Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Histories of Color in Critical Pedagogy: The Collective Re-Memory of Trauma and Resistance

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In this paper I analyze learning communities of color of the past and present and how they resist the dominant White narratives of racial progress and consensus in their social studies teaching, both in curricula and in praxis/structure. I will...


moss green velvet tablecloth

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A mostly-stock-footage video essay that explores the relationship between a person and their traces / the work imagines an "I" and a "you" as they think through the fictions of memory and interpersonal boundary, through the impulse to create and...


The Man in the Mirror: Self-awareness and Self-Criticism in the Satires of Persius

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Persius is often ignored in favor of Horace and Juvenal, largely because he is misunderstood. Most critics consider him little more than an "angry young man," but Persius' anger is only the means to an end. His <em>Satires</em> are in...


Wealth effects of supervisory goodwill litigation: A portfolio approach

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Using a unique set of publicly-traded litigation certificates, we measure the wealth effects of (largely) unanticipated damage awards in the ongoing supervisory goodwill litigation between thrifts and the federal government. Estimating abnormal returns for portfolios of litigation certificates and retained...
