Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

LOL MY THESIS: An Exploration of the Written and Oral Linguistic Effects of Text Messaging

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This project explores a new register of language called 'textese,' which has developed as a result of text messaging via cell phones. I research how and why textese is being used, to understand how text messages are linguistically affecting the...


Looking: Storytelling and Flânerie in the Arcades of Grindr

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It is through storytelling, Walter Benjamin believed, that wisdom and experience are shared, letting open narratives achieve an amplitude that information lacks. And Charles Baudelaire considered the window-shopping flâneur to be the observant ne plus ultra of urban modernity. By...


Patchwork Green: Visualizing Landscape Evolutions at Vassar College

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A visual exploration of Vassar's palimpsestic landscape history, focusing on the evolution of Noyes Circle, the Class Tree Ceremony, and circulation around Main Building.


Webcam Culture: & the Commodification of Privacy

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My thesis takes a look at the history of webcam culture and investigates the changing attitudes towards surveillance and privacy since the creation of webcam technology and the rise of participatory culture. I postulate that since webcam culture became increasingly...
