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Abram Sacher to Albert Einstein, 20 May 1953

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1953-05-20T01:00:01Z -
TLS. On letterhead: "Brandeis University Waltham 54, Massachusetts Office of the President."
einstein:662,Folder 3.20
1 item
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: einstein:662-1
May 20, 1953

Dr. Albert Einstein
Institute for Advanced Studies
Princeton University
Princeton, New Jersey

Dear Dr. Einstein:

I feel highly privileged to transmit to you the wish of our faculty and the Board of Trustees to confer an honorary degree upon you at the Commencement Exercises on the morning of June 14. It would be a great privilege for our young University if you would be included, as one of the immortals in the area of science to be in the first group, who are to receive honorary degrees.
There would be special significance because you helped to bring the University into being. I have been heartsick all through the early years of my incumbency over the misunderstandings that took you out of the active pioneering group. But Mr. George Alpert reported to the Board of Trustees at their last meeting that your friendly relationships have been resumed and this makes me hope that the period of misunderstanding has been ended.
I know full well that you do not get away for trips and if you cannot come personally, the honorary degree would be conferred in absentia. But it would give Brandeis the opportunity to express its gratitude and its affection, and you will be conferring a very high honor upon the University in permitting it to offer this honorary degree to you.
With all good wishes,
Cordially yours,
A. L. Sachar
A. L. Sachar
[TLS. On letterhead: “Brandeis University Waltham 54, Massachusetts Office of the President.”]