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Anthony, Susan B. | to Dear Sir, Jan 12, 1875

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: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-30_1875-01-12_001
Tenafly, N.J. Jan.12/75
Dear Sir
I have ordered the Express to leave two packages of books with you - Will you please pay the charge on them - & I will settle with you on my arrival on Wednesday - I will also make a payment on the hall rent.
- Now as to the Hall - Please be sure & have it


: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-30_1875-01-12_002
thoroughly heated - to go into a cold hall just chills & kills a meeting -So dont fail to give us a well warmed room to begin with.
Then, without fail - please - give us a carpet on the platform - With a dozzen easy chairs & a sofa - if possible -and three or four small tables along the front - Not that great long one - put that please, on the floor in front of the platform for the Reporters -


: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-30_1875-01-12_003
Then can you not give us a flag or two over the platform ~ & make the hall wear a lady-like appearance generally - - for though we are strong-minded we do not wish to have things about us look Manish ~
Especially - Do have the hall floor cleaned thoroughly -also the ante


: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-30_1875-01-12_004
rooms - They were simply filthy last year - We had them just after some sort of tobacco spitting performance -So please give us everything clean as silver, and all in real woman housekeeping order - & we will not only pay our rent promptly - but say a thousand thanks beside -
Respectfully yours
Susan B. Anthony


: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-30_1875-01-12_005_tr
Alma Lutz Collection
Tenafly, N.J. Jan.12/75
Dear Sir
I have ordered the Express to leave two packages of books with you - Will you please pay the charge on them - & I will settle with you on my arrival on Wednesday - I will also make a payment on the hall rent.
- Now as to the Hall - Please be sure & have it thoroughly heated - to go into a cold hall just chills & kills a meeting -So dont fail to give us a well warmed room to begin with.
Then, without fail - please - give us a carpet on the platform - With a dozzen easy chairs & a sofa - if possible -and three or four small tables along the front - Not that great long one - put that please, on the floor in front of the platform for the Reporters -
Then can you not give us a flag or two over the platform ~ & make the hall wear a lady-like appearance generally - - for though we are strong-minded we do not wish to have things about us look Manish ~
Especially - Do have the hall floor cleaned thoroughly -also the ante rooms - They were simply filthy last year - We had them just after some sort of tobacco spitting performance -So please give us everything clean as silver, and all in real woman housekeeping order - & we will not only pay our rent promptly - but say a thousand thanks beside -
Respectfully yours
Susan B. Anthony