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Albert Einstein to Otto Nathan written at the bottom of the letter from Maass and Davidson, [August 1939?]:

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[August 1939?]
TLS, David C. Westory to O. Nathan (original in English). On letterhead: "Maass & Davidson Attorneys 20 Exchange Place New York." ALS, A. Einstein to Miss Gottsehr (original in German).
einstein:408,Folder 1.33
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: einstein:408-1
August 7, 1939.
Dr. Otto Nathan,
121 West 11th Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Dr. Nathan:

Enclosed herewith you will find copy of letter received from Dr. Georg Guggenheim, dated July 21, 1939, in connection with Huttenstrasse Realty Corporation. You will note that Dr. Guggenheim requested information immediately as to whether or not a mortgage in the sum of 5,000 francs be recorded against the property to secure Professor Einstein. Kindly let me have Professor Einstein’s response as soon as possible.
Yours very truly,
David C. Westory

In my opinion, Mr. Guggenheim should be informed that the 5,000 fr. should not be recorded as “against the property.” I see no reasonable grounds for such an
[TLS, David C. Westory to O. Nathan (original in English). On letterhead: “Maass & Davidson Attorneys 20 Exchange Place New York.” ALS, A. Einstein to Miss Gottsehr (original in German).]


: einstein:408-1
August 7, 1939.
Dr. Otto Nathan,
121 West 11th Street,
New York, N. Y.

Dear Dr. Nathan:

Enclosed herewith you will find copy of letter received from Dr. Georg Guggenheim, dated July 21, 1939, in connection with Huttenstrasse Realty Corporation. You will note that Dr. Guggenheim requested information immediately as to whether or not a mortgage in the sum of 5,000 francs be recorded against the property to secure Professor Einstein. Kindly let me have Professor Einstein’s response as soon as possible.
Yours very truly,
David C. Westory

Nach meiner Anssicht sollte man Herrn Guggenheim mitteilen, dass die 5000 fr. nicht eingetragen werden “against the property”. Ich sehe keinen vernünftigen Grund für eine solche
[TLS, David C. Westory to O. Nathan. On letterhead: “Maass & Davidson Attorneys 20 Exchange Place New York.” ALS, A. Einstein to Miss Gottsehr.]


: einstein:408-2

I received a check for 180.04 dollars from the Kantonal Bank as interest for a mortgage of 40,000 fr., which I have on the Hutten St. building. Please tell Nathan to report on it. Mrs. Mileva E. should, of course, be receiving the money, as it has been deducted from earnings on the building. Perhaps this complicated procedure could be simplified in future.
Thanking you, Miss Gottsehr, kindly for your efforts,
A. Einstein.


: einstein:408-2

Ich erhielt von der Kantonalbank einen Chek von 180,04 Dollar als Zins einer Hypothek von 40000 fr., die ich auf das Haus Huttenstr. habe. Sagen Sie bitte Nathan davon zu benachrichtigen. Das Geld sollte natürlich Frau Mileva E. erhalten, da es von den Einkünften des Hauses abgezogen worden ist. Vielleicht liesse sich diese komplizierte Prozedur künftig vereinfachen.
Ihnen Frl. Gottsehr freundlichen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen
A. Einstein.