Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

From Public to Private Space: The Territorialization of the Poughkeepsie City School District And the Four Pillars Charter School

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Within the contemporary landscape of public education reform, educational actors are re- directing their hopes and visions for equitable and collaborative change outside of public space and into private territories, such as charter schools. The effort to establish the Four...


Limited arbitrage, segmentation, and investor heterogeneity: Why the law of one price so often fails

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There are numerous examples of assets with identical payout streams being priced differently. These violations of the law of one price result from two factors. First, investors have heterogeneous asset valuations so that if two groups of investors trade in...


The Man in the Mirror: Self-awareness and Self-Criticism in the Satires of Persius

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Persius is often ignored in favor of Horace and Juvenal, largely because he is misunderstood. Most critics consider him little more than an "angry young man," but Persius' anger is only the means to an end. His <em>Satires</em> are in...


The portfolio allocation effects of investor sentiment about the ability of managers to beat the market

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I present a model that can transform discounts on closed-end mutual funds into a measure of investor sentiment about the ability of fund managers to beat the market. This measure of sentiment varies positively with capital flows into actively managed...


The Strategy of Explanations

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To better understand the strategic aspects of human decision-making, we conduct a power-to-take game in which takers are required to send messages explaining their actions to receivers. We vary the types and timing of information takers have available to them...
