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Raymond, Cornelia M. Diary, 1894

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Short entries in a page a day format. Generally, she writes on her health (including vaccinations and taking electricity), social events, student life, family news, and prayer meetings. She feels a strong religious devotion, and tries to convert others, including a Jew (February 25th) and an alcoholic (May 6th). She is deeply involved in the Salvation Army, as well as attending missionary meetings and the YWCA. She includes descriptions of her classes and academic work, particularly music lessons. She mentions traditions like Commencement, Class Day, Halloween, Freshman Party, and Thanksgiving. She also makes note of current events, like the assassination of President Carnot of France (June 25) and news from Russia. Over the summer, she lives in Chicago and references the strike there (June 2). She visits Hull House on August 3rd and meets Anna Lathrop [Case], as well as her brother and sister (possibly Julia Lathrop). At the end of the year, she also visits a settlement house in New York City's Chinatown.

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: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894003
Cornelia M. Raymond
Vol. X.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894027
Wea. Mon. Jan. 1, 1894 Ther.

Rob Bliss called before we had had breakfast. He stayed until about eleven. He thought he would go home today, as I would be engaged tomorrow. I retired to bed half sick. Aunt Mary came from Conway. After tea, Willie took her to Howards. In the evening, Willie, Frank & I called on Louis. Saw her, John, & Mr. Freeman.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894028
Wea. Tues. Jan. 2, 1894 Ther.

The day of Mr. Richardson's funeral. Aunt Mary came from Conway, but Louie & John refused to let her see Mrs. Richardson or come to the private funeral. Will spent the afternoon talking to them.

Dr. [Amistafe] preached a fine sermon. We all marched from the house to the church. Nearly 1000 passed by the casket.

Dr. [Humpstone] & Mr. Dixin assisted.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894029
Wea. Wed. Jan. 3, 1894 Ther.

Private funeral at the house. Then we went to the grave.

In the afternoon, Will drove Aunt Mary to the grave. Ruth came today, [...] the funeral.

I lost a call from Harrie Hyde.

I do not feel well. Frank called to see Frankie, Ruth, Mother's [cousin] & me. Ruth has anaemia. Frank may have grippe.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894030
Wea. Thur. Jan. 4, 1894 Ther.

Frankie in bed. Mother & I took lunch with Mrs. DeSaussure & Nannie [Schenck].

Wrote to Stella Hitchcock.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894031
Wea. Fri. Jan. 5, 1894 Ther.

Helpful Aunt Mary [choose] her piano. Mother & I went to N.Y. & bought my cake at O'Neills.

I feel miserable. I prayed to Mother instead of going to prayer meeting.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894032
Wea. Sat. Jan. 6, 1894 Ther.

Mother & I called on Mrs. [Tayntor]. Then we went to Cousin Hattie's to lunch. Saw Fannie & Clara. At 3 we went to a Vassar Girl Society at Mrs. Hoagland Tangerman's. Mrs. Robinson played & Miss Lillian Wald talked about her work in the Tenement World. We met Susie Raymond, Lucy Bliss, Ayla Thurston, Belu Allen, Mrs. Babbott, etc.

Evening - Played duets with Willie. Read aloud "Penelope's English Experiences" & Alfred Raymond's letters.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894033
Wea. Sun. Jan. 7, 1894 Ther.

Communion Sunday. Mr. Dixon preached on Wm. Richardson: as I knew him. Horatio King came. Prof. Froelich came to dinner. I worried a good deal about riding in the horse cart, but finally went with Mother to prayers. [Re...] to supper at Aunt Susans. Talked up the Salvation Army.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894034
Wea. Mon. Jan. 8, 1894 Ther.

Bought my ticket. Went with Minnie to a 3 o'clock meeting at the Lafayette Av. Church. Dr. Meredith spoke on The Holy Spirit. Aunt Mary came to tea & Mrs. Harvey called. This evening Mother & the rest of us went to a revival meeting in the Washington Av. Church lead by Mr. Wharton of Baltimore. We saw his wife.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894035
Wea. Tues. Jan. 9, 1894 Ther.

Minnie came with me to N.Y. & I bought the London [S...] cape at O'Neills. Short call on Ruth. Took 11 A.M. train for Springfield. Ray met me at N. Haven. Annie Bosworth's father refuses to let her go to college. Went to bed with a headache.

Vocal class.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894036
Wea. Wed. Jan. 10, 1894 Ther.

Began school. Gertrude Heymond & Alice King are here. Minnie Clark has scarlet fever.

Snowed. Rec'd music from Horatio.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894037
Wea. Thur. Jan. 11, 1894 Ther.

Sick headache so could not attend Sewing [Battalion]. Slept the afternoon. Analysis class. Mr. Strong gave me second piano part to practice. He wants me to work for degree of music.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894038
Wea. Fri. Jan. 12, 1894 Ther.

Better today head still aches a little. We walked for the first time since Christmas. Snow is blowing & it is bitter cold.

Letter from Mother. Dr. Bowles prescribes Hypophosphites &


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894039
Wea. Sat. Jan. 13, 1894 Ther.

Music lessons. Read Outlook & Forum. Began this evening teaching Beatrix Smith her Bible lesson. I asked her to define a crisis, saying, "What do you mean when you say He is sick, the crisis, will come tonight?" The minister, she replied.

Last night Pearl Lancaster & an usher of Christ Church went on a Cart to Cooleys Hotel & the [W...]. She staid at the hotel all night. They say he went home.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894040
Wea. Sun. Jan. 14, 1894 Ther.

A.M. R. [Colton] Smith. On the Human who touched Christs garment. Faith is not Superstition.

P.M. Mr. Hahn [Liprosy]. Fraulein went to church with me morning & evening. Rosie in the evening. I taught Rosie Bible after church.

The Barteleys have rec'd farewell orders. Went to their farewell meeting. Took an ignorant Jew to penitent form. A good looking young man asked me a question & quite a number listened while I talked to him.

Miss P. has found out that Marion, Isabelle, Catharine [...] flirted.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894041
Wea. Mon. Jan. 15, 1894 Ther.

Letter from Mrs. Griffin. Isabella returned from Bermuda. Helena Whitman & Edith [Lenpheet] did not realize that they ought to protest.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894042
Wea. Tues. Jan. 16, 1894 Ther.

Letter from Mother. Ruth worries about Harold. I spoke again to Charles. Frankie cut his ear, 1/2 inch from the jugular vein.

Went to library to say good bye to Mrs. [Balteley]. She told me about Mary [Shuntiff].

Vocal & Analysis class.

Miss Porter had the girls confers.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894043
Wea. Wed. Jan. 17, 1894 Ther.

Louise Whitfield is here for a visit.

I wrote to Harold.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894044
Wea. Thur. Jan. 18, 1894 Ther.

Mrs. Packard still very ill. Feared pneumonia today.

I went alone to prayer meeting! Reproach of Christ.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894045
Wea. Fri. Jan. 19, 1894 Ther.

Louise Whitfield left.

[Dancing] & singing in the studio.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894046
Wea. Sat. Jan. 20, 1894 Ther.

Music lessons. Practiced this evening for Mr. Andersen. Taught Beatrix her lesson. Mrs. Webb. came.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894047
Wea. Sun. Jan. 21, 1894 Ther.

Dr. Philip [Moxom] (in South Church) Heb. 10:36. They talk I think of calling him! Did not teach Rosie.

S. Army . Heard Mr. & Mrs. Jolly for first time. There [baby] plays the drum. Called on Miss Hill & met her friend Miss

Did not go to evening church. Miss P. read The Perfected Life. I read from Story of a Short Life.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894048
Wea. Mon. Jan. 22, 1894 Ther.

Call from Mrs. & Miss Warren.

Practiced for Mr. Andersen.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894049
Wea. Tues. Jan. 23, 1894 Ther.

I did not go out. Vocal class. This A.M. I played for children. Miss Porter, [B...] [Thayer] went to Cong. [church], heard Miss [Jordan] & Dr. [Plummer].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894050
Wea. Wed. Jan. 24, 1894 Ther.

Letter from Ray & from Mother. Mr. Richards has left $165000. Rained, so we played the chair game. Miss Porter thinks me [untidy].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894051
Wea. Thur. Jan. 25, 1894 Ther.

Miserable day! I turned the steampipes last night & water flooded my room this morning.

P.M. Went shopping & to Battalion. Mrs. Booth is coming Feb. 12.

Prayer meeting. "Jonathan Edwards" state of talk by Mr. Hahn.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894052
Wea. Fri. Jan. 26, 1894 Ther.

Harold sailed yesterday for Naples. Very blue.

Yesterday Rose Dutton had a baby daughter.

I told 2 ghost stories tonight.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894053
Wea. Sat. Jan. 27, 1894 Ther.

I went to N. Haven at 1.45. Ray met me. Harlan, [Marg] & Anna came. No very warm reception. I refused invitation to Mrs. Prof. Phelps dinner & returned to Springfield on 5.52 train. Told my story to Lena & Miss P.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894056
Wea. Sun. Jan. 28, 1894 Ther.

Prof. Patin of Hartford [Theo. Sem.] Luke [7:22]. Sound sleep. S. Army. Mr. [Maller] is here.

Miss Porter read to us Drummonds Degeneration.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894057
Wea. Mon. Jan. 29, 1894 Ther.

Snowy so the girls "amused me" in the study. I practiced Cantata with Alice King & Mary Geely.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894058
Wea. Tues. Jan. 30, 1894 Ther.

Hard day. Played for Children's Cantata. Played heavenly for Vocal Class Cantata. Called on Gertrude [Curner]. She was sick at grandfathers [Pen...] class. Blue about Caesar class.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894059
Wea. Wed. Jan. 31, 1894 Ther.

Wrote to Will about Mother's money.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894060
Wea. Thur. Feb. 1, 1894 Ther.

Prayer meeting. Brother from S. Africa talked. Music lesson. Practiced 2 pianos with Mr. [Strong].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894061
Wea. Fri. Feb. 2, 1894 Ther.

Fancy dress party. I feel better today.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894062
Wea. Sat. Feb. 3, 1894 Ther.

Went down town. Beatrix Smith is ill. Called with Miss Bradly on Mrs. Rising, [Cumio], [Blunt], [Bisworts], etc. Saw Rise Dultin's baby. Helen Filer's engagement is broken. Hot tea with the Jessups.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894063
Wea. Sun. Feb. 4, 1894 Ther.

Communion at Bapt. Ch.
[R...] at S. Army.
Read aloud to girls!


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894064
Wea. Mon. Feb. 5, 1894 Ther.

Practiced for Cantata.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894065
Wea. Tues. Feb. 6, 1894 Ther.

Gave Cantata. Letter from Mother about [Harlan] & her property.

Mrs. Harrington from Worcester [school].

Called on Mrs. E. [Brewer] Smith.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894066
Wea. Wed. Feb. 7, 1894 Ther.

Gave a good may [examination].

Letter from [Will] R. about Mothers money.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894067
Wea. Thur. Feb. 8, 1894 Ther.

Examinations. Edith Brooks & Margery [C...] failed in Caesar. Analysis Class. I practiced my duets with Mr. Strong & played horribly.

Prayer meeting. Subject Watchfulness.

Went to see Capt & Mrs. Jolly. Capt. Jolly says Mr. Brooks was short with them, but Mr. Hahn lovely!


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894068
Wea. Fri. Feb. 9, 1894 Ther.

Mother is to receive 3% of her investment.

She is anxious about Harold.



: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894069
Wea. Sat. Feb. 10, 1894 Ther.

Prof. Geo. Harris 1 Cer. 3:23. "All things are yours & ye are Christs". The Christian owns all things & he alone. Prof. Harris hurt me by saying The same man may get [sp...] help from Phillip Brooks, [D L Morely] & perhaps even the Salvation Army.

S. Army meeting. Staff Capt & Mrs. Marshall. Mrs. M. Gary Lee Holmes experience. I walked up with them to the [Waills].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894070
Wea. Sun. Feb. 11, 1894 Ther.

Isabelle passed in her "Archias".


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894071
Wea. Mon. Feb. 12, 1894 Ther.

Stormy day. Salvation Army meeting in City Hall addressed by Mrs. Ballington Booth. Mary Browar & Shiff Capt. Marshall were there. Also the So. Manchester [board]. I met Mrs. Booth & she is coming here tomorrow.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894072
Wea. Tues. Feb. 13, 1894 Ther.

Mrs. Booth spoke in our parlors. 12 girls have become Auxiliaries. I drove to Mrs. Woods for her, & also took her & Mrs. Brewer to station. They & Mrs. Jolley took lunch with us.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894073
Wea. Wed. Feb. 14, 1894 Ther.

Arranging new classes.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894074
Wea. Thur. Feb. 15, 1894 Ther.

Beautiful prayer meeting.

Practiced badly with Mr. Strong.

The Nye baby died.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894075
Wea. Fri. Feb. 16, 1894 Ther.

Very cold.

Girls had game of questions.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894076
Wea. Sat. Feb. 17, 1894 Ther.

Went down town P.M. Sleigh-ride to [...].
Gave Nellie Jame 1st music lesson.

Hot tea with Bertha Ray at Mrs. Porters.

Sallie Russel's mother is coming because of S. Army.

Isabelle's Miss Smith is here.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894077
Wea. Sun. Feb. 18, 1894 Ther.

Dr. Moxom. Matt 6:10. We did not much like him. Sallie & I met Mrs. Russell at 7.35 A.M. Afternoon Salv. Army with Miss Thayer. Mr. asked me whether I thought of him. S.A. officer. Walked him with Mrs. Jolly.

Miss Porter read a sermon by Phillips Brooks. Miss Thayer & I called on Bertha Ray. Miss Thayer slept with me.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894078
Wea. Mon. Feb. 19, 1894 Ther.

Call from [Milton] [L...] mother & Ann Buckland. [...] tonight Mrs. Russel left.

Dr. Moxom will probably come to Smith Church.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894079
Wea. Tues. Feb. 20, 1894 Ther.

Went for music, chem, vocals & to Mrs. Waite's. Played for vocal class. Wrote battalion notices.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894080
Wea. Wed. Feb. 21, 1894 Ther.

Practiced for cantata. Ordered photographs of Booths.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894081

Wea. Thur. Feb. 22, 1894 Ther.

A.M. Entertainment by school. Cantata, French play, essays, etc.

P.M. Went down town, & to sewing battalion for few minutes.

Evening. Washington party.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894082
Wea. Fri. Feb. 23, 1894 Ther.

Mr. Brooks [Lenten] talk on Being a human being.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894083
Wea. Sat. Feb. 24, 1894 Ther.

Very busy day. 5 music lessons. Heard Margery's & Edith's Caesar, gave Marion & Henrietta their geometry examination, cleaned out labratory.

Miss Norton & me had our first sewing lesson; busting & buck stitching.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894084
Wea. Sun. Fe. 25, 1894 Ther.

Dr. Harris Luke 14:11. Pride & Humility (beautiful). Called on Cousin Helen. Saw Mrs. James [...]. At Salvation Army talked with young man of 22 who had been in reform school of past 10 yrs.
The Jew is converted.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894085
Wea. Mon. Feb. 26, 1894 Ther.

Mother sent a beautiful letter from Harold on the [...]. I hope my prayer is answered.

Played our [duett] with Mr. [Strong], [badly].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894086
Wea. Tues. Feb. 27, 1894 Ther.

Letters from Ruth Richardson & Rob Bliss.

Very tired making up lessons.

Played for Vocal class.

Called on Miss Reed.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894087
Wea. Wed. Feb. 28, 1894 Ther.

Miss Porter has put a stop to my hearing lessons so much.

Free afternoon. I called on Mrs. [...] & we talked of Helen Whitman. Have 2 music lessons this evening.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894088
Wea. Thur. March 1, 1894 Ther.

Rec'd Belle Hart's wedding card.

Played [Mendellsoshn] Mendelssohn Serenada pretty well. I had been very nervous.

Beautiful meeting. About 6 men & 1 woman [examined].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894089
Wea. Fri. March 2, 1894 Ther.

Miss P. went to Hartford.

Mrs. Chamberlain has had stroke of apoplexy.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894090
Wea. Sat. March 3, 1894 Ther.

Only 4 music lessons. Studied 3 Outlooks. Gave Blanche her Geometry examination.

Was vaccinated. Miss Slade came for the afternoon. She is depressed. I talked of my experience. Went to train with her.

2nd Sewing lesson.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894091
Wea. Sun. March 4, 1894 Ther.

Communion in Bapt. church. Beatrix's first Blakesley lesson. Salvation A. I lent father's testament to French Catholic. At 7.15 he brought a man to "The [...]" to apologise for his mouth being so full of tobacco.

Took some expense [league] cards. Miss Babcock will give [$1.00] [presents].

Fraulein & I tried to [find] French Service. Failed. Went to hear Mr. Hahn. He baptized 7 people.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894092
Wea. Mon. March 5, 1894 Ther.

Isabelle will give $1.00 a month. Called on Mrs. Appleton, but she did not give. She discussed Dr. Moxom & The Bapt. Church.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894093
Wea. Tues. March 6, 1894 Ther.

Periodical class. Read most of the afternoon.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894094
Wea. Wed. March 7, 1894 Ther.

Had hair shampooed at Morris's Guild.

Called on Mrs. [Cumier], Mrs. Scott (sick) & Mrs. Jolley.

Eleanor Roy subscribed $1.00 a month to the Army.

Gracie [Markins] brought .50.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894095
Wea. Thur. March 8, 1894 Ther.

Prayer meeting. The Courage of Faith. Analysis class.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894096
Wea. Fri. March 9, 1894 Ther.

[Mr.] Brooks talked to our girls on "Taste".

After coming home I went to Mr. Porter's birthday party. He is 50.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894097
Wea. Sat. March 10, 1894 Ther.

Took Carrie & Sallie to Northampton train. Met them in the afternoon.

Miss Porter & I called to see Dr. Moxom at the Appleton's. Found only Jeannette.

3 sewing lessons. Hemming & top sewing.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894098
Wea. Sun. March 11, 1894 Ther.

A.M. Mr. Brooks [Juo] 8:58. P.M. Dr. Moxom Phil. 4:13.14.
I let Lena go to hear Dr. Moxom.

At Salv. A. we fired a volley for Dr. Moxom. One boy [...] I saw I hope get saved. An old man told me his troubles. His wife has left him & he needs a companion.

I went alone to the South Church this evening.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894099
Wea. Mon. March 12, 1894 Ther.

Miss Thayer has the grippe.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1894100
Wea. Tues. March 13, 1894 Ther.

Miss Thayer still in ed.

Vocal Class.