Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Armstrong's Axioms and Navigation Strategies

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The paper investigates navigability with imperfect information. It shows that the properties of navigability with perfect recall are exactly those captured by Armstrong's axioms from database theory. If the assumption of perfect recall is omitted, then Armstrong's transitivity axiom is...


Coalition Power in Epistemic Transition Systems

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The paper proposes a bimodal logic that describes an interplay between coalition strategies and distributed knowledge. Unlike the existing literature, the paper assumes that a strategy must be not only executable but also verifiable. That is, the strategy of a...


Crack Systems Analysis of the McCartys Flow, New Mexico, USA

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The McCartys Flow is a 3.9-ka vesicular porphyritic basalt lava flow in the Zuni-Bandera Volcanic Field (ZBVF) near Grants, New Mexico. The Lava Falls area on the southern part of the flow is dominated by pahoehoe sheet flows. Topographic features...


Everyone knows that someone knows: quantifiers over epistemic agents

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Modal logic S5 is commonly viewed as an epistemic logic that captures the most basic properties of knowledge. Kripke proved a completeness theorem for the first-order modal logic S5 with respect to a possible worlds semantics. A multiagent version of...


Information Flow under Budget Constraints

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Although first proposed in the database theory as properties of functional dependencies between attributes, Armstrong's axioms capture general principles of information flow by describing properties of dependencies between sets of pieces of information. This article generalizes Armstrong's axioms to a...


Pleistocene foraminifera assemblages as a proxy for temperature in the Weddell Sea, ODP Site 693A

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Climate conditions in the Weddell Sea during the Pleistocene can be inferred by examining the abundance of foraminifer species and mineral fragments in ocean sediment cores. In particular, Neogloboquadrina incompta is a useful temperature proxy, and the abundance of terrigenous...


Second-Order Know-How Strategies

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The fact that a coalition has a strategy does not mean that the coalition knows what the strategy is. If the coalition knows the strategy, then such a strategy is called a know-how strategy of the coalition. The paper proposes...


Strategic Coalitions with Perfect Recall

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The paper proposes a bimodal logic that describes an interplay between distributed knowledge modality and coalition know-how modality. Unlike other similar systems, the one proposed here assumes perfect recall by all agents. Perfect recall is captured in the system by...


Together We Know How to Achieve: An Epistemic Logic of Know-How

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The existence of a coalition strategy to achieve a goal does not necessarily mean that the coalition has enough information to know how to follow the strategy. Neither does it mean that the coalition knows that such a strategy exists...
