what I expected. I wonder why she need be so disagree able. [printed] SATURDAY, May 20th, 1854. In our walk around the lake before tea May told me of her plan for next year. She is going to stay at home and see what she can do to make the folks there happy as she says she has never done for them but the contrary, them for her But je ne le crois pas ... She is to keep on with her French and Latin. I wish I knew enough to be able to do the same thing. Lucy Sellers father came for her this morning and she is started for California having passed examination in her studies. She is lucky! Have on a summer dress for the first time. This is a good place not to wear out summer clothes in. [printed] SATURDAY, May 20th, 1854. A nice looking old goat preached a good sermon to-day. But he has the snarliest voice I ever heard which most marred it. He looked too sweet to have such a voice. His sermon was full of poetical quotations from Paradise Lost to the Queen of the May. Very funny. Called this "a unique seminary" "a seminary of secular learning for young persons" etc. Had the greatest hunt to-day for letters and the clover I had to send the girls. I always have to hunt for things. I hope I may get out of the habit before a great many years. This is the first gloriously hot day. [printed] MONDAY, May 22nd, 1854. Miss Hamlin is so good I wonder what is the matter. She kissed me said she was glad to see me and asked if I miss ed her. and altogether act ed as though she had been away a month instead of two days. I did miss her when Miss Preston came trotting around ten o'clock, but was not very down hearted. Poor Dora is sick with a sore mouth. Etta is right-pert again. I caught Miss Kapp's eye today in class and she looked so nice that I have been homesick almost, ever since. Miss Brashir rubbed out one of Lou Kellogg's exercises for Bible class topics. Lou got in just in time to see the last of it disappear. [printed] TUESDAY, May 23d, 1854. chronology made distaste ful to us here? By the stars and giving us dates. Why at the end of President R's sermons are we like carriage wheels? Because we are tired. When is a woman not a woman? When she is a-bed. When is a man not a man? When he is a miss. Why is a thoughtless man like the wrong side of a looking glass? Because he never reflected What is the diff. between a man facing the west in the morning and a woman doing the same in the afternoon? One casts a shadow before, the other " " " behind. Why is the world like a dog's tail? Be cause it wags. Why is the icing on cake like a hen? Because it is a layer [ printed page number] 10 [printed] WEDNESDAY, May 24th, 1854. Had nothing to say yesterday in this account Not much more to-day. This has been rather full of work. Had a tremendous French lesson and at nine have to practice "Down in the Dewy Dell." Have just been talking with Jennie about how she is to introduce her conundrums. I think a good way would be to tell how each was thought of. I guess I will write down some so as to remember them in the great hereafter. First, in reference to the row at the Chapter meeting. What was the word "well" supposed to be worth? As sent (a cent) How is over backwards [printed] THURSDAY, May 25th, 1854. [printed] FRIDAY, May 26th, 1854. [printed] SATURDAY, May 27th, 1854. [printed] SUNDAY, May 28th, 1854. Have nothing to say at all any more than the skipped days but have time to say the nothing. Have written four long letters, at least three were long, and am now on a fifth to Lizzie Snyder. Friday night Jen came off gay with her conundrums. Took a part from Hiawatha, twisted to suit the purpose, for the heading. Thursday we drew for things. First in fun then by the decision of a tossed penny in earnest. I came of ... to my thinking Lottie the same to hers, Jen the worst ... [printed] MONDAY, May 29th, 1854. [printed] TUESDAY, May 30th, 1854. Had a lecture by the President on the frivolity of the Literary society. It took him forty minutes to get to the point of his discourse what all the rest was introductory to, namely, that the girls must not wear masculine attire in their plays. Reminded us of the character of actresses. Said he had been invited many times to go but never went for fear of having his moral sensibilities wounded. Poor man! If he is ashamed to see a girl's ankle he better never go to gymnastics. He said too much of the time was spent on such things for the good of our intellectural growth. (according to recollection) [printed] WEDNESDAY, May 31st, 1854. Added up my account to-day and came 2 dollars short this month, at least, I am sure that about everything I bought I set down, so cannot see where it has gone to. Someone must have it, as I haven't. I am going to hide my purse this week and see how it will come out next month. Had a very easy time today though the Rhetoric was twenty four pages long. Slept the sixth period. ... came up from eve ning choral class where we have been singing Down in the Dewy Dell Ten till ... [printed] THURSDAY, June 1st, 1854. President modified his Tuesday night's remarks a little to-night. Wonder if Minnie got after him. [printed] FRIDAY, June 2nd, 1854. Played croquet after tea with Misses Hastings Pennell and Brown, who asked me yesterday. Had a first rate time. Hastings and I played together and came off ahead. I would like to play a little more so as to be in p (two days after) ractice for the summer campaign. Read most of the afternoon. May came just as I wrote the above ... and asked me to Delta. Had a real good time. They gave up the grand show they expected to have on account of the President's remarks. But they had essays and music and every one enjoyed it. [printed] SATURDAY, June 3d, 1854. The one who seemed least to enjoy the show last night was Miss Blisses young man. I should think the poor fellow would have been scared at being with so many of "the sex." Sewed some on my new waist and studied Latin in the afternoon. The morning was all taken up in Student's association and in going to Mrs Green's for my dress and taking my new one to make, at which I most came to a grease spot. The officers were elected with out any fight, but it took over two hours. Miss Crocket was mad at being put on the committee [printed] SUNDAY, June 4th, 1854. Miss Lord told us we would only have one more Bible class. I divided Bible as Colonel Reynolds does "... ch." Sleepy sermon on commerce. Had the grand honor of sitting in Miss Lord's place. She would not let me change when she came in and when the bananas were passed around she made me help myself first. Walked with Lily Lewis after supper. The sun was out and it rained so I had to come clear up to my room for my umbrella. [printed] MONDAY, June 5th, 1854. [printed] TUESDAY, June 6th, 1854. Have finished our last night in Virgil. Didn't read tomorrow afternoons lesson for we think we know the end. Have ... up for Sunday. Slept a half an hour after dinner and read half and hour in the Journal. Then studied all rest of the afternoon on Rhetoric. [printed] WEDNESDAY, June 7th, 1854. Letter from Mary Glenn this morning which has made me feel rather sober to-day. Uncle John has gone home to rest. I wonder if we will ever be good enough to rejoice when one of our friends is taken home from a life of pain. We ought to, but we never do and always feel sad. Though we are glad he went so quietly with so little pain. I am sorry too for poor Mary who was getting along so nicely in the country when she had to go home to watch by the sick bed. May it not take away all the country benefit and leave her weaker. [printed] THURSDAY, June 8th, 1854. [printed] FRIDAY, June 9th, 1854. [printed] SATURDAY, June 10th, 1854. At last my wish has been fulfilled and I've been to the old graveyard. It contains, sixteen trees, mostly apple, eight tombstones, grape vines, lots of shade, also weeds, and the ashes of eight people. From the dates I think they are two old peoples, their three sons, one son's wife, and two grandchildren. Some stones were upset. One one was cut in something like "Stranger stop on passing by As you are so once was I As I am so you will be So prepare to follow me. Underneath in pencil "To follow you I'm not content until I know which way you went" I know who wrote the lat I told Miss Lord at the table and she was very shocked and didn't even smile. We told Miss Hamlin who laughed and wanted to know what else funny was there. Such is the difference between peoples. [printed] SUNDAY, June 11th, 1854. [printed] MONDAY, June 12th, 1854. Nothing in particular hap pened to-day but I have had a right lazy time. Was not called on in French, luckily. Prof Farrar and a Boston teacher were in Rhetoric class and only three girls recited. The rest of the period was taken up by his asking questions and discussing History and Fiction. He told Miss Clark at the end that the young ladies in his class seemed to have a mind of their own. We ought to have. Did not have any Rhetoric much to study as we review the last half which I knew so after reading it over and reading the girls Latin I spent the afternoon reading. Now for study [printed] TUESDAY, June 13th, 1854. Nothing to say but that I am no longer a Prep. there was the usual rustle over the chapel when he said he would read the names of those who by a vote of the Faculty were admitted. I guess everyone was as some of the simplest I know were. Dora told me yesterday that my name was on the board to return my book but I am not going to till I finish it to-morrow. It is so dark I can't see We keep forgetting to buy some matches and our borrowed ones have given out. [printed] WEDNESDAY, June 14th, 1854. Miss Morse has been persecuting Jennie again. When they drew for rooms she didn't draw on Fannie's corridor as she wished so she changed with a girl who was on that one. To day Pussy gave it out that there was a rule against changing, when they had to go to her to tell where they had chosen. Asked Jen where she drew, made her change back again, made her hopping mad She went to Dr A. to no purpose Dr. said next year if she could not stand her present quarters she might change her We draw next. I am going to strike for Miss Thornton's room in the corner. Then, if the fates permit Etta will get there with me. [printed] THURSDAY, June 15th, 1854. Drew for rooms. When I chose I mustered up courage enough to ask Miss Morse if Etta could have the same room. She said "none but Seniors choose their roommates, let us hope she will draw there" Thinks I "many thanks for the permission to hope." but did not hope much. The Freshmen talk of "cutting Latin tomorrow as it is printed to come off at "11.P.M." instead of "A.M." Guess they will be stopped Letter from Clara. She has been sick, which is why she did not write sooner. (according to recollection Friday night) [printed] FRIDAY, June 16th, 1854. Etta drew on 1st North Tried to change with Miss Shultiss but Pussy forbad it after two hours search she found a sick body who had to go down on account of her health. As she had first choice she easily got in my room lucky we. O nos beatos. As I expected the Freshy were stopped by a neat little notice to the effect that they would "please go to recitation at 11.AM." They asked me to Delta's last meeting. It was very pleasant. Miss Hawke had the good bye for the Seniors -not as good as she can do May is going to sleep with me. After this Annie Love till the end. [printed] SATURDAY, June 17th, 1854. Skipped to-day and have now Sunday) nothing of consequence, as all the other things in this book are, to write. Wrote to Mrs McCandless today stating when I would be there Rather an awkward thing to do as I have not heard from there lately but it had to be done. Still hope to hear from there before Wednesday. [printed] SUNDAY, June 18th, 1854. Have nothing say in particular except that I am feeling considerably provoked with Etta just at present as I have just learned from Alice that although the swelling has gone out of Etta's feet as Etta herself told me-it is now gon higher in the calf of her leg- as she didn't tell me. The girl is crazed not to get medical advice about it. I am much afraid of dropsy and wish I could go to the library and read up on the symptoms of that disease. Very likely I am nervous because of Uncle John's recent death, but it must be something serious when anyone swells up in that way, especially about the feet. If the girl had sense she would not let it go so. [printed] MONDAY, June 19th, 1854. Lottie pinned up my overskirt and on my bows behind but they were put on so loosely that I was in a state of fear the whole time till after our first sing then I came up stairs to fix tight not noticing how soon our next sing came and when I got down it was over, sad to say. I don't see how they ever got along without me. Had a nice letter from Mrs. McCandless and the forwarded one from Mamma. This is all written from memory tomorrow before the Philalethean address. It is a fine thing to have so fine a recollectionary organ [printed]TUESDAY, June 20th, 1854. Have enjoyed the day exceedingly so far and am now writing down the events before packing up my book. Now that we are through I am in a hurry to go away and get out of all this muss. The history of the Senior class, by Miss Glover was first rate and the prophecy was very good. I would like to be Miss Hopper in that beautiful place on the Mediterranean. The Sibyl was rather rough on poor Dora Hileman and I should think that Miss Monks would hope that the cat would soon be buried and forgotten. Miss Folger and Miss Jewett did well at the ... The Juniors and Sen. like to fling at one another! [printed] WEDNESDAY, June 21st, 1854. The end [printed] THURSDAY, June 22nd, 1854. [printed] FRIDAY, June 23d, 1854. [printed] SATURDAY, June 24th, 1854. [printed] Balance of pages in this item are blank.