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Anthony, Susan B. | to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, [Feb 1861]

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[February 1861]
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: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-04_1861-02_001_tr
(Letter from Susan B. Anthony to E. C. S. probably about February, 1861.)
Dear Mrs. Stanton
Your note came yesterday - most sincerely do I regret that your household must give you such greeting on your return - it is a shame that those large boys, Young Men - do not begin to feel a pride in helping to keep good order - But I will only rejoice that you & the cause have had the little you have of this Winters experience - I have sent you the Utica Papers - & hope you get them - We had two excellent meetings in Zions (Colored) Church, Rochester, on Sunday -
Mrs. Stanton - The Hon. Phelps of Boston is determined to execute the law on me - I pray you impart nothing of my action to the sister Mrs. Garnsey - I'd like you to get her account of the whole affair, reveal her whereabouts - Moreover tell her, if anything - that I know it not -
I have a letter from Mr. Garrison, begging me to reveal her hiding place - he says there is not spot or blemish on Phelps character - get Mrs. Garnsey's opinion on his chastity to his Marriage Vow - You will of course slip over to Auburn one of the days -
It is a shame that you can never be released from constant presence at your home - I shall make a contract with the Father of my children to watch & care for them one half the time.
I cannot write much - Mr. Green was down yesterday - bright & pure as ever and fresh for the Wars Spiritual -
Garrison is clearly with us says they expect a severe time - but shall go on as if there was nothing but sunshine in prospect -


: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-04_1861-02_002_tr
(Susan B. Anthony to E. C. S. Feb. 1861)
& such is more & more clearly our duty -
Poor dear Mr. Mays philosophy, is just the one to best please his Satanic Majesty - & we can even spare the test for Syracuse - No, No, that city of loudest pretentions must be put to the test - I hope you may steal down there one day -.
S. B. A.
P. S. (On upper margin of first page) I have asked Lydia to see Ramsey about the Divorce hearing before the Judiciary -