Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Child brides in India

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This paper investigates the determinants of child marriage using a new data set from rural India. Specifically, we focus on an extreme form of child marriage--that is, the marriage of girls under the age of ten. No other study to...


Did the colonial powers pick the economic winners?

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This paper proposes a new instrument for institutional quality—the salary of colonial governors—to investigate whether variations in the quality of British colonial rule continue to have an impact on the economic performance of former colonies. Governors' salaries provide a good...


Moving Towards a Nuanced Understanding of Human Mating Preferences and Strategies: A Critique of Evolutionary Psychologists' Emphasis on Sex Differences

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This thesis examines how evolutionary psychologists study human mating preferences and strategies: the theories they test, the methods they use, and how they analyze their findings. Women's long-term mate preferences for high status, tall, investing men with resources and men's...


Vassar Students' and High School Counselors' Perceptions on the Role of the School Counselor: A Study on the Similarities and Differences

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This study was conducted to distinguish between the perspectives of current Vassar College students and high school counselors on the functions and expectations of school counselors. Based on previous literature, I predicted that students would not fully understand the scope...
