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Anthony, Susan B. | to Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Aug 25, 1860

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: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-03_1860-08-25_001_tr
(Copy of letter from Susan B. Anthony to Elizabeth Cady Stanton)
Worcester, Aug. 25, 1860.
Dear Mrs. Stanton
I learn through Stephen Foster and Lydia Mott of your
Invitations to attend political Anti-Slavery Conventions is Cleveland
and Worcester - I would be delighted to (?) Women attend, and speak and
act with them - but of course it can be only these who really feel that
it is best for men, even, at this moment, to stop to organize the mere
handful of voters, who would cast their ballots for principle - and not
for what they deemed the"least of the two evils", one of which the nation
must surely have in the presidential chair -
You see Stephen is but repeating the Liberty Party Experiment - Men who cannot or will not hear their testimony against the two great Political Parties, by non voting, can not & will not by voting for a man for principles sake whoso election is not possible.
It requires precisely the same material to make a true Political abolitionist that it does to make a Non voting Disunion Abolitionist - the only difference is the mode of expressing opposition to
the prevailing pro Slavery action.
Antoinette Brown is the only woman who could go into
Foster's Movement with right good Will - for she is a politician in philosophy - while you and I & others are agitators to make public sentiment - So it seems to me - But if you feel right for the work go ahead - Stephen wants you to read an address on the true government at one of their evening sessions, & to act on their business Committee -
Parker Pillsbury, in the Money Committee, when Stephen asked an appropriation to pay your expenses to his Convention - Said,


: vcl_Susan-B-Anthony_F01-03_1860-08-25_002_tr
(Susan B. Anthony to E. C. S. Aug. 25, 1860. -2-)
"I have great faith in Mrs. Stanton, & would vote her expenses to any place where there was an audience for to address, no matter by whom or for what called together - sure that her word would be true & grand anywhere -"
Why don't you go to the Liberty Party Convention at Syracuse - Stephen expects to be there, to try & get Goodell & Gerritt Smith & all to join him - they make nominations & the Worcester Convention endorse their Nominees -
I wish Henry would go & report to the Tribune & the World, without scandal prejudice or irony - just what they propose & do - I hope they may unite - Stepehen thinks Frederic Douglas will unite with him - I hope he will - for he stands so isolated alone now - If you go to Syracuse, you'll get an idea of what Stephen's plan is & can then decide whether you had better go to Worcester.
If you see your way clear to help both Woman & the Negro, or only the Negro - then go by all means -
Write me at Albany, Care Lydia Mott -
We got the Money voted for our Albany Depository.
Love to All -
S. B. Anthony.