Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

(this never happened): Queer monstrosity, survival, & the monstrous-feminine on stage & screen

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In what ways are monstrosity, the abject, and queerness connected? What are the mechanisms by which we as a culture twist perceptions of difference into denouncements of monstrous otherness? How can we use creation as a tool for healing? How...


Built for speed: strain in the cartilaginous vertebral columns of sharks

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In most bony fishes vertebral column strain during locomotion is almost exclusively in the intervertebral joints, and when these joints move there is the potential to store and release strain energy. Since cartilaginous fishes have poorly mineralized vertebral centra, we...


Distribution, inflation, and public industrial enterprises

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A Kaleckian model, featuring the complementarity of the public and private sectors and administered pricing of public-sector products, is developed to examine the impact of public enterprises on income distribution between the state, capital, and labor. Public-sector mark-up and relative...


Do Immigrant Inflows Affect Native Location Decisions?

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This paper investigates the relationship between immigrant inflows and native outflows in US metropolitan areas, using data from the Current Population Survey during the period from 2005-2014. Simple linear regression suggests a significant positive effect of immigrant population growth on...


Inflation, growth, and import bottlenecks in the Turkish manufacturing sector

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This paper argues that, in economies heavily dependent on imported inputs, the responsiveness of price and output to cost and demand factors are altered by foreign exchange bottlenecks if the government resorts to nonmarket allocation of import licenses. A model...


Quesnay's Tableau Economique: An expository note

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Francois Quesney's Tableau is reformulated as a two-sector linear system. Stationary state interclass exchanges are described by a sequential accounting Tableau of real and monetary holdings of each class at each step of the circulation process. A diagrammatic framework is...
