Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

"Saga Hwaet Ic Hatte": The Riddles of the Aenigmata and the Exeter Book in Conversation

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Symphosius's Latin <em>Aenigmata</em> and the Old English Exeter Book, although known as two related collections of riddles, have not yet been analyzed from the perspective of their connected natures. This thesis seeks to bring the two collections into conversation as...


Delivered Divinities: Senatorial Power and Senatorial Peril in the Importation Narratives of Cybele, Asklepios, and Bacchus

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This thesis attempts to analyze the Roman Senate's actions during the importation of three different gods — Cybele, Asklepios, and Bacchus — into Rome during the Middle Republic (400-133 BCE) in order to deduce how the Senate manipulated these religious...


Using NAICS to identify national industry cluster templates for applied regional analysis

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Whereas FESER and BERGMAN, 2000, developed the concept of national-level cluster templates and introduced a systematic methodology to identify such clusters, their technique and results were based on the now-outdated Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system for categorizing industries. We update...
