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Pidgeon, Mary (Kiersted). Diary, 1871

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Generally describes daily life at Vassar, including winter conditions and the College, Lady Principal Hannah W. Lyman's illness (and 55th birthday), horseback riding lessons, and her close friends, especially Abbie and Bertha (likely Bertha Keffer, VC 1876). Pidgeon writes briefly of President John H. Raymond's lecture on alcohol and tobacco in light of the almost-expulsion of three students in early May. She is a keen observer of weather conditions, noting frequently the temperature, wind, and general conditions of the day. A list of highlights from her diary (not written in her hand) begins on page 139 of the digitized item.

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: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871003
F Re

Mary. A. Kiersted
Vassar College

(Mrs. F... Pidgeon)
ex '75

Mother of
Marie Kiersted Pidgeon


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871004
January Sunday, 1 1871
Pleasant, rather cold. Went
to church in morning
Sunday school and Church
in evening. There were
two Japanese with Dr. Thompson
They were both princes and
attending College in New Brunswick
The oldest one spoke in both
Japanese and broken English.

Monday, 2



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871029
January Sunday, 1 1871
Pleasant, rather cold. Went
to church in morning
Sunday school and Church
in evening. There were
two Japanese with Dr. Thompson
They were both princes and
attending College in New Brunswick
The oldest one spoke in both
Japanese and broken English.

Monday, 2



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871030
January Tuesday, 3 1871.


Wednesday, 4



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871031
January Thursday,5 1871.

Cloudy. Left home for Vassar
at 7AM. Crossed the river in sleigh
ice boat and walked there was
only uncle George, Charlie, Mr. F...
and myself. Got at Vassar at
quatre (sic) of ten. found all my
parlor mates back.

Friday, 6



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871032
January Saturday, 7 1871.

Pleasant. Practiced ... 120
minutes. first since I have
been back. No essays. Abbie,
Addie and I took our exercise
standing on the shore of the
lake where the men were
cutting ice, one frightened the
fishes by breaking in. Had
ice cream for dinner.

Sunday, 8

Cloudy. and snowed a little
in the afternoon.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871033
January Monday, 9 1871.

Pleasant but very cold. Dr.
Avery excused us from half
our exercise

Tuesday, 10



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871034
January Wednesday, 11 1871.


Thursday, 12



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871035
January Friday, 13 1871.

Warm like a spring day.
106C overslept its self. late
to breakfast in consequence.
Mitchell made the excuses and
Abbie and I got in for noth-
ing. Walked with Addie at
the 9th period. Hattie D... got back
today. Breakfast after this at 8
o'clock on Saturday's and Sunday's.
Got three letters from home this morning.

Saturday, 14

Cloudy. Rose at half past seven
Practiced ... 1.20 ...
Got three letters, from Mama
Annie F. and Addie's which was
delayed. Abbie, Addie and I
walked at the 6th period.
106C were frightened by a knock
knock on the door after ten.
Abbie and I had a whole apple
this evening. Broke our bed
down when we got in.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871036
January Sunday, 15 1871.

Misty Bible class as usual. Mr.
Woods a missionary from Constan
-tinople preached in the morning
Mr. C... from Sandwich
Islands in the afternoon.
Wrote letters to Papa and
Mama and Anne Freligh
106C broke its bed down again
today we must tie it up now

Monday, 16

Rained cleared off towards night
with a lovely sunset and rain
-bow. Got a letter from this
morning and papers from home
This noon Mr. C... lectured
This evening upon the "Volcanoes
& Earthquakes of the Sandwich Islands.
It was quite interesting. We had Ice
cream for dinner. Thomas fixed
one bed this morning and Abbie
thought he was going to make it.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871037
January Tuesday, 17 1871.

Pleasant. Could see the Mountain
House. Went walking with Abbie
and Addie at the 9th period. Took
a new piece the "Chausons Boire
Addie Whitney's birthday. Late to
breakfast. President was in our
French class. Tuttle kissed Addie 19
times. President lectured us in
Chapel on loyalty. this evening.

Wednesday, 18

Pleasant. Gymnastics. The girls
had to ... Prof Ritter's "History of
Music it was perfectly killing
The President continued his
lecture of last evening. We are all
wild to know what he is driving
at. We know that Harrie ...
was caught at 12 1/2 PM the other day
going from Ella W..d's room but
tonight he came down on the seniors
hot & heavy. Sent for our apples today


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871038
January Thursday, 19 1871.

Pleasant. Got a letter from Mama
this morning. Abbie Addie and
I took our exercise watching the
girls skate. The president
gave us another lecture but
this time it was about noise
and loud talking. he spoke
for Miss Lyman.

Friday, 20

Cloudy. Received letters from
Annie and ... this morn
ing. Miss Swayze lectures in
NY this evening on "Women of all
Ages." Went to Alpha in society
hall to night with Mina
and Lena. Drama "Mock
Trial." criminal charged with
slander J...Beach slander
M... House, J B's lawyer Abbie Farwell
House's Adalaid Skeel. Ice cream for dinner


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871039
January Saturday, 21 1871.

Pleasant. Took my exercise with
Mina & Lena first in the Gymnasium
learning to dance then we went
down to the lake to see the girls
skate. Everest came to see me
was introduced to Mr Bull. The
President gives the ... a
party to night. Wrote again about
our apples. Perry & Bl... called 8 P.M

Sunday, 22

Pleasant but very cold. Bible class
as usual. The President's sermon
much better than usual. Walked
with Mina. Spent the afternoon
in Lena's parlor. Mina was down
to see Aggie. Wrote to Mama
Annie & J.... Spent the
evening in Lenas and Mina'
parlor. Aggie came up.
Had breakfast at eight o'clock
and was late at that


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871040
January Monday, 23 1871.

Pleasant in the morning and
snowed in the afternoon. Coldest
day we have had. Dr. Avery excused
us from all but 20 minute's
exercise. The paths are shoveled all
around. Terrible stories around the
college concerning Miss Lyman
but she cant be so sick she was in
faculty meeting all afternoon. Prof Van
Ingen has an addition of a son to his family

Tuesday, 24

Snowed until the afternoon
still very cold, excused from
half our exercise. Addie & I took
our exercise together while Abbie
was being examined in Rhetoric
at the 8th period. Got a letter
from Papa this morning.
Miss Lyman comfortable
today. The Thermometer was 48 [degrees]
in Miss Wileys room where I took
a lesson, Mercury 5 degrees.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871041
January Wednesday, 25 1871.

Pleasant. Mercury 12 [degrees] below zero
Received a letter from Ettie at last.
Abbie went to Miss Morse and she
asked her how little Miss Kiersted
was getting alon, she said very
well then she wanted to know if I
was studious Abbie told her yes
Free sleighing parties to night
Seniors, Freshmen, & Mixed
Ice cream for dinner.

Thursday, 26

Snowed all day very hard so
that we were excused from all out
door exercise and Gymnastics and
from going over to the Music Hall at all.
Got a letter from Mama this morning
& wrote to Ettie K. this afternoon. Dr. Avery
squelched Alice this morning for not
having on rubbers to go over to the Music
Hall. And would not let Abbie take
4 studies said it was too much for
her. ... she was sick last quater (sic) which
was not so Let her tak (sic) 3 1/2 and no Botany next ...


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871042
January Friday, 27 1871.

Very pleasant. Got a letter from
Jennie this mornin. Excused
from Gymnastics. Mrs Pruyne
spoke to us after Chapel she ...
womens missionary society in
Albany. "Packs" came down with
her among them Mrs. Elmendorf
She spoke to me and I had quite
a little talk with her after Chapel
wasnt "Pussy" sweet though.

Saturday ,28

Pleasant. Add & I walked
in the afternoon. I went
to Dr. Avery and she said
I must go to Miss Eddy &
be for...ted 15 minutes &
put a compress which I
did & she said I must come
the next day if not better
I have been making picture
frames they are very pretty
One barrel of apples came today


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871043
January Sunday, 29 1871.

Snowey, but we were not
excused from exercise. I went
to Dr. Avery again this morning
she was lovely & gave me
medicine to take every half
hour. Dr. Smith of Philadelphia
preached this morning. The
roof leaks so that the plastering
is falling off all along the corridor
Miss Lymans 55th birthday

Monday, 30

Pleasant. I went to Dr. Avery again
& she gave me some more
medicine to take every half hour
before meals & said I need not
put any compresses on they did
not seem to help me - was for...ted
again, Miss Morse was around call
ing on the girls were terribly
afraid she would appear at
106 & kept the room in apple
pie order but she did not get farther than
100. Miss Swayze conducted corridor

Meeting Miss ...
is sick


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871044
January Tuesday, 31 1871.

Cloudy, but quite warm I
went to Dr. Avery again &
she asked me if i had on
flannels & of course I had
to say no! Then she told
me to write home in the two
o'clock mail for them which
I did of course. Mame & Alice
emptied the apples on the
floor this evening & sorted them

February Wednesday, 1


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871050
February Sunday, 12 1871.

Stormy, it has snowed
terribly hard all day. We had
the Episcopal service by the Right
Rev. Bishop Huntington it was
two hours long. Excused from
exercise. Wrote to Annie & Ettie
& Papa & Mama. Mrs Bixby
lectured tonight in Chapel
she is a returned missionary from
B...h & brought curiosities with her

Monday, 13


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871054
February Tuesday, 28 1871.

Pleasant. Abbie and I walked
at the sixth period we stayed
in front of the College all the
time it was so muddy.

March Wednesday, 1

Pleasant. commenced
A... Recieved a letter from
Papa. Had a long students
meeting about Founders day
The Faculty proposed we ...
it a Spring ... which was
unanimously voted ...
Hiscock asked for an explanation
of College colors. ... Lewis trying
to be smart squelched her saying
the college colors consisted of silver

grey and rose red
Last year they asked
25 cts a yard and
she supposed they
would be the same
this year. Then she
sat down and got up
and said they
were worn as badges.
Miss Clark said our Rhetoric
class did splendidly and
learned their lessons well


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871055
March Thursday, 2 1871.

Lovely weather. Abbie and
I took our exercise on the
Observatory walk. Got a letter
from Mama she has put
$1,500 in the savings
bank for me. Miss Preston let
me take Abbie's paper. Wonderful!
Went to choral class. PM
told me I need not sing as
I had a cold.

Friday, 3

Misty and ... rain. Excused
from half our exercise
and it cleared of. Got a
letter from Annie. Wrote
to Add, Professor Backus
lectured on the "Literature
of the 19th century" I did not
go, but staid and ...
little women. Lena Kneopfell
came over. Our seats in
Chapel we rearranged.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871056
March Saturday, 4 1871.

Cloudy we went to take our
exercise, Abbie Tuttle & I
at that bridge before Sun-
set ... Abbie steped into
a hole and her foot went
through and ... her.
We went to the bowling alley
it snowed quite ... this
afternoon for quite a while.

The students asso'
met this morning
the faculty have
taken the name of
W Philips off the
list. ... proposed
we ask the faculty
to give us some good
reason. it was
carried unanimously

Sunday, 5

Lovely today. Abbie and
I did not mind having
to take our exercise. ...
of the girls went in
town to church. Abbie
wrote to Tom and Alice
wanted to know if she
was writing to Charlie,
I wrote to Mama
Annie Freligh, Etta
Loflin & Annie Kiph


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871057
March Monday, 6 1871.

It rained and was
very dark, Dr. Avery
excused us from half
our exercise. Got my
bill for schooling and
paid it and sent it
home. It snowed
this morning. We had
a mixed pie for dinner

Tuesday, 7

Lovely weather. Took my
exercise with Abbie. Annie
Parker and when I got back
took another hour with Mina
and Lena. Prof ... dog
embraced me, Did not
have any Latin Miss Smiley
was sick. Prof ...
told us we would recite
both lessons at the fifth
period and no one came to hear us


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871058
March Wednesday, 8 1871.

Lovely day. The messenger
girl came in this
morning and said
there was no mail, oh!
what groanings. The
Cecilia had a concert
Abbie and Mame went
but Alice and I could not
if we would we had no tickets

Thursday, 9

Pleasant. Abbie and I took
our exercise; went around
the lake , they are making
it ever so much larger,
Got a letter from Mama
and wrote one to her so did
Abbie. Excused from choral
class. Prof Ritter said he believed
we cheated him. Did
up my hair. Mame House
stared at me fearfully at supper


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871059
March Friday, 10 1871.

Pleasant. Got letters from Annie
and Jennie. Bertha & Etta
played a trick on our parlor
this evening. I went to Betsi
with Abbie and when we came
up our rooms were literally
upside down, every chair turned
over, and the ... all over the floor
and in both our bedrooms the beds
were all torn to pieces. You just bet

they'll hear ... ...
before we get through
Dr. Robinson of Rochester
lectured this evening
Abbie and I had
a jolly time sitting
on the floor of the
gallery making
... like fun.

Saturday, 11

Pleasant. Abbie, Mame and
I went for minerals this morning
we found quite a lot and
stayed out an hour and
a half I have two specimens of
garnets and another one.
Everest was out this afternoon
and Jennie B. was there and also
Kate M, & E... D..., Frank
Warren came out to see them.
Received letters from Papa & Etta


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871060
March Sunday, 12 1871.

Rainy, poured pitch forks &
blew hard all day. We
were excused from exercise.
Wrote 9 pages to Annie ... to Ettie
and wrote to Papa. Prof
Backus and Ray sat in
the gallery he is the "fidgisty"
little ... I ever saw.
Prof Mitchell also sat up there

Monday, 13

Pleasant. Got a letter
from Mama this morning
she said I might take
riding lessons and
now the Baron has to take
it into his head to go
away. Miss Corning
took her first lesson
and lots of the girls were
over there she told them they
must go away or she would tell

Miss Morse


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871061
March Tuesday, 14 1871.

Pleasant. Abbie and I took
our exercise at the 6 & 7 periods
we went around the lake.
Must remember to tell the
girls when I go home about
"Can I do any thing for
you Madame" and also
"Mustard plaster". Got
to Diction at last in Rhetoric.

Wednesday, 15

Very rainy, Dr. Avery
excused us from all exercise
but I had Gymnastics of cours.
Finished the first oration
in Cicero. Got a splendid
letter from Ettie Kiersted
12 pages long and full
of news. Mary Pennells
window was raised last
night about two. they screamed
and got the teachers up, had quite a ...


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871062
March Thursday, 16 1871.

Rainy. Abbie, Mina &
I took our exercise in
the bowling alley and
part of the time Lilly L
Alice went to bed this
afternoon with a cold, had
a lovely supper sent up.
"Comedy" came back to
our table from the senior table
where she had been

Friday 17

Rainy & cloudy. Received
letters from Papa Annie
and Jennie this morn-
ing. Went to Beta with
Abbie. Mame, Dora F. & Fannie
Shouse. went with her also
They had an "Old Folks
Concert" They did elegantly
especially E...Rice, who
was Grandmother or seemed
to be. Abbe is going to have fun now

in putting up her hair.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871063
March Saturday, 18 1871.

Pleasant. Got a letter
from Ettie. Mice have
eaten 7 0r 8 of my nice
handkerchiefs. Abbie and
I took an hours exercise on
the Observatory walk. We
practiced an hour before
dinner. We had 130
words in Rhetoric to look out
it took ... fully three hours or more

Sunday, 19

Pleasant. Abbie and I
took our exercise on the
Gymnasium and Lake
paths. Wrote to Annie,
Jennie, & Ettie. Set a
trap for that mouse
and caught it during
church this morning
Mame screamed fearfully
when I brought it out Abbie
was quite courageous


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871064
March Monday, 20 1871.

Pleasant. Went out at half past
ten to dispose of a mouse and
had our usual amount of
giggling to do, before we got
back, and when we did
get in bed away went the
old trap again. Had a
fearful time with my stockings
mending them after ... ....

Tuesday, 21

Rainy, but of course it cleared
off about noon and we were
not excused so we took our
exercise in the bowling alley.
Miss Preston wouldn't kiss her
Parents if she hadnt seen them
for the longest while any where
but in the house and she didnt
believe in kissing nevertheless we
found her smacking at a great
rate in the hall tonight splendid

... she will take
breakfast in the little
room after what she
said tonight and
was caught


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871065
March Wednesday, 22 1871.

Pleasant. Took ten minutes
exercise this noon with Kate
Maltby. Abbie and Mame
got their German Bibles
today I must bring my
French Bible back when
I come back after vacation
Gave in our name for the
Catalogue tonight.

Thursday, 23

Pleasant. Abbie and I went
around the lake for our
exercise. We payed Etta
and Bertha back today
in their own coin by sewing
up their dreseses, making a ...
bed for Bertha and sewed
up Ettas nightgown.
They brought up red
pepper from table tonight
so we must look out


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871066
March Friday, 24 1871.

Pleasant. Abbie and I went over
to see the 9th period Gymnastic
class practice. Alices trunk came
She had a box of candies &
nuts and rasins so we had
a feast after ten in our room.
Abbie Mame and I went
over to Delta in Society Hall they
had a drama from Shake..
Much ado about nothing they
all did splendidly. got letters from

Annie and Jennie

Saturday, 25

Pleasant. Got a letter from
Mama. Studied all morning.
made a cross, or transparency
this afternoon. Walked with
Abbie around the lake, wonder
I got back to the house she made
me laugh so. Our trunks came
down today. Abbie ... ...
one about Dan the nigger "kindling
wood's gone up the spout" and
a greenwich girl with a cat
under the table "..." ...

at the same time.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871067
March Sunday, 26 1871.

Pleasant in the morning but
cloudy this afternoon. Walked
with Abbie and Hattie Dewey
Wrote to Mama that was
all I was to (sic) lazy to do more
The two Miss M...s were up
here this evening. I must
... and bring back
that empty blank book when
I come after vacation. My throat

sore and I took
some salt from the
table right under
... and Mrs. Preston's
eyes and they
never saw me.

Monday, 27

I was quite surprised to wake
up and find the ground
covered with snow and
quite awoke Abbie by my ex-
(sic) exclamations. Miss Morse sent
for Tuttle and Abbie she asked
Abbie when she meant to be
examined in Botany. Tuttle,
she told her she must be exam-
omed om Rhetoric Ancient History
and Botany or she would be Special Prep


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871068
March Tuesday, 28 1871.

Snowed a little in the morning
but was pleasant. A...
has packed and taken her
exercise and so has Abbie.
Mame has been studying
Rhetoric all the time since
she was to Miss Morse.
Abbie received a note from the
President telling her she would be a Soph
Bought our trunk tickets

Wednesday, 29

Pleasant. Miss Clark told us in
Chapel this morning the Gymnastics
class of today and tomorrow
were excused to give us time to
pack but she hoped we would
not neglect our health but go out.
Got our tickets and checks. I
packed but did not go out.
I thought packing was enough
exercise for one day. Got a
letter from Etta L... this a. m.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871069
March Thursday, 30 1871.

Not very pleasant. I finished
packing; our trunks had
to be ready by four, mine
was one of the first to go
Had a concert tonight &
a quartet up from New York
I made arrangement to go
with Abbie and Lena Knopfell
but missed them both found
Agnes and sat by her. Etta &
Abbie are torturing themselves
for prides sake in 106.C. now.

Friday, 31

Pleasant. I am home, splendid!
Abbie, Bertha, Alice, Etta, May and
myself came down in a carriage
together and we came flying
Abbie Bertha and I went up
town after they left and
coming back met ... ...
I sat with L. Barrett in the car
as far as Rhinebeck and as a
"gentleman" was troubling Miss
House after she left I asked

her if she would
not take the empty seat which
she did and
we had a very
pleasant time
the rest of the way
as I never met her
Jennie was up to see
me this evening


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871070
April Saturday, 1 1871.

Pleasant this morning and of
course I had to wake up
before six. Snowy this after-
noon and evening the ground
is quite covered. Went riding
with papa this morning &
Annie F came to see me,
I went down to Lucy's to see
about my riding habit. Etta
and Jen called on me this

afternoon and
I went back to Ettie's
and saw her watch
it is very pretty.
Jennie came
back with me
and staid (sic) to tea
and is here now
to stay all night.

Sunday, 2

Pleasant. Jennie went home
about nine. When I went out
the gate this morning to go
to church with Mama
whom shoud I meet but
Ed Hotaling and Miny Loveleigh
I had not seen Ed before
but I had Miny. The ...
Gillespy came home with
me to night rather ...
I think for him, I was

so surprised and
provoked that I
asked him if he
had not made
a mistake. Wrote
to Mame Tuttle
to night.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871071
April Monday, 3 1871.

Rainy in the morning. I
spent it over to Ettie's and
cut out a picture frame
after dinner I went over
to see Hattie's at three o'clock
I went up to school and
walked down with Annie
to her house to stay a little
while they persuaded me to
stay to ... and I sent

Miny up to tell
Mama I was
going to spend the
evening. Miny
came home with me.

Tuesday, 4

Pleasant. Lovely overhead but
horrid underfoot. Took
dinner with Aunt Mary
Seaman. Took Eddie out
walking. Got three letters
from Abbie, Agnes Hall
and Ettie Kiegsted she
wants me to come down
on Saturday and spend
... Went riding
with Miny and Annie

twice up the ...
and down by Glasco
and round by ...
had a splendid ride.
Practiced quite a
while this evening
then Miny came
in and spent the
rest of it


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871072
April Wednesday, 5 1871.

Pleasant the wind blew
a hurricane. Went down
to ...'s my riding habit
has not come yet was over
to Hattie's in the morning
and she was baking cake
and made me two hot
ones I staid to dinner
Went to Mrs C... to spend
the evening had a very nice
time. Mr Grass learnd (sic)some

of us to play a
five handed game of
... went to
refreshments with
Henry Wilbur after their
play. ... with
Henry against M...
and Mr C... afterward
Mr Grass. Fred ...
came home with me
and Henry walked on behind

Thursday, 6


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871073
April Friday, 7 1871.

Saturday, 8

Very pleasant but fearfully
warm the thermometer
stood at 85 [degrees] on the North
side of our house in the shade
Went down to Annie's for
awhile this morning
spent the rest of it with
Miss Wells and took dinner
at Aunt Mary Seamans
Went to church with
Kitty and Miny



: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871074
April Sunday, 9 1871.

Fearfully hot and cloudy
in the afternoon. Miss
Wells, Annie, Miny and I
went over to the Episcopal
Church in the afternoon
I met Will K... in a
carriage on the hill. The
Sunday School had sort of
an Easter Sermon I had a class
to take up stairs. F Pidgeon ...
me home to night

Monday, 10

Pleasant. Frank Pidgeon came
for me to go to ride &
I told him I had no
time and a few minutes after
Miny came and I could
not go with him either.
Was out shopping with
Kitty and caught Charlie
asleep in the store it was
fun to see him go out.
Miny spent the evening
with me.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871075
April Tuesday, 11 1871.

Cloudy all day, and rained a little this afternoon.
Practiced an hour & a quarter this morning and got
my hat and slippers.
After dinner I packed them
Kitty came in Went up to school to see Mini and ...
go to Bristol. Papa would not let me go.

Then sent to Kitty's When Annie came ... went
up there She gave me her picture and Mary
walked home with me My Riding habit came
home tonight

Wednesday, 12

Part cloudy and clear. Left home at quarter of seven and
got back here just at the end of the 1st period
Saw M... three times 1st at L...Keeneys gate with his
sp... then he passed by the Exchange and after I got
on the ferry he passed again. Ed Hotaling saw me in
the omnibus and came and bade me good

.... Met Alice and Etta on the cars. Addie Whitney
is back again and Abbie they came yesterday.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871076
April Thursday, 13 1871.

Clear this morning but rainy this afternoon
There is no riding master horrid!! so Abbie
and I cannot take. Wrote to Mama this afternoon
Abbie and Addie and I took our exercise together
which seemed quite natural.

Friday, 14

Pleasant. Went over to Gymnastics but only
practiced the dumbbells. Received a letter from
Jenni this morning Charlie Davis and ...
Hutchins called this afternoon. I happened to
look out the window & saw them ... and a few
minutes after the

messenger girl came up ant told me they were in
the parlor and said Miss Morse wanted to know if
... Charlie, quite wonderful.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871077
April Saturday, 15 1871

Pleasant in the morning but rained in the afternoon
Got a letter from Annie Freligh Practice an hour and
a quater[sic]. Abbie was out surveying all day.
Add and I took our exercise together I christened
my big hat. Everest was coming

out but did not and sent me flowers instead.
Went to call on Miss Wiley at night had a
real pleasant call.

Sunday, 16

Pleasnt[sic] but cloudey[sic] this afternoon.
Wrote to Annie & Jennie. Wore my new spring hat.
took my exercise with Add after dinner went round
the lake. Took my French bible to church. Miss
Morse came in late and sat in the gallery. Mr.
Hague preached awfully poky


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871078
April Monday, 19 1871.

Pleasant. Miss Clark told me in the dining room
this noon we would have no Gymnastics until
further notice so Abbie and addie and I took
our exercise and walked up the road to the three roads
and past the

"house with the trees" Mame Tuttle wants us to
join her in getting a croquet set. Got a letter
and paper from Papa this morning.

Tuesday, 18

Pleasant. Abbie and Addie and I took our
exercise right after dinner walked around
the lake then out of the fartherest gate and
down the road in the lodge gate. Abbie and
Addie were going to soak me with a pail of
water because I said I would not vote
Professor Backus was in our

Rhetoric class this morning


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871079
April Wednesday, 19 1871.

Cloudy but did not rain. Wrote to Mama and Papa.
We have a new player in Gymnastics she is splendid
keeps decent ... and plays something decent
they say she is Mrs ...'s cousin Prof Backus was in our
Rhetoric class again this morning

and Miss Clark says she has asked him to come
in every day until we get used to him. Meeting of
students association . Prof Raymond has
consented to read on Founders day for $100,
which M... ... gave him, and have tableaux

Thursday, 20

Rainy all day until about tea time, when it cleared
of[sic] splendidly and the sun came out gorgeous
but it is fearfully foggy now & has been ever since
tea. Abbie and Add and I walked around the new
flower beds which extend all around the circle
Tuttle is talking "Irish" at a great rate

Students meeting and we voted ...$100 to Proffessor[sic]
Raymond for his reading & $50 for tableaux and between
$30 & 40 for flowers all for Founders day and as there
is no money in the treasury there will be a ... to collect
it at No 22.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871080
April Friday, 21 1871.

Pleasnt[sic] this morning after the fog cleared up
but we had a fearful thunder storm this afternoon
the tenth period Gymnastics were excused on account
of it. Got a letter from Jennie. Wrote to Ettie Laflur
this afternoon.

Went in to Beta with Lena Knoepfel

Saturday, 22

Cloudy all day. we were goin[sic] to
cedar ridge but it was so wet we could
not. I practiced an hour & twenty minutes
Got a letter from Annie and Mama. Went out
walking with Addie & Abbie after dinner
and while I was gone A... Keersted came to
see me

of course I did not see her and would not
have known it if Miss Slocum had not told


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871081
April Sunday, 23 1871.

Pleasant. Abbie and Addie and I took our
exercise between Chapel and dinner
the wind nearly blew us away. Wrote to
Mama, Annie, Jennie and Miss Wells at
last. It was so cold I had to wear my
winter dress and was not any to[sic]

Monday, 24

Pleasant. did not forget elocution the teacher
gave us some phamphalets[sic]. Mame Tuttle
went to town this afternoon without any permission
rode back with a gentleman and Dr. Avery saw her
get out and then Mame told Prof VAn Ingen like a
goose that the reason she was

not in her class was that she went to town.
Commenced Vergil today and finished Cicero
for which Oh! let us be joyful!


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871082
April Tuesday, 25 1871.

Cloudy but did not rain Got a letter from
Everest and wrote to Kitty Hopkins
Addie and Abbie & I took a long walk of
a 1 1/2 miles but ... of the ... Add went
searching for board for one of the old graduates

her husband and child. The baby is going to
have a silver cup the same as they do in
Yale and Harvard. We went to three different
houses but without success had a splendid

Wednesday, 26

Pleasant Wrote to Everest. Thought we were
going to have a lecture in Chapel tonight
as I sit in the Gallery Abbie told me to
motion to her if I saw Miss Morse come in
for then we surely were going to have one.
I saw her & motioned to Abbie and then waited
for the lecture

but "not for Job." The reason of the lecture
was some girl told Miss Morse that Fred
Hinkle had been carrying note to B...
for some girls and several of the girls
were called up.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871083
April Thursday, 27 1871.

Rainy. Abbie and Addie took their
exercise at the period and got
drenched but I like a wise girl
staid[sic} in. Went over with them
to see the evening class practice
Gymnastics. Had a Students meeting to

get that everlasting money for the
flowers The president has not given
us that lecture yet they are getting
fearful stories around I heard
three and then of ,,, ,,, to be

Friday, 28

Rainy. A Holiday oh the bliss
At dinner Dr. Avery told us we
were excused from half our
exercise on a holiday. Got
letters from Ettie L & Annie F.
Have been reading Kenilsworth
all day. Wore my light silk
to night the entertainment of
Founders Day the dramatic reading

was splendid and so were the
tableaux.We did not get out
until nearly twelve and the
bell struck at that hour for
us to put out our lights of
course we were not ... & Miss
Hamlin knocked on the inside
of our window. Never before
was a teacher known to go
around ... ... ...


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871084
April Saturday, 29 1871.

Showery, had a terrible one this afternoon.
Walked around the lake with Abbie and Add.
Everest was out this afternoon Jennie did
not come down until after three. he left
about four. Practised an hour and ten

Sunday, 30

Pleasant. Never forget our Sermon on
Tobacco and Alchohol[sic]. I suppose
it was intended to ... on those girls
flirting. Wrote to Ella Hatlin beside
the usual letters It was a shame the
length of time I let her letter to


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871085
May Monday, 1 1871

Pleasant. Marsha Brown wanted to know
if I realized it was the first of May.
Got a letter and paper from Papa and
wrote him one. "They say" the new riding
master has come I hope it is true Kate
Maltby said if we studied down there

during study hour we would have to ask
Miss Morse & our corridor teachers
so I came up & studied in Berthas

Tuesday, 2

Lovely. Abbie & Addie and I went by
the road and around by Mrs Wheelers for
our walk The president has at last
given us that lecture. He commenced,
"Smoking, Drinking playing cards and
carrying on clandestine correspondence
with young men are common in "Vassar
College" and then they caught it. He
read the

three girls names. Doris Eplis & Maltby
he said they ought to be expelled but they
would only put them probation which was
they are only allowed to to for exercise
to the wall in front of the college and
the brook back and shall be especially watched
and not allowed to receive calls
from gentlemen this year


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871086
May Wednesday, 3 1871.

Rainy. College colors have come and
been divided. the photographer has come
and has all his things in the
Gymnasium he intends taking pictures
there. Abbie has gone to practice her
part as Carlos Smythe in a tableaux
for Friday in

Room D ... by Bela.
The bird tried to scratch his eye out
this afternoon.

Thursday, 4

It has poured all day and all last night.
Dr Avery for a wonder excused us from
exercise. Got a letter from Mama and
wrote to her. Fearful lessons for
tomorrow Pratt and I wrote our French
exercises to gether Miss Kapp gives
fearful lessons.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871088
May Sunday, 7 1871.

Monday, 8

Pleasant. Got a Letter and paper from home and
Annie's Letter I had ought to have had Saturday
it was written on the 4th and was not mailed
until the sixth. Wrote to Papa, Jennie, B...
inquired for Everest's directions. Alice asked
the photographer for the price of his pictures
and he told

her Prof ... had the estimate. ... ... I
wonder if the College mean to make any thing
out of it.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871089
May Tuesday, 9 1871.

Pleasant. Abbie and Add walked around
the lake while I sat down on the bench
and studied. In Chapel this morning
they told us that we could make
appointments to meet the artist from
12 to 1 today and tomorrow but I am
not going. We had to stay after Chapel
to night to see

about the riding
lessons the master... course. He wanted
to know if we could all go at the
6th period to see him I was the only
one who said no and he wanted to
know what period I wanted. I said the
ninth and "pussey" squealed "Savage
what ..." I looked around to find
Savage and found she meant ...
Kiersted ... Oh! I always get your
name wrong

Wednesday, 10

Pleasant. Abbie and I went over
to see the riding master today.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871091
May Saturday, 13 1871.

Sunday, 14

Pleasant. Abbie and Add and I took our
exercise by walking around the flower
garden it looks very pretty. A Mr McFarland
from Brooklyn preached for us he is horrid,
has been here for the last two days
visiting the College. Wrote to Annie
and Jennie long letters.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871092
May Monday, 15 1871.

Tuesday, 16

Pleasent. got a letter and paper from
home. Took my first riding lesson to day
with Abbie. The master came up to Abbie
and asked her if she knew what he meant
when he said "Halt" she said it was to
stop. We mounted in elegant style one
leg is stiff the left. Where we were
going to get off he told me we ought

to ride every day then we could ride
well by the time we went home. I told
him we had Gymnastics three times a week
so we could not. Then he said he thought
riding was the best "Gymnastics" we
could have.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871093
May WEdnesday, 17 1871.

Pleasant. Wrote home and sent them a
Catalogue. They say McFarland is going
to write some thing about the College.
I believe ifor he was in Chapel to
night and had a lot of papers with him.
He led last night and stalked in alone
as big as the president.

Thursday, 18

Pleasant. Got my proofs they are both
good and one very good. Took our second
riding lessons today. before going over we
went down in the Library to learn how to
mount. We got roaring so we could not read but
had to leave the room for fear of being
squelched. He had us try the jockey

Oh my didn't we jump. Miss Clark "..."
Mr. McFarland has gone at last I think
hope his article about the college is


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871094
May Friday, 19 1871.

Pleasant. Got letters from Kittie
Hopkins and Jennie. Got all dressed
for Gymnastics and we did not have
them, Miss Colwell had a notice
pined[sic] up in the Gymnasium
that we should walk instead. Abbie
& Add and I

took it watching the girls ride.
Our whole parlor did not wake
until the breakfast bell rang
and we heard the girls going
down to breakfast that was the
first sound any of us heard.

Saturday, 20

Pleasant, and very warm I took off
my flannel drawers and wish I had
my shirt. Got a letter from Annie.
Practiced an hour and a quarter.
Walked around the flower beds with
Add they looked lovely. Add and I
have just been taking a walk past the

parlor to see if we could see any thing
of the senior and junior party. all the
doors were open and we did see splendidly
and oh! didn't we want some of those
lovely strawberries they had packs.


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871095
May Sunday, 21 1871.

Monday, 22

Pleasant. Wrote home and sent one of
my proofs I ought to have had a letter
from home During tea time we had a
fearful thunder storm we had taken
half an hours exercise befor[sic] tea.
They gave out at dinner we would have
not more Gymnastics until further
notice. Perfectly splendid


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871096
May Tuesday, 23 1871.

Pleasant. Have not received a letter
from home, very strange I think. Took
a riding lesson today he was going
to learn us the jockey trot but as
he has only two horses that will
trot Mixed Pickle & Minna and M. P.
is lame for 14 days he says, and so
Abbie and

I had a splendid gallop I on Gypsie &
Abbie on Josie


: VCLDiariesPidgeonMary1871097
May Thursday, 25 1871.

Pleasant. Got a letter at last from
home. And wrote this afternoon but
forgot to mail the letter until after
tea. I had to ride Minna today and
he more than made me trot, I was
fearfully tired. He wants us to
chang[sic] our time so we can take
alone. I second

the motion!

Friday, 26