Vassar College Digital Library

Vassar Scholarship

Vassar Scholarship, the institutional repository formerly known as Digital Window, reflects the research and scholarly output of the Vassar College community.  It provides access to a variety of collections, including senior theses and projects across a wide range of disciplines.

Iteratively Linking Words Using Word2Vec and Cosine Similarity

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We propose an algorithm that constructs relationships among any number of seed words. A relationship consists of a set of iteratively-generated paths of similar words, where each path links one seed word to another. The similar words are generated using...


Society of the Culinary Spectacle: An Analysis of the Mediated Relationship Between Female Celebrity Chefs And the Kitchen

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Gender remains a primary issue in the culinary, area, and a diachronic analysis of the portrayal of women in food media highlights the role that representation plays in both reinforcing and easing this divide. By examining the personas of Julia...


The Man in the Mirror: Self-awareness and Self-Criticism in the Satires of Persius

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Persius is often ignored in favor of Horace and Juvenal, largely because he is misunderstood. Most critics consider him little more than an "angry young man," but Persius' anger is only the means to an end. His <em>Satires</em> are in...


Trust and the Law

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This chapter provides a selective review of the literature on trust and the law. We highlight the psychological and game theoretic mechanisms underpinning the role of trust in relationships with incomplete contracts. We also discuss evidence on whether behavioral trust...
