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M.M. Reed '95
Vassar - 1891
Mother and I came to Po'Keepsie [Poughkeepsie] Tuesday the fifteenth so that I would be all ready for exams on Wednesday. I was here but a short time when I returned home for the wedding. It was a very pretty informal wedding.
It did not take me long to get used to College ways - I enjoy the life here very much. The work though hard is not so hard as last year, and we have such good times. I enjoy the lovely walks and the lake immensely. Katherine & I get along very nicely together - our room 47 is small but we have made it cozy. Its being a double room is a great disadvantage.
I have made one good friend in Ella Cramer, a senior, who took me for a reception given by the Young Women's Christian Association. I have joined the Y.W.C.A.
This year there are 393 students at
October 1891.
This month has passed quickly - it was broken by a very short visit home. My birthday was a red letter day - our "... Friends" gave us a most delightful excursion to Mohonk. The week after the Seniors gave the Freshmen a Hallowe'en party and it was such a pretty sight - all the girls dressed in fancy costume. This month we have had a great treat in the form of a concert by Mr. Warren of Grace Church - I was very glad of a
President Gates of Amherst preached here the second Sunday, he is certainly a fine man. We have heard this month Pres. Rankin of Howard University and Rev. Geo. E. Horr Jr. of Boston.
November 1891
This has been a full month - a good deal has happened. The sophomore party was a great success. Katharine and I went with Ethel Elsworth. The parlors were beautifully decorated.
An important thing is that we are at last organized with a class - we had a big time electing our Pres., but managed to do it without amending our constitution, which we did later, however. The officers were Pres., Grace Goodwin; Vice, Bess Updegraff; Sec. Laura Brownell; Tres. Anne Dorance [Dorrance]; Leader of Glee Club, Carol [Cooke].
We have had another treat this month - about 260 of us went to Po'keepsie [Poughkeepsie] one evening to hear Seidl. We heard wonderful music.
The first Hall Play was an event of the year - I did enjoy it so very much. The girls did well.
Every Friday at the sixth hour Prof. Salmon meets the new students in the lecture room to discuss current events. This is a great opportunity & the girls do not half appreciate it.
Charles Sprague Smith gives a lecture every week on different subjects, of course, under the head of the Comparative Study of Early Epic Poetry. He is a perfect dandy.
Wednesday evening between supper and chapel the Y.W.C.A. meets & someone talks to us on different
*Latin for "From possibility to reality."
December 1891
This month has been a sad one in one respect - Anna and Will were obliged to go South on account of Will. We missed them so much especially on Xmas Day - our family dinner party was small as Auntie, Hattie, and Charlie were the only ones able to come down from Lakeville. It was well we had our dear little mother.
Philalethean night was a great success even though it did storm. The exercises in the chapel were opened by the Glee Club - Miss [Mast], the Pres., gave the address of welcome and introduced the speaker of the evening, Hamilton W. Mabie of New York. "He spoke of Literature and Life, showing the dependence of Literature, from [Homer] to the latest work of the present day, [upon]
The announcement of another Hall Play before Christmas was a happy surprise for all. The play was a success.
On Sunday evening before the vacation the college assembled in the chapel to hear the Christmas music. The chapel was draped with evergreens and on the platform to the left of the desk, there was a large cross. The arrangement of the programme was especially good for the selections followed one another in such a way as to tell the story of Him whose birth we were about to celebrate.
We are to have a new dormitory to accomodate 100 students - it is to be finalized in Dec. 1892.
During this month the Sunday morning services have been conducted by Bishop Doane of Albany, Dr. ... of New Haven, Dr. Edwards of Chicago, & Dr. Robinson of Chicago formerly the Pres. of Brown University.
January 1892.
Exams are over - Hurrah! There is one thing I am sorry for and that is that we do not have Miss Perry this coming semester - she is perfectly lovely, and delightful because she is so original. We shall have Miss Reynolds and the girls say she is as lovely as one can be.
Our officers this time are Juliette Greer, for Sec.; Flora Taylor, Pres.; Marion Welch, Vice[;]
Every month or nearly, Miss Story gives a Sunday evening organ recital - we who are fond of music enjoy these so much. The New York Beethoven String Quartette [sp] gave a concert in the chapel not long since.
Feb. 1892.
College goes as usual- Prof. ... has been here and he is a fine old man. His lecture on the ruins of Troy was very interesting and instructive.
The Trig Ceremonies were great fun. I spent Washington's Birthday at Auntie's. Fan was there too and we had a jolly time. I returned to College Monday afternoon and that evening we had a very nice celebration. The girls looked so pretty in old fashioned costume. We marched into supper singing "My Country Tis of Thee." After supper we went over to Phil. Hall.
March 1892.
The spring vacation has come and gone - it was a great relief not to study for a little time.
After the snow storm of the first week in March the college enjoyed a series of most delightful sleigh rides at the invitation of some kind friend.
April 1892.
The work on the new library goes as rapidly as possible.
March 13 Dr. Lyman of Brooklyn preached - everyone was delighted with him.
We are all working hard.
May 1892.
Letters from home tell me that Will and Anna are at Washington and
Exams are coming very near again, but I try not to think of them - I look beyond to the vacation, when I expect to enjoy so much.
June 1892.
Home at last! How nice it seems. Sharon is even more beautiful than ever - it is very quiet and restful here.
Before I left College I played in a tennis tournament - it was my first experience of that kind and I find it great fun. May [Fitch] was my partner in "doubles" - she played quite well that day.
The exams were not so bad after all. The Trig. paper was very long but Miss Richardson is fair. I did not like that little lady a bit the
I am so sorry we shall not have Miss Green next year - she is not more than 24 years old and so pretty. She is a dear, but I fear by the time she is fifty she will have many wrinkles in her brow! She has such a funny habit of screwing her face when the girls make stupid mistakes.
July 1892.
21st. How the days do fly! September will be here before I know it. I am having a quiet, but a lovely time. Bertha comes next Tuesday, we shall have good times together I know.
Will and Anna are on their way to Colorado.
Bertha is gone - she seemed to enjoy her visit very much and certainly we did. The Busy Bee fair was a great success - the amount taken in was $2.25.
July 29, Friday, we girls had an exciting ride from Lakeville - a terrible thunderstorm came up.
3rd. Mother and Father started this morning for a short trip. They expected to meet Uncle [Allie] and Auntie on the train.
7th. For the past few days the planet "Mars" has been attracting much attention - we have been watching it with great interest. Wednesday eve it was the most brilliant.
12 Katharine is here - her brother came
31 I have had a charming visit at Helen's - she has a lovely home and a lovely family.
Yesterday we went to a piano recital at Miss ...'s, given by Paul Lidden. He is a fine musician.
4 Today was Communion - Dr. Strong made the service very solemn.
Mr. Lee came today. It seems very good to see him again.
Tonight I am to lead the Christian Endeavor - the topic is "Prayer and Answers."
Dr. Avery and his family are at the [Bentons] now - we were there to tea last night. They are very lovely people.
We are to have a C.E. social here soon.
Tuesday the Goodwin Girls started for Northampton, where they are to spend the winter at Miss Capen's school.* Next fall they hope to enter college.
Mr. Fairly, the new teacher, has come to fill Mr. Preston's place.
27 Back at College and all settled. Our room is on the [fourth] floor, and very pretty too. We expect to enjoy it ever so much.
It is a very fine thing to be a Sophomore. The freshman class is not much larger than ours was.
* Miss Capen's School for Girls at Northampton, Mass.
7 Tonight is Christian's Reception for the new girls. I shall like Cornelia Kinkead who rooms right next us.
My twentieth birthday has come and gone.
We have been having great times here - political excitement runs high. The other night we had a Grand Rally - it was great fun.
The tournament was very nice - Bertha came within one of gaining the championship.
Bishop Spalding from Denver has preached here - I liked him.
John G. Paton has been here to talk to us about his work in the New Hebrides Islands. He is a grand old man. I have now commenced his book.
Bishop Hare of South Dakota has been here too. He talked to us about his work among the Indians.
8 Saturday was our election day. Harrison was elected by a large majority here at least.
We have had a fine concert here lately given by the Beethoven String Quartette [sp] of New York.
The Sophomore party this year was a grand success. The nicest ever given here.
December 1892.
Mr. Lee was here for Phil.
The 11th we heard a grand sermon by Mr. Raymond of Albany. His principal thought was that we must have well balanced characters by temperating our virtures.
On Sunday night Mr. [Reis] gave an illustrated lecture on the Y.W.C.A.'s work in New York. It was simply fine.
The Christmas music was as enjoyable as ever.
The 13th Mr. Fox of New Haven gave a lecture on the "Public Schools of England." He had traveled very widely and was able to present his subject in a very interesting way.
The 20th Mrs. Fannie Bloomfield-Geisler gave a piano recital - she was a remarkable player.
Sunday evening Jan. 22 Mr. Robert Speer, Sec. of Pres. Board of Foreign missions, delivered an address on the subject "The Missionary Spirit an essential part of [Christianity]." He spoke of the two objects of Christian life. First, [strife] after likeness to Christ for one's self; and second, work for others. He showed that the last was the true and scriptural object. All through the life of Christ, we see that He sought to help others, His is the ideal of the true missionary spirit.
Prof. Barreth Wendell of Harvard lectured here on "American Literature."
We have had the privilege of hear [sic] Prof. Greenough of Harvard lecture.
Fan has been to visit me - we had a lovely time- while she was here the "Students Concert" came off. The cantata sung by our Chorus was a success, and it was great fun.
Miss Addams of the Hull House in Chicago has been here - she talked about her work. They do not want it to seem like an institution. One aim of the House is to provide opportunity for social intercourse.
Washington's birthday was celebrated as usual - the decorations in the dining room were very handsome. The girls all looked so pretty in their many different costumes.
I met father, mother and Fan in New York and we had a nice little visit. We did quite a little shopping. I came home Saturday afternoon while the others stayed to hear ["Paddie,"] but they
The Trig Ceremonies were a grand success. The Hall Play the next week was fine too.
March 1893
Home for vacation - how good it seems. A busy week with dress makers - I have some very pretty things.
Mr. Lee is going to leave Sharon in Sept. He has had a call to West Springfield where he will have a larger salary. We shall miss him. I fear it will be some time before we get one who will suit every body.
April 1893
Back at College again - unpacked and all settled in my new room. It is a delightful little room - so light and airy.
Easter Sunday was a happy day - we succeeded in having some flowers in
7 Returned from town - almost all of the girls went in to hear Paderewski. He is simply fine - so little mannerism. He is quite small and seems very young. His playing is wonderful.
This morning we had a snow storm and tonight we have a thunderstorm.
20th Last night we drew for our Junior rooms
This morning we have a hard snowstorm - surely it does not look much like Spring. We will hope a little longer.
23rd This morning we had Dr. Riggs to give the Bible lecture - it seems good to see him here again. The lecture this morning on 14. Chap. [Chap.] of John was most beautiful and interesting - so different from Dr. True. Dr. Riggs does express himself in such a beautiful way. He makes one feel how little one is like what one ought to be.
During the past month Dr. Edwin Brown, and Dr. Newman Smyth have preached.
Elizabeth Greenwood, the superintendent of the World's and National W.C.T.U. [Woman's Christian Temperance Union] spoke a short time ago on, "For God and Home and Native Land".
Mrs. J. Wells Champney gave a talk Wednesday evening on the Messiah Home for Children, in New York. The movement was started by 18 little New York girls.
28th Today is Founders -- Vassar's twenty-eighth birthday. It is a perfect day. Miss Helen Dawes Brown [is to be] the speaker of the evening.
29 Miss Brown spoke on George William Curtis, whose friend she was. Mr. Curtis was a friend to
After the address everyone went over to the museum for music and promenading. Japanese lanterns lined the walk from the main building to the west door of the museum.
May 1893.
Only one more month before vacation! Spring has come at last - everything is very beautiful here.
20. The annual concert today - Rose Gruening played very well indeed - I enjoyed Miss Latimer's song the most of any.
The Greek play was grand - one of the greatest events in Vassar's existence.
June 1893
Home again - exams over - no flunk notes yet!
Alice came with me - we are having a lovely time together.
Alice has gone -
29. Start for World's Fair with Auntie and family.
July 1893
Home again from the Fair - we had a very enjoyable trip. We left Jersey City Thursday evening, June 29th on Penn. Road. It was delightful traveling, all except the sleeping arrangements. The scenery was elegant - the mountains were foggy - we had a good view of
We first had a bird's eye view of the Grounds by taking the Intramural Railroad. There we took a general view of the buildings. We were very tired from walking so much at first, but in a few days we began to get used to it.
What I saw of Chicago on Sunday impressed me as being rather of a godless city. Many, many people
The Krupp Gun exhibition is very fine - the building is located on the lake-shore - it is pretty yet imposing - reminds one of an old feudal castle, with turrets and signal towers. Here is shown the process of manufacturing the great war engines turned out by this company of Germany - we saw the largest gun ever manufactured - a 120 ton gun.
The Railway Exhibit was fine - we saw the first engine ever made - the "Johnny Bull." Then the first railroad track ever made, all of wood, two wooden rails and a small wooden cart. We en-
We did not notice the crowd while we were visiting the "White City" until the evening of the fourth. The illumination of the buildings was a beautiful sight.
The Liberal Arts Building is the largest of all the buildings. It covers 44 acres. A gallery extends around all four sides. The style of architecture is Corinthian. The outside of this as well as of [most all]
We took the different buildings as they came to our minds, and studied them as thoroughly as time permitted. We enjoyed a good many of the [State] Buildings - Mount Vernon was very interesting - Connecticut of course interested us - Idaho is picturesque - California exceedingly interesting. I enjoyed the Government building as much as anything, I think - so many, many relics - In the [Illinois] Building we found much that was old and interesting.
In the [Connecticut] Building we saw Gen. Sedgwick's sword. This is an
New York state building is fine - the roof is supported by three columns of native wood gathered in the Adirondack mountains, each pillar consisting of the trunks of three trees twisted into a symmetrical spiral column. I saw Henry Moore here - indeed I saw a great many of the girls - about a dozen - Louise Shephard, Mabel Jones and lots of others.
We were quite a good deal interested in Machinery Hall - I was glad to see gingham cloth and such things in the process of making.
We spent a good deal of time in the Agriculture Building - the exhibits are, most of them, works of art.
We saw so many, many beautiful things in the Woman's Building. The Convent of La Rabida is of great interest - it is where Columbus obtained shelter, and the help of the Franciscan Priest who used his influence with Queen Isabella in his work. Here there are many relics of Columbus - original writings of Columbus and Isabella and other great men.
We found Midway Plaisance instructive and enjoyable. The streets of Cairo - the [Jafa] bazzar [sp] is very complete - the Java village where we saw the people and the way in which they live. We children went
A fire occurred one day when we were there - quite a big fire and a number of lives lost.
We met Albert, Lydia and Margaret in Chicago - we found Albert looking well, Lydia thinner, and Margaret the dearest, sweetest child that ever lived. She is usually very shy, but it did not take us long to get acquainted. We had a charming trip home - all of us - nine in number. We were glad to see Sharon again. Margaret is very bright, and keeps us on a broad grin most of the time. She has had a cute way of putting a kiss on Grandma's cheek for Grandpa. Mr. Lee was here one day, and he tried his best to persuade [Margaret] to kiss him, but she would not - at last she said in such a
31. Albert left us today - his visit has seemed so short - it has been so nice to have him home again - fortunately we have had almost perfect weather all the time. We had showers, but only one rainy day - it was then that he had some pain in one lung. This showed us that he must not linger long in this climate, so we do not urge him to stay.
2nd. Lydia, Margaret & Mrs. Howell left for Po'keepsie [Poughkeepsie] today. We have enjoyed Mrs. H's short visit exceedingly - she is a host in herself, and we all love her. The last of this month they are coming back for a good bye visit, when Fan starts with them for Colorado.
We enjoy our new piazza so very, very much. Sharon is more beautiful than ever - and full of summer people.
Tomorrow Frank, Fan, and I go to our mission Sunday school at Coleman's Station. This is encouraging work - each time there has been increasing numbers - last Sunday there were 23 - the children really do seem to like to come. They know their lessons. They sing with a will - I enjoy going over there so much - it stirs one up.
24 Today the old willow tree fell and now nothing is left but the stump and a little sprout. We really feel very much as if we had lost and old friend.
27 Today is Mr. Lee's last Sunday - his address this morning was beautiful and tender. His first thought was how hard and unsatisfactory a "Good bye" is - then he told the different things he thought should not be in a farewell sermon - then he told us how candidating can be a blessing to us, even if the candidate is not. His theme was ... though the minister may [go he] leaves our Saviour here with us.
11 Fan with Lydia and Margaret left late in August - today Father and Mother start for Chicago where they will stay a week and then go on to Boulder. The Miss Benedicts are coming to keep me company.
13 Today is the Library Reception.
24 Back at college again. Alice and I are nearly settled in our lovely rooms at Strong Hall. We hope we shall like it over here - now it seems strange enough. There are many new girls - Chapel this morning was crowded. Dr. Taylor gave us a very good sermon on "Ambition" - he have us good advice, which we would do well to follow.
7th Mother, Father & Fan safely home today - how much we have to be thankful for that all our plans this summer have carried out.
17th Today I am twenty one. I want to make much more out of this year, and to start anew in every way - to make my life more consecrated.
29th This morning the service was conducted by Mr. Haweis of London - he has been to the Parliament of Religions as one of London's representatives. His sermon was 70 minutes long and yet we did not grow weary. He is very small, with clean shaved face - he is lame, and walks with a cane. He is of the Reformed Protestant Episcopal church, where they read only one lesson. Mr. Haweis talked to us today on the foundations of Religion. He says they are two - (1) the Conception of God, (2) the ideal of right conduct.
(2) " " law of[righteousness]
(3) " " the mind or love.
That the ideal of right conduct is 5 fold:(1) Energy, which contains activity of body and mind; (2) Control, which contains self sacrifice & purity;(4) Beneficence; (3) Sincerity; (5) Aspiration of Love for God.
30 Snowing a little this noon.
November 1893
3rd Miss Carrie Hotchkiss died on Tuesday, the 31st of October - how much she will be missed in every way - and what her parents suffer cannot be comprehended! How church has now lost two of her best supports - Miss Lina & Miss Carrie.
Monday, the 30th of October Mr. Haweis lectured on "Tennyson" - he was intensely interesting - he was witty and eloquent.
5. Friday night '95 gave T & M over to '97 - the debate was on the "Institution of written reviews for examination in college and secondary schools" - after it, the speaker made a [good-bye address], and after the speaker from '97 had taken the oath of office & had made a little speech we adjourned to the corridor which was prettily decorated for the serving of refreshments.
Friday Alice, her mother and I went down to West Point on the noon boat - we had a perfectly delightful trip. The air was fine and everything did look so beautiful. As I had never been to the Point all was new and very interesting to me. We soon found Charlie D, or he found us as we were on our way to the Cadet Barracks, and with one of his friends we went off to see the sights.
January 1894
8. At work again after a nice vacation of rest at home - Concert by Josef Slivinski.
Feb. 1894
4. Exams were over Friday and such a relief! Friday afternoon Alice and I went sleighing - it
Sue Cross is spending Sunday with Alice.
11. Yesterday the glee club sang at the Junior Alumnae meeting at the [Brunswick] in New York. We had a very jolly time indeed.
14. Today Dr. McGlynn of New York addressed the Economics class on the labor question - single tax etc. He is a large, noble looking man, and we are very glad to have seen and head him.
24. Last night we had a very interesting lecture on the "Use of the color of animals in the struggle for existence," given by Dr. [Poulton] of Oxford University. He spoke of the color 1. as a measure of concealment - 2. as a means to escape attack and for defence [defense] - 3. Color as used in mimicry both for defensive and aggressive purposes.
This morning some of the Glee Club girls were invited down to the Senior parlor to sing for him - we met both him & his wife, and we sang for them several times.
To day I expect to have Emma Knight with me for over Sunday. To night the girls are giving the play "Twelfth Night."
We celebrated Washington's birthday in the usual way - Alice rep. Lafayette & I rep. Sally Fairfax. Our table was very pretty indeed.
March 9. Today came the terrible news of Will's death - I go home tomorrow.
18. Back at college again - all is over and Will has been laid to rest. Anna, Lydia & Margaret are home now - Anna is very brave - papa bears it better than I feared he would. All my friends here are so loving, thoughtful and sympathetic.
April '94.
11. Today it has been snowing & blowing all day - just like a blizzard.
22. Friday we drew for seniors rooms - Louise McCutcheon drew a lucky number 16, and so we shall have just the room we have longed on. On the senior corridor, a south room too.
Today we have had Mr. John Cuthbert Hall of Brooklyn to preach for us - he gave us a very fine discourse on "Personality" or rather the "Education of Personality by Divine Influence["]. He led the prayer meeting tonight and gave a very helpful talk.
29. Thursday I went to meet Fan and I was so surprised to see Hattie Roberts with her - they went home yesterday - we had a perfectly lovely visit - I think they enjoyed it - I know I did.
1st Not much like a June day today - it is quite cool and the wind blows hard.
Anna spent last Sunday with me - we enjoyed being together so mcuh - she is not strong [a bit] yet.
Mother is coming next week - I expect.
Today all my recitations are over - no more until next fall! Hurrah!
Only exams await me now - one week of hard, hard work and then home!
8. Today I am free - I finished my exams yesterday - I have so much time I really do not know what to do with it. Mother is coming Monday if she is well enough.
1. Home from Northfield & now I can settle down and really feel that I am home for the summer.
Our delegation [to] Northfield was Miss [Myers], Mabie, Wilcox, Coff, Hastings, Hinch, ... Jones, ... Dickson, Sampson, Wellington, Hemmings, Tiffany, Platt, Reily, Madiera, Simmons, Moore, Hulst, Traver. We had rooms together on the third floor in one end of Marquand Hall and we sat together in the diningroom. We had our prayer meeting after the platform meeting, by ourselves -
We enjoyed every day - especially College Day when we went to Stone Hall in delegations with . . . & colors - when there we gave our calls, song, etc. The [G.C.] girls gave a short concert. One day we drove to Mt. Herman, which is very beautiful also. We enjoyed the meetings very much - I feel that they have wakened me up considerably - we met so many
The last night before we came away we V.C. Glee Club girls went around to all the houses serenading - we were invited in to the Mandy house & treated. When we reached Marquand Hall - a little after eleven - the other V.C. girls awaited us with a spread of strawberries & lemonade.
Some Princeton boys serenaded us during that spread - such a good time as we had.
Our prayer meeting [that] night was a very sad one - it was hard for us all to keep from breaking down - Miss Hinch just cried - we had all shown our best selves to one another and when the thought of parting came, and the thought that probably just that company
9 We have lately heard of Horace Pitkin's death from lung trouble.
27 Mother and I went to New York Friday the 24th - we met Dr. Reed, Mary & Nellie & Mrs. Patterson there - They are lovely people. We did some shopping and I had my seal skins [refitted].
Last night I had the C.E. meeting - Mr. Jesup spoke to the people at the regular evening service - (he is a fine, noble man) about the work in the city missions in N.Y.
Mr. J. was very interesting and told us some startling facts about the masses in that great city.
30. Helen Stamford came yesterday - today for the first time in a long while we are having some rain.
8th Helen went away Monday - we had a lovely little visit - the family and all my friends who met her think she is a lovely, lovely girl. One day we went down to Joel Benton's home - "Dreamthorp" - Mr. and Mrs. Myron Benton were there to show us over the house and we did enjoy it thoroughly. The house is full of quaint and valuable things - china, furniture, books etc. Mr. Joel Benton has a fine large library, some very valuable books - first editions.
He has a fac-simile of the original title page of one of Shakespeare's book[s] and S's autograph. - In the center of the house is a small open court where there is a spring of beautiful cold water - we spent a delightful morning there.
Thursday I went to North East
10. Monday.
Saturday we had a good rainy day and today we are having copious showers. This morning we took David to Wassaic to show him to Grandmother Gridley - he was as good as could be all the time and made a suitable impression. He is a dear, sweet baby and as pretty as can be.
12. Clare Chapman and Geo. Reed were married today.
15 Saturday - 3 years ago today Anna and Will were married - a hard day for dear Anna - she has spent the day with us - the last one we shall be together in a long time probably.
23. My first Sunday in college in my senior year. Alice and Louise are with me - it seems strange to have a third with us.
We enjoy seeing all the all [old] girls again.
Dr. Taylor preached this morning about the development toward the complete life, taking for his text - "Be ye perfect, as your heavenly father is perfect." He urged us to be thorough in every thing we do for without that our foundation to the building of our character will not be firm. Then he urged us to have an objective aim in life - to cultivate both the objective & the reflective sides of our characters.
30. Today we had the Dean of Princeton to officiate - he preached on "The Hope of the Gospel."
This is my first Sunday in the choir as a regular member - I think I shall enjoy the practice very much.
2. Today when Alice & I went in town we saw an electric car actually going on the track! This is such an event in the history of Po'keepsie [Poughkeepsie] I must record it. It was a trial trip, I suppose, young and old stopped to look at the wonderful sight!
[14? 17?]. Yesterday the seniors & freshmen went to Mohonk notwithstanding the fact that it rained all day - we had a lovely time and enjoyed driving in the rain hugely. Of course the views were shut off by fog, but we had seen them before &
After lunch we went into the big parlors and sang college songs. Mr. Smiley, Mr. Bruce & Dr. Cuyler made speeches - funny and serious, which we enjoyed greatly.
17 Today I am twenty two years old - another mile stone passed. The girls at my table celebrated the event - the table was decorated in lavendar - pansies and mignonette were the flowers - candles etc made it very pretty indeed and we had a royal good time.
19 Tonight we had a rare celebration of Juliette Greer's birthday - all the senior tables were joined above by 3 [strands] of pink paper from table to table. Every table was decorated in pink and green of course - candles etc. Our table was covered with young ampelopsis vines
6. The first snow of the season.
8. Snowed all day long.
18. Today the V.C. girls who were at Northfield meet here - we have these meetings every Sunday & study the Bible. Now we are comparing the Gospels.
We are having some very interesting lectures on the Bible this year, given by Dr. Patterson of Rochester. He has taken it up as Literature and now he will take it as History.
2. Today some of us go into Poughkeepsie to conduct the Y.W.C.A. meeting - I have to say a few words on some subject, so I have chosen "Peace." It is a snowy day and I fear there will be a small meeting.
I spent my Thanksgiving vacation at Auntie's - Bert took me down to Sharon - it seemend strange enough to go into our home and find others than home people there.
14. A week ago today was our usual Phil. reception - Bert Roberts and Frank Gillette came out for it - we had a lovely time that evening, and the next morning when the boys came out to see the sights.
[Bird] Henry is here spending a month with Alice.
20. Since tomorrow I am going to Lakeville to spend my Xmas vacation I shall not write in this book again in 1894, so here is Goodbye to the old Year. It makes me
Jan. 1895.
24. My Xmas vacation was spent at Auntie's where I had a lovely time - skating, sleighing and so forth. I was in Sharon at Anna's for a few days - it seems strange enough to be there and not to be at Myrtle ...
Soon after I came back Auntie and Charlie went to Phil. where Charlie is being treated for his stammering.
Sunday night Lady Henry Somerset and Miss Millard were here - they are quite different - Miss Millard is full of business - a great organizer I should say. Lady Henry gave us a beautiful talk on temperance and made us feel that each one of us ought and could do something to make the world a little better.
1. Today my exams are over and such a relief as it is! To celebrate Alice and I are going in to [Smiths] to supper.
24. Friday the Glee Club went to New York - Mabel Jones and I were entertained by the Sanders. ... and Gertrude Chesley went down on the same train with us which made it very nice for us. The Sanders are a lovely family. Mrs. S is related to the Goodwins, and that made a common interest for us. We sang at Miss Lawrence's, a '91 girl, in the evening and everyone said we did ourselves proud.
The Lawrences have a beautiful home on Fifth Avenue, and the rooms were filled that evening. Saturday we did some shopping and then went to the luncheon at the Brunswick, which we enjoyed so much that we wished we might experience it all again next year. We reached
For reasons unknown to me we had no holiday on Washington's Birthday - so ..., the Seniors, went to dinner in mourning for the death of the memory of the founder of our country - the tables were decorated to correspond also. The Student Body issued a Declaration of Patriotism etc. etc. - We all tried in every way to make the faculty realize what a grave mistake they have made in doing this.
Mr. Gilder spoke here tonight on "Tenement House Reform" - he was fine and gave us a splendid idea of what they hope to do in the future.
11. Saturday night I went to Dr. Taylor's to supper - realization has become anticipation. Dr. Taylor makes a perfect host - our party numbered sixteen and we had a lovely, lovely time. After supper we went down to Dr. Taylor's study - and after a little Mrs. Kendrick, Dr. Pattison and Dr. [Tinchell] came in and we all had a jolly time around the open fire.
11. Monday evening - the honors came out tonight and there were many surprises - so many girls did not get them whom we thought would - there were only thirteen - some one has reported that there were eight very very near the edge.
27. Friday we go home for our last vacation - I shall go to Sharon and have my dressmaking done and then be with Autnie a few days. How strange it will be to be at home and not have any of the family there.
14. Today is Easter - we have been in town to Christ Church and enjoyed the services very much - we saw quantities of exquisite flowers and heard much lovely music. The Service here tonight, our last one, will be as beautiful as it always is - it is such a pretty sight to see the girls dressed in white in the midst of the flowers and green.
We have had our last vacation - it does not seem possible that we are so near the end of our college course - only six weeks more of work, and in four my family will be in Sharon. I do not know how I shall wait four weeks before seeing them, knowing they are so near me. I do not know what I should have done this year without Auntie's home to go to - they all have been so very kind and good to me.
This whole year I have been thinking
21. Yesterday Alice, Louise and I had our class photos taken - we like Mr. Hayes exceedingly - he seems to be a true artist.
22. Today I have just received the news of the birth of a new niece, Charlotte Baldwin ... , on Thursday, April 18th. Mother wrote some of the funny remarks Margaret made about it. Fan went over to the house and brought Margaret
28. We have celebrated our last Founder's in college - it was quite a departure from the parallels of precedent - everything was very appropriate, which it has not been heretofore. One of the most interesting things was the Loan Collection containing very many interesting things - old furniture which had belonged to Mr. Vassar etc. etc.
The exercises were held in the chapel in the afternoon, [there] the reception came in the evening as usual.
The buds on the trees are just beginning
My family expect to start East the thirtieth of April, reach [Wysox] the four of May, where they will stay a week, and then on home. How glad I shall be to have them home, but I do not see how I can wait until Commencement time to see them. Some of the girls are talking about taking a cottage at Lake George for July and Bertha is very anxious I should go too, but I think I would prefer to stay with my family.
May. 1895
5. Today Alice and I have had a walk to Sunset Hill and through the Glen - everything is so beautiful now - all the colors of autumn only combined differently, as Miss Salmon says.
The yellows, reds, and many greens make the view perfect. What is more delightful than Spring when every thing is budding with life! I have always loved that comparison of the seasons of the year with the different periods of life.
I expect my family are in [Wysox] now. I have heard from them twice - once from Chicago and once from Niagara Falls - in one week more I trust they will be safely home.
Last night Alpha gave the prize play - not exactly prize play, but the play
which won '69's cup for Alpha - it was an immense success too, - and everything passed off without a hitch. Lida says that play has been on her mind every minute for months, but now she can rest - she looks as if she needed it too.
Tonight Mr. Percy Alden, Warden of Mansfield House, London, spoke to us about his work there. In the short time he had he could but give us an ... of the many lines of work carried on - it was enough, however, to show the ... deal of good he and his work are doing among thousands and thousands of workng men and women in Canning Town, East London.
19. Yesterday afternoon we had one of the most delightful concerts of the season - a piano recited given by Miss Antoinette Szumowska, a pupil of Paderewski - she is only about twenty four and very sweet looking - she had beautiful hands and it was fascinating to watch her play. She plays like her master and has his quiet manner. The girls were very enthusiastic over her and made her come out again after she had played the last piece on the programme.
Last evening Mrs. Kendrick gave a dinner for the seniors - after greeting Mrs. K we were asked to go into her little office and there each one was
23 Today I had my last recitation - last night we finished our Ethics exam - Dr. Taylor was very jovial and seemed to treat it all as a good joke. It does not seem possible that my last recitation is really over - how strange it will seem next year not to come back here and begin work again.
26. Today has been our last Sunday in the choir - it really makes one feel
Alice and I have also had our last visit at Katharine's together - we always enjoy our visits there so much. They are all so nice and kind to us, and let us do just as we please, as if we were at home almost.
Yesterday '96 gave '95 and the faculty a ride on the river - we were out all the afternoon and had a most delightful time. The mountains and fields were so beautiful. Another red-letter day in our calendar.
Friday night as we came out of Chapel we were made aware by large posters of the sale of '95's Vassarion - every '95 girl (rushed off for her money) (as well as many more) - all were eager to see it and certainly '95 has great reason to be very proud of its committee.
28. This afternoon the Seniors were served with dinner at five o'clock and at half after we were on the way to the dock where we took the Queen City for a boat ride - a few of us, all best friends had fine seats directly in the stern in front of the Pilot House, and such a good time as we had! We went up about nine miles, around a little Island - everything was very beautiful especially as the sun was setting - the river was very still and all so peaceful. After the glory of the sunset had died away we had the milder beauty of the moon and stars to light us on our way. We sang and made
Our Baccalaureate Sunday has come at last and is now half over. The service was beautiful and very solemn especially where Dr. Taylor addressed the Seniors - The choir did its duty nobly and Dr. Bowman added so much to it all with his lovely music - he can make the old organ sound like a different instrument. The sermon was like all of Dr. Taylor's - as good and uplifting as one can make it - he has a
It is some time since I have been able to write in this because my desk has only just arrived in Sharon - it seems natural to be writing at my desk but hardly in this room. We are nicely situated here and have almost everything to ourselves - it seems strange to be boarding in our own home.
All the Commencement exercises at College passed off beautifully - I cannot realize that my college days are over and I am an "alum," even when I see my diploma. Fan, Hattie and Mother seemed to enjoy the trip to Poughkeepsie very much - Mother was rather tired after it. She is now in Wysox - she went to her father's funeral and has remained a while to rest. She was very sorry to miss the reception which the congregation gave Mr. and Mrs. Dyer in the Chapel.
Monday we gave a Lawn Party on Miss Taylor['s] green so that the children could meet Mrs. Dyer - every one enjoyed the afternoon.
All the noise of a Fourth of July is in my ears - we have Myrtle Lawn dressed in her gorgeous array of bunting and flags.