Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

"It's Gotta be the Shoes": A Case Study on Shoes, Distance Running, and Technology in Sport

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Over one weekend at the beginning of October 2019, Eliud Kipchoge's sub-two-hour marathon in the INEOS 1:59 Challenge and Brigid Kosgei's world-record-breaking Chicago Marathon win reset the clock in terms of what was believed to be humanly possible in the...


Pleistocene foraminifera assemblages as a proxy for temperature in the Weddell Sea, ODP Site 693A

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Climate conditions in the Weddell Sea during the Pleistocene can be inferred by examining the abundance of foraminifer species and mineral fragments in ocean sediment cores. In particular, Neogloboquadrina incompta is a useful temperature proxy, and the abundance of terrigenous...


We're City Lifers: Transformative Community Organizing in Boston's City Life/Vida Urbana

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City Life/Vida Urbana is a base-building community organization committed to structural transformation through racial, economic, gender, and other forms of social justice. Its local work currently focuses on preventing evictions as a result of foreclosures. Most people come to City...
