Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Stabilizing the international financial system and financing development: an analysis of the Tobin tax

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This paper analyzes the feasibility of an international tax on currency transaction, also known as "Tobin Tax", from an economic and juridical point of view. The claim that such a tax would curb short term speculators, thus stabilizing the foreign...


Stabilizing the international financial system and financing development: an analysis of the Tobin tax

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This paper analyzes the feasibility of an international tax on currency transaction, also known as "Tobin Tax", from an economic and juridical point of view. The claim that such a tax would curb short term speculators, thus stabilizing the foreign...


The Social Displacement and Public Censorship of Public Spaces in Buenos Aires

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Buenos Aires is home to many Bolivian immigrants, so much that they statistically have become a key member of the city's citizenry. This thesis entails the social and cultural mechanisms that prevent Bolivians from having a social representation in the...


Wealth effects of supervisory goodwill litigation: A portfolio approach

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Using a unique set of publicly-traded litigation certificates, we measure the wealth effects of (largely) unanticipated damage awards in the ongoing supervisory goodwill litigation between thrifts and the federal government. Estimating abnormal returns for portfolios of litigation certificates and retained...
