Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Armstrong's Axioms and Navigation Strategies

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The paper investigates navigability with imperfect information. It shows that the properties of navigability with perfect recall are exactly those captured by Armstrong's axioms from database theory. If the assumption of perfect recall is omitted, then Armstrong's transitivity axiom is...


Testing biological hypotheses with embodied robots: adaptations, accidents, and by-products in the evolution of vertebrates

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Evolutionary robotics allows biologists to test hypotheses about extinct animals. In our case, we modeled some of the first vertebrates, jawless fishes, in order to study the evolution of the trait after which vertebrates are named: vertebrae. …


The Objects of Our Affection: Objectification, Sexualization and Commodification of the Korean Pop Culture Industry and Fandom

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K-Pop with its flashy 'bubble gum pop' aesthetic has developed into a major cultural product and dominating industry in the past decade. In the growing market, idol celebrities have started to emerge as manufactured products that market the fantasy of...


ThemTube: commercializing the digital public sphere

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ThemTube is a 3-part video essay, running about an hour in total. I aimed to characterize the contradictory, ambiguous status of YouTube, a site that claims to level the playing field for video creators while promoting certain users over the...
