Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

I heard it through the grapevine: Gossip as observational learning at college

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After personally engaging in the communication networks present at Vassar College, I have chosen to research the function of gossip in small communities such as college campuses. After collecting data on the many facets of gossip and informal information sharing...


Limited arbitrage, segmentation, and investor heterogeneity: Why the law of one price so often fails

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There are numerous examples of assets with identical payout streams being priced differently. These violations of the law of one price result from two factors. First, investors have heterogeneous asset valuations so that if two groups of investors trade in...


Problems with Analyzing Nero's Debasement

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I examined Nero's debasement in the literary sources; the possible reasons for it, the consequences of it, and other details of it. Following, I examined the techniques that have been used over the last 150 years in attempts to discern...


Queer Hermeneutics for an Unbound Temporality: Schools as Passageway

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Queer theorists have posited that normativity is involved in a spatial practice. American society has taken great care to assign different levels of value to different identities as well as to the time and space they inhabit. Inequitable structures of...


The portfolio allocation effects of investor sentiment about the ability of managers to beat the market

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I present a model that can transform discounts on closed-end mutual funds into a measure of investor sentiment about the ability of fund managers to beat the market. This measure of sentiment varies positively with capital flows into actively managed...
