Vassar College Digital Library

[Home movie]

Video file
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Personal camera footage from Founder's Day 1931 and 1932 as well as Class Day 1932. Scenes from Founder's Day 1931 begin with a treasure hunt, followed by the faculty-student baseball game, the hoop-rolling contest (won by Marcia Wheelock, VC 1931), and dancing the Virginia Reel to a performance by the Columbia University Band, and ends with a picnic on Sunset Hill. The 1932 Founder's Day footage includes a parade of students costumed to partake in the "International Olympics," a series of competitions including a sack race and a bicycle race. The costumes include stereotypical Romani, South Asian, and Chinese dress. Students can be seen at both baseball games sitting on the St. Chamond tank gifted to the college by the French government in 1920. The end of the film has daisy picking and the 1932 Class Day exercises, including the Class of 1934 Daisy Chain. Campus views can be seen throughout the film including the chapel, Strong House, Rockefeller Hall, the Shakespeare Garden and the library. There is also footage of ice skating on Vassar Lake
Misc 1931-05-06, 1932-05-04
12 minutes
Format - AV
film reel