Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Designing interactive digital installation for human-human interaction in live music events

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In the 21st century, there is a strong trend of the audience's personal technology-dependent behavior in live music events, specifically music concerts and music festivals. This project, <em>Interplaying, </em>investigates the way technology is used to encourage the audience's human-human interaction...


moss green velvet tablecloth

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A mostly-stock-footage video essay that explores the relationship between a person and their traces / the work imagines an "I" and a "you" as they think through the fictions of memory and interpersonal boundary, through the impulse to create and...


Private school choice and the returns to private schooling

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This paper analyzes the magnitude of earnings differentials and differences in the rates of return to education for individuals who attended private and public high schools in the U.S. from 1976 to 1983, controlling for self-selection into school sector, as...


Reality of Love: The Heteronormative Agenda of ABC's the Bachelor

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This project provides an oppositional reading of ABC's popular <em>Bachelor </em>franchise, arguing that these reality dating programs present viewers with specific narratives of gender, sexuality, class, and race that contribute to greater hegemonic discourse that reifies heterosexual marriage. Through a...


Share-price reaction to supervisory goodwill litigation: The Cal Fed case

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More than 100 savings and loans are currently involved in supervisory goodwill litigation against the federal government, with total claims approach fifty billion dollars. These claims arise from a provision in the 1989 Financial Institutions Reform Recovery and Enforcement Act...


The determinants of private high school attendance

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This paper develops a model of private school choice that incorporates measures of the availability and costs of private schooling, as well as the quality of existing public schools, in the local market for secondary education. Using data from the...


The determinants of private school attendance

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This paper develops a model of private school choice that incorporates measures of the availability and costs of private schooling, as well as the quality of existing public schools, in the local market for secondary education. Using data from the...


Wealth effects of supervisory goodwill litigation: A portfolio approach

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Using a unique set of publicly-traded litigation certificates, we measure the wealth effects of (largely) unanticipated damage awards in the ongoing supervisory goodwill litigation between thrifts and the federal government. Estimating abnormal returns for portfolios of litigation certificates and retained...
