Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

"Digital Punk Rock Spirit:" A Spatial Reorientation of Asian American Diasporic Subcultural Subjectivities

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This thesis is about Asian Americans creating and seeking a spaces of belonging, in and between essentialisms of racial, national, ethnic, and cultural borders. Starting from the 1800s, Chinese laborers formed ethnic communities and contested their belonging under the state-sanctioned...


Distribution, inflation, and public industrial enterprises

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A Kaleckian model, featuring the complementarity of the public and private sectors and administered pricing of public-sector products, is developed to examine the impact of public enterprises on income distribution between the state, capital, and labor. Public-sector mark-up and relative...


Inflation, growth, and import bottlenecks in the Turkish manufacturing sector

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This paper argues that, in economies heavily dependent on imported inputs, the responsiveness of price and output to cost and demand factors are altered by foreign exchange bottlenecks if the government resorts to nonmarket allocation of import licenses. A model...


Quesnay's Tableau Economique: An expository note

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Francois Quesney's Tableau is reformulated as a two-sector linear system. Stationary state interclass exchanges are described by a sequential accounting Tableau of real and monetary holdings of each class at each step of the circulation process. A diagrammatic framework is...


Shakes, Quakes and Kokoro no care

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The 3.11 events in 2011 are historically the most destructive series of natural disasters to have ever hit the island nation of Japan. But while the international media has commended the bravery of survivors and applauded Japanese efforts to provide...
