Elma G. Martin. spec. '92 - '93 Journal 1892. Sept. 22. Started for Poughkeepsie at 11:00 A.M. Thursday Sept. 22. Arrived in Syracuse between two and three o'clock in the afternoon and started to find McBride St. By dint of questioning small boys and wandering about for some time I reached 212. I found Inez and Nellie there, but aunt Het had moved back to Watkins the Saturday before. Had a very pleasant visit. In the evening Nellie, and her girl, Inez and I walked down town. Syracuse seems to be a very pleasant city, though I do not think I would like it as well as Elmira. On Friday at noon, met Grace on the train bound for Poughkeepsie. There was a girl on the train also, named Odell who was going to Vassar. Grace had never met her until she saw her on the train. She seemed very pleasant. She was going to the "Winsor", but was afterward transferred to the college. Arrived in Po'Keepsie about seven o'clock. After giving our checks to a man to bring our trunks to the college (for the small sum of thirty cents) we took a car for the college. Of all street cars I have ever had experience with, the cars here are the worst. Rattling along as if they were unacquainted with springs and were being drawn over the stones, without rear platform, they are anything but pleasant. When we arrived at the college we found Mrs. Kendrick, Lady Principal, was at the Winsor and some one else left in charge. We were directed to a number and having found it after much search, found it to be a single room. In despair, we started again for the office, and Mrs. Kendrick having returned, were at last directed to our room No. 207 fifth floor, center. Tired and dirty we were glad to use water plentifully and get to bed as soon as possible. Sept 24 The next forenoon was spent in a fruitless search for our trunks. They came after some time and we had the pleasure of unpacking them before dinner. My box containing some things which I needed most, did not arrive until Monday. This year meals have been changed and we have lunch at 12:45 and dinner at 5:45 P.M. Sept 25 My first Sunday in Vassar. Breakfast half an hour later, at 8:00A.M. Preaching services in the chapel. Dr. Taylor preached an excellent sermon from Math. 12-30. Spent the time after dinner before supper 3. in writing letters. After chapel attended the Y.W.C.A. prayer meeting. Sept 26. et seq. This morning went to the chapel to find out about classes. I have 4 hrs. each Latin and German, 3 hrs. Mathematics and Rhetoric and 1 hr. Hygiene in a week. Math. and Germ. come in the morning the others in the afternoon. German will be pleasant after I can understand all the Fraulein Neef says, but she talks as if she had too many teeth. Mathematics will be the bane of my existance, for Miss Richardson, the teacher, sets my nerves on end. She is of medium height, rather slender, has iron gray hair and steely eyes, a nose which is an acute angle, her dress fits without a wrinkle, and, to quote Miss Freeman, when she bends she makes a right angle. She is Mathematics personified. Miss Green, teacher in Latin, has sparkling black eyes, white teeth, and a pleasant smile. I shall like her. Dr. Thelberg, in Hygiene, which we had for the first time Wednesday, gave us plenty of good advice about the "toilette". She has a very pleasant manner. Expect to like her. Miss Perry the teacher of Rhetoric has piercing black eyes, black hair, and a quick manner. She is excellent. Sept 28 Wednesday. Exercised with Miss Peckham. Took a walk past the flower gardens and through the pines. Miss Peckham is inclined to be a bit loud, but is very pleasant. Sept 29 Ex.ed with Miss Freiman. She is quiet and pleasant. Like her very much. Sept 30 Have four recitations on Friday which makes it a very hard day. Did not go for ex. but wrote a short Theme on Han's Disappointment. Had to skip prayer meeting last evening to study in advance for today. Sat Oct 1 Did some settling in the morning and went with Grace to town in the afternoon. Walked both ways. It is about two miles. We were both quite tired. Sun. Oct 2. As it was the first Sunday in the month and communion Sunday, there were no church services here. Grace and I went to the Baptist church in town. Heard Dr. Sampson of Buffalo preach on Rom 11-33. Rode into town and walked back. Sermon not as good as Dr. Taylor's of last week. In the afternoon wrote letters and went to Y.W.C.A. in the evening. Mon. Oct.3. Lessons and study of course. Tue. Oct. 4. Went rowing with Miss Higman. (Nellie) The lake was lovely. My easy day, but did not accomplish as much as I expected. Fri. Oct. 7 Lessons all the week of course. Yesterday I had an extra German translation to write because I had not written the right one. Two hours wasted. Had to stay away from prayer meeting. Wednesday is my day for ex. with Miss Peckham. We tried to get a boat but failed as they were all full of water, so went to the orchard instead. Got some good apples. Thursday ex.ed with Miss Freeman. Took a long walk to Sunrise Hill by the glen path and back by the laundry. Wednesday received an invitation to the C.A. reception to be given tonight, from Miss Childs. Accepted. Our table in the dining room has been decreased by the transfer of Miss Barneth. She was extremely interesting. I took a strange dislike to her on the St. car coming to the college. She is rather ill mannered. (or rather lacks polish) Her table manners are not perfect. Our table now is very pleasant. Miss Underhill, assistant Librarian, sits at the head. She is very pleasant, but quiet & hard to talk to. Grace sits on her left. Next Miss Brown, a freshman from Brooklyn, then after a vacant place, Miss Freeman, the Misses Higman, Miss Learned, Miss McCauley, Miss Mary Howett and myself. I sit next Miss Underhill on the right. Miss Howett is very talkative and witty and we have excellent times. The maid who waits on our table is an old woman who smiles a great deal. Miss Howett smiles at her occassionally and she comes directly to see what she wants. She hurries around so that Miss H. suggested that we call her "the hustler". We found out that the girls last year called her "Smiley" so now she is "Smiley the Hustler". Sun. Oct. 9 Spent yesterday forenoon in clearing drawers, etc except one half hour's ex. with Grace on the lake. Our stroke is very different but we shall soon learn to row together well, I think. After lunch we went out for a walk. Came back through the orchard and got some apples. Grace walked to town and back with Miss Foster, her senior friend. I spent the afternoon digging into German, except about one-half hour spent in going with Miss Peckham to the flower garden. She gave me some beautiful flowers. Spent the evening on German and Mathematics. Hope I am "caught up" on German. But I am forgetting last Friday evening. Miss Childs came for me about eight o'clock, and we went to the Gym, where the reception was held. Met Miss Barry, Latin teacher, who was also to be escorted by Miss Childs. Miss C. is a New York girl, and I should think a child of very wealthy parents. She told Miss Barry and I of her Summer home on Long Island where they frequently entertained thirty guests at one time. It must be delightful. We were fully twenty minutes in getting from the hall to the place where Miss Croft and Mrs. Kendrick received. The crowd was immense. There were fully five hundred there. We afterward went upstairs where there was dancing, then down to have our ice cream, then up again to listen to the glee club, which sang the College songs. Ther girls sang very well together. Our verse was "Who than our "Prix. more noted? Who than our "fac." more wise? Than our "alum." more quoted For wit and anterprise?" Came home about ten o'clock, tired but had spent a very pleasant evening. Yesterday Grace and I went out directly after lunch for ex. Went to the orchard after apples and then to the lake for a short row. We will soon be able to row together quite well, I think. We also took a walk after breakfast for half Saturday Oct. 9 1892 an hour. The rest of the forenoon was spent in making the curtains to the book-shelves and clearing up the rooms. After lunch, after our row, Grace and Miss Foster, her senior friend, walked to town. I studied German all the afternoon except a half hour about five o'clock, when Miss Peckham asked me to go with her to pick flowers. She is a member of the floral club. This morning Dr. Richmond Wayland of Philadelphia preached. He is a very tall man, inclined to baldness, with dark hair sprinkled with gray, a short beard and is altogether a very peculiar appearing man. He read as the scripture lesson Mark VI 34-45. His text was from I Timothy 2-5 "The Man Christ Jesus". He preached an excellent sermon on Christ as a man. After lunch, Miss Durant, a former room mate of Grace called. As Grace was out, she did not stay long. Wed. Oct. 12. Yesterday had to go & make appointment for physical exam. Am to go next Tuesday. Today learned that we were to go to Lake Mohonk on an excursion. Mr. Thompson, who has given the new Library, gives the excursion each year at a cost of about $500. Freshmen and seniors go Sat. next. "Rah for Mr. Thompson. The Y.W.C.A. missionary meeting was held tonight instead of tomorrow, as usual. Mr. Forman a young missionary from India spoke to us on the need of workers in the foreign field. He returns to India Saturday. Sat. Oct. 15. Last night the Republicans held a mass meeting and parade in the halls and lecture room and the Democrats a meeting in Philalethian hall addressed by Prof. Whitney and others. The Republicans formed on first south and marched upward. There were two hundred ten girls in the parade, dressed fantastically and carrying all sorts of banners. Miss Bartlett acted in the capacity of drum major. She was excellent. One banner representing Cleveland at the altar with D.B. and [Taimmany] on each side was comical. "No Free Trade", "McKinley and Protection", "Don't forget to register", were features of the parade while the girls shouted "No! No! No! Free Trade!" The musical instruments comprised banjos, mandolins, and combs. The parade marched to the lecture room where it was addressed by some of the girls and the glee club sang. Some of the songs, composed by the girls, and sung to old tunes were "taking" in the extreme. Each speech and song was vociferously cheered. Studied until nearly ten o'clock and retired. Rose at 5:30 A.M. this (Sat.) morning, dressed, Oct. 15 and went down to breakfast at 6:00. Miss Freeman, Belle, and I rode to Mohonk in a four seated wagon with a girl from S. Carolina, another one named Nellie Stone, Miss Mace, who is a fellow, a senior whose name (Miss Williams) I have forgotten and one other girl, a friend of the senior. Started about 6:20. It was a lovely morning, but quite chilly. We had to wait for the second ferry as there were more than enough wagons to fill one boat. That made us almost a half hour behind the first wagons but we caught up with them. The scenery was beautiful. The Hudson looked beautiful as we crossed the ferry. The hills in their red and yellow robes were georgeous. We could see the mountain near Mohonk a log way off, but the ascent was so gradual that it did not seem high. It is about fifteen miles from Poughkeepsie. We passed throught Highlands, and New Paltz. Saw the New Paltz Normal at a distance. Met Miss Freeman, Belle's sister, and Miss Dennison, a friend of hers and a teacher in the Normal, beyond New Paltz. The were walking to Mohonk 6 miles, to meet Belle. When we had to get out to walk up a hill, they overtook us, and showed us some short cuts. We walked on quite a way, hearing the shouts of the girls below on the mountain and of the parties of Mohonk people who Oct. 15 passed us. The girls sang the Vassar song "Hurrah for the rose and the gray". The Mohonk people would shout M-O-HO- N-K, Mohonk , 'rah, 'rah, 'rah, and the girls would reply with the college yell, 'Rah, 'rah, rah,-'rah, 'rah, 'rah, V-A-S-SA- R- Vassar. We walked on so far that the wagons, taking another road, got beyond us, and we continued to the Lake. The lake is not large, but clear as crystal and its waters were of a deep green color. It is very deep, in some places has never been sounded. The cliffs rise abruptly from its shores, so that it may be said to have no beach. The Mohonk Lake House is built upon the rock without blasting the rock, and nestles among the irregularities in a very picturesque manner. It is unobtrusive in color and is not like a Summer hotel usually is. The little summer houses that dot the landscape are quaint and charming. They are of diverse shapes, rustic, and have thatched roofs. We had lunch soon after our arrival. Saw ex-President Hayes. Belle met him, but did not get a chance to present me. After lunch we invested in some views Oct. 15. of Mohonk and went to Sky top. The view is grand, indescribable. Went by the bridge path. There is another way, through a narrow cliff in the rocks called the Labyrinth, but that was longer and as we had little time, we did not take it. We then went to the Eagle cliff and beyond to Artist's rock. Eagle cliff tower affords a grand view of the surrounding country, as does the Artist's rock. On one side the Lake, like an emerald, and beyond it rocks piled in fantastic masses, high cliffs affording strange profiles. One of the strangest of these, seen from Eagle cliff path, is called the "Old Man of the Mountain". It is a perfect human profile. On the other side of the tower the country stretches away, hill beyond hill, the Catskill melting away into the sky in the distance. The "traps" in the middle ground are quaint in shape. Returned to the hotel in time to depart for Vassar at 2:45. The day seemed much too short. The ride home was beautiful. Left Miss Freeman & Belle and Miss Dennison, at New Paltz. Took the 5:15 ferry and reached home at 6:20. Had to stop in town and wait for some of the girls to do some shopping. Not as tired as expected to be. Studied all the evening. On a clear day from Sky Top six different states can be seen - New York, New Jersey, Vermont, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. Oct.16. Heard Bishop Spaulding of Denver Col. preach from Luke 14-10 this morning. Episcopal service. He is quite an old man, looks something like Rev. Freeman without the pleasant expression. Did not like him very well. Oct. 23. Went to prayer meeting Thursday evening. Miss Parker lead. Didn't like the meeting as well as those at home or in Elmira. They are not bright but dull. The Juniors and Sophomores went to Mohonk yesterday. Grace did not go. She and I took a walk for ex. and rowed some. We are getting so we can row together quite well. Miss Peckham took me to the flower garden and gave me some flowers. Arranged them. Miss Freeman had two baskets of grapes come Saturday. She has been very generous to Grace and I. Mary Lynch has slept with Grace Friday and Saturday evenings and is coming tonight. Wrote to Emma and Ora today, good long letters. Heard Rev. Dr. Marion Vincent of New York preach this morning. His text was Rom. I-14. He preached a grand sermon. One thought which he emphasizes was "I can therefore I must", our obligation to the world. He looked very much like S.C.Keeler. Went down to Belle's room after prayer meeting tonight. Oct. 30. Last Monday Miss Green gave us a lecture in Latin class about taking cuts and studying when we ought not. In consequence I have not done so this week. Have gotten along just as well and felt very much better. Shall continue so doing, for the present at least. Monday Belle Freeman, Nellie Higman and I took a long walk to Sunrise Hill. We came back across the fields, after asking an old woman to direct us. Tuesday we three went to Richmond Hill for hickory nuts. Got a few. Organized the "Rambler's Club". Saw a cow of which Nell was afraid & Belle too so I had to drive it up the hill before they would pass it. Rowed with Miss Peckham Wednesday, and alone Thursday. Friday Belle and I rowed part of the time and then went to the museum. The statues and paintings are grand. A statue of Venus de Melos and one of Apollo Belvedere are those which I particularly admire. Belle liked best a collosal head of [J...]. Saw also the Laocoon, and the dead Christ by Michael Angelo. Two of the paintings, water colors by Turner with pencil sketches of dogs by Landseer about 12 X 8" cost $500 each. There were innumerable beautiful paintings but we had little time and it was getting dark. Went through the Museum hastily. Saw the mummy of a Patagonian. It was a shriveled brown horrible looking thing. There was also a head, I think from S. America or Australia, from which the skull had been removed by some secret process & the features preserved. It was about the size of my fist. The hair was long. It is very rare. Saw also many rare things. Yesterday we had the privilege of seeing and hearing Rev. John Peyton the man who for nearly thirty-five years has been a missionary in the New Hebrides. He is a man of medium height, has snow white beard and hair which gleams in its silvery whiteness almost like snow. It is beautiful. He has searching black eyes and a personality which strikes one as that of a thoroughly consecrated man. He talked in a very interesting manner of his work in the New Hebrides. He showed us one idol to which the natives sacrificed their babies. It was a hideous black head with arms and hands clasping an infant's head which it was carrying to its mouth. He also showed us some small smooth stones which were used as idols. This morning wet to Dr. Trise's lecture of course. Heard of scientific discourse by Dr. Townsend of Boston University from Romans 8-19, I. Cor. 3-22,23. Did not like it as a sermon very well. He is a peculiar looking man with dark eyes, hair and a beard which covers all the lower part of his face, being parted in the middle at the chin. This afternoon at 4:45 heard Bishop Hare of S. Dakota talk on the Indian problem. He is excellent and gave a very good idea of the needs and spiritual state of the Indian. Heard Dr. Townsend was a Methodist. Nov. 1. Last night was Hallowe'en, which fact was celebrated according to the long established Vassar custom, by the Sophomores playing a joke of the Freshmen, and the Juniors on the Seniors. The Junior committee dressed up an old women, putting prunes all over her dress, and prisms in her hand and were about to place her in the Senior parlor at midnight when they were met by a deputation of the senior class. Much disconcerted they retreated leaving the figure of the woman "to represent us" as they said, thus turning the joke upon themselves. The Freshmen heard that the Juniors were to place mock diplomas tied with green ribbon at their plates at dinner, so the whole class stayed away from dinner. The Sophs. tied their diplomas then upon the door knob. They were very unique, being [invitations] of diplomas written in a mixture of Latin and Enlish, conferring the degree of A.B (artless babies) upon the Freshmen. McKinley spoke in Po'Keepsie yesterday at 2:00 P.M. Grace went to hear him, but I had a class and could not. Nov. 6. The girls of the Senior class sent a communication to the Juniors saying they had adopted the maid of the prunes and prisms into their class as an honorary member. Yesterday Belle and I went down town in the afternoon to do some shopping. We had Charlotte Russe at Smith's. Friday evening the Juniors gave a party to the Sophomores, and Saturday at 4:30 the Seniors gave a tea to the Freshmen. Went to Bible class this morning. As it is the first Sunday of the month there was no service in the chapel. Niether Grace or I went to town. Last night I called on Miss Mann. Met her two Junior room-mates. Had a very pleasant call. Nov.10. Went to prayer meeting this evening. Miss Bartlett lead. I do not enjoy the meetings here as at home. 12. Belle Freeman and I went to town this morning soon after breakfast. Got a gas stove and a basin to make cocoa. Studied in the afternoon. Grace went to town to make some calls with Miss Foster. Worked a little before dinner on Edna's slippers. They will be very pretty. They are pink and gray. Studied some after dinner. Grace and I took a cut. Made some cocoa. 9 Went to W.C.T.U. after dinner & before Chapel. Heard account of Frances Willard and rec'd a souvenir in the shape of a quotation from F. Willard enclosed in the gilded shell of an English Walnut and tied with a narrow white ribbon. 11 Had Prof. [Druman] in Rhet. for the first time. Drew his picture. Heard a concert by the Beethoven Quartette of New York city. It consisted of first and second violin, viola & violincello. It was grand beyond anything I had ever heard. 13 Heard a very good sermon by Rev. Dr. DeForest of 2n Conj. Ch. Detroit, Mich. this morning. His text was I John 5, 21 22. Went to an organ recital at 9:00 P.M. Miss Young called this afternoon, and Miss Morrissy while I was at Belle's this evening. Mon. Nov. 14. Went with Belle & Nellie Higman for ex. Took a long walk and got some apples and hickory nuts. Was gone two hours. Tue. Nov. 15. It rained so did not go out doors. Made some candy my ex. hour. Belle was up. My home letter said Mr. Shearer was buried Sunday. Wed. Nov. 16. Another rainy day. Mrs. Kendrick, Lady Principal, called this evening. Grace was out and I in my wrapper. She is very pleasant. Studied until nearly ten. Work for tomorrow and Friday is hard. Thu. Nov. 17. Had Miss Nettleton in Rhetoric, Miss P. joined Chris. Assoc. was ill, I think. The weather is very warm and pleasant. Went to row for my ex. this P.M. Took a short walk with Miss Morrissy after breakfast. Sent to Wanamakers for some visiting cards. They were $1.50 for 50 + plate. Fri. Nov. 18. Did not ex. today. Had to write a theme after Rhet. as mine was lost, so did not have time. Went down to Belle's room after chapel. Went to the Lecture with her and Nell Higman. The lecture was by Mr. Percy Reese of Baltimore on "Early Christian Rome and the Catacombs", illustrated by stereopticon. It was fairly good but I have heard better and seen better views. Grace did not go. After I returned I made a cup of cocoa which we drank before going to bed. Sat. Nov. 19. Studied German all the A.M. After lunch studied Latin and went for ex. with Miss Foster and Grace. Returned and studied Latin until dinner time. Read a little in Hypatia after dinner. Went out from chapel as early as possible, rushed directly to the Gym to secure seats for the "Hall play". Got an excellent seat. Held it for Grace, the Higman girls and Abbie Learned. The play was "Sunlight and Shadow". It was, for the most part, well acted. The best characters were "Helen" and "Maud" the Dr's. daughters, and "Adolphus Barnfield". The vocal solos between the acts were excellent and heartily encored. Had a cup of cocoa after our return home, and retired. Belle did not attend the play. Stayed home and studied. Sun. Nov. 20. Wrote my letters this P.M. Dr. True preached this A.M. Dr. Hill of Rochester was going to but could not. Went to the Reading Room between breakfast and Bible class and after dinner. Read a series of articles in the Mag. of Christian Lit. by Arch Bishop Farrar on London Charities. They treated of the Salvation Army, Dr. Bernands's homes, and the Royal Polytechnic Institute. The text of Dr. True's sermon was St. John IV 29. Good sermon. This P.M. Miss Chase a teacher of Packer who is visiting a Senior here, sung in the chapel. She sings beautifully. This P.M. there was no chapel but Miss Wood a Vassar Alumna who is connected with the College Women's settlements spoke to the girls. It was a very interesting talk. A chapter is to be established here. Mon. Nov. 21. Had an oral exam in Germ. this A.M. It was very easy. Nell H. and I were going to Boardman place but it rained so Nell came up the 6th hr. and stayed most of the P.M. She dressed a doll for the C.A. and I drew a pattern of oak leaves on a glove case I am going to paint for Grace. Studied Latin all the evening. Tue. Nov. 22. Studied part of the A.M. Painted for one hour on the glove case, and again an hour this P.M. Had an exam in Rhet. this P.M. Not hard but long. Took a walk with Belle just before dinner. Last night Grace received an elegantly bound Whittier from a friend. I do all my painting in Belle's room so Grace shall not know it. Wed. Nov. 23. Grace decided this morning to go to her cousin's at West Stockbridge. She will start at 4:00 P.M. A good many of the girls are going away to spend Thanksgiving. College closed at noon. Belle went to visit her sister at New Paltz. Grace and I went down town. I did some trading and she went to the depot after doing a little shopping herself. I got some photos of the college buildings for Emma, Ora and Delia for Christmas, and one of Dr. Taylor for myself. I came back alone, and was reading (about 5:00) when there came a knock at the door. I opened it and there was - Grace. She found she could not reach W.S. before midnight so came back. Will go tomorrow noon. This evening we went to the library for an hour, finished reading Hypatia and made candy. It was a date candy and very good. Thu. Nov. 24. Breakfast at 8:00 this morning. Grace and I took Miss Foster some candy, & selected a book to read aloud. Got "That Lass o'Lowrie by Frances Hodgson Burnette. Had short service in chapel conducted by Dr. Taylor. Went for a walk with Grace before she went to West STockbridge. Came back and ate lunch in my room with Miss Foster. Lunch was provided at breakfast to be taken to our rooms. Went Went with her for a walk afterward and to the Reading room. Had dinner at 3:30 P.M. Miss Foster having invited me to sit at her table, I did so. Miss Kirscher (:) a senior, Abbie Learned, Miss McConley, Miss Haughwit, Miss Williams ('93), Miss Bishop and two others whose names I don't know, were there also. We had an excellent dinner and a good time. Left the dining room at 6:00. The Winsor girls were all here. Miss Bishop called in the evening and I went with her to the reception in the College parlors. Dr. and Mrs. Taylor received. Had a very pleasant time. Met Miss Madieria, president of Class of '96 of whom Miss Chase spoke. She is very pleasant. Had ice cream and fancy cakes. Fri. Nov. 25. Got up at 7:30. After breakfast spent some time in changing the furniture in the room. Painted Grace's glove case, after lunch sewed on buttons, fixed my dress etc. This evening called on Fraulein Neef. Had a very pleasant call. Have studied Latin and German since. Sat. Nov. 26. Went and got my Gym hours. They ar Tue. and Wed. mornings and Fri. afternoon. Gyms commence Monday. Darned stockings, took the ruffle off my red dress and studied. About 4:00 o'clock Belle F. brought me an express package which she found in the lower hall for me. It was a box of lovely candy from Elmira. Grace returned from West Stockbridge about 5:30. Sun. Nov. 27. Had no Bible lecture this morning. Not all of the girls are back yet. Episcopal service. Rev. Hart, rector of St. Marks, Rochester, preached. It was a good sermon. Text St. Math. v-I. Praise so nice in the evening. Mon. Nov. 28. Snowed a little today. Still snowing at bed time. Tue. Nov. 29. Quite a little snow on the ground this morning and still snowing. Had Gyms for the first time this morning. Think I shall like the work fairly well. Wed. Nov. 30. Went to Gym 1st hour. We have not been able to get any steam at all today and are most frozen. Thu. Dec. 1. The weather is warmer, but the snow has not all melted yet. Stayed to prayer meeting after Chapel. Fri. Dec. 2. Philaleathean day. Classes all the forenoon. Dinner at 12:30. Studied most of the afternoon. Went to room A for lunch at 5:00 P.M. Belle, Grace and I ate it in our room. Had a cup of cocoa with it. Went with Belle to the lecture in the Chapel. It was by F. Hopkinson Smith. He toook us "under the white umbrella" to Spain, Holland, Venice and Mexico. The talk was witty and interesting. He is noted as an artist, writer, lecturer and story teller. After the lecture the orchestra, stationed in the rear of the gallery, played, as they had, also, before the beginnig of the program. The glee club sang before the opening address which was made by the Pres. of Phil., Miss Whitcomb. The chapel was very prettily decorated with palms and wreaths of smilax. The girls who had gentlemen with them went in the main hart of the chapel while the girls who were alone or with other girls went to the gallery. The girls in light or bright colored evening dresses made chapel and gallery look very bright and pretty. The halls, lecture room and dining room were cleared and very prettily decorated with palms, drapery and furniture from the girls' rooms. All the building except the dormitories was thrown open to visitors. On second floor where the orchestra was stationed and the promenade took place, there were two little lemonade stands where lemonade was served during the evening. On third, bouillion and sandwiches were served directly after the lecture, and later during the evening, coffee, ices and cakes. Belle and I had several promenades, took refreshments and came to our rooms a little before 11:00 P.M. Sat. Dec. 3. Studied during the forenoon. Grace and I went to town during the afternoon. Went directly after lunch and came back about 4:00. Did some Christmas shopping and had an ice-cream at Smith's. Studied a little before dinner. Helped Belle on Mathematics during the evening in consequence of which I have not all of my Latin for Monday. Decided to go home Christmas. Sun. Dec. 4. Grace did not go to breakfast, so brought her some. We both cut Bible Lecture and are not going to Church. Wrote letters, read Lowell's poems with Belle and read The Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountain by Chas. Egbert Craddock (Miss Murfree). Grace did not go to dinner so took her some. She forgot to dress (was reading) until too late. Miss Learned & Miss McCauley called this evening & stayed quite a long time. It was a lovely day, bright and pleasant and not too cold. Mon. Dec. 5. Grace had a cold and did not go to Gym so we took ex. together. Had a very pleasant walk. Tue. Dec. 6. Made and important decision. Hope it can be carried out. Wed. Dec. 7. Had a cut in Hygiene. Thu. Dec. 8. Had a very interesting missionary talk after Chapel by Miss Helen Richardson of the Woman's Refuge in Bombay. She was a short, dark, square-faced English woman, dressed in deep mourning and talked very earnestly. Fri. Dec. 9. Had a lecture on Democracy this evening by Dr. Wilcox of Princeton College. We were obliged to make an analysis of it for Rhetoric, so I did not enjoy it very much. Dr. Wilcox is rather a young man, has smooth face and very black hair & eyes. Went with Belle. Grace got her dress today and a box of hickory nuts & some apples. Had first class work in Gym. Sat. Dec. 10. Worked on German this A.M. and Latin this P.M. Made out travelling list. Seems like going home. Sun. Dec. 11. Had an excellent sermon on I.Cor. 9-25 by Rev. Raymond Presbyterian of Albany. Had to make and analysis for Rhetoric. Was difficult to analyse. This evening heard and excellent decription of the slums of New York, illustrated by stereopticon, by Mr. Riis author of "How the Other Half Lives". It was very pathetic and interesting. He spoke of Kings Daughters' and other work among the poor. Mon. Dec. 12. Miss Green was ill, so we had a written lesson in Latin. Not very hard but I am afraid I did not do well. Tue. Dec. 13. Miss Green still ill, had a cut in Latin. Went to Belle's room & worked on glove case most of P.M. Wed. Dec. 14. Winsor girls go tomorrow. Miss Brown came up and I showed her about making some slippers. Thu. Dec. 15. Another cut in Latin. Fri. Dec. 16. Cut in Latin again. Lecture this evening on Southern Literature by Mr. James Allen of Louisville, Ky. He was tall and thought himself very graceful. Struck the most imposing attitudes, but failed to interest his audience. Met with Grace & set in gallery. Sat. Dec. 17. Worked all the morning on German, except the time I was finishing the glove case. In the afternoon worked an hr. on Latin then finished my story for Rhet. It is a story for boys. Don't particularly like it. The second hall play took place this evening. Went out of chapel early & reserved seats for Grace, Belle, Miss Foster and a friend of hers. It was "Prince Karl" & was very good. Sun. Dec. 18. Had an excellent sermon this morning by C.R. Hemphill of Louisville, Ky. The text was Phil. I-20. Had to make analysis for Rhetoric. The chapel was prettily decorated with evergreen wreaths, & a star on the organ, and palms & roses. In the evening (8:30) Belle, Grace and I went together to hear the Christmas music. It was grand, beautiful. Mon. Dec. 19. Finished my story for the magazine. Had Miss Barry in Latin. Tue. Dec. 20. Went to town in the fornoon. In the evening decided to go as far as Rochester with Grace, starting at 8:05 P.M. tomorrow, because I can get home then at 9:08 Thursday morning & cannot before 3:00 P.M. if I go the other way with Miss O'Brien as I intended. Wed. Dec. 21. Had German this morning. Went to see Nell Higman afterward. Miss Brown came up the second hour to bid us good bye. The following is one of the Vassar songs composed by the Pres. of '92, Miss Reed. An institution once there was, Of learning and of knowledge, Which had upon its high brick front A 'Vassar Female College'. The maidens fair could not enjoy Their bread and milk or porridge, For graven on the forks and spoons Was 'Vassar Female College'. Tra la la la, Tra la la la, 'Twas Vassar Female College'. A strong east wind at last came by, A wind that blew from Norwich; It tore the "Female" from the sign That was upon the College. And as the faculty progressed In wisdom and in knowledge, They took the "Female" off the spoons, As well as off the College. Tra la la la, tra la la la It now is Vassar College". In the afternoon Grace and I made fudges and molasses taffy. Started early for the depot and stopped at Smith's for an oyster stew. Train 1/2 hr. late. Started from Po'keepsie about nine. Reached Rochester Thu. Dec. 22. about 4:45 A.M. Grace left about 6:00 and I about 6:30. I reached home at 9:08. Folks not expecting me until later. Grace gave me "Lorna Doones' before we started. Sat. Dec. 24. Went down to Aunt Catharines with Edna in the afternoon. Rec'd a lovely book mark from Alice. Sun. Dec. 25. Christmas. I received a lovely pin & a glass jewel-box from mother. Dicken's "Our Mutual Friend" from father, a white silk neck-handkerchief from Edna. Went to Church and S.S. in the morning. Did not feel well. Could not go in the evening. Mon. Dec. 26. Went to the church to a supper in the evening. Called on Sarah Pike in the afternoon. Dec. 27. Went to express office with Edna and got package from Mr. B. for her. Wed. Dec. 28. Went over to Mary William's to a social in the evening. Thu. Dec. 29. Aunt Het spent the day with us. Fri. Dec. 20. Went down to Aunt Catharine's this evening. Sat. Dec. 31. Went over to Mary Williams with mother. Cora Bailey was there. Sun. Jan. 1, 1893. Went to Church morning and evening & Y.P.S.C.E. Rained all day, a cold rain. Has been very cold ever since I came home, but no snow. Mon. Jan. 2. Lutie Yost came on 3:00 o'clock train, came to our house staid to supper & Mr. Coleman & Mr. Becker spent the evening, going to the Acad. very early. Lute came down on the 6:36 train. Staid until the 12:30. He gave me a very pretty cup, saucer, & plate. Tue. Jan. 3. Started for Syracuse at 11:00. Reached there at 4:00 P.M. Changed at Canandaigua. Found Nellie easily. Wed. Jan. 4. Met Grace and Miss Haughnot on the train in Syr. at 12:35 (ought to have been 12:35 but was 1 hr. 30 min. later). Reached Po'keepsie 45 min late. Went to bed early. Tired. Found an express package containing a pin cushion, two cologne bottles, all pink & gray and a [...] little tea cup & saucer, from Emma. Thu. Jan. 5. Work again. It is hard work too. Sat. Jan. 7. Went to town this P.M. with Belle. Got some skates. Had some ice-cream at Smith's. Came back & went to the rink to skate with Grace & Miss Foster. Sold skates to Miss Brown & am. Made next Sun. elections. 31. 1893 going to buy Miss Learned's club skates. Miss B. was up to our room until 9:00 P.M. Jan. 8. Sun. Heard Rev. Dr. Saunders of New York on Math. 8-27. He has a niece in Freshman class who told him about our having to analyse the sermon so he made it easy of analysis. Jan. 9-11. Nothing unusual happened. Weather cold with snow. Splendid sleighing but no rides. Miss Carbutt, '96, lead the prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Thu. Jan. 12. Snowed so I did not go to skate as I intended. Yesterday spent an hour helping Belle with her Geometry. She wants me to help her until after exams. Fri. Jan. 13. Heard of Anna Sackett Whalen's death. It seems so sad. Went skating for a little while after Rhetoric & Gyms. In the evening attended a lecture on "The Public Schools of England" by Mr. Geo. Fox of New Haven. It was very good. Was illustrated with views of the principle public schools such as Shrewsbury, Eton Rugby, Harrow, and Oxford and Cambridge. The views connected with the colleges however were mostly the boating crews. Had to notice Intro. Concl. & transitions for Rhetoric. Sat. Jan. 14. Studied all the A.M. in a desulatory fashion on German. Part of the time was in Belle's room and the rest of the forenoon Annie Brown studied with me. In the P.M. studied Geom. and went to the rink to skate with Miss Morrissy. In the evening studied a little on Latin and went to the Chapel with Grace to hear Miss Chase of Packer sing. It was grand. Sun. Jan. 15. Have carried out my resolution made before the holidays. It was hard, but am glad it is finished. Heard a sermon by Rev. Wm.H. Smith, D.D. a Presbyterian minister of New York. He was not a large man, rather slight, having brown hair, light complexion & light mustach. Rather a young looking man. The sermon was one of the best I have ever heard. It was an impassioned appeal to the unsaved to come to Christ. Grace and I took a short walk late in the P.M. Did not stay to prayer meeting. Wed. Jan. 18 Heard by mother's letter of the death of Annie Sackett Whalen. Fri. Jan. 20. Grace and I attended a piano-recital given by Mrs. Fanny Bloomfield-Geisler. She was dressed in a light blue satin dress with a lace front, sleeves and trimmings on bodice. She had very black hair and eyes, was thin, seemed nervous, and near-sighted. She reminded me when at the piano of Eleanor Burge. She made such queer gestures. Her music was beautiful beyond description. Sat. Jan. 21. Studied Latin Prose this A.M. except the hour before lunch when Grace & I went to the rink and skated. Finished Latin and studied German in the P.M. Miss Peckham and Miss Dillo called in the P.M. Belle Freeman's sister Mary is spending the afternoon & night with her. I called on her between dinner & chapel. Studied some more German & a little Geometry in the evening. Sun. Jan. 22. No chapel this evening. Had a talk on Foreign Missions by Mr. Speers, Sec'y of the Board of Foreign Missions of the Pres. Ch. Grace went to the New Hall to supper with Anna Higman. The sermon this morning was by Bishop Poltes, Pres. of Hobart College. Mon. Jan. 23. One week from today - exams. Attended a lecture (illustrated by stereoptien) by Prof. Van Ingen at 8:30 P.M. It treated of the early growth of art. Tue. Jan. 24. Went down to Annie Brown's room after chapel to "erzahlein" in German. We talked after reading over the translation until the bell rang for the art lecture, which we attended. It was about Dutch Art and very good. Thu. Jan. 26. Belle is sick & was yesterday afternoon. Have taken her meals, made tea for her, went for the doctor, sat with her, ordered meals when I did not take them from the dining room, and tried to do anything I could for her. Fri. Jan. 27. Belle still sick. She went down to dinner however. Had a lecture at 8:00 P.M. by Barrett Wendle of Harvard, on American Literature. It was good but his delivery was poor, voice not good and talked too fast. Sat. Jan. 28. Belle wished me to go to town with her in the afternoon. We went to an occulist, Dr. Dobson, and had to wait a long time. Then I bought some oysters & crackers, and she bought some cookies, cakes, and rolls and we are to have our supper in our room tomorrow night. Belle stayed all night with me as Grace took a cut with Mary Lynch. Sun. Jan. 29. Day of prayer for Colleges. There was a prayer-meeting at 9:00 A.M. I could not go as Mrs. Hendrick thought I had better go to town with Belle to see Dr. Dobson. It was pleasant at 9:00 when we started but sprinkled before we got there. Had to wait a long time, then it took some time to examine Belle's eyes. When we started back it rained hard. The Dr. loaned us an old umbrella. We went over to Main St. and waited a long time for a College car. It was going the wrong way but we took it and soon came back toward the college, which we reached just in time to change our drenched garments for dinner. Belle, Grace and I had supper in our room. Had oyster stew, cocoa, rolls, cookies, cakes and jelly. All tasted very good. We asked Miss Brown to come up and she at first consented but finally refused because of scruples of conscience. Evidently thought we were to have a "spread". Attended a prayer meeting at 5:00 with Grace. No chapel. Mon. Jan. 30. Exam in Rhetoric at 10:45 A.M. Consisted in analysis and comparison of two essays, one on Dickens by Lang, another on Wm Hazlitt by Barrett, which Miss Perry read to us. Went to the rink for a short time this P.M. Attended an Art Lecture by Prof. Van Ingen in the evening. He told of the sketch, "motif", and labor on the picture. Tue. Jan. 31. Exam in Solid Geometry. Hard, but fair. Skated some in the afternoon with Belle. Art Lecture on Michael Angelo in the evening. Wed. Feb. 1. Exam in Latin. Nice exam. Quite hard, but not as hard as I expected. Skated some with Belle this P.M. Grace came down after a while and skated too. On coming to my room yesterday noon I found a note asking me to go to Mrs. Kendrick's office. I did so and she gave me a Balcony ($1.00) ticket to the Seidl concert in town Saturday evening. It was presented from the "Good times fund". Belle has one too. Thu. Feb. 2. Exam. in German. Very fair. Skated this P.M. with Belle and Annie Brown. Mrs. Taylor, baby and Mary were at the rink part of the time. Ice on the lake was soft. Skated a little with Miss Kirchner a Senior. Went to prayer-meeting. Miss Stebbins lead. Fri. Feb. 3. Exam. in Hygiene. Met Fraulein Neef in the corridor and she told me I passed a very good paper in German. I could have embraced her. Read Dr. Jeckyll & Mr. Hyde 2 hrs. to Grace in the Museum. Skated some in the afternoon with Belle. Grace stayed all night with Mary Lynch so I had Helen Peckham stay with me. I went over to the Hall and called on Misses Dillow, Broad, Beach and . Made a cup of cocoa just before we retired. Helen thought it delicious. Sat. Feb. 4. Had an interview with Miss Loomis on my last essay at 8:30 A.M. Then Belle and I went to town. Took the car in and seperated. She went to the occulists and I did a little shopping and walked back. In the afternoon went and got my Gym hours, painted our white chair and skated one-half hour with Grace & Belle. Grace made fudges after dinner, thinking to get them done before chapel but as she did not we did not go to chapel. My first chapel cut. Went to the Seidl concert with Belle. It was grand. Grace stayed all night with Mary Lynch and Belle stayed with me. Sun. Feb. 5. Belle did not go down to breakfast. I brought her some bread and butter and made her a cup of cocoa. It was town Sunday and neither Grace or I went to church. I read and destroyed some old letters and wrote a new batch. In the P.M. went over to Helen Peckham's room, then for a walk with Grace and Mary Lynch. In the evening went to the Reading Room for a time after prayer-meeting. Mon. Feb. 6. Begin work again. Paleontology the first hour. We have it in the basement of Art & Music Hall. We have Prof. Dwight. He is an old man. I like him very much. Have German and Latin to the same teacher as last Semester. Tue. Feb. 7. Have four recitations Thursday. Went to Art History (Prof. Van Ingen) for the first time. It is held in the Hall of Cacts. Shall like it very much. Grace is in my class. Wed. Feb. 8. Only one recitation, Latin today. Had a lecture by Prof. [Greenough] of Yale. It was illustrated, subject, "Roman Wall Painting". Not very good. Prof. G. is short, has black hair, is bald, black eyes & a peculiar appearance. Thu. Feb. 9. My hardest day, five recitations. Got along very well however. Stayed to prayer-meeting in the evening. Prof. Drennan in Rhet. today. Fri. Feb. 10. Only two recitations today. Went for a short walk with Miss Foster first hour in the afternoon. Had a concert by the pupils in the music class this evening. Miss Cardzdaphner, from away, sang a solo and took the part of the "Lady of Shallot" in a cantatta by that [...] which formed the second part of the program. The whole concert was excellent. Went with Grace. Sat. Feb. 11. Studied all the forenoon. Read some to Grace in the afternoon over at the Museum while she was at work. We are reading "Capt. Blake" by the same author. Wrote [...] in the evening. Sun. Feb. 12. Went to Bible Lecture. We still have Dr. [T...] of Rochester. Had a very good sermon by Rev. Wood of Germantown, Philadelphia. Text Mark I, 37. He was a young looking, smooth faced man. The maid heads of the sermon were somewhat as follows. I. Introduction - (Ways different persons came to Jesus.) - Motions II. Seeking 1.Man always a seeker a.For things b.For knowledge about things c.For knowledge about the creator of things. 2.Why we should seek Jesus. a.He knows himself. b.He knows us. c.He knows the way of salvation. III.Conclusion - (Exhortation to seek Jesus.) Attended prayer meeting this evening. Had quite a good meeting. It was about "doubts". Dr. Taylor spoke longer than usual and Rev. Wood spoke. Mon. Feb. 13. Helen Peckham stayed all night with me. We took a cut and wrote valentines. I wrote several. One for Grace with the little German poem from Heine "Du list nie eine Blume", one for Mary Haughenout, a parody on Break! Break!, one for Belle Freeman, made in the shape of a Belle, one for Mary Lynch, Miss Henderson, and Miss Peckham. Tue. Feb. 14. Sent my valentines and received three, one from Belle, one from Helen Peckham I am quite sure, and one from Mary Houghenout I think, although she denies it. Wed. Feb. 15. Had a lecture or talk after chapel by Miss Jane Addams, one of the originators of Hull House, Chicago. It was most interesting. She is a woman of medium height, with hair, dark slightly tinged with gray, brushed back from her forehead slightly parted in the middle, and an open, earnest attractive face. I am so glad to have heard her. Thu. Feb. 16. Five recitations. Got very tired. Skated, instead of walking, with Belle. The ice in the rink was watery & inclined to be soft but fairly smooth. Fri. Feb. 17. Was excused from Gyms. & skated with Belle the last hour. We went to the lake and Miss Wood skated with both of us. Enjoyed it so much. Attended a lecture this evening by Prof. Herbert Tuttle of Cornell University. His matter was fairly good, his subject "Rome Aspects of 18th Century History", but his delivery was slow and not good. He is a fine appearing man. Sat. Feb. 18. Studied all the A.M. and part of the P.M. Went for a little over an hour with Grace to the Museum and read "Schouberg. Cotta Family" to her while she worked. Belle came up in the evening & I made taffy and studied Latin. Grace attended a class spread at the Gym. She reported a fine time. Sun. Feb. 19. As the Self-gov't comittee had requested us, we took our Chapel seats in Bible lecture this morning. Had an excellent sermon by Dr. H.M. King of Providence. His text was P2. 36-6, his theme, the Righteousness of God. The following was something like the outline of his sermon. I.Introduction - God is righteous in dealings although sometimes seems not. II.His Righteousness like the mountains. 1. Sublime and powerful. 2. Stable. 3. Restful. (Digression comparing it with the ocean in density of judgement.) 4. Unchanging. III.Conclusion Went to prayer-meeting in the evening. Called on Miss Learned and Houghenout. (Tue. Feb. 14.) This page should have been included under Valentine's day but was forgotten. The Senior girls decorated their tables very prettily for dinner. One had three gilt paper hearts fastened together suspended above it, one had a large red cloth heart, stuffed, and another a cupid about 2 ft or 3 in size above it. At one table the girls all had the head of an arrow projecting from their backs and its shaft from their breasts, thus looking as if it had pierced them. One table was beautifully decorated with similax and violets. The senior girls who received the largest number of valentines is the "Queen of Hearts". Miss Cobb received forty- seven, but a bundle of twenty found Wednesday morning gave Miss Whitcom fifty-six and brought her out ahead. As it was Miss Underhill's mother's birthday she gave her table the treat of ice-cream and fancy cakes for dessert. Anna and Nell Higman were over to dinner. Ther girls gave her, Miss U., a bouquet of carnations. Wed. Feb. 22. A holiday. Studied hard all day except two hours when I read to Grace at the Museum. The girls dressed in colonial costumes for dinner and the tables were decorated except one or two, ours was not. Some had Jerusalem cherry trees, in honor of G.W's tree, one had his picture about six inches in height, dressed in uniform, surrounded with quite small flags fastened in a base, many tables were decorated with red, white and blue, one or two had a hatchet suspended over the table, flowers, candles and pretty china were everywhere. One table (3rd senior) had a large caldron in the middle of the table with sticks under it, and a large black cat with bristling fur and raised tail cut from paper suspended over it. At this table the girls were all dressed as witches with black skirts, red capes, tall black hats with a black cat on the peak of each, and each carried a broom, on the first broom was the word Salem. The girl at the second senior table each dressed in colonial costume and had one of the letters of Washington's name on their back, so that when seated the name was spelled. Most of the girls were dressed in costumes. Miss Bartlet as Gen. Lafayette in uniform was fine, one girl represented Geo. III and one an Indian, another Mrs. Gen Putman with curls down each side of her face, several were Geo. W. & many Marthas. After dinner Grace and I went to Room J. for a little while and saw the girls dance. Then we called on Belle, who was sick, and I went to the Gym. to see the tabeleaux but Grace was too tired. They were good and represented "A scene from Evangeline", "The Reception of Marquis de Lafayette", two scenes from "The Stamp Act", "Why Don't you Speak for Yourself John!" "A Dutch Dance". Fri. Feb. 24. Attended a lecture this evening on "Our Currency" by Prof. Tanssig of Harvard. Went with Grace. Had our first written lesson in Art Hist. yesterday. Was only 10 min. long and not hard. Sat. Feb. 25. Studied most of the day. Darned some in the afternoon. Made fudges after dinner. "Cut" chapel to get a good seat at "Trig. Ceremonies" for Grace, Anna H., and myself and then found that the classes could not sit together. The "Trig. Ceremonies" were very good. There was an orchestra of girls dressed in masculine upper garments, which produced strains of entrancing (?) music before and between acts. The entertainment consisted of a play, the scene laid in different parts of the college building. The first scene was in the room of Sophie More (Sophomore) on the 3rd day of Fall term. Sophie returns and finds bare rooms, and then some of the girls rush in and welcome her, college fashion. A freshman, Olivia Lattice Sage-Green, is introduced. Many excellent "hits" are made, especially on the freshman class, who, hearing they were to be alluded to as "green", decided to wear College caps and gowns of bright green. The sophomores learned of this and sent a request to the class not to appear in insignia of class. They wore them until inside the doors, then took them off. Olivia has the cap and gown like that worn by the freshmen. Sophie looks out of the window and sees "the Faculty on wheels", in allusion to the bicycle fad which broke out among the ladies of the faculty last fall. The frantic cries for "Mr. Wheeler" sound natural. The next scene is on 3rd Maid corridor, in front of Lecture room. Prof. Elyson (Math) who is in love with Sophie More meets her as she with a glass of milk in hand attempts to take possession of a step ladder. Result, the glass drops & breaks & milk is spilled. A maid comes along with a meal order & while she assists Sophie, Prof. holds the tray. As he is relieved Prof. de Labratoire (Chem.) enters and Sophie departs. Prof. E. declares his love for S. to de L. who, after his departure declares that he will circumvent E. and marry Sophie himself. The third scene is 2nd corridor, Phil. night. Victor Boreall bores Sophie, is introduced to Olivia and they part in a little huff. Mr. Ebenezer Brown Clipping, Sophie's guardian is also introduced. The stage represents the corridor nicely, firewall, stairs and all. Mr. Elyson has a dance with Sophie, afterwards Prof. de L. tries in vain to get Sophie to believe something about E. Then, in the College parlor Olivia writes a note to Boreall & seeing him coming, hurriedly rushes out, dropping it. She is seen by Miss Nina Tew, who is concealed behind the curtains. De L. enters, finds note & shows it to Sophie More, who enters as one from Prof. E. to Miss Eighty-seven, one of his old loves. The wording makes her think it his, and as he brings in her name, she is angry. The guardian enters and also becomes very angry. The 3rd Act is Sophie More's room in Exam. week. She reads questions in trig. and is overcome. The next scene is in College parlors again. Prof. E. sends his card to S. who has shunned him of late. She appears & he demands an explanation. She refuses, her guardian comes, & on demand of Prof. E. he together with De L. explain charges, which E. denies. Then Olivia & Boreall enter & she claims the note. Nina Terr declares she saw her drop it, E. is cleared, and De L. going out in a passion explodes. Sophie then has to choose whether she will marry E. N.T. says "elections must be in by noon" & S. says "I elect Mathematics". The next scene begins with a dance around a priest wearing a black robe covered with mathematical figures, by some girls in evening dress and an equal number inside huge balls, only head and legs projecting. Then the bridal couple enter and kneeling before the priest repeat the ceremony, promising to take each other "for better or for worse" "in flunks and exams" "in Bible lectures and chapel exhortations", in "tombstone and rice pudding" etc. The whole talk of Prof. E. was full of mathematical phrases and the entire play full of "hits" and "grinds" on Faculty and college. It was very good. Sunday Feb. 26. Had a very good sermon this morning by Dr. Brown of Philadelphia. His text was from Luke 19-5. His sermon was after somewhat the following plan. I. Introduction. Zacheus and Christ. II. Man's Human Nature. 1. There is always a best side to it. 2. Christ appeals to the best in man. 3. We may trust to & appeal to it also. III. Conclusion. Let the best in us conquer and trust Him as He trusts us. Fri. Mch.3. Went with Grace to a lecture on "Sociology" by Prof. Dike of Auburndale, Mass., one of the best authorities on Sociological questions and especially on divorce. Sat. Mch. 4. Studied most of the day. Had an essay interview at 3:15 P.M. Miss Nettleton. Went to a Hall play in the evening with Grace. It was "All the Comforts of Home" and very good. Sun. Mch. 5. Went to church in town with Grace. Heard Dr. True. Text Luke 14-18, Acts 10-22. I. "Have me excused". 1. Request of scribes & Pharasus. 2. Request of Sual at first. II. "What wilt thou have me to do, Lord?" 1. Paul's Question. 2. The Christian's Question. III. How the question is asked. 1. Without the disire to follow instructions. 2. With a desire to sin as much as allowable. 3. With a true desire of service. IV. Conclusion. Exhortation to follow Christ's commands, giving ourselves wholly to his service. Thu. Mch. 9. Stayed to prayer-meeting. Miss Samson lead subject, "Inward Strength". Fri. Mch. 10. Nothing going on this evening. Mary Lynch was up to study most of the evening. Sat. Mch. 11. Studied most all day. Read Paleon in the Museum for two hours this P.M. Grace was there at work. Grace and I made fudges and taffy in the evening. Mary Lynch was up. We also read "Dou Desiro" by Marion Crawford. Not very great success with our candy. Sun. Mch. 12. No Bible lecture today. Went to Reading Room a while after breakfast. Episcopal service conducted by Rev. Phelps of Wappinger's Falls, a small place near here. The sermon was not particularly brilliant, and the delivery poor. He was a young man, and will probably improve with age. This evening heard Miss Stella Bradford, Pres. of Smith Col. Assoc. for Christian work, talk on the work at Smith. It was very interesting. Wed. Mch. 15. Attended an Art Lecture by Prof. Van Ingen in the chapel this evening. It was on painting. Thu. Mch. 16. Prayer meeting in Lecture room tonight, lead by Miss. Coman. It was much more interesting than in the chapel. Fri. Mch. 17. St. Patrick's day. Several maids wore green ribbons. In the evening was a lecture on "Whittier" by Mr. Horace E. Lendder, Editor of the Atlantic Monthly. He was a friend of Whittier. He is an elderly man with grayish beard and hair and looks like a business man. I did not attend the lecture as I was invited to a "Sugaring Off" at Miss Peckham's room in Strong Hall. It was a very pleasant affair. About twenty-five were there. Mary Lynch staid all night with Grace and I last night and tonight. Miss Moody, one of her roommates has gone home with the scarlet fever, and the other one because her mother is ill. Mary does not like to stay alone, and I think is afraid of the fever. There are three cases and four or five have been sent home. The papers state that there are twenty-five cases and there is quite a great deal of excitement. Sat. Mch. 18. Finished my essay for next week. Studied. Went to the last Hall Play in the evening with Grace and Mary Houghenout. Went early and got seats for them. It was "On Probation" and very good. The parts of Jonathan Silsbie by Miss Hastings and Lenhor Pedro Oliveira Y' Duarez by Miss Cobb were especially fine. Mary Lynch also staid tonight with Us. I got some oranges thes P.M. and we ate one each just before we went to bed, sat and talked until nearly 11:00 P.M. Sun. Mch. 19. Had no Bible class. At church had and extremely beautiful solo by Miss Perkins, an old girl who was here last night also & sang between acts at Hall play. Rev. Smythe of Hew Haven preached a very interesting sermon. Text was Heb. 11-13. I. Introduction (Greeting from Afar.) II. Greeting promises. 1. From near. 2. From afar. (Ex. polititian and statesman. Light of near Dec. light prevents seeing stars above.) III. Aspiration. 1. 2. IV. Faith. 1. What is it? 2. Effects. V. Conclusion. The chapel was prettily decorated with evergreens, potted daisies, and Easter Lillies. Thu. Mch. 23. Last recitation before vacation as College closes tomorrow at 3rd hr. Grace goes tomorrow. Mary Lynch is still staying with us nights. Fri. Mch. 24. Went to the depot with Grace and to town with Belle in the P.M. We went to a little art store down town where they had quite a few casts, some very pretty. Mary Lynch is to stay with me nights. We took a long cut to read. Sat. Mch. 25. Belle Freeman has gone to Albany to meet Mr. Miller who is to stay with her this week. Sun. Mch. 26. Went with Helen Peckham, Miss Henderson, Ernist Bush, Barnes, Dillow and an other girl to the Quaker church in the city. Had a very good talk by a man who looked very much like Mr. Burris. Walked home and it was very muddy. Mary staid in the room all day with a badly swollen face, caused by "La Freckla". Mon. Mch. 27. Went with Belle & Mr. M. to the Museum and Hall of Casts in the A.M. Read & wrote two letters in the P.M. Miss Pierce was up in the evening. Miss Foster called. Mary and I made fudges. They were good. Went down and took Belle a cup of cocoa after she was in bed and asleep. Tue. Mch. 28. Took a short walk in the morning, painted some sweet peas on a slate in the afternoon, then called on Miss Odell. IN the evening Mary, Miss Pierce and I made molasses candy and made a candle shade of pink paper for Mary. Wed. Mch. 29. Got a letter from Grace this A.M. Finished my white shawl. Had worn it before. Spent the evening with Miss Pierce & Mary L.in Mary's room and took quite a long walk. Did Art Hist. in the P.M. Thu. Mch. 30. Mended during the forenoon. Went to Room J a little while in the evening. Miss McCampbell called with some peppermint candy in the evening as I finished washing my hair. She was alone in her room & so staid quite a long time. I made fudges afterward. Belle went to the theatre with Mr. M. Came up and staid all night with me. Did not get here until about 11:00. I had made fudges earlier in the evening. Fri. Mch. 31. Went to town in the afternoon. Walked both ways. Read some. Miss Pierce came up in the evening and staid a long time. Belle staid all night with me as Mary is still in town. Sat. Apr. 1. Wrote some letters, one to Dr. Ball. Mary L. came in from town this A.M. but is going back. Miss Pierce & I spent most of the afternoon in her room with her. In the evening I made orange taffy and fudges. Lucy Pierce came up after ten O'clock. Belle staid all night with me. Sun. Apr. 2. Went to the Baptist church. Met Nell Higman just after I started and walked in and out with her. Prof. Braeq preached. He preached an excellent Easter resurrection sermon. His text was Math. 28-7. I. Introduction. II. Effect of Resurrection. 1. In Art. 2. In Poetry. 3. In History. III. The Resurrection. 1. Triumph of Good over Evil. 2. The Apostles always preached the resurrection. 3. A proof of our resurrection. IV. Conclusion. In the evening went to the Reading Room where Miss Foster asked me to go to the service in the Lecture Room with her. After that I went to her room and staid until nearly 9:30. Belle staid all night with me. Mon. Apr. 3. As I was waiting for the mail Nell Higman asked me if I did not want to take a tramp and as I did, Miss Henry, Nellie and I started at about 9:15. We walked to the ferry (about 3 mi.) took the ferry across the river, then went by a winding, round about road to Highland Station (about 2 mi.) then started to West Park. We walked about four miles then took a short, steep path to the river and came by the R.R. track to the ferry. Then we took the ferry to P., took the car to Arlington and walked out to the college. We walked between 12 and 14 miles. Got to the college just in time to take a bath before dinner. In Highland we bought some crackers and cheese for our lunch & asked the clerk in the store how far it was to W.Park. He told us 4 mi. A little farther on we asked a boy and he told us 4 mi. or 4 1/2. One or two women told us 3 mi. or 3 to 4. At last it grew to 4 or 5 and we knew we had walked 4 miles from Highland. Mary Lynch said she had been up 7 or 8 times for me during the day without finding me. I went to her room about 8:00 o'clock after Belle had finished making fudges in my room for Mr. Miller, and staid all night with her. We did not go to bed until about 11:00 P.M. Lucy Pierce was in, in the evening & staid until almost that time. Tue. Apr. 4. Mary did not get up to breakfast but I did. The girls said Nell was very tired & Miss Henry said she was, but I do not feel badly at all. Walked to town and back in the afternoon. Grace came on the 4:00 o'clock train. Had a tood time, she says. Wed. Apr. 5. At work again. I only have Latin on Wednesdays and as Miss Green has not returned we had a cut in that. Had only Gyms. in all day. Nell Higman and I went nearby to Cedar Ridge just before lunch. Late to lunch in consequence. New library opened today for the first. Thu. Apr. 6. Another cut in Latin but a lesson to prepare. Mrs. Kendrick had the prayer-meeting, subject "Love". Fri. Apr. 7. Belle, Grace and I went together to hear Paderewski. Our seats were not together. I sat near Miss Young. I never appreciated music so much before. It was grand. I never thought there was so much music in a piano. I can see now what is meant by a musician's interpreting the feeling of the composer. Paderewski seems to me, when compared with the others I have heard, like an excellent elocutionist compared with a stumbling reader in a reading class in a country school. He responded to several encores. I am so glad to have heard him. This year, and indeed my whole life, seems full of blessings. Sat. Apr. 8. Studied most of the day without accomplishing as much as I ought. Had a snow storm last night and several thunderstorms today. Weather quite warm in the P.M. In the evening went down to get the German from Miss Phinney and stayed a long time. Then copied it, took my book down to Annie Brown and staid there until 9:35. When I returned Grace was in bed. Sun. Apr. 9. Had an excellent sermon today by of Atlanta, Ga. His text was Col. 2-9, 10. I. Intro. 1. Animals & vegetables form equation with their constituents. 2. Man does not. II. Completion of Man. 1. Christ an atmosphere. 2. Christ vs. Religion. 3. Christ solves of all problems. 4. Christ all in all. 5. We never outgrow Christ. III. Conclusion. (I omitted to describe Paderewski in the proper place and will do so here. He is a trifle above medium height, rather slender, has a slight, brown mustache and long auburn (almost red) hair. His hands are very small for a man and fairly fly over the keys. His manner is not at all affected. He plays entirely without notes, and seems to forget himself while playing. He responded very kindly to encores, but seemed bored by applause. I have heard that he was married when quite young but soon lost his wife, and is now engaged to a young girl who has not yet come out in society.) Belle and I took a walk after dinner. Went up on Sunset Hill and sat down on the bench there. We each told the story of our life as we might imagine it to be. Mon. Apr. 10. Had my second physical exam. Have gained in everything, especially chest expansion and strength of legs. Wed. Apr. 12. Had an illustrated art lecture on the galleries of Europe. Went with Grace and Mary Lynch. Fri. Apr. 14. My birthday. Twenty-three today. It does not seem possible. Got a letter from home stating a box was on the way. Got the box in the afternoon. It contained a very pretty dress of printed muslin from Edna and mother and some cake and cookies. I also received a lovely bunch of carnations from Grace. After chapel I had Mary Lynch and Belle Freeman come up and Florence Foster came in and we had a cup of cocoa and some cake. All thought it delicious cake. Belle, Grace, Miss Foster and I attended a concert together. It was a recital by Prof. Bowman and Mr. Sauvage. The organ music by Prof. Bowman was grand and the vocal music by Mr. Sauvage was excellent too. His son played his accompaniments. Took Miss Henderson some cake when I returned her spoons which I had borrowed. Sat. Apr. 15. It rains. Studied in A.M. Went to town with Belle in the P.M. It rained part of the time we were in town. Studied in Belle's room until 9:15 in the evening. Then came up & made fudges. Mary L. was up. Sun. Apr. 16. Heard Rev. Mr. Beckwith of , Maine, preach this morning. Text was John I. I. Introduction. Character of Peter. 1. Before he became a "man of rock". 2. After he became a "man of rock". II. Change of name & change in character. 1. In several Bible characters. 2. Possible in all characters. 3. Christ sees good in all warrant change. 4. To see faults necessary to effect change. 5. Change possible by the power of God. III. Exhortation to change by the help of that power. Tue. Apr. 18. Belle and I walked to town & back last hour in the afternoon. Late to dinner. Wed. Apr. 19. Belle and I again walked to town and back in the afternoon. Thu. Apr. 20. Attended prayer-meeting with Grace. Miss Jones talked on Robert Moffat & his work in S. Africa. Fri. Apr. 21. No more Gyms. Hurrah for Ex. out of doors. Sat. Apr. 22. Nellie Higman and I started a little after nine o'clock for flowers. We had a lunch which the housekeeper of the Strong, "Mrs. Barbour", gave Nell. We took the ferry to Highland and then walked about two miles, perhaps more, up the track, climbing the hills for flowers. We found hepatica, blood-root and a great deal of Dutch-man's breeches. Got back to the ferry at 2:15 and walked from the city home, taking the car from the ferry up into the city. Had a lovely time. After dinner took Miss Underhill some flowers & stayed until chapel time. Miss Learned, who is a member of Beta, could not go to the social meeting tonight so asked Grace to go in her place & take Belle and me. We enjoyed it, though I was never in such a crowd in my life. The play was "The Blue & the Crimson", composed by Miss E.K. Adams. It is a college play and very good. Sun. Apr. 23. Had Dr. Riggs first Bible Lecture. It was very good. Dr. Riggs is from Auburn Theological Seminary. It was on John XIV. He is fine. The sermon was by Dr. Gregg of Brooklyn. It was on the differences of position in Heaven. The text was I. Cor. 3. 14-15. He holds that there is a difference, not in social position exactly, but in capability of enjoyment, and in the brightness of the crowns of the saints, that while eternal life is the gift of Christ, by faith in Him and by grace, that the reward will be porportional to the goodness of the person while on earth. He reasons from analogy and from the scriptures. While I agree with him in the main, I do not believe, as he seemed to, that we should strive for reward. A Japanese, Mr. Narusee [(?) am not sure about the spelling, that is how it sounds] spoke to us this evening at 7:30, on the Progress of Christianity in Japan. He gave a very interesting talk. Wed. Apr. 26. Between dinner and chapel Mrs. J. Wells Champney, whose daughter is in the Freshman class, addressed the students on the subject of the Messiah Home in New York. Mrs. Champney is quite a prominent writer and her husband is an artist. She spoke of the origin of the work, it being stated by the girls of a S.S. class in Dr. Crozier's church (the church of the Messiah) who wished to do something to help the children. They made fancy articles and held a fair at which they made $600. They then made their mothers directors of a day nursery, which was not a success because it was not what was needed in that part of the city. Out of this grew the home for children whose mothers had to work and could not care for their children. The mothers now pay $1.00 per week for their children's board, the board really costing about $3.25. There are 34 children in the home and over 100 applicants. The directors desire to enlarge accomodations. At 8:00 o'clock I attended a spread given by Miss Gallaher in Miss Scott's parlor. Misses Scott, Moore, Albright, Ethridge, Thornton, Perley, Bainbridge, Latham, Jarnagin, Strait (Specials) & Miss Cobb, (senior) were there. We had a conversation party, then (Smith's) ice cream & fancy cakes were served, and we had to depart soon after, having spent a delightful evening. Thu. Apr. 27. Got up at 4:45 A.M., dressed and went down for breakfast at 5:25. Had to wait so long for a maid that had no time to eat. Swallowed a cup of coffee & a few mouthsful & started. Were to have started at 5:45 but it was after 6:00 when we left the college. The steamer (Mary Powell) was late, so we were in time. Of course it rained and was cold. Enjoyed the scenery going down very much. It is grand. Sat on the after deck most of the time. Was with Miss Henderson, Smith, Wood and some other girls. Mr. McLean, Miss Henderson's friend, was on board and with us most of the time. We landed at Newburg and West Point, going down. Arrived at the dock at 125th St. New York about noon, I think. Stayed there until about three, after the Pres. passed up the river, when we went down to 22nd St. thus passing the whole length of the fleet. There a great many landed so the boat was not so crowded after that. Then we passed the whole fleet again on the other side, and on back to the college. It stopped raining a little after noon but was not very clear. The ships were all grand and terrible. We saw some ocean steamers at their docks as we passed down. The river was full of boats of every description and the shore was lined with people, especially where there was a little hill, there would be a sea of heads as far as the top. The three Spanish caravels made in imitation of Columbus' ships were very interesting. They were an exact imitation of the Columbian ships except for oars & the ships were painted to look as if there were oars. The British ships, especially the Blake excited much interest, as did the French, one of which had an ugly looking beak on the brow. The Brazilian ships were fine. The French were painted black, most of the others white. Our own "White Squadron " was not inferior to the others. A small white vessel which was low in the water and had terrets fore and aft, was very interesting. Ten nations were represented. The sailors of the Sea Adler and the Kaiserin Augusta two German ships cheered enthusiastically as the boats passed. We did not get back to the college until about 9:00 P.M. Were very tired but so glad we went. Fri. Apr. 28. Founder's. Studied most all day. Attended the lecture in the evening with Miss Peckham, Grace and Miss Foster. The lecture was by Helen Davies Brown a former student and a graduate. The subject was Geo. William Curtis and the lecture excellent. After the lecture we went to Art Hall where the Hall of Casts & museum were beautifully decorated and a promenade concert took place. Lemonade was served at stands in the museum and tea, coffee, biscuits and salad, cakes and ice cream in the Hall of Casts (North room). The rooms were beautiful and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Ed. Lewis was there, a guest of Miss Pellet, but I did not meet him. Grace looked beautiful in her new dress. Sat. Apr. 27. Studied & copied Paleon most of the day. Went rowing in the P.M. Boats put out yesterday for the first. Sun. Apr. 30. Bible lecture as usual. Dr. Riggs is fine. Enjoy them so much. Sermon (Episcopal service) by Rev. Joseph Blanchard, Rector of St. James, Philadelphia. Text was "Lord, I believe. Help thou mine unblief". Mark IX - 24. I. Introduction. II. Struggle between faith and doubt. 1. In the world. 2. In the heart. III. Effect of the Struggle. (Great benefit of struggle from doubt to faith) IV. Conclusion. (There is ground for faith) It was an excellent sermon. Tue. May 2. Am elected at Keuka. Am very glad. Thu. May 4. We dissected lobsters in Paleontology. It was very interesting. Fri. May 5. Went to an Art Lecture by Prof. Van Ingen. It was on Gothe's architecture. Had one also on Wednesday evening on Renaissance architecture. After lecture called on Misses Scott, Odell, & Sill, but Miss Sill was the only one in. Sat. May 6. After chapel called on Miss Galaher but she was engaged. Made fudges, good. Sun. May 7. Had Bible Lecture as usual. Dr. Biggs is fine. No services in college. Did not go to town. Neither did Grace. Wed. May 10. Art Lecture on "Master Pieces". Very good. Prof. Van Ingen's last this year. Sat. May 13. The class in Paleontology was to gave gone to Rondout on the excursion for fossils today but it rained all day so did not go. Annie Brown is ill. Stayed most of the P.M. with her. Belle was taken sick at dinner. I spent most in the evening. Read some from Walt Whitman to her. She was prejudiced against him, so I did not tell her the author until after she had comfessed she liked him. Made fudges afterward. There were excellent. Sun. May 14. No Bible Lecture this A.M. Dr. Riggs could not be here. Am sorry. Sermon by Rev. Bruce, a M.E. clergyman of New York city. His text was Gal. 2-1. I. Introduction. 1. Christ has a work for each of us. 2. Fusion of work and self. II. Personality. 1. Influence of. 2. Use of. 3. Result of. a. Self prominence. b. Self suppression. 4. Union of self-prominence and self-suppression necessary. a. To true charity. b. To true living. 5. Christ possessed this union. III. Conclusion. Exhortation to unite these qualities. Had an excellent talk by Miss Butler of Yonkers on the Yonkers Institute. It was very interesting. Sat. May 20. Have been out twice this week to ride with Annie Brown on her wheel. Rode quite a way alone. Have rowed quite a little too. This afternoon Grace, Florence Foster and I started, after I had attended part of the May concert, (which, bythe- way, was good but quite long) for College hill. We went first to town where I got a College pin, then went to Smith's for ice-cream, then to the hill. The view from the top of the hill is beautiful. The R.R. bridge can be seen plainly and the mountains around are beautiful, especially those across the river. The building on College hill is in Grecian style, mainly. It has Doric pillars. Returned too late for dinner. I cut chapel. Felt a little tired and it was so warm. Sun. May 21. Had Bible Lecture. I like Dr. Riggs more and more every time I hear him. The sermon was by Rev. Robinson, ex- President of Brown University, now Prof. of Ethics, Chicago Univ. The class in Ethics here uses his text-book. He is a fine old man, bald, with a fringe of white hair and a few white burnsides. Quite tall and slender. Hist text was Math. 1354, 57. The sermon was quite good. Last night the Sopho. had their tree ceremonies in the Gym. All was kept secret before. They paraded from the south over to the gym. dressed in white, some of them to represent ghosts. "There was levity by night". Wed. May 24. Walked to town and back this morning. A cool, lovely morning. Fri. May 26. The Greek play at last! Belle Freeman and I went together as Miss Foster has invited Grace to go with her. Prof. Leach asked the girls to wear evening dress and remove their hats. Although it rained some a great many of the girls did, so the Opera House looked very pretty. The programs were printed in red, with the seal of the college, and tied with red ribbons. They were printed in Greek. The play was grand. The music was by members of Seidl's Orchestra. Miss Bartlet as Creon, and Miss Slade as Antigone were the stars. They were fine. The costumes were as nearly like the original Greek as could be made after the most research. The expenses of the play were about $2000. It was a success in every way. The papers are full of it. I am so glad I attended. It is part of an education. Although it was given in Greek (for the first time in this country) the acting and intonation was so good that I could follow it, having read the play before in English. Sat. May 27. Belle's sister, Mary Freeman, is here for the forenoon and she, Belle, and I went over to the Gym. and had a good swim. Of course, as it was very first attempt, I could do but little swimming, but I gained confidence and can take a few strokes alone. Sun. May 28. Our last Bible lecture by Dr. Riggs. I am so sorry. I like him so much. The sermon was by Rev. Ludlow of Arlington, New Jersey. It was an excellent sermon on the power and education of the will. Fri. June 2. Recitations over for the year. I do not know whether to be glad or sorry. The year has passed very quickly and pleasantly. It is probably the pleasantest year I shall ever know. I hope I shall do better service for it. Sat. June 3. Went bathing in the swimming tank with Belle in the morning. Studied Paleontology. Grace and I went out on the lake and studied Art Hist. part of the afternoon. In the evening I attended the senior "Side Show" in Philaleathean Hall and afterward the auction down stairs in the Gym. Sat near Miss Beers and she asked me to go to the cafe on 3rd and have ice cream with her afterward. Sun. June 4. Neither Grace or I went to town to church. As it is my last Sunday with Grace I want to see as much of her as possible. Grace, Belle and I read "Beggars All" by Dougall all the morning aloud. No Bible lecture. Read again in the afternoon, then grace and I sang and talked after dinner. Grace sat with me in chapel. We staid to prayer meeting. Prof. Dwight lead. Mon June 5. Exam. in Latin. Not very hard, fair. Tue. June. 6. Exam. in Paleontology in the afternoon at the Geo. Lab. Miss Foster asked Grace and me down to her room between diner and chapel to eat stawberries. We had a very pleasant time. Wed. June 7. Exams in English and Art History. Grace goes tomorrow night. She has been packing tonight. Thu. June 8. Grace went on the 8:05 train tonight. How I hated to have her go, knowing that we will never meet again as we have, never be together as we have been this year. I never can find a friend I shall care for as I do for Grace. How I would like to come back next year. I am afraid I should be a little jealous to have her rooming with someone else. Florence Foster and I went to the lodge & there she met some other girls who were going and they took a carriage to the depot. She expected to take a car, but it did not come and the carriage did. I went to chapel afterward. Dr. Taylor presided and gave us such a good talk. I felt quite mournful & sad to think I was not coming back. I came upstairs and found Grace's trunk keys. I wrote to her and sent them. Fri. June 9. German exam. was long but fair. Was invited over to the Hall to Miss Mitchell's room to a spread at 8:30 P.M. Took my n.g. and staid all night. Had a very pleasant time. Misses Henderson, Wood, Agne, Bush, Brown, Delaney, Peckham, Cornell, Dello, Mitchell (of course), Smith & I were there. Helen Peckham, Miss Cornell, Carrie Brown & Marion Mitchell gave the spread. We had strawberries & cream, cakes & candies for refreshments. Misses Wood, Delaney & I had a parlor together for the night. I am forgetting. I went with Belle Freeman to the depot. She went very early. Annie Brown had not succeededin getting the train she wanted and was still at the depot, so I saw her again. Waited some time for Belle, then came back and ordered some Greek play pictures at Vail's. Sat. June 10. Went with Miss Beers, '94, to Smith's for dinner. There we met her friend Mr. Halff and Mr. Martin. I should have felt guilty if Miss Beers had not been a junior & an old girl & so a fit chaperone. Had a lovely dinner then went for a row on the Hudson. The river was beautiful. Mr. Martin and I rowed first then Miss Beers and Mr. Halff. Miss Beers and I could both row better than the gentlemen. Mr. Halff blistered his hands badly. Miss Beers and I were each presented with a pound box of chocolates. They are excellent. Got back to the college at 8:45 P.M. about. Was very tired, but had had a good time. Miss Beers, Miss Henderson, Miss Kirschner, & Helen were in my room the rest of the evening. Helen staid all night with me. Next Saturday I will be home. How good it seems. Sun. June 11. Helen did not get up to breakfast. Tried to make up the sleep I made her lose by getting up Sat. morning at 5:05, thinking it was 7:05 and going down to her room. I brought her some breakfast. The Baccelaureate sermon was by Pres. Taylor. The text was Luke 13-20, 21. It was a fine sermon. He spoke of the unrest, seeking for self-glorification and tendency toward organization of the present hour in contrast to Christ's more personal and self-forgetful methods of spreading the truth, introducing it like [learn] in the lump & leaving it to [learn] the whole lump. In the evening we had an Organ Recital. I called on Miss Foster and Miss Underhill before supper. Mon. June 11. Helen, Miss Brown and I had a Kodak taken in a boat in the morning. Then I packed and sent my box by freight. In the afternoon Helen and I went to town. Had some ice cream at Smith's for the last time. Attended the commencement concert in the evening with Misses Smith, Foster and Beers. Miss Beers and I made fudges after the concert. Tue. June 12. Class day. The exercises took place in the afternoon. Sophomores & Freshmen sat in the gallery, Juniors and Seniors down stairs. As the classes formed the Sophs were given small silver pencils by the seniors and the Freshmen slates, pencils & sponges. On the slates in gold letters was the following, A Problem given X = 96 (X + 3Yrs) g > 93a + 94b + 95c to find value of z As no place was reserved for the specials, I went with the freshmen and secured one of the slates. The girls senior class wore beautiful dresses. The exercises consisted of music, an address of welcome by Miss Cutting president of '93, and the class history. This latter included the singing of many songs by the class. Then the procession of classes in their order went to the class tree near the door of the north wing. A matting was spread from the door of the south wing to the tree and a platform built at the tree. The exercises then consisted of the presentation of the spade by the seniors & its acceptance by the juniors and the burial of the class records. I stayed at the Strong to supper with Helen Peckham. Wed. June 13. Commencemewnt day. Exercises at 10:00 A.M. Sat in gallery with Helen Peckham. The procession consisting of Marshall, President in cap & gown & Pres. of Trustees, Faculty, teachers, alumni, Marshall '93 looked very pretty. The girls of '93 were in simple white muslins. The exercises consisted of music, essays, presentation of diplomas by Prexie. Thu. June 14. Got up early and took the 5:45 car. Started from Poughkeepsie at 7:00 A.M. Got in Albany about 9:20. Prof. Ellis met me a the depot and took me first to the capital. We spent some time there & I enjoyed it very much. Saw the sword which LaFayette presented to Washington, the original Emancipation Proclamation, and the papers found in Maj. Andre's boots. Went to Mrs. Ellis'. They have a very pleasant home on Elm St. next door but [...] to the [Governor's] mansion. Stayed until 2:35 P.M. & went on to Syracuse. Helen Peckham & Mrs. & Miss Henderson were on the train & went as far as Utica with me. Cousin Nell met me at the depot. Had a very pleasant time at her house. She wanted me to saty over until Monday. Met Mr. Van Vechton, formerly of Elmira, there. Was very much surprised to see him. He boards next door to Nellie's St. Sat. June 16. Started for home at 9:10 A.M. Saw Charlie Fisher & Prof. Woodland at Canandaigua depot. Got home at 3:00. Sun. June 17. Went to Ch. & S.S. Had to teach a S.S. class & lead Y.P.S.C.E. Thad Henderson [N.]B. is home. Tue. July 11. Went to Elmira Saturday the 24th. Was sorry I did not go Friday as it was the closing day of School no. 4 and I could have seen the teachers and scholars. Went to the photograph gallery in the afternoon with Emma & the children, Ora & Mrs. Newman. Emma & the children had their pictures together. Sunday went to church and S.S. also Junior, A.C.F. and church in the evening. Saw a great many peple I knew. Mr. Denney asked Miss Bishop and I to take charge of the Junior meeting and when we refused, made the announcement that we would. We did go, but did not take charge as we used. I was asked to read the lesson and did so. Mr. Denney called upon both of us for speeches. I said a few words but Miss B. said she made her speech when she first came back. Monday morning June 26 Lute called for a little while and stopped, again, in the evening. Monday afternoon Emma and I went down to the Westside St. R.R. took a car and rode to the Industrial grounds. Before we got there it was raining in torrents and [...] me in and open car. Just after we started back we had to transfer to a closed car, Emma dropped her handkerchief into a mud puddle, and we both got our feet wet. By the time we got back to Water St. the sun was shining again as brightly as ever. We did some shopping, had some ice-cream and started to walk back. When we had about reached Freedman's Market it commenced to rain again and we took shelter under his awning. After a time we took a car and reached home wet as rats. Tuesday P.M. went down to uncle Charles. Stayed to supper. Tuesday evening Lute called and spent the evening. He tried to get some ice-cream but failed, so got candy, oranges and bananas. Wednesday evening went to prayer-meeting. Spent most of the day at Ora's. Mr. & Mrs. Carey were baptized after prayer meeting. Thursday afternoon Ora & I went over to Mrs. Vernoy's and stayed to supper. John came over to supper. Lute spent the evening with Emma and I. Friday went to the Church & S.S. picnic. Had a very pleasant time. Intended going to Hattie Crane's on the 7:00 o'clock motor but did not. Came home Saturday. Sunday had to teach a S.S. class. Mr. Streett preached in the evening at Pres. Ch. Union services. Tuesday, July 4th Lute spent the day here. We went through the glen in the afternoon. Lute went home at 12:02. Thursday evening went to prayer meeting with mother. Sunday went to church and S.S., C.E. and ch. in the evening. Services in the evening were at the M.E. ch. Mr. Kellogg preached. Monday mother went to Elmira on the 3:00 P.M. train. After that Edna & I went rowing in the canal in Frank James' boat. July 13. Yesterday morning at 8:25 Edna and I started for Watkins. Stopped on our way at the P.O. and I got a check for $25 from Dr. Patterson. Got to Watkins Court House at 9:10. Spent the day at Aunt Hat's. Inez was there, & Carrie too. Started back at 7:00 P.M. and got here at 7:45. Walked. Had a very pleasant day. Have baked bread & cleaned the floor today, & hemmed Edna's white dress, skirt. It is very warm. Fri. July 24. Emma, Ora and the children came down on the eleven o'clock train. Edna went down to Lutie's on the same train. Father went down the lake with her, because she did not feel very well and had a large satchel to carry. It was well he did for the boat did not stop at Dey's Landing and he had to say all he could to get them to. They finally did and Lutie was there to meet Edna. Father walked back from Watkins. In the evening, yesterday Ora, Emma and I went down the canal for a row. Had a lovely time. Edna and I were down Wednesday night and found the boat full of water which had rained in. Mr. Jones baled it out for us and locked up the boat for us again when we came back. Tuesday I went to Watkins on the 6:27 train & came back on the 8:00 in the evening to get some graining color for father. Went up to aunt Hat's for a few minutes. Today Emma, Ora and mother have gone to Watkins on the 11:00 A.M. train & will come back at 8:00, leaving the children with me. This afternoon I took them up on the hill for a little while. Fri. July 28. Delia come at 3:00 P.M. & stayed until morning. Sat. July 29. Emma & the children went home to Elmira today. Sun. July 30. Had to give a short talk on Geography of Greece illustrated by map. Thu. Aug. 3. Am going to Horsehead & Elmira at 9:00 A.M. Sun. Aug. 13. Went to Horseheads the 2nd at 9:00. Hattie Craver met me at the depot and we went to her house. In the evening went down town. Hattie had the tooth ache badly all the evening. The next day, Friday, I took the car in the afternoon for Elmira. When I got there I found Emma was to go to Elgin Saturday morning if she heard from John. She & I went down town and I did a little shopping. She got a telegram from John about 7:00 A.M., telling her to come and she had to pack her trunk and get ready to go. John and I were pulling on her trunk-strap to get it tighter when it broke and it took John until nearly twelve o'clock to fix it. I made fudges earlier in the evening. (Aug. 5) We got up at 4:00 A.M. Saturday morning and went to the depot with Emma. John Vernoy and I went and Ora went back to bed. Emma started at 5:40. In the aforenoon Ora and I went down town and did some shopping. In the afternoon we laid down & Ora did not get up until 5:00 o'clock. In the evening Lute came in and we made fudges. He is working in Corning & came home for Sunday. The fudges were better than those the night before. (Aug. 6.) Ora invited Lute to dinner Sunday. He came and in the afternoon invited me to take a drive. Had a very pleasant time. Taught Mr. Stuart's S.S. class in the morning. Lute came home from church with us in the evening & sat on the porch a little while. (Aug. 7.) Ora and I went over to Mrs. Vernoy's to dinner. After dinner I went down to Uncle Charlie's a few minutes, then took the 5:50 train home. Ora went to the depot with me. (Aug. 10.) Went down to Keuka to Association (Young People's Day) and Assembly. Was elected Secretary of Young People's Association. In the evening read a paper on the "Arms of the Junior Work". Mrs. Thompson invited me to stay with her while there and I did so, enjoying myself very much. The next morning at 8:00 o'clock I attended a meeting of the Execution Board in Dr. Ball's room. The exercises of the day were very good. The services in the morning were conducted by Rev. Dixon of Brooklyn & in the afternoon was a speech by Col. L.F. Copeland on "Seeing the Elephant". I came away on the 6:00 o'clock boat. Rev. & Mrs. Denny came at the same time. They also went at the same time I did. Aug. 17. Gave Mina Maderis her fourth, and Edna her second lesson in painting. Went to Watkins Monday and took a lesson in painting of Mrs. Hughey. The Saturday before started to walk down to see her in the morning. Got a ride with Mr. Hamilton. Coming back rode with Henry Jackson & got home before nine o'clock. Fri. Aug. 25. Edna went to Elmira yesterday. Lute came on the 6:27 P.M. train tonight and went home at 12:03. Mon. Aug. 28. Edna came home at 6:00 o'clock. Fri. Sept. 1. Got my books & lamp packed and sent to Keuka. Mattie Slauson came last night. She & Edna have gone to Watkins today. Mon. Sept. 4. Started on the 6:38 train for Keuka. Mr. Richardson met me in Penn Yan and we soon started for the College. Arrived there, but found my room not in proper condition to move in yet. Decided to take a 3rd floor room because it was larger and had two windows. Went over to Mrs. Thompson's and stayed to dinner. Unpacked and settled all the afternoon. After supper walked with the Misses Ball, went to their room where we had teacher's meeting later. They were kind to me. Tue. Sept. 5. Had chapel at 9:00 A.M. The day is taken up in registering, so I settled all the forenoon, attended teacher's meeting at 1:00 P.M. and started for Penn Yan on the 2:00 o'clock stage. Went to see Helen & Mrs. Goldsmith and did my shopping. Came back just in time to get some supper. Then went to Mrs. Thopmson's and she and I went in bathing. Had a very pleasant time. Fri. Sept. 8. Work is very pleasant and the week has passed very quickly. I have Elementary English, U.S. History, Geography, Spelling and Penmanship. Went to Penn Yan with Prof. Spooner, stayed at Helen's until the 7:05 train and went home. Sat. Sept. 9. Canned tomatoes, helped do up plums, ate fruit, went down to Aunt Catharine's. Sun. Sept. 10. Went to Church & S.S. In the evening read a paper at the 6th anniversary of the founding of our C.E. Society. Mon. Sept. 11. Came to Pann Yan on the 6:38 train. Train 1/2 hour late at Havana. Prof. Spooner came to the Knapp house for me and I rode with him to the college. Mrs. Marsh called again this P.M. for her matting. Brought me a beautiful bunch of geraniums. I gave the Misses Ball some of the peaches I brought from home. Wed. Sept. 13. Went with the Misses Ball for a walk at 4:00 o'clock. We walked as far as Mrs. Merritt's (she is one of the college trustees) and called on her. She is a very pleasant, motherly, woman, and gave us some peaches when we came away. Thu. Sept. 14. Attended a reception this evening given to the students. Had quite a pleasant time. Sat. Sept. 16. Went to Penn Yan on the eleven o'clock boat. Did a little shopping and came back at half past one. The Misses Ball took that boat up the lake to visit friends at Pultney. Took the 3:30 P.M. boat and went up as far as Crosby's and came back on the Mary Belle at 6:00 P.M. It was cold and rainy coming back, but I enjoyed it quite well. Sun. Sept. 17. Went to church. Mr. Taylor, who is supplying the pulpit in Dr. Ball's absence, preached. The services were nearly an hour and a half long. Neglected to say that Thursday, as the Misses Ball and I started for a walk we met Mr. Richardson, who asked us to take a ride. We had a very pleasant drive, came back and took a row on the lake. After supper took quite a long walk. Tue. Sept. 19. After four o'clock the Misses Ball and I took a delightful row on the lake. After supper we went for a walk, then I went to Mrs. Thompson's for a short time. Thu. Sept. 21. Had a half holiday to allow the students to attend the Penn Yan Fair. In the afternoon I went over to Mrs. Marsh's, to Mrs. Thompson's and rowing in Mrs. Thompson's boat. Miss Stevens went with me, and we went up a little above Scofield's. Had a lovely row. Fri. Sept. 22. After 4:00 o'clock the Misses Ball and I rowed down to Mrs. Merritt's to return a basket. She gave us some excellent grapes. Got back just in time for supper. Sat. Sept. 23. Edna came on the afternoon boat. We took a short row in the evening. Sun. Sept. 24. Went over to Mrs. Thompson's for a walk with Edna. Called on the Misses Ball. Mon. Sept. 25. Edna & I took breakfast at Mrs. Thompson's, as Edna had to start by our breakfast time. She went to Penn Yan with Mr. Inghart. Sat. Sept. 30. Went rowing yesterday afternoon, this forenoon & this afternoon with Miss Ella Ball. Had a very pleasant row. In the P.M. went & got some grapes at Mr. Brewster's & Mrs. Marsh packed a ten pound basket for me to send to Grace. There were 5 different kinds and the basket looked very pretty. Mr. Thompson brought the frame for my screen this P.M. while I was out on the lake. It is very nice. Stayed to tea at Mrs. Marsh's and spent the evening with Miss Ball. Sun. Oct. 1. Dr. Ball is home & preached today. Communion Sunday. In the afternoon Miss Ella Ball and I took some books and went down by the lake in a sunny place and read. Then we took a long walk and did not return until almost time for supper. I lead the A.C.F. meeting. Tue. Oct. 3. Had a faculty meeting and suspended Mande Walker indefinately, Marie for two weeks, and Miss Gardner from certain privileges. At the meeting yesterday Mr. Smith appeared before the faculty and answered charges made against him. He presented his resignation. It was referred to the proper authorities. Fri. Oct. 6. Heard my Physical Geography at 8:00 A.M. and took the one o'clock stage for Penn Yan. Took the 2:07 train and went up to Elmira. Got me a dress and went down to Ora's. Lute was over and we made fudges in the evening. Took Sat. Oct. 7. the early morning train for home. Was at home until Sun. Oct. 8. Sunday morning then took the train for Penn Yan. Walked up from Penn Yan. Got to the college just as they were finishing dinner. Went for a walk in the P.M. with the Misses Ball. Lute gave me "The Prince of India". Thur. Oct. 12. Examinations in Elementary English this P.M. Went for a row as usual afterward. Tue. Oct. 17. Went directly after dinner to Penn Yan to Maggie McMaster's funeral. She was killed in the R.R. accident last Friday, at Jackson, Mich. Drove down with Mrs. Mitchell's horse. Got back a few minutes late for Physical Geography recitation. The class was waiting for me, however. The funeral was held in the Pres. church. It was largely attended. The flowers were lovely. Fri. Oct. 20. Expected mother tonight on the stage but she did not come. Sat. Oct. 21. Mother came at 2:30 P.M. Was very glad to see her. Sun. Oct. 22. Did not go to church. Mother didn't care to. Went to A.C.F. but she did not. Mon. Oct. 23. Mother took the stage this noon for Penn Yan, from there the boat for Aunt mary's. Fri. Oct. 27. Intended to cross the Lake to Aunt Mary's tonight but it was too rainy. Prof. Bean returned. Sat. Oct. 28. Painted some this A.M. The Misses Ball called in the evening, also Miss Effie Jones. Fri. Nov. 3. Took the 1:00 o'clock stage and went home. Met Lutie Yost on the train. She was going to our house. Sun. Nov. 5. Lutie stays over Sunday. It rained yesterday almost all day. Mr. Becker and Mr. Frank Miller called and we went to church with them. Heard of Belle Freeman through Mr. M. Mon. Nov. 6. Took the 6:38 A.M. train for Penn Yan. Rode up to the College with Prof. Spooner. Wed. Nov. 8. Went rowing with Miss Ball last night & tonight. The weather is lovely for November. Fri. Nov. 10. Intended to take the steamer "West Branch" this P.M. for Finton's, but as we were to have an important faculty meeting at 4:00 P.M. decided to wait until later. Frank Bengler rowed me across to Finton's after four o'clock. It was a lovely day, not cold, lake smooth. Uncle Elias had been to the landing for me but went home after the last boat came. I walked up and got there about 6:00 P.M. Aunt Mary had hardly given me up. How I enjoyed my visit! Aunt Mary and Uncle Elias were both lovely, and I had Jersey milk and good things to eat. When I came away Aunt Mary gave me a can of milk, besides the Sat. Nov. 11. gingham for an apron for mother. I had to come back Saturday. Got to the landing (Uncle brought me) and found that maybe the boat wouldn't stop, so Lora, at whose house I stopped, got a boy to row me across the lake to Northrup's where I waited a little while, then took the "Lulu" home. Went to the grocery, got some crackers and had crackers and milk for supper. Fri. Nov. 17. Painted a little this P.M. Took a long walk with Miss Ella Ball. Sat. Nov. 18. Painted in the A.M. Went to Penn Yan in P.M. Got an oil stove. Sun. Nov. 20. Heard Mr. Griffin preach this A.M. Went with fifteen others to the Country House to a meeting this P.M. Myself and nine others rode in Mr. Richardson's stage. Mrs. Milspaugh, father and daughter, the two Smith girls, Aileen Mitchell, Lora March, Mr. Richardson and myself. Mr. R. lead the meeting. Had a good meeting. The view from the hill this side of the country house is fine, since a lake can be seen. Didn't go to A.C.F. this evening. Thu. Nov. 23. Last class exercises of the term today. Class exams. today and tomorrow. Rejents' next week. This evening Myra Smith came to my door and handed me a plate, saying that the girls were having a little supper and wished me to share it. The plate contained bread & butter, salmon, jelly, cream puffs, two kinds of cake, fudges and some canned peaches. I enjoyed it very much. It also contained a card with the names of the four girls, Misses Coleman, Gardiner, Smith and Van Worner. Sat. Nov. 25. Painted owls' heads all the morning. Miss Julia Ball and I went down to Mrs. Merritt's soon after dinner (she sent her carriage for us) and spent the afternoon. We met Mrs. Stuart of Penn Yan. Had a very pleasant time and came back about seven o'clock in the carriage. Had music. Called on Miss Coleman this evening. Wed. Nov. 29. Have had Rejent's all the week. Elementary English today. My classes have all done well. Went home tonight. Rode down to Penn Yan with Prof. Spooner. Thu. Nov. 30. Thanksgiving Went to church in the morning. Our whole family was invited to Col. Clanharty's to dinner to meet Capt. Robert Clanharty and his wife, our Scotch cousins. We all like them very much. He is Captain of the vessel Wray Castle, at present in New York harbor loading with case oil for Shanghai, China. They will not reach there before May. They called at our house. Went back to New York on the 8:00 P.M. train. Sun. Dec. 3. Col. Clanharty and Mary Williams were at our house to dinner today. Wed. Dec. 6. Gave Mina Madieris another painting lesson. Thu. Dec. 7. Went to Elmira on the 3:00 o'clock train. Did a little shopping and went to Ora's. Fri. Dec. 8. Ora and I went down town shopping in the morning and did not get back until after 12:00. In the P.M. went over to the school house. Was glad to see teachers and scholars and they seemed glad to see me. Lute came in in the afternoon and stayed a little while. In the evening we took a sleigh ride. The sleighing was not very good but we had a very pleasant time. Sat. Dec. 9. Came home at 11:00 o'clock. Had the picture of our family taken in the afternoon. Tue. Dec. 12. Took the early train for Penn Yan. Prof. Spooner met me there and took me to the college. Found a great many new students. Wed. Dec. 13. Have about completed the organization of the school. I have classes in Physiology, U.S. History, Physics, Botany and Drawing. We expect a new teacher of English next Saturday, a Miss Myrtle Gray. In the meantime Miss Julia Ball takes the classes. I have changed recitation rooms and have Room C, a front room. Sat. Dec. 16. Our new teacher of English, Miss Gray, came tonight. She seems very pleasant and we hope to like her very much. Sun. Dec. 17. Miss Gray went to church with me, wrote letters in my room after church and in the afternoon Misses Ball, Miss Gray and I walked around the triangle. Miss Julia Ball and Miss G. were in my room in the evening so I did not go to prayer- meeting. Fri. Dec. 22. Went to Penn Yan with Mr. Spooner and did some shopping before train time. Met Mary Goldsmith on the street, she invited me to go home with her and I did so and stayed until train time. Mon. Dec. 25. Mother is sick. Has not felt well since church yesterday. Think she has grippe. I received a very pretty needle book from Alice Carman Saturday, and today Dante's Poems from Edna, some silver fruit knives, a coffee-spoon, a pocket-book from mother and father, a china tea-cup and saucer from Edna, a pen-wiper from Ora, an Elmira souvenir tea spoon from Lute. Tue. Dec. 26. Lute came down on the 3:00 P.M. train and stayed until the 12:00 train. Mother is still sick. Sun. Dec. 31. Edna was taken sick this morning. Mother worse. Mon. Jan. 1, 1894. Edna and mother both better. Father is not very well. Came to Penn Yan at 3:00 o'clock train & to the college in the stage. Found a new principal in Mr. Bean's place, Mr. Gardiner. He seems very pleasant and an excellent man for the place. Thu. Jan. 4. Prof. Spooner has not been here this week on account of sickness. The boys have organized a military company. The weather is quite warm yet. It was so warm on Christmas day that we had the doors open. The Misses Ball went rowing with Miss Gray. over (p.86) Fri. Jan. 19 Had a reception this evening. There were three lady & three gentleman ushers. We had a promenade for which Miss Julia Ball furnished the music, a fancy march lead by Miss Gray and Mr. Stuart, majic music, charades and a general good time. The girls and boys changed partners often enough so that no one was slighted. Some of the boys offered their arms very gracefully, some were very awkward. Miss Gray & I each promenaded quite often. I promenaded with Misses Clancy, Debenham, Watrons (twice), Van Wil Capt. Hodges & Mr. Mersellis. (Jan. 12. Fri.) Quarterly Meeting convened here. Miss Gray & I attended the meeting this evening and I was very much surprised to be seated next to Lute. (Sat. Jan. 13.) Attended the L.M. business meeting this A.M. Had a meeting of the Ladie's Missionary Society in my room at one P.M. Was elected vice President for Keuka Park. Did not attend the afternoon meeting. Had a call (H.) at three o'clock. Attended evening service. It was A.C.F. & not very good. Lute sang very well. The Elmira people left tonight. (Sun. Jan. 14.) Rev. Langworthy preached this A.M. Attended A.C.F. & service in the evening. Mon. Jan. 22. Miss Gray & I went rowing in Mr. Thompson's boat after school this evening. Had a very pleasant time. Thu. Jan. 25. Some of the girls wanted to go to Penn Yan to a Teacher's institute lecture, and, as they could not go alone asked me to go with them. It was quite cold. We started about six o'clock and reached Penn Yan quite early for the lecture. Had to stand outside and wait quite a time for the doors to be opened. The lecture was by Dr. Schmits of Normal school, subject "The Aesthetic Side of Our Nature". Fri. Jan. 26. Attended a reception given by the ladies of the Park to Prof. and Mrs. Gardiner. Went with Miss Gray and we asked Mrs. Potter, the Misses Ball's aunt to go with us. Had refreshments, sandwiches, coffee cake and oranges. It was a bore. Miss Gray skated a few minutes after supper before the reception. Sat. Jan. 27. Miss Gray and I went skating a little while this forenoon and also in the afternoon. In the evening went to the parlor until seven o'clock and called on Mrs. Gardiner afterward. Sun. Jan. 28. Mr. Gardiner preached today. Mon. Jan. 29. Miss Gray and I went skating at 3:15 although it was snowing hard. Got so wet we had to change our clothes completely when we came home. Skated until my ankle was so tired I could hardly stand on it. Tue. Jan. 29. Mrs. Gardiner called about 15 minutes before supper time. Tue. Feb. 20. The military reception took place this evening. The drill was fine, but the remainder of the evening seemed dull. Several Starkey boys were here. Thu. Feb. 22. Went home. Stopped in Penn Yan at Helen's until train time. Washington's birthday was to be celebrated on Friday instead of today so I go tonight. Fri. Feb. 23. Very cold. Sat. Feb. 24. Coldest day of the winter. Thermometer below zero. Sun. Feb. 25. Thermometer 16 degrees below zero this morning. Warmer in the afternoon. Mon. Feb. 26. Came back with Prof. Spooner this morning. Somewhat warmer. In the P.M. went across the lake & skated. Coming back we met Joseph Bullock & Mr. Gilder with an ice-boat. They asked us to ride, & we had a delightful ride. It was quite cold and we went to Mrs. Thompson's to warm afterward. Tue. Feb. 27. Went skating after school. Delightful on other side of lake. Mon. Mch. 12. Miss Ball left on Saturday for Crystal Springs, leaving me in charge of the girls. I received a letter by the afternoon mail telling me that mother had been run over and hurt. Started for home on the 7:00 P.M. train. Tue. Mch. 13. Mother has no bones broken. She was crossing Main St. about 7:00 P.M. on Friday evening when a boy driving Fanton's horse & carriage ran over her. The thill struck her in the left side, throwing her over half way to the next cross-walk. The wheels ran over both legs, cutting clothing and skin but not breaking the bones. Thu. Mch. 22. Lute came down this evening bringing mother a bunch of beautiful carnations. Sat. Mch. 24. Edna and I worked hard all day. Sun. " 25. Easter. Went to church in the A.M. Mother came out and sat at the table in her big chair for dinner. Mon. " 26. Started for K. C. at 6:32 A.M. Met Mr. Spooner at Penn Yan. Classes arranged in the P.M. I have N.Y. Hist., Drawing, Botany, Roman Hist., and possibly U.S. Hist. or Physiology. Fri. Mch. 30. Miss Gray, the Misses Ball and I went to walk about 8:00 P.M. We saw a most beautiful display of Aurora Borealis. It commenced with a light streak in the north west, extending toward the zenith. It spread until the whole heavens were covered. The most beautiful shades of reds were shown as well as the white light. It was beautiful beyond comparison. The zenith seemed the center of the display and streams of light extended in all directions. Sat. Mch. 31. Went to Penn Yan on the stage this A.M. Quite windy. Sun. Apr. 8. When we got up this morning the ground was white with snow. It snowed some Friday and Saturday. The snow soon melted and it was quite comfortably warm in the afternoon. After dinner the Misses Ball, Miss Gray, the Gardiners and I went to the parlor, sang some hymns and talked. Afterward Miss Ella and I toook a walk. Later Miss Julia and Miss Gray joined us. Wed. Apr. 11. It snowed quite a little yesterday, all last night, and all day today so that the snow is quite deep. It was a foot deep this morning. It is not very cold and the snow is quite wet. Dr. Ball told me a few days ago, Sat., I think, that I would be wanted next year so I expect to stay. Thu. Apr. 12. The Misses Ball, Miss Gray and I, beside quite a number of the students went to Penn Yan to "The Old Homestead". The "Urbana" came down the lake about half past seven and we got there about eight o'clock, just before the performance began. It was good, everyone said, there was nothing objectionable, the singing was good, but upon the whole I did not enjoy it so very much. There was little that was elevating. Got back to the college about 11:30 P.M. Fri. Apr. 13. Went home on the 7:15 train. Sat. Apr. 14. My birthday. Edna, mother and father each gave me a very pretty china fruit plate for a birthday present. Twenty-four today. And yet I don't feel any older than I did when I was fourteen. Not so old sometimes. Sun. Apr. 15. Went to church in the morning. Edna and I went to aunt Catharine's in the P.M. Mother seems to improve slowly. She is able to sit up most of the time. Mon. Apr. 16. Came back to college. Had to wait from the 7:00 o'clock train until 10:15 for the stage. Fri. Apr. 20. Went on the 2:00 train to the L.M. at Elmira. Ora and Alice Bishop met me at the train and we did some shopping before going to the house. Did not attend church in the evening. Lute came in and spent the evening. It was a sermon by Dr. Ball. Ora & Allis went. Sat. Apr. 21. Attended church all day. Had dinner at the church. Allis B. and I went down town after the afternoon service. Sun. Apr. 22. Attended church in the A.M. Went with John for a walk before breakfast, and over to his mother's after church. Charles Vernoy came in, in the P.M. and so did Lute. Went with Lute to the 1st Baptist Church in the evening, although it rained. Mon. Apr. 23. Started on the 6:32 A.M. train for K.C. Lute came to the depot with me. Mr. Ward met Mr. Mersellis, Lora Marsh, Mr. Denney and I at Penn Yan. We got here just in time for chapel. I was elected I.M. clerk while at Elmira. Received a book "Phillips Brook's Year Book" as a birthday present from Lute. Sat. Apr. 28. It has rained all day. We have been rowing a great deal this week. The weather had been very pleasant. Sat. May 26. Went over to Aunt Mary Week's. Mr. Thompson, Mrs. Thompson, Miss Hewett, Miss Spencer and I rowed over. Mr. & Mrs. T. and the others went on to Crosby's & I stopped at Finton's & walked up to Aunt Mary's. Delia came up on the afternoon boat, and Vi & her husband came over Sunday, so we had a very pleasant visit. Mr. Thompson come over to Miss Hewett's for Eva, Delia and I. Sunday night Eva rowed back with a boy & girl who were over too, and Mr. T. brought Delia and I. It got quite rough before we got back. Delia stayed until Monday morning & went back on the stage. Sat. June 9. Went to Penn Yan on the afternoon stage and stayed over Sunday with Delia and Helen. The McMaster boys, John and Will, came Sat. eve & stayed until Monday morning. That partly spoiled my visit, but I enjoyed myself very much with Delia. June 7. Received a box of delicious candy from Lute. Sat. June 16. This P.M. Miss Ball, Miss Gray and I went rowing although it was very warm. After supper we went out again, taking some onions and bread & butter and ate them out on the lake. In the evening we all went to the entertainment given by the military company. Sunday June 17. Rev. Mr. Walworth of Penn Yan (Baptist) preached an excellent sermon to the graduating class this morning. Mon. June 18. Miss Julia Ball & I took a row after supper. We crossed the lake & had a lovely time. Went to the Philaleathean society entertainment & later to the reception & banquet. Tue. June 19. Commencement day. Worked hard in the chapel all the A.M. Exercises were very pleasant in P.M. Started at about 6:00 for Penn Yan. Stayed home all the evening. Wed. June 20. Went to commencement at Cook, & later to Alumni 1894 dinner. Prof. Hill's last year. The classes of '94 & '5 gave him in the chapel a bunch & a basket of beautiful roses. At the dinner he was presented with Emerson's complete works & a solid silver berry ladle. He was quite affected. Everyone spoke nicely of Prof. Hill. Thu. June 21. Miss Gray called this A.M. & we went through the glen. She went on the 3:00 P.M. train. Lutie is here. Sat. June 23. Edna & Lutie went to Elmire this A.M. Lute came down & spent the evening. 94 Denison University, Granville, Ohio. 1906 Sept. 12. I hardly thought when I last wrote in this book, that I would ever continue it at all, surely not from this place, but here I am, and here I hope to stay for this year. As I had written an account of my experiences at Vassar I thought it might be interesting some time to be able to look over my college experiences at Denison. I am to teach a class in beginning Algebra in the preparatory department of Shepardson College, take charge of Shepardson Cottage and have all college expenses and the amount to pay for my board on the club plan for these services. I think myself quite fortunate. I have a year's leave of absence from East Liverpool and may go back there next year. Sept. 10. I started from home Monday evening at 8:07. Mrs. Van Duzer and Ed Skinner were at the depot to see me off. So, of course, was mother, but father, as usual, refused to go. I left Elmira at 10:45 P.M. on the Erie. Wanted to get a mileage but found it would be good only to Meadeville, Pa., and I would have to have another from there so got a ticket to Newark, O. paying $11.80. Reached Manchester, O., my first Sept 11. change, at 9:30 A.M. after a hot, dusty night. Had to wait there about an hour, then took the B & O. to Newark, reaching there about 12:30 noon. My trunk was not brought promptly to the St. R.R. station, so I had to wait until the 2:00 o'clock car to come to Granville. Found Miss Barker who brought me over to the club House. My trunk soon came and I unpacked some. Only one girl, Miss Sefton of Pittsburg, was here but Miss North came later. They are room-mates and seem to be very nice girls. Miss Sefton is subdued, Miss North (from Wis.) breezy. Sept. 12. This morning I went to breakfast at Burton Hall, as we did to supper, then went down town for shopping so we could have dinner, then to see Miss Barker and to register. It took me almost all the morning, running from one to the other, to register. We got lunch, Miss Dickerson having been added to our number in the meantime, and the girls washed the dishes. I have to make some more purchases. I am to study Mediaeval History, French, Pshcyology, and German. That will give me 14 hrs. of work per week, which, with my teaching will be enough. Sept. 16. Thursday (13th) registration continued. I visited the Treasurer, etc. Friday I settled my room a little more as my box had arrived by freight, attended classes and kept busy. Was invited by Mrs. Henry Green, who called on me Wednesday with her daughter (Mrs. Wright I think her name is) to supper. Mrs. Green teaches with Frances Rose in Leland University, New Orleans. She is an elderly lady and seemed very pleasant. I liked her very much, and her daughter too. Mr. Green & Mr. Wright (if that is his name) were also very pleasant. Mr. W. is the dentist here. Mrs. Green wanted me to run in and call at any time, and seemed very cordial. Yesterday (15th) I got my curtains up, pictures, and my room in fairly good condition. Shall have to passepartout some more pictures if I have enough. Brought some along for that purpose. Have to make cover for a little stand and bureau as it (the [...]) is and old-fashioned one and has little boxes on the sides so I cannot use my scarf. I didn't say that after I came home from Mrs. Green's I had to attend a faculty meeting at Burton Hill. Had to come home early purposely, although I hated to. Later in the evening the Y.W.C.A. gave a reception in King Hall. It was very pretty. They served punch but the teachers got there too late for that. It was all gone. The room looked very pretty. The girls sang and we left at an early hour. Studied Saturday evening. Hope I have my French lesson. Got past of the psychology. Must get up early and finish that as it was too late to do it last evening. Sept. 16. Today (Sunday) we all went after breakfast to prayers in King Hall, then later to church and Sunday school. I am to be in Dr. Colwell's class in Evidence of Christianity in S.S. That subject appealed to me. Got a letter from Mr. Bamden yesterday in which he spoke of the way things are going in the E.L. church. He thinks he will have to leave unless Dr. Rose's promised visit puts an end to the mischief done by Chas. Brown and Mrs. Malyn. We have six girls in the Club House now. Lily Bell Sefton is from Pittsburg and has taught quite a little. She is older than the other girls but doesn't look it. She has light hair, blue eyes & is very pretty, a very sweet girl. She has been very homesick & nervous and fainted yesterday. Her room mate, Grace Young, is also pretty, a bright, lively girl, a little thoughtless, but seemingly a nice girl. Orza Dickerson is a music special, a very sweet, kind girl, thoughtful and lovable. She was here two years ago. I like her very much. The two Tracy girls are preps, dear little girls, Joy and Jennie. Jennie was homesick, but is getting over it now. Rahme Haider, the sixth one, is a Syrian girl, dark & pretty. She is 2nd yr. prep. and I think intends being a missionary. I like all the girls very much. Attended B.Y.P.U. and church service this evening. Heard an excellent sermon by the pastor, Dr. Baldwin, in which he made prominent the life and work of Aaron. Feb.3. '07 I didn't intend waiting this long to write again, but it seemed to be impossible for me to find time when I ought, so I will go back and write what I think of now. I have a distinct recollection of the first general (Sept.) reception in Drane Gynmasium. It was, I think, the Friday of the second or third week of school. I went with Orza Dickerson. The gymnasium was very prettily decorated and there was a crush there. Orza had to leave to go down to the Conservatory at the end of an hour to let another girl come up. She introduced me to some whom she knew, in a quick little bird-like way she has, flitting from one to the other, then had to leave. I was alone after she went, a great deal. Served punch a while & was glad to have something to do. At last I found a young boy, a Mr. Means, who seemed as lovely as I was and talked to him the rest of the time until it was time to go. I was not sorry when that time came. Miss Jones, one of the teachers came & talked to us a few minutes before we left. I don't think I ever felt more lonely in my life. Late in September or early in October I had the privilege of listening to a talk in Sherman Hall by Dr. Timpanny, a medical missionary to India. He was fine. His theme seemed to be "A missionary must be an all-around man" and it would do a world of good to the student volunteers. Through the fact that no chaperone was provided, there were none of the girls there. One of the young men introduced himself to me, & Dr. Field did the same. I also met Dr. Timpanny, Dr. Field and Mr. Bamden had spoken of me to him. I enjoyed the talk very much. My class-work was somewhat changed for the first semester by Prof. Goodell advising me to drop Mediaeval History, Sophomore work, and take U.S. History, Junior. I told him I wanted credit for that & he said he would give me some work outside of class & would give me an exam & I could make it up in that way. I did so and he gave me credit, partly on work he gave me and partly on my teaching record. Then Prof. William's told me I could make up the required English & after getting permission of Dr. Hunt & Prof. Spencer to make up the Logic required, the second semester, I found I could graduate this year, which delights me. I have the English about ready to take an exam. in and expect to take one the first of the week. Events have flowed very smoothly this first semester. I have attended the Monday evening Y.W.C.A. meetings part of the time, the Thursday evening church prayer-meeting regularly and the morning church service. I go to Sunday School part of the time, rarely to B.Y.P.U., usually to evening service. During the first month of college I was invited to a reception given the faculty by Dr. & Mrs. Hunt. Sept. 18 (?) I believe it was Tuesday evening, Sept. 18. I went with Miss Barker as I didn't know the way. Had quite a pleasant time. Met Prof. and Mrs. Carney who were at Keuka College after I left. I liked Mrs. Carney very much and found out that she was a very dear friend of Mary Barnes. Shes said she was coming to call on me. Dr. Hunt told me that he had called the attention of the faculty in a meeting they had held the evening before to an outline he had had me put on the board in Psychology. He said it was well arranged and substantially correct and showed a trained mind. I felt better for his words. I am taking five hours of Psychology with Dr. Hunt, five hours of French with Dr. McKibben, three hours of history (U.S.) with Prof. Goodell and one hour of Methods of Modern Language Teaching with Prof. Willis Chamberlain. Wed. Nov. 28. Had our final exam. in Psychology. It was not hard after Dr. Hunt's review. Nov . 29. Thanksgiving Day. The Club House girls were invited to the dining hall to dinner and we all went except Orza, who was invited out. We enjoyed our dinner very much. After dinner the girls played "Going to Jerusalem" in the Dining Room, then went to Burton Hall and heard Miss Montgomery recite "The Little Strawberry Girl". Then Miss Barker & her niece Juliet, Miss Adams, Misses Walker and Steelman, Rahme Haider and I went for a walk. We walked around a triangle of four miles and came back feeling finely. After Thanksgiving Mrs. Carney called on me and invited me to Sunday dinner. I accepted, of course. Mr. Scheffel, a senior boy, was also there and we got pretty well acquainted. In the afternoon Mr. Lee, a Chinese student, came in. The Carneys had to go to the photograph gallery as Prof. Carney had made arrangements with Mr. Tresize to go before he knew I was coming to dinner & we stayed alone while they were gone. I enjoyed being there very much. Dec. 12. College closed at noon. All but three of us cut Psych. but Dr. Hunt excused us and we were glad we hadn't cut. Miss Alderson, a girl from W.Va. who has recently come to take music, and I started on the 12:30 car for Newark, then took the train to Mansfield. We got there about four o'clock. Her brother was there to meet us in his auto, and took us to his home where we had supper, and I had a pleasant little visit until train time. I took the 7:35 P.M. Erie train east and arrived in Elmira the next morning (Friday) at about eight o'clock. Went over to the city to do a little shopping and met Ora. Joined forces with her & we met Mary, Mrs. Carey, Minnie Vernoy or Nettie(?), Leona & her mother-in-law at different times. Ora went to the station with me, hoping to see Edna & Donald whom I was to meet and go on home with. The train came in, as we thought, but no Edna, so Ora went home. I waited for my train and in a few minutes another Erie train came in & Edna & Donald got off and came into the station. We went on home, getting there about 2:00 P.M. I got my Christmas presents ready and sent them off and helped trim a tree for Donald. We had the parlor darkened and lighted the tree up Christmas morning after breakfast. It looked very pretty. It was quite a large tree. Father got it away up on the hill. Donald looked at it then clapped his hands and danced. he said "O, isn't it pretty?" We all had our presents on it. I got so much, a couple of plaid waists & some aprons from father and mother, cloth for a dress & a colored under skirt from Edna, a five dollar bill from Will, that I am going to get my cap and gown with, a picture of Donald, a very pretty collar from May Dixson, a handkerchief, a [...] & a calendar from Miss Flo., a travellilng bag of denim & rubber from Mary Andrews, a picture from Mary Dunham, a handkerchief bag from Miss Campbell, a Keuka College pennant from Mrs. [Durfee], a beautiful center piece from Mrs. [Durfee], some yoke or collar pins from Mrs. Spaid, a book, "Cranford", from Mrs. Harvey, a very pretty china bonbon dish from Clyde, a booklet from Miss Bushong, a Denison banner from my Club House girls, a collar from Miss Alderson, a sachet from Miss Barker, a burnt wood frame from Maude Arnold, two handkerchiefs from Ora, a picture of Mr. & Mrs. Bamden, a button bag from Miss Norton, a chamois, & scissors guard from Mrs. Lumbey, & a gold & white dish from Mr. McCoy. I think I got more than my share. We were so glad Edna and Donald could be with us. It was so good to have them. Will Martin was down for Xmas dinner. Edna and I were invited up to Miss Brigg's one evening for supper. I went but she didn't . Mrs. Van Duzer, Grace Ford, Mary Barnes, & Maude McClure were there. We had a very pleasant time. Mrs. Van Duzer invited us for Dec. 31st. for the evening to a reception. I went, but Edna didn't. Had a very pleasant time. Got home a little after 11:00 P.M. Mary Goldsmith was there and told me about the resignation of Pres. John Chester Ball of Keuka College. At midnight the Episcopal bell tolled Jan. 1, 1907. 1907 times by actual count and ten times that by calm (!) estimate. Ed. Skinner called twice while we were home, and it seemed as if all our friends called. I tried to see some. Made an outing flannel gown, two waists, a skirt & tucked the yoke of a waist mother made for me. Jan. Dr. Eubank, one of our medical missionaries, spoke in Sherwin Hall. I went up with Miss Barker. A lot of the girls went. We had a fine, inspiring talk. Dr. Hunt, in introducing Dr. Eubank, said: "We measure a man by the height of his ambitions, by the depth of his convictions, and by the breadth of his interests and sypmathies." Judged by that standard he thought we were to hear from one of the greatest men of the time. Jan. 27. A little before Thanksgiving I was invited to Sunday evening lunch with Miss Montgomery, Fernald and Chaffee so I returned the invitation and had them here. I had fried oysters, celery, brown & white bread & butter sandwiches, cocoa, cherries (canned) & cake. We had a very pleasant time. After they had gone I took my chafing dish & some oysters I had left up to Lily bell Sefton's room, where the girls were & fried the oysters for them. I had turned a pail of hot cocoa up my sleeve early in the evening & it had blistered my arm & rubbed off the blister so it was quite sore. Spilled the cocoa down the front of my new brown skirt, too. (Dec. '06) Just before the holidays I had the girls come to my room for a chafing dish supper one Sunday evening. We had a Welch rarebit, the first I had ever made, & it was good. I was so glad it was. The girls enjoyed it, too. Jan. 28-30. Exams. from Monday until Wednesday. I had French each day, German Tuesday, History the Friday previous, Hist. of Phil. Wednesday. I know I didn't do well in Phil. for I simply couldn't thinkg at all. My brain was in a [muteled] condition. 1907 Thursday, Jan. 31. Dr. Woelfkin was to have preached to us at 10:00 A.M. in the chapel but his train was delayed and he didn't get here so Dr. Hunt preached, and he gave us an excellent sermon. Dr. Woelfkin talked in the lecture-room of the church at 2:00 and preached in the evening. Feb. 1. Friday Dr. Woelfkin had a meeting for the boys at 10:00 A.M., one for the girls at 3:00 P.M. and preached in the church in the evening. I enjoy every one of his talks. He looks like a plain business man, but he gives such helpful sermons. He is fine. He met the girls just before prayers in King Hall Thursday evening. Feb. 2. Saturday there was only a meeting at 4:00 P.M. in Recital Hall. I didn't go, for I had so much else to do. Feb. 3. Heard Dr. Woelfkin preach this morning. Had an excellent sermon. Did not stay to Sunday School but came home and started dinner. There was a meeting in Recital hall at 4:00 P.M. but I did not go. In the evening chaperoned the girls to B.Y.P.U. in Miss Chaffee's place, but didn't have to come home before church as all the girls stayed. It was Dr. Woelfkin's last sermon. He spoke of the outward repulsion and inward attraction of the Christian life. He said that nothing really good is outwardly attractive, everything has some repellent feature, something we must give up to get it. He spoke of education as an example. Nov. 10. 1906. We heard a fine lecture by Dr. Geo. E. Vincent. It was at the Opera House. I sat next Miss Montgomery & came back with her and Miss Barker. The Opera House is a little stuffy place. Dec. 13, 1906. We heard Mr. William Harper, a basso, this evening. Miss Ferrar played his accompaniaments. He has a fine voice and I enjoyed the evening very much. 1907, Jan. 22. Dr. Chas. Eastman the Sioux Indian lectured, but I didn not go as I chaperoned a part of girls to Newark to see "The College Widow". It was quite good and I enjoyed it. About 200 went from Granville, many of the faculty. There were two st. cars crowded. ? During the first semester I attended a sonata recital by Prof. Judson that was delightful. He played the violing and Miss Dorothy Kibbler the accompaniment. I enjoyed it immensely as I did an impromptu recital later by Miss Emily Ferrar who was here visiting her sister. Miss Ferrar has a fine voice. Mrs. Wilson, our vocal teacher also gave a recital which was delightful. She has a rich, sweet voice of great power, but I liked Miss Ferrar's evern better. We, that is some of the teachers, are meeting each Sunday morning at 8:15 for Bible study. I enjoy it very much. We are studying Sanders & Kent's "The Messages of the Lating Prophets". It gives me many new ideas. Feb. 4. Registration day. I have registered for Philosophy, 5 hrs, French, 4 hrs., History, 3 hrs., and Logic, 4 hrs. Went to a prayer meeting in Recital hall at 6:00 o'clock, then to the faculty prayer meeting in Miss Barker's room. One girl in the prayer meeting quoted a remark of Dr. Chivers in his talk here last year. It was, "The brave of the world in care, the cure for care is prayer, the end of prayer is peace". Have written to Frances Ross & Cousin Maude, and am going to write some more letters while I have time. Heard Friday of the death Wednesday (Jan. 30) of May Dixson's father. They will miss him sadly. Tue. Feb. 5. Dr. Ira M. Price of Chicago University spoke to us this morning in chapel. He is a D.U. Alumnus. He left two thoughts with me., "We cannot get away from our record", and "What we think will soon be what we are". His talk was fine. Went down to Prof. Williams' at 7:00 P.M. and took an oral exam on Junior English. That finishes my required English. It wasn't bad at all. Glad to be through with it. Wed. Feb. 6. Miss Benedict gave an organ recital in Recital hall at 8:00 P.M. Mrs. Wilson was to have sung, but had a severe cold and could not. I enjoyed the recital very much, especially the first number, Otto Malling's, "Githsemane, Golgotha, Calvary", and Felix Borowski'sl "Menuet". She plays beautifully. The last number, Carl Piutti's Sonate in G.Minor, Finale, showed a wonderful amount of pedalling. Fri. Feb. 8. Attended Enterpe Society this evening and was one of the judges on debate. Wanted to go to Philo. as Grace North debated there. This is preliminary to the debate between the two societies. Attended the Language Association at 3:30 P.M. Sat. Feb. 9. Went to Elsie Wright's room after supper then to Mary Montgomery's. Stayed until 9:30, then pressed my gown. We are to wear them to chapel Monday for the first. Invited Miss Ferrar to lunch with me tomorrow evening, but she couldn't come as Mrs. Wilson & Sam would be there [one] 1907. Sunday and she felt she ought to stay with her. Samuel is sick, has pneumonia and is very bad. Sunday, Feb. 10. Went to church in the morning and in the evening. Heard two good sermons by Dr. Baldwin. Wrote some letters in the afternoon. The girls all came to my room for evening lunch & I gave them some creamed oysters cooked in my chafing dish. They seemed to enjoy them. Grace North didn't come as she was invited out by one of the girls in one of the dorms. Mon. Feb. 11. The seniors wore cap and gown for the first time today. We met in Prof. William's recitation room and put them on then all marched up to chapel, girls ahead, across from the boy's stairway to our places. The others cheered. Cut in Ethics today & tomorrow. Prixy is away. Rahme Haider heard today that her mother is dead. She feels very badly broken up, of course. I feel very sorry for her. Heard an excellent talk on Chinese girls at Y.W. by Mrs. Sweet of Hachow, China. They are here on furlough & are to return next year. It was very interesting. After that went to faculty meeting. Got a picture of Maude this evening. Tue. Feb. 12. The first "Senior Circus" this evening. The boys of the Junior class had liberally spread handbills advertising "Willie's Wonders", minstrels, and distributed them through the audience. The "Circus", which was an oratorical exhibition of the senior boys taking part, was attended by most of the class in cap and gown, the class being seated in the rear middle seats in Recital Hall. After the performance, Elsie Wright, Ida Wickenden and I went down town and had a Sundae. The Juniors dressed in fantastic attire and sat in the middle front seats. The hall was crowded, many went away. Rahme Haider heard of the death of her mother in Syria. She is almost frantic with grief. Fri. Feb. 15. Went over to Mrs. Carney's after supper and borrowed a coat and vest of Prof. Carney's to wear tomorrow evening in the Senior "Stunt" at a fancy dress party to be given. Came home and washed my hair. Rahme Haider was in my room until nearly 10:00 o'clock. Sat. Feb. 16. Wend down town, studied French and went to the Gym. to practice for the Faculty "stunt" for this evening. They have changed it. After dinner did some errands. At 4:30 practiced for the senior stunt. Had to be at the gym. at 6:45 to take in money at the gallery. Two girls helped me. After most of the people had come we went down stairs. Those who wore fancy costume were on the first floor, those who didn't dress in costume, in the gallery. I was dressed as a witch with my college gown, short black cape and hight pointed cap. Wore my hair down my back. We had a grand march, then the "stunts", then they danced. I marched with Miss Adams. The Senior stunt was first. We had a minstrel show. I was interlocutor. I wore Prof. Carney's dress suit, a derby hat, a pair of gym. bloomers. The girls of the class were blackened and dressed in fantastic garb. Mary Montgomery was to have taken a prominent part, but she was called home at the last minute by the death of a friend and the illness of her mother so we had to do the best we could without her. We had very little practice. We had songs & a song & dance by 1907 by Laura Beitler, jokes and a cake-walk. It was quite a success. The conservatory stunt was a music lesson given to the daughter of Mrs. Wiggs, with her mother's assistance. Mrs. Wilson, vocal teacher, was Mrs. Wiggs. The conservatory also gave the "Kitchen symphony", played on a glass, a pitcher, a frying pan, a tin pan and two tin kettle covers. Ethel Reese was conductor, with a large kitchen spoon for baton. It was fine. The Senior Preps came in in a procession in night dresses carrying candles. Then followed the "Semi Stages of Womanhood", by the town girls, then first was a mother with her children about her, saying their prayers and playing with dolls, next was a childrens tea party, then followed school girls about 16, then the college graduates with books, tennis racket, basket ball, etc., fourth and fifth a wedding, sixth, the first child, seventh the widow. The faculty stunt was "Registration Day", with Miss Peckham as Dean Barker and Miss Barker as Mrs. Raymond, a lady who brings her daughter, Geraldine May, to college. Eleanor Chaffee was her daughter. The costumes were fine. Eleanor Chaffee had a real Scotch Highland costume, Mrs. Altrugy a Mexican costume, Miss Barker was a Greek lady, Misses Peckham & Stanton two English Lords, Miss Jones a negro valet. Mrs. Baldwin, the pastors wife, dressed as a man, Mrs. Hunt, a nun. There were two Little Bo Peeps, a Queen of Hearts (Jennie, Gracy) paper dolls, Indians, Japanese, Kitchen girls, men, women & children. We all enjoyed it very much. Everything passed off very pleasantly. It was a great success. Sun. Feb. 17. Went to church morning and evening and heard two fine sermons by Dr. Baldwin. Asked Miss Ferrar to lunch with me this evening. Had creamed oysters, cooked with my chafing dish, Waldorf salad, bread & butter sandwiches, celery, cocoa, cake, and ginger pears I brought from home. Wrote my home letter this afternoon but no others. Wed. Feb. 20. Lecture course entertainment, The Philharmonic String Quartette, of Cleveland. I chaperoned. It was very good. Thur. Feb. 21. I read my paper on "The Elementary Course in German in Secondary Schools" in the Language Association. Profs. McKibben and chamberlin ("Dutch") said some very kind things to me about it. Patrick and Thomas of our French class were there, I think because Prof. McKibben spoke of it in our French class this morning. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Fri. Feb. 22. Holiday. Senior banquet in the evening. I didn't go, neither did Elsie Wright, as she came to supper with me. Studied, read and served in the evening, also wrote some letters. Sat. Feb. 23. Studied some, served some, read & wrote a letter or two. Sun. Feb. 24. Heard Rev. A.S.Carmare preach this morning in behalf of the Ohio Educational Society. His theme was "The Master Key" and he plead for life lived in every part of the Palace of Life not in two or three rooms only. As the Master Key to open the doors he offered godliness. The thought "A rut is only a grave with both ends extended to infinity" I liked. 1907 Feb. 28. Went to the dentist's (Dr. Davis) in the afternoon to have a tooth filled. In the evening attended a lecture in Recital Hall by Mr. Jackson, Secretery of the Associated Charities of Cleveland. His subject was "Organized Charity" and his talk was very good. When asked by Dr. Hunt to distinguish between poverty and pauperism he said, "Poverty is a matter of the pocket-book, pauperism is a matter of the mind". He quoted in regard to charitable work "First plan your work, then work your plan". Studied until 1:30 A.M. as I had a hard lesson in Ethics, & was behind. March 3 Sunday. Went to church in the morning but not in the evening. It was communion Sunday. We have had snow flurries all day today. It seems quite a little colder tonight, though not seven yet. Ordered my commencement dress, or rather the cloth, yesterday. It is to be white point d'esprit trimed with white satin ribbon. Shall make it myself. Mch. 6. Took a long walk in the afternoon, walked four miles. It was a beautiful day, just cool enough to make a walk enjoyable. Went alone. In the evening attended a lecture by Prof. Judson in Recital Hall. He give a brief lecture, illustrated by stereoptism on Bach and Handel, and illustrated their works by pianola. I enjoyed it very much. The cloth for my dress came. Monday I received a package from mother, containing my black & white check dress that I got the cloth for Xmas. It's made very prettily & she has trimmed the front with eyelet embroidery. Her eyes have been so bad I am sorry she did, but it is very pretty. March 8. Friday The Philo-Enterpean Literary contest took place this evening. The societies occupied different sides of Recital Hall, the boys were wearing different society colors, and most of them were, standing in the side aisles, for there were not seats enough to accomodate all. There were songs from both, cheers etc., before the contest began, and while the judges were out. They were out a long time, then it was declared that Enterpe had everything. It didn't seem a just decision. Eveyone objects, and Miss Barker went over the markings again and awarded a tie to the essay. Sat. Mch. 9. Went to supper with Bertha Heacock and spent most of the evening with her & Elsie Wright. Came home and found a letter from father and one from the Fisk Agency informing me of a vacancy at Bloomsburgh,(Pa.) Norman School. Wrote a letter there and copied testi normals, and didn't get to bed until after 1:00 o'clock. Sun. Mch. 10. Heard Dr. Ketman, the Secretary of the Western Section of the A.B.P.S. this morning. He gave us an excellent talk. Mon. Mch. 11. Heard an illustrated lecture on "Bismya, the oldest city in the world", by Dr. Edgar J. Banks, director of the Babylonian Expedition of the University of Chicago. It was a rare treat. He described the expedition, methods of work, treasures found and showed many interesting pictures. It made me crazy to take a course in ancient history with him or some one else who had gone to the sources. This year at Denison is a privilege, even outside class-room work. Wed. Mch. 13. Cut in ethics today. Received an invitation from Mr. Patrick to attend the lecture Monday evening. Attended a lecture, illustrated with stereoptism & pianola by Prof. Judson in Recital Hall. 1907 Thur. Mch. 14. Attended prayer meeting in the evening. Fri. Mch. 15. Attended Philo and was judge on a debate between Elsie Wright and Ida Wickenden. The subject was rediculous. It was "Resolved that if it takes 36 yrs. of yellow calico to make an elephant a slink waist, it will take a corresponding length of time for a cockroach with a wooden leg to bore through a cake of Sapolio". The affirmation (Ida) won. It was a lot of fun. Mon. Mch. 18. Mr. Patrick called this P.M. Miss Ferrar was here when he called. He took me to the lecture in the evening. It was by Senator Dolliver of Iowa and was very good. Tue. Mch. 19. Got a letter today telling me that Edna has a little girl, born Sunday, St. Patrick's Day. Am so glad she is a girl. Thur. Mch. 21. Heard a lecture by Prof. Judson on Schubert & Beethoven, illustrated by stereoptism & pianola. It was very good. It was the third and all have been excellent. Fri. Mch. 22. The Philomatheon Society gave their extra this evening. It was "The Princess" and was well given. The costumes for the principal characters were rented in Columbus & were good, of course. The girls all did well, especially Mary McKibben, the Princess. I went with Elsie Wright & Bertha Heacock. Mon. Mch. 25. Exam. in History. Began at 1:00 & lasted until 3:00. Quite hard but fair. Mch. 26. Exam. in Ethics. It was not hard nor long. I was through in 35 minutes. Hope I get a good grade. Mch. 27, Wednesday. Started on the 11:30 A.M. car for Cambridge. Mr. Samuels came to the Club House and carried my suit case to the car for me. It was raining. We got to Newark and found the 12:30 B & D train which we were to take later. It still rained. The train didn't come until 2:55. Mr. Theodore Johnson & his cousin Effie were to take the same train. Mr. Bamden was at the station in Cambridge to meet me. It had stopped raining and we walked home. Went to prayer meeting in the evening. Mch. 28-30 Sewed most of the time on my graduating dress. Mch. 31. Sunday. Mr. Bamden being with the Salem church, Mrs. Bamden & I attended the First Baptist Church, after going to Sunday School at the Mission. Heard Rev. David Carman, the pastor, a younger brother of Mr. Augustus Carman of Granville. It was a pretty good sermon. Tue. April 1. Mrs. Bamden received a telegram that Mr. McCoy would be here on the 12:15 train. Mr. Bamden left for the Minister's Conference at Granville yesterday, so I went to the depot to meet Mr. McCoy. Wed. Apr. 2. Mr. McCoy took Mrs. Bamden and me through the glass factory. It is one of the largest in the world. It was very interesting. The men gathered the molten glass on the end of a rod from the furnaces, put it in a mould and pressed it into shape. Then the dish or pitcher or whatever it was, was reheated by boys & passed to men who turned it, shaping it with a stick dipped in water. Some things, such as globes for gold-fish, were blown. That was interesting too. They were not 1907 engraving when we were there, so we couldn't see that process. Mr. McCoy got a little glass dish for each of us as a souvenir. Thursday, April 4. Started home on the 12:15 train. Mr. Bamden came in from Granville while we were at the station. He had started on the 5:30 car from Granville to get that early train home, then found in Newark that the train was there hours late. Mr. Samuels was on the train and was very kind to me, carried my suit case home, etc. He seems a fine young man. Went over to practice with the Senior girls for the play in the evening, or rather to see Miss Eckhart, who is drilling them, about my duties as business manager, and was pressed into taking two unimportant parts. It isn't hard, but will take some time for practice. Fri. Apr.5. Classes today. Rahme Haider hasn't come back yet. Sat. Apr.6. The Senior Class and some others are invited to Prof. Spencer's Tuesday evening. They are to dress in costume, and I am asked to represent some nation. I counted on Rahme Haider's helping me to get up a Syrian costume but she isn't here. Miss Parsons told me Ruth Carlin has a Chinese costume which she thought she would lend so I asked her and she lent it to me. It is a beauty. There are brocaded silk trousers in light green, a cherry colored skirt, handsomely embroidered, a coat of light yellow with sleeves, another sleeveless one of red, all embroidered, & she said she would get shoes & hair ornaments for me. The costume is beautiful. Sun. Apr. 7. It rained this morning so I couldn't wear my Easter gown & hat. Well, nobody much did wear them, so I didn't care. Hope it will be warm next Sunday. Tuesday, April 9. Went to the Senior Reception given by Prof. and Mrs. Spencer, chaperoned though I didn't care to. I wore the Chinese costume Ruth Carlin lent me. The shoes were such as Chinese men and the women who do not practice foot-biding wear. They had high soles (pencil drawing of the chinese shoe) and were of green, red and maroon-colored satin, embroidered with gold & colors. I had seven hair ornaments, two of gold shaped like birds on spiral wire springs which went on each side of my front hair and the others of colors with had fringe, some of them and little springs of gilt wire with a bead on the end projecting from them & moving as my head moved. Mrs. Carlin said the blue of the decorations of the ornaments was made of the feathers of the King bird. At the party each one was given a little booklet in which to write the names of persons present and what they represented. Latin prizes for best & worst record were given. Then we had a little puzzle made of card-board to solve. We had refreshments consisting of egg salad, creamed chicken, pickles, lemonade, pineapple ice and two kinds of cake. We reached home about 11:00 P.M. Mr. Schoeffel took me to supper and came home with me. It was a rainy, unpleasant evening. We. Apr. 10. There was a Faculty recital at 4:00 P.M. in Recital Hall in which Prof. Judson and Miss Kibler took part. Miss K. [writing in left margin] I forgot to mention a silver article with colored enamel shaped something like this, worn on a bottom of the coat. (1) is used to clean the ears, it is an ear spoon, (2) is a pointed instrument used to scratch the head and clean the teeth, (3) is a small pair of tweezers to pull out hairs on the face, (4) is a small blade to cut sweetmeats, (5) was broken off. I also wore on another button a small now hand-mirror. I carried a fan & maroon silk embroidered handkerchief. [the numbers in the description match the numbers on the drawing in the margin] played from Mss. for the first time, an original romance from an original sonata by Prof. Wood. At 7:00 o'clock there was a lecture on Musical Appreciation by Prof. Judson which was also good. Thursday April 11. Attended prayer meeting then a lecture by Prof. Bowen of Meadville Theological School, Allegheny, Pa., on "Charles Wagner and the 'Simple Life'". It was fairly good. Friday, Apr. 12. Attended Enterpe Extra this evening. It consisted of a drill, a short play entitled "Ladies of Athens", music, and a pantomime. The last was the best. All was good but the whole not up to the Philo. extra. Sat. Apr. 13. Cleaned my room and put up clean curtains, got my French lesson, went down town, studied in the library in the afternoon & finished my history thesis, ironed, called on Mrs. Orcutt and wrote to Mrs. Bamden in the evening. Sun. Apr. 14. My birthday. How fast they come! Stayed at home from church this morning and read to Rahme Haider, who is still sick. Am invited to Elsie Wright's to lunch this evening. Mon. Apr. 15. The Senior Girl's Prize Essay contest took place this evening. The essays were all fairly good, but not scholarly, not more than one might expect of an unusually bright High School pupil. Mary McKibben got first and Bess Wilson second prize. After the contest all the girls went down to Case's and had ice cream Sundaes, or something else. We got back about 11:00 P.M. I led Y.W.C.A. prayer meeting at 6:00 P.M. Subject "Position Living". Tue. Apr. 16. The Glee Club concert took place in Recital Hall at 8:00 o'clock. It was very good, the solos by Mr. Fox (basso), Mr. Possons (trombone), Mr. Legler (with harp accompaniament), duet by Mary Montgomery (cornet) & Mr. Possons (trombone) were the features of the performances. Wed. Apr. 17. Prof. King of the Pittsburg School of vocal expression gave a lecture in the Opera House. I didn't go but he gave a short Thur. Apr. 18. chapel talk Thursday morning which was very good. I didn't go to prayer-meeting nor to Mr. Legler's recital this evening. Stayed home and worked. Fri. Apr. 19. Went to luncheon at Mrs. E.W. Hunt's. Had a delightful time. The table was decorated with an immense bunch of crimson roses in the center & a rose at each plate. The place cards each had a crimson rose painted on them. The table was set without cloth and the doilies were very pretty. The first course was grape fruit with two red marachino cherries on each half. Then we had bouillion with whipped cream on it, saltines and celery. Then came creamed chicken in bread cases, bread sticks, potato cakes which looked like gems, and olives. Then we had ice cream in the form of red roses with leaves & a stem on each plate so that it looked quite natural, fruit cake, and lastly coffee and macaroons. We had as favors at each place a clothes-pin dressed like a college girl in cap & gown carrying a diploma tied with red ribbon. The diploma contained our fortunes. Mine read, "I married for money, but I lead a good life And my millionaire husband secured a nice wife I ride in my Auto. & loook very grand, There's no finer lady than I in the land." 1907. I went directly from Mrs. Hunt's to class (History.) The Chi Psi girls entertained the senior girls in their sorority house from 4:00 until 5:00. We enjoyed talking with the girls & had cocoa & wafers for refreshments. At 8:00 o'clock the Shepardson faculty gave a reception to Dr. & Mrs. Cole, & Dr. & Mrs. Herrick. Dr. Cole was formerly a prof. in the university & is now going to Vassar as asso. prof. Dr. Herrick goes to Chicago University as Professor on Neurology in the Graduate School. It was in Stone Hall Reception Room and was a pleasant function. It was quite informal. The Denison Professors & wives, the trustees & their wives from Granville & Newark were there. After refreshments, which consisted of coffee, pickles, & sandwiches, oranges cut up with grated cocoa-nut on top & seved in slusht cups, & wafers, we had speeches by Dr. Hunt, Dr. Cole & Dr. Herick, Mr. Davis, Prof. Hendly, Mr. Burton Case & others. At a late hour (12:15) we came home. Sat. Apr. 20. Had the D.U. boys who live in Hubbard to supper. Harold Tray didn't get here until we were through supper as he worked & thought they were invited for the evening. After the boys went home we, that is Grace, Lilybell, Joy & I, went to the B.Y.P.U. social. There were magazine names to guess, little bags of candy which we were to give one from each time we said "yes" or "no" as a forfeit, a march refreshments (ice & wafers) & we came home at 9:30. Sun. Apr. 21. A beautiful day. Jennie is ill & I didn't go to church. Rahme went for the first time since vacation. All the club house girls were invited to dinner by girls from other buildings. Jennie was sick and couldn't go. I went with Elva Blakeman. Sat at Miss Peckham's table. Had a very pleasant time. Am invited to lunch at Mrs. Carney's. Later: Had a very pleasant time at Mrs. Carney's. Miss Hoover the English teacher at the High School was there also. I stayed until almost nine o'clock. Thur. Apr. 25. Went to prayer meeting. There were several baptized after meeting. It was a very pretty service, and very impressive. Practiced for the senior play after meeting. Fri. Apr. 26. Went over and stayed with Bertha Heacock while Elsie went to society. Bertha had to stay in the hall. Sat. Apr. 27. Elsie Wright & I went out & took our books this P.M. It is quite warm & sunny for a change. Sun. Apr. 28. Elsie, & Bertha were over to lunch with me this evening. It is a lovely evening & has been a lovely day. Wed. May 1. Went to the Shepardson Glee Club concert in Recital Hall. It was fairly good. They had some good local hits. The leading part was "The Lady of Shalott" sung by Blonda Watt and the Glee Club. Thur. May 2. Went to practice with the Senior girls. When I came back I found that Lily Bell Sefton had been taken sick suddenly & Mrs. Hunt, Miss Barker & the Doctor were here. It was a form of hysteria, brought on by over-work and not taking care of herself. Mrs. Hunt stayed until 11:15, when she was asleep. I stayed in her room on a cot, but didn't sleep much. Lilybell slept until 2:31 when she waked up & didn't go to sleep again, although I got a few cat-naps. Miss Barker wanted me to stay out of classes the next morning and rest, but of course I didn't. 1907. Fri. May 3. There was a reception in Doane Gymnasium but I didn't go. I stayed with Lily Bell. Didn't care to go anyway. Sat. May 4. Went to the reception, or rather tea given by Miss Ferrar at 4:00. Had a pleasant time. Refreshments consisted of tea, strawberries & whipped cream in pastry cases, wafers & mints. In the morning attended a reception given by the Juniors to the Seniors and Faculty. Had a very pleasant time. Wore my white dress & red roses given me by Lily Bell. Sun. May 5. Had Harold Tracy, Misses Samuels & Hazen to dinner. In the afternoon Lily Bell went for a drive with Miss Fernald and Rahme, Grace, Elizabeth Johnson & I went for a walk. Picked a few violets. It has been a cold, wet spring and the flowers are late. We had our last Faculty Bible Class today. I have enjoyed them very much. Sat. May 11. In the afternoon Mrs. Carney and Miss Worth, (Franc) who is at O.S.U., Columbus, & spending Sunday with the Carneys, came over and I took them through the Shepardson buildings. Then I went to Carney's to supper. Had a lovely time and stayed until 9:00 o'clock. Misses Lin and Tan, Chinese students, the former at Denison and the latter at O.S.U. came in during the evening. Mr. Tan, whom I had never seen before, has a fine face. Sun. May 12. In the morning Prof. Carney and Miss Worth called for me to go up to the Geological department. We saw the department and Prof. Carney explained what was of interest to us. It was fine. It has unusually good equipment, being one of the best equipped geological departments in the county, much finer than Cornell. I was too late in getting back to get ready for church, so didn't go until evening. Went for a walk in the P.M. with Elsie Wright and Bertha Heacock to Columbus Bridge, then back through Lover's Lane. Got some beautiful violets. Mon. May 13. Sent some violets to Edna and to Mrs. Harvey. Wed. May 15. Senior girls conducted chapel in Recital Hall this A.M. We all wore cap and gown. Ida Wickenden presided. We read the scripture lesson responsively one of us reading a verse then the school next, etc. I led in prayer, Clara Roudebush sang, Mary Montgomery playing the organ and several of the girls gave notices, Elsie Wright making a little speech about the care of the campus. Thur. May 18. Got up at 5:00 A.M. Elsie Wright, Bertha Heacock and I took the 6:30 car for Newark. Did some shopping then took the 8:05 limited electric for Ganesville. It rained hard at 5:00 o'clock, but was bright and clear at 6:30 so the girls didn't take an umbrella, although I did. It rained by fits and starts all day, but not hard when we were obliged to be out, so we didn't get wet. We took a car for the Weller Pottery, Putnam Avenue and went to the sales rooms where we found Miss McDowell or something like that who formed that we were from Granville and knew Miss Barker, Miss Parsons and the others who go there often, she was very nice to me and gave us great bargains. I have 16 pieces of pottery, Lonelsa ware, green, dark & light, & French ware, part 1907 of them for Edna, who wanted me to get her some to give away for Christmas presents. I think them beautiful. All who have seen them think I got great values. We got home on the 1:30 car, much earlier than we expected. Sun. May 19. Mrs. Reed and the Misses Southwick of Martins Ferry who are visiting her, her two sons and Mrs. Samuels called this afternoon. I took the ladies through the Shepardson buildings. Tue. May 21. May Music Festival began today with a lecture on the music of the various programs by Prof. Gantroot of Cincinnati. It was very good. I went with Bertha Heacock. In the evening Elsie Wright and I attended the "Stabat Mater", by the Chorus, assisted by Mrs. Genevieve Wilson of N.Y., our Mrs. Wilson, Mr. James, tenor, and our Mr. Legler, bass, soloists. It was fine. The Stabat Mater was the second part of the program. Wed. May 22. Attended the Artist's recital at 3:30 P.M. with Elsie Wright. It was fine. The "artists" were those who assisted last evening. Thur. May 23. Attended the Children's Concert in the forenoon and the Orchestra Recital in the afternoon. The Children were interesting and did well. The Chicago Orchestra was to have been here, but the Columbus Orchestra took its place. It was very good. Tue. May 28. Agassiz Day. Was celebrated at Barney Hall. Elsie Wright, Lilybell Sefton and I went. The program, consisting of talks by Drs. Hunt, Herrick, Prof. Carney and Stickney, was very interesting, after which we examined Science Hall. The Seniors who are doing the Science work wore cap and gown and conducted people around. Mr. Forsythe took us. We had tea and wafers in one of the rooms and stayed so long that we were late for supper. Thur. May 30. It was a beautiful day. Grace North, Joy Tracy and I went go Alligator Mound in the afternoon then took our supper & we all, with two friends of Rahme who are here for the day from Columbus, went to Spring Valley. Had a delightful time. The visitors were Miss Willoughby and Miss Smith, the latter only 13 yrs. old. Fri. May 31. Maude Bruce gave me a dozen beautiful carnations and the Club House girls gave me a D.U. pin for a graduating present. I was delighted. It was lovely of them. Lilybell presented it with a speech, then Orza sang a song composed for the occasion. Sun. June 2. I gave the girls at dinner each $3.00 I had saved from the money given me for provisions. They were delighted as well as surprised and at once went over and got Mrs. Hunt and told her. Lilybell was in my room all the afternoon and Elizabeth Johnson came in part of the time. Mr. Sweet, of Hangchow, China, preached in the evening an excellent sermon. Mon. Jne. 3. Got a beautiful and dainty shoulder shawl of white point d'esprit and wool from May. Charles Warner gave me a picture of a Mound Builder's mound. Last Y.W.C.A. meeting. Faculty meeting after it and then Senior practice. Went to the Faculty-Senior ball game at 3:30. It was 10-7 in favor of Faculty. 1907 Wed. June 5 Got a beautiful cut-glass dish from Mr. McCoy. It is my first piece of cut glass and I am delighted with it. The Senior girls entertained the Junior girls at Stone Hall from 3:30 until 5:00. On papers provided for the purpose the Juniors wrote the names of the Seniors, then an appropriate nick-name, then their future vocation. Many were very funny. The Pres. of the Senior girls gave the Senior Parlor to the Juniors, gift to take effect at the beginning of the next school year. Sherbet and cakes were served and after a social time, the Juniors left. I went to Mrs. Rose's to supper and met Mrs. Dye, wife of one of our foreign missionaries, Miss Brooks and a friend of hers. After supper I went to Mrs. Orcutt's to see Mrs. Bamden who came at 3:30 and then to the gym. where the Seniors had a "stunt". It was a "childrens party". We blew soap bubbles, played marbles and had for refreshments lemonade in a wash tub with tin cups, bread & milk in tin cups & on paper plates & gingerbread. We spent quite a pleasant evening. Thur. June 6. Received a pretty tea spoon from Grace Thompson. Charlie Warner gave me a picture of an Indian mound near Newark. Mrs. Bamden came to supper with me and stayed until 9:15. I then went to practice for the play. She gave me $4.00 to get something for a commencement present. I think I shall get a Denison spoon. Fri. June 7. Last exams. today. All the girls but Grace and Rahme left. It seems quite lonely. Got a beautiful white fan from Clyde. Sat. June 8. Senior Girl's Play, the "Taming of the Shrew". It went off finely & was a great success in every way. I took the part of the [...] which Elsie Wright was to have had, because she was not well. After the play all the girls but Elsie, whom Miss Barker wouldn't allow, went to Mrs. Light's for supper. Miss Eckert went with us. Had a good time. Clara Roudebush's engagement was announced by Mary Montgomery. Decided to have a circular letter. Sun. June 9. Baccalaureate Sunday. The sermon was by Dr. Hunt, who gave us an excellent sermon from the text John 10,10. Dr. Hunt is an inspiration. I believe each one longed for the "abundant life" of which he spoke. In the morning the seniors all went down into the church together and wore cap and gown. In the evening we had an excellent sermon again, this time by Rev. Raymond M. West, of St. Paul, Minn. I went with Mrs. Bamden. Mon. June 10. Settled up most of the Senior Play Bills. Was over to Mrs. Orcutt's to supper with Mr. & Mrs. Bamden. Tue. June 11. In the A.M. attended the Academy commencement & had to sit on the platform. Quite a large class of boys & a few girls graduated. Didn't go to the other things. Was at supper at Dr. Herrick's with Mr. & Mrs. Bamden. Had a deligtful time & didn't get home until almost 9:00 o'clock, then went over to Carney's to tell Mrs. Carney that I would accept her invitation to stay over Sunday with her. Wed. June 12. The Class of '07 had breakfast at Mrs. Mitchell's instead of the campus as it rained last night & again this morning. Had a very nice breakfast, then toasts, then organized & are to have a class letter & a reunion every 3 years. At 10:00 o'clock I made my report to the girls & turned over the money left from play to the Treas. Clara Roudebush. At a little after 10:00 we had Class Day exercises in Sherwin Hall, as it rained. Mr. Cowell had the class history, Mary McKibben read [...] from which she & Laura Beithen had written, 1907 Mary Montgomery had a very bright prophecy, and the Pres., Mr. Beatty, presented the class shoe to the Junior Class. Mr. Lloyd, '08, responded. Then we went down to the church and Prexy told us where we must sit tomorrow. Elsie Wright and I came up with Dr. Hunt. Went to Doane Gymnasium when we attended the Shepardson College Alumnae luncheon. After some toasts and speeches Miss Hines, the President, welcomed the class of '07, and Clara Roudebush responded for the class. I did some errands after lunch, and ironed some. After supper went to Mrs. Orcutt's but Mr. & Mrs. Bamden were not there, then went to the kitchen window & talked to Maud, then made some fudge and took some to Elsie's room. Stayed until 9:00 o'clock, ironed some, packed some & am going to bed. It is raining. Hope it will not rain tomorrow. Thur. June 13. Commencement day! This has been a beautiful day. After breakfast went down to Stone to take a photograph to Mary Montgomery and exchanged also with Bess Wilson and Ida Wilkenden. Clara Roudebush had brought hers over before. About 9:30 or a little after, the procession, headed by the Denison Board descended the hill and passed through the campers. As it formed the band came first, then the Alumnae and friends, then the students, then seniors, girls then boys in each course, then faculty & trustees. At the church all stopped formed in double line & the last passed in first, then those next, etc., until all entered, the faculty and trustees leading. Dr. Hunt was in cap & gown, but the gowns for the rest of the faculty didn't come, so they couldn't wear them. The seniors wore theirs, of course. After the program & awarding of diplomas, prizes were awarded. Went to the Alumni dinner with Mr. & Mrs. Bamden. We had a good dinner and some excellent toasts. Mr. Marsh, son of a former professor & himself a graduate of Denison, was toast master. Mr. & Mrs. Bamden left on the 7:30 car. Went down to the car with them. The Orcutt's went too. Came up & stopped in Elsie Wright's room. The Club House girls had a dozen American Beauty and six white roses sent me this morning. They were beautiful. I carried the red ones. Elsie and Bertha gave me a pretty spoon. Fri. June 14. Elsie Wright left on the eight o'clock train. I went to the depot with her and so did "her shadow" and her sister Chloe. After I came back I went to the drug store and Miss Hunt & Mr. Runyan came in. They asked me to have a "dope" with them and afterwards walked with me up to the Club House. I stayed alone, as I had since the first of the week. Sat. June 15. Finished packing, got trunk and boxes off, and went to Carney's. In the evening Mr. Runyan called and we went for a walk. I was very much surprised. Sun. June 16. Went to church in the morning & over to Rev. Reed's a little while in the evening. 1907 Mon. June 17. Said good bye to Miss Barker. Started home on the 12:30 P.M. car. Tue. June 18. Reached home at 2:00 P.M. Wed. June 19. Mrs. McKy gave me a pretty spoon & Miss Campbell sent me another one. Thur. June 20. Sarah Pike gave me another pretty spoon. Sat. June 22. Went to Keuka Park on the 6:00 P.M. train to spend Sunday with Mrs. Durfee. Got there about 7:30 or 7:45. Attended the commencement exercises of Keuka Institute. Saw the Ball girls, Lora Marsh & her mother, Mrs. Mitchell, Mrs. Thompson, Arthur Thomas & several others I knew. Sun. June 23. Went to church & heard baccalaureate sermon. It rained in the P.M. so we stayed in & visited. Mon. June 24. Started home on the 7:30 A.M. car. Got here at 9:00. Tue. June 25. Delivered the Alumni Address at the Academy. Subject was "The Gift of the Penniless". It was very well received and I had many compliments. Ora was down. Frank Johnson came home with me. Fri. June 28. Went to the Pres. ice cream festival with Ed Skiinner and Miss Crosby, who is staying at Van Duzer's. Frank Johnson joined us and stayed with us until the 9:15 car. After that we came home & Ed called for a time. 131 132 133 192 g. Marion (Grieve) Baker, '29 1 Mar. 1961