Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

College-aged women on Instagram: an analysis of gender and social media

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Through an analysis of gender and image theory as well as data gathered through survey, coding and interviews, I sought to explore how twenty-first century women both perform femininity through social media and challenge gendered stereotypes while doing so. I...


Shakes, Quakes and Kokoro no care

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The 3.11 events in 2011 are historically the most destructive series of natural disasters to have ever hit the island nation of Japan. But while the international media has commended the bravery of survivors and applauded Japanese efforts to provide...


The "touch" versus the "see": tactility as a challenge against digital media in "Subway Therapy"

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The thesis explores how the tactile aspect of "Subway Therapy," a project in which people could write messages on sticky notes after the 2016 Presidential Election and post them on the subway walls in New York City, fosters an alternative...


The relationship of preschool children and the media: a thorough investigation into the televised culture

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The understanding of television and book media is necessary during the years of early childhood development especially as the presence of these particular media continue to advance. Children are growing up in-almost thrown into- a world that is global, competitive...
