Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

A bug in the system: speculations on cybernetics, superorganisms, and simulated serendipity

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What is a cybernetic organism in the age of digital imagining? Where can we find a historical nexus between the methods used to models systems and the increasing velocity of digital images? How do bodies fracture and congeal when integrated...


Labor market informalization and social policy: distributional links and the case of homebased workers

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This paper is based on the notion that the nature of current labor market informalization requires rethinking in order to guide action and formulate social policies for eliminating poverty and reducing economic inequality and job insecurity. It explores conceptually and...


村上春樹の短編集「中国行きへのスロウ・ボート」の英訳:「中国行きへ のスロウ・ボート」、「貧乏な叔母さんの話」、「ニューヨークの炭鉱の 悲劇」 A Select English Translation of Murakami Haruki’s Short Story Collection “A Slow Boat to China”: “A Slow Boat to China”, “A Poor Aunt Story,” and “New York Mining Disaster”

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