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Albert Einstein to Mr. Lazurs, 19 July 1947:

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19 July 1947
TLS. On embossed letterhead "A. Einstein, 112, Mercer Street, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A."
einstein:668,Folder 1.60
1 item
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: einstein:668-1
July 19, 1947

Mr. S. Ralph Lazrus
Benrus Watch Co.
200 Hudson Str.
New York N.Y.

Dear Mr. Lazrus:
I share your and Mr. Nathan’s great surprise at the statements which Mr. Alpert released to the press and made in public meetings with regard to Professor Harold J. Laski. In fact, I should never have assumed that he or anyone else would be capable of so much distortion. When Mr. Alpert visited me on March 30th 1947, I discussed with him at great length the difficult problem of selecting a president for Brandeis University. I told him that you and Mr. Nathan had suggested that the Board of Trustees be asked to delegate the authority for selection of the President to me. I mentioned to Mr. Alpert that, in case the Board would take such action, I was considering to inquire of Professor Laski whether he might be willing to come over here to help us in organizing the University. Mr. Alpert not only did not object to this suggestion, but approved of it.
With kind personal regards, sincerely yours,
A. Einstein
Albert Einstein.
[TLS. On embossed letterhead “A. Einstein, 112, Mercer Street, Princeton, New Jersey, U.S.A.”]