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Raymond, Cornelia M. Diary, 1898

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Short entries in a half page a day format. Raymond contemplates sermons and religious literature, including the sermons given by the famed Springfield pastor [Phillip Stafford] Moxom. She details the frustrations and and successes of supporting attendees of temperance meetings (including "Joe" [the host of the meetings] and "Smith") in their efforts to abstain from alcohol. Thanks to her temperance activism and proselytization, including the music that she performed at revival meetings, Raymond reports receiving an invitation from "Captain Eva" [Evangeline Booth, who was the daughter of the Salvation Army's founders and later its fourth general] to lead a volunteer meeting in Holyoke. Subsequently, Raymond refers to being placed on the Salvation Army board of finance (Aug 4) and meeting with multiple Salvation Army chapter heads (Sep 14). Raymond describes her summer travels in New York as consisting of visits to a Binghamton insane asylum, an Oxford prison (Jul 30), a "Half-way house" (Aug 2), and a "soldier's home" (Aug 5). Elsewhere in the diary, Raymond reports on traditions and news of Vassar College, such as the selection of a Marshal for commencement (May 21), theatrical performances (Oct 1), and the death of Professor [Henry] Van Ingen (Nov 18). She describes several visits to Vassar, including her first sight of See Raymond House and Rockefeller Hall (Mar 19); the basketball game, alumnae luncheon, class day, and class reunion on June 7th, and commencement (June 8). Raymond reports teaching anecdotes, her students' exam results (Sep 20), and her attendance of lectures on teaching in high schools (Oct 14-15). Raymond alludes to concerns for her friendships and for her mother's health. Raymond reports news of the battle of Santiago, [Cuba during the Spanish-American War] (Jul 2 and 4), and the sinking of the French steamer La Bourgogne "with over 500 passengers" (Jul 6).

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: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898002
The [Maine]
Vandalia [Ill.]


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898003



From Bertha and Ruth.
Christmas 1897.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898029
Brooklyn is now borough of Greater N.Y.

Wea. Sat. Jan. 1, 1898 Ther.

Mother seems a little better. I wrote to Joe McDonald & to Gertrude Burleigh. I also rec'd and answered Mrs. Backus's note inviting me to lunch next Tuesday. I read the Outlook, the Week & read some in Scottish Chiefs. Agnes Jones has rec'd telegrams & a letter from Merritt urging to come immediately to Denver to nurse Sam. She hates to go, and Sadie is hurrying her off. Winifred, Ruth, Dr. John, little John and I took New Year's dinner with Mrs. Richardson. In the evening, I went alone to call at Cousin Hatties, to see Walter home from British Columbia. Found Fred & wife, Arthur & Nellie Tuttle, Mrs. Thurston and Standish. Came home with two last. Lost my silver purse on the way. Child's prayer "Make me absolutely pure-like Royal Baking Powder."


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898030
Wea. Sun. Jan. 2, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Mr. Dixon Juo. 16:33. "Be of Good Cheer." We had communion. Mother did not go, but she is much better. Mr & Mrs. Kinney came to dinner.

Harold goes to Camden to report Shay murder trial. He will probably stay through the week. Afternoon & evening I read to Frank, Russell, & Faison, "Bonnie Brier Bush", Abraham Lincoln etc.

Agnes is packing to go tomorrow. She has heard that there is no immediate danger, but Sam is very weak.

The boys are discussing their Abraham Lincoln club.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898031
Wea. Mon. Jan. 3, 1898 Ther.

This morning we felt worried because Mary did not come, but she finally appeared. I went over to 34 Union Sq. to call on Jennie Hughes. They feel hopeful about Mrs. Booth. Coming home I stopped at Mrs. Stephens. (78 last). Bought a mackintosh for $3.25. Afternoon I helped girls with sewing. Agnes started for Denver. Win & Ruth left on 7.30 train. Bertha goes tomorrow. We had a flash-light picture, Will, Ralph, Frank, Russell, Faison, Bret. My new dress (green lady's cloth) came home tonight. Played crokinole with Ralph. He & Daisy took the girls to the train. I rec'd three "Black Cats" from Ella Russell.

Ralph's photographs have come.

Mrs. Stephen's bill is $15.65.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898032
Wea. Tues. Jan. 4, 1898 Ther.

I spent the A.M. at the Packers. Went with Mip Wyckoff. Met Mip Schenck there & Susie Howard. Visited Lat. classes of Mrs. Collyer, Miss Meade & Prof. Winches & Prof. A. Went with Dr. Backus to his home to lunch. Met Hamilton now a [Tribune] reporter, but expecting to be an Epis Clergyman. Talked with Mrs. B. about Fellowship work & everything else. When I came back Bertha & Will had gone. Also Ralph. Mrs. Palmer was here sewing for me. Lovely card & letter from Emily Carrigan. This evening I played crokinole with Ruth & then read to Frank & Faison.

Wrote to Rob Bliss.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898033
Wea. Wed. Jan. 5, 1898 Ther.

I went shopping this A.M. Bought serge skirt, shoes, etc. At 3, went with Minnie to Missionary. Mr. & Mrs. [Doubis] [Julies] gave very interesting talk. Mrs. D. sang "90 & 9". Also [Julies] sings with the 4 chicks. He told about the witches, medicine men, condition of women, need of Christian homes etc. After coming home I wrote to Esther.

Evening Committee of Mission Band met here. Talked of plans for Feb. We had chocolate & cake. Then Berta Neidlinger talked of her Kindergarten in Church of Epiphany, Joe Hutchinsons Church. She has children of the wealthy.

Harold & I played crokinole. I told him I prayed every night. He said he knew three people did, his mother & sisters.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898034
Wea. Thur. Jan. 6, 1898 Ther.

This A.M. Mother felt ill so I went out alone. First I had my picture taken at Gardner's. Then I went to Cousin Ross'. I was kept to lunch with Ros, Susie & little Alfred. He told about "the tar baby".

It rained this evening. Ernest Sedman called this afternoon & stayed about 2 hrs. I darned stockings. I wrote for him to Dr. Will Braiden who is to treat his ears.

This evening I played crokinole with Ruth and Harold. Harold interviewed me about Joe's Mission.

Letter from Joe which I answered.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898035
Wea. Fri. Jan. 7, 1898 Ther.

This A.M. I went to Mrs. Stevens expecting to meet Fannie there, but didn't. Ernest Sedman came three times today. He stayed to lunch. First he said Dr. Braiden visited to operate on his nose. 2nd he said his mother did not wish it, so he went to consult Dr. Juo. 3rd he said Dr. Juo. didn't approve of the operation. I slept & read Atlantic to Min.
Eve. Remained from prayer-meeting. Played crokinole with Ruth, played on piano, & rec'd call from Stony. He came to bring "Uncle the Red Robe".


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898036
Wea. Sat. Jan. 8, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Tried to change serge skirt but did not succeed. Mrs. Palmer was here.
Played crokinole.
Harold's story about Joe is in the World. He paid me with a box of candy. The proof of my pictures came from Gardners. This evening Minnie went to Miss. meeting. I told stories to Jacobs boys.
Sadie took me to [Nilsses]. She is evidently in love with Coxe.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898037
Wea. Sun. Jan. 9, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Dr. [Mordence] spoke on Home Missions until 11.30. Then Mr. Dixon preached a short sermon on 1 Cor. 9:22. Mr. Cox (of Englewood) came to diner with Sadie. Prof. Froelich called on me. I took Sadie's S.S. class. Then Mosely walked with me to Aunt Susan's. We did not have prayers as she is sick but we visited with Lucy, Susy, Alfred, Cousin Ros, [Rigie], Kittie, Mrs. Vaill. Saw Dorothy's doll house. While we were at supper, Henry Bliss walked in, queer as ever. After coming home I talked with Frank, Russell & Faison. I told them a story. Frank & Russell want to go to college in 2 yrs. Minnie talked seriously with Sadie about marrying one not a Christian.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898038
Wea. Mon. Jan. 10, 1898 Ther.

This morning I bought my ticket etc. Then I went to Mr. Stern's Bible class. He has married his 3rd wife. Ruth has trimmed a hat, new with black & wine colored velvet etc. Cost $1.29. Ernest came this afternoon & I darned stockings & mended gloves. He was here about 2 hrs. This evening Ruth beat me in 3 games of crokinole. Then Russell came to see me. About 9.15 Stony and Mosely Faison came & staid till 11.

Harold went this A.M. to a murder trial at Chatham.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898039
Wea. Tues. Jan. 11, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Wrote letters. Ruth made me peanut cookies. P.M. Ruth came over the Bridge with me. Left Mother looking frail. Eliza Buffington & I came together. Found that Agnes was on train. We saw man & two children coming from grandmothers at Camden to New Britain.

Mrs. Van Deusen & Clara Russell came tonight.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898040
Wea. Wed. Jan. 12, 1898 Ther.

Bryan School. Orrman failure not bad.
Ethel is to begin Latin over again. Ella Russell was out of her room when I rang the bell & later she talked. Letter from Sadie Jones.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898041
Wea. Thur. Jan. 13, 1898 Ther.

Letter from Mother enclosed one from Marnie Todd.

Went down town for Miss Porter & took bundle to Joe. He is having trouble with Mrs. Reed.

Went to Kneisels instead of to Church.

Joe suspects that Smith is drinking.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898042
Wea. Fri. Jan. 14, 1898 Ther.

Mabel's little Virginia was born this morning. Marin is happy.

Dr. Grolick began his lessons today. I took some of the lessons & he said I walked admirably.

Call from Volunteer Capt's wife. She is discouraged. The officers left debt of about $60 & general mess.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898043
Wea. Sat. Jan. 15, 1898 Ther.

Read Outlook & periodicals nearly all day. Called on Mrs. Porter. She says that ten yrs. I was young and pretty. Now I just dress more. She went to Hartford.

Led Joe's Mission. About 50 present. Smith drank last Saturday night & he confessed it in the meeting. After speaking he went out took another drink & came in and told me. I let him walk up to "The Elms". He seemed ashamed & sorry. He told me about the Volunteer officers. Says Capt. had a terrible temper.

[Esan's] [birth] [right]
Effort to get out of prison
Devil makes us doubt.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898044
Wea. Sun. Jan. 16, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Dr. Moxom. Mystery's of Providence. Ps.
Aunt [Mary Irene] writes that Susy Bliss has pneumonia. I went to Volunteers. Only about thirteen some people there but I like Capt. & Mrs. Hurl. A man so drunk he rolled on the floor & Jim Fisher whose wife has left him staid & we prayed with them. Smith & Parsons prayed. Smith talked well with Jim & walked nearly home with me.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898045
Wea. Mon. Jan. 17, 1898 Ther.

Outlook class. Eliz. Clarke has strained her ankle (?). Gen Booth has arrived & he has met his son with Josiah Strong & [Cathbest] Hall. Wrote to Mrs. Paige Southbridge about [Murder] [trial] List.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898046
Wea. Tues. jan. 18, 1898 Ther.

Outlook class. Letters from Gertrude Burleigh & Winifred. Bertha is nominated for Junior class Pres.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898047
Wea. Wed. Jan. 19, 1898 Ther.

Annie Bosworth came to talk of her engagement to Hal Appleton.

She staid to dinner.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898048
Wea. Thur. Jan. 20, 1898 Ther.

Miserably rainy day. I went up to see Mrs. Reed about gyms. She was out. Fell down on wet ice.

Eve. Went to prayer-meeting. Smith was there & said he told me a lie because he didn't speak.

Mr. Barbie died about Christmas time. Joe has a bad cold.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898049
Wea. Fri. Jan. 21, 1898 Ther.

Dr. [Gulick] (2). I think I will take gyms. He talked with Miss Gruyer & me afterwards about basket-ball etc. Marion has gone home.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898050
Wea. Sat. Jan. 22, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Read for Outlook class. Clara Russell passed her 1st book in Geometry. P.M. Most of the girls played games as walking was bad. I took Clara Russell & Eliza Buffington down town. I bought gym dress. Then I rode to Mrs. Dana 55 Catherine St. Then I took Mothers meeting questions to Mrs. Briggs & Mrs. Harris.

Eve. Miss Gruyer & I went to Joe's. I enjoyed the meeting. "Esan selling birthright". I reproved boys for eating peanuts etc. At close we prayed with man who has one temptation. Smith gave a good testimony. Ella Russell & Ray [Millmann] want me to tutor them this summer!


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898051
Wea. Rain & slop. Sun. Jan. 23, 1898 Ther.

Very bad day. We all went to Dr. Moxom. Reticence of Bible. Luke 13:23, 24.
Slept after church. Letter from Will Todd.

Discouraging Volunteer meeting. About 15 present. [...] on the platform. 3 young men acted disgracefully. Frances was discouraged about money etc. Called on Joe.

Evening. Walked & sang hymns. I have begun a letter to Reeve.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898052
Wea. Mon. Jan. 24, 1898 Ther.

This afternoon I have begun having a day out. I went up to see Mrs. Dana. Then I called on Mrs. Waite. Mary Whitlock has married Robins. This P.M. rec'd a strange letter from Smith. He was sick & so didn't go to Volunteers but is thinking a good deal! Mother's meeting. Paper by Mrs. Berman on Responsibility.

Mrs. Porter said she liked my dress.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898053
Wea. Tues. Jan. 25, 1898 Ther.

Beautiful letter from Esther. Still puzzled about Smiths note.

Read Mrs. Browning all the evning in Miss Gruyer's room.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898054
Wea. Wed. Jan. 26, 1898 Ther.

This afternoon I went to hear Mary Clarke speak in Church of Unity. Went to library & to try on bloomers at Mrs. Danas.

Sadie Jones brother is dead.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898055
Wea. Thur. Jan. 27, 1898 Ther.

We took a sleigh-ride this afternoon & had gt. fun telling jokes to Eliza. Smith, the other Smith & 2 others from Joe's Mission spoke tonight & I guess Smith's letter didn't mean anything.

I found Joe leading a large meeting. Mr. Parsons tells me of a horrid slur on Joe's Mission in the Union.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898056
Wea. Fri. Jan. 28, 1898 Ther.

Mr. O Laughlin sends me a ticket to Morning Pictures. Ruth Chapin & her mother called & Ruth is to spend the night. Dr. [Gulick] came (3). I began my lesson. Mrs. Dana brought my dress.

Girls made candy.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898057
Wea. Cold. Sat. Jan. 29, 1898 Ther.

Read Outlook nearly all day. Mrs Brownings letters. Sallie Chapin took lunch on Dartmouth St. Clara Russell called on the Deweys. Evening. I went alone to Joe's. He told me first not to bring more food, then said I might. He doesn't wish to be a pauper. I spoke about "Starving". The meeting seemed cold, & my heart sank. Then Smith got up & told us that I had been drinking this evening. I felt sick. Smith, Joe & I had a little meeting afterwards. My photos came.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898058
Wea. Sun. Jan. 30, 1898 Ther.

Mr. [Yong] a French man preached.

Volunteers sweet meeting. Smith was there & I talked sternly. He promises! He walked with to S.A. It was Juniors meeting, but I went in & told about Capt. Carrigan.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898059
Wea. Mon. Jan. 31, 1898 Ther.

Almost a blizzard. Outlook class. I staid in parlor till 4.45. Miss Gruyer went to Bucks to supper.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898060
Wea. Tues. Feb. 1, 1898 Ther.

An awful day & night. I have neglected Lat. Prose etc. neglected Ella etc. etc.
Cried so I didn't want to attend Outlook class.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898061
Wea. Wed. Feb. 2, 1898 Ther.

Another hard day. So blue & discouraged. I taught Ella 1 hr & 1/2 this afternoon.
Winifred went to Cornell.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898062
Wea. Thur. Feb. 3, 1898 Ther.

Feel much better today. Girls passed an easy Lat. Prose.

At prayer-meeting, Smith, Young Bartell, his aunt, & another man from Joe's Miss. all spoke. Joe said "You look good", "How good" I said. Oh, red & fat.

I went in with Dr. & Mrs. Sweet & they came home with me.

Miss P. has gone to N.Y.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898063
Wea. Fri. Feb. 4, 1898 Ther.

Dr. Gulick (4). He told Miss Gruyer & me about his work & his missionary family.

Went down town.

Girls danced. Ray & Clara dressed up. Sallie Chapin & I began Kinder Symphony.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898064
Wea. Sat. Feb. 5, 1898 Ther.

Worked on examination etc. The walking tonight was dreadful. Miss Gruyer & I went down to Joe's. She went out to Johnson's, & got so wet she did not come back. Smith is all right. I read about Saul & talked about Obedience. Salvation Capt. came in.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898065
Wea. Sun. Feb. 6, 1898 Ther.

Dr. Moxom. "The Friend of Sinners".

I went to Volunteers. Smith was very nice. He walked with me to Joe's. He thinks I [jained] myself too much last night.

Joe says Capt. Carrigan is Irish as a pig.

Mip Porter & Ella Russell came back from N.Y. I sang with girls.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898066
Wea. Wed. Feb. 9, 1898 Ther.

Worked over reports. Retired at about 1.

Bertha R. is to be [Vice] Pres. of Christians. Gert. Heywood Pres. & Clara Reed Sec.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898067
Wea. Thur. Feb. 10, 1898 Ther.

Closing day of term. Mabel Cone the only girl who is 95.

I took four girls to Gills. Met Lida Prescott (?).

Beautiful prayer-meeting. Smith says he is improving every day. Mip Hastings & I came home together.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898068
Wea. Fri. Feb. 11, 1898 Ther.

1st day of term.

Miss Gruyer conducted gym. class.

Mrs. Jacobs. died this A.M.

Eve. Practised Kinder Symp.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898069
Wea. Sat. Feb. 12, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Took Ella Russell & Sallie Chapin down town.

P.M. From 3 to 6.30 Chas. & I drove round delivering invitations. He told me how nice Smith looked. Another man tried to "Jolly" him but I stopped him.

Eve. Lovely meeting. Peace. Afterwards a young man S.A. backslider [Wilson] converted.
Smith came up to [School] St.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898070
Wea. Sun. Feb. 13, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Ps. 73 Dr. of Somerville.
Slept. Talked with Mip P. about Greek & Miss Gruyer. Read Mrs. Stowe. Mrs. Brooks brought me pussy-willows for Edith.

At Volunteers saw the man to whom I gave Smith's whisky bottle. "Lizzie" a backslider converted.

Told Smith I was going to see Capt. but I didn't go.

Smith (2) told about my talk on Peace. I wonder whether he knew I was there.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898071
Wea. Rain. Mon. Feb. 14, 1898 Ther.

Paper says that because of S.A. band, Mr. Hahn had to stop preaching.

Rec'd notice of Harlan's divorce case.

Read periodical in my own room. They are very anxious about Edith Bagg's spine.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898072
Wea. Tues. Feb. 15, 1898 Ther.

Outlook class. Stormy so we did not go out.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898073
Wea. Wed. Feb. 16, 1898 Ther.

Very cold again. Rec'd cards from the Holbrooks.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898074
Wea. Thur. Feb. 17, 1898 Ther.

Rec'd an invitation from Capt. Eva to lead a Volunteer meeting in Holyoke. Miss P. says I [...].
Beautiful meeting. Smith said: This has been such a good week that I want to tell about it. Something has been pushing me on & two words have loomed up: "Do better".

Took the girls for the 2nd time to Gills Art Gallery.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898075
Wea. Fri. Feb. 18, 1898 Ther.

Rec'd note from J.G. Leavens, [Wiltraham] who found my umbrella.

Dr. Gulick (6). We talked about Amusements for Christians etc. Frances Willard is dead. Wrote Mr. Leavens, Capt. Eve, Mother, Lottie Overacker.

Played Kinder Symph. twice.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898076
Wea. Rain. Sat. Feb. 19, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Read periodicals.
P.M. Went down town. Marin is here.
Eve. Prayer-meeting at Joe's. Read 2 Cor. XII. One man came forward afterward. Smith came up to School St.

Bad news from Harold.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898077
Wea. Sun. Feb. 20, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Dr. Moxom. Shall Dissenters go or stay? Terrible weather.
P.M. I went down to lead Volunteers. Only about 13 of us. Smith was there. Glover wanted me to take off shoes & stockings. I read from Father's Life.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898078
Wea. Mon. Feb. 21, 1898 Ther.

Mrs. Carter & Mrs. Margaret came back from V.C.

Beautiful concert. Mip Corser, Mr. Hyland, & Margaret Carter.

Mrs. Webb came.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898079
Wea. Tues. Feb. 22, 1898 Ther.

Letter from Reeve! He has nearly died with diptheria. Feels the same about church.

I went over & played duetts with Edward. Mother pleased but wants him to hold his hands better.

All but Aunt Carrie, Mip Gruyer & me gone to Meister singers. I wrote to Fred Reeve, Jennie Hughes & mother.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898080
Ash Wed.

Wea. Wed. Feb. 23, 1898 Ther.

Went down town & changed rubbers. Saw Mr. Eva. & arranged for next Sunday. Met Mip Hastings.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898081
Wea. Thur. Feb. 24, 1898 Ther.

Heard Mr. Varley on Christ. Seemed Coming & did not like him. Miss Porter says I have no common [sense], don't wash hands, am careless about dress, don't finish sentences, ask silly questions, & talk fooleshly. I have no conscience on this things, & little moral influence. Gave Reeve's letter to Mr. Hahn.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898082
Wea. Fri. Feb. 25, 1898 Ther.

Dr. Gulick (7). I asked him about my French man's smoking.

Mrs. Russell came tonight.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898083
Wea. Sat. Feb. 26, 1898 Ther.

Read Outlook & "Scottish Chiefs".

P.M. Took Agnes down town.

Eve. At Joe's read Matt 11: 20-30.

Beautiful meeting except that Smith was very drunk & kept getting worse. Afterwards it was awful. He cried & cried. He wants to go to Holyoke tomorrow. Young man converted. He thought I was Mrs. Sweet.

Joe says not to bring him more food. Save us from "puffed upedness".


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898084
Wea. Sun. Feb. 27, 1898 Ther.

A.M. Dr. Moxom. Elements of Religion.

I went to Holyoke by 2 o'clock car returning by 7 o'clock car. Smith was drunk on car, but got off without seeing me. He came in & acted awful. Threw his whiskey bottle into stove. We went to 2nd Cong. Church & heard Mr. Hammond's choir sing Story of Cross by Dudly Buck.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898085
Wea. Mon. Feb. 28, 1898 Ther.

Ella Russell, Agnes Munford, & Margaret Carter have had a kind of [rumpies]. I called on Mrs. Brooks but she was sick in bed. I called on Mrs. Chapin's mother, Mrs. [Caroles] & Mrs. Sweet. Went to hear Mr. Varley on Assurances. Mr. Hahn felt sad but not discouraged at seeing Smith. Smith wrote a blue letter to me & I had written to him. Letter from Reeve. No sign of christianity, but proud of his success. Chas. is 40. I deposited $5 for him.

Miss Hubbard didn't come.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898086
Wea. Tues. March 1, 1898 Ther.

Nice grateful letter from Smith.

Interesting Outlook class. Talked about Mrs. [Stowe's] Life.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898087
Wea. Wed. March 2, 1898 Ther.

Mrs. Burleigh came over to read Gertrude's letter about abolishing 10 o'clock rule.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898088
Wea. Thur. March 3, 1898 Ther.

Mr. Varley on 2nd [A...].

I saw Smith a moment in the hall.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898089
Wea. Snow Fri. March 4, 1898 Ther.

Dr. Gulick (8). I almost beat Mip Gruyer in running. Mip Gruyer & I went to Smith Church fair and concert.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898090
Wea. Sat. March 5, 1898 Ther.

Read & studied. "I & Mr. Varley" led at Joe's. Smith was there a little blue I think.

Sat up till 12 over an example of Mip P's.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898091
Wea. Sun. March 6, 1898 Ther.


Mr. Varley [Gen.] 32:24-32.
Smith was at Church & at Volunteers. He has decided to join the church.

I fought down a headache & got medicine at a drug store.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898092
Wea. Mon. March 7, 1898 Ther.

Feel tired today. Mother writes that Harold & Mary are both away. Called on Mrs. King (out) but saw Carrie. Also on the Fisks.

Called on Mip Emerson (out).

Miss Gruyer & I went to Ian Vereen & sat in the box.

Fathers 84th birthday.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898093
Wea. Tues. March 8, 1898 Ther.

I have felt very tired all day, so Miss P. sent me to bed at 8 o'clock.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898094
Wea. Wed. March 9, 1898 Ther.

Went down to Mr. [Besse's] building & taught Gertrude Greek & Lat.

Still pretty tired.

This is Mr. Porter's birthday.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898095
Wea. Thur. March 10, 1898 Ther.

Had a "scare" this A.M. because the paper said that Edwin M. Smith when drunk had assaulted a man.

Sat with Mrs. Webb & Mrs. Packard at Mr. Varley's last meeting. Very long. Smith there but left towards the close.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898096
Wea. Fri. March 11, 1898 Ther.

Dr. Gulick (9). I have a little cold. Letter from Brett Page. I am made honorary member of the Abr. Lincoln Club.

Taught Gertrude Besse (2).


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898097
Wea. Rain in A.M. Sat. March 12, 1898 Ther.

Today I read Scottish Chiefs, Forum & studied. My feelings were hurt at table by what was said of my hats! It cut. Bessie Chapin has come to spend Sunday, as this is sallie's 18th birthday. She rec'd gold watch.

At Joe's a young lady from Bible Normal College led & I played. Had a nice little talk with Mr. Francis & I lent him Daily Strength.

Smith gave me Robbie's photo. He came to corner & told me Frank Morse has list 2nd baby & got a 3rd one week later.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1898098
Wea. Sun. March 13, 1898 Ther.

Felt blue this A.M. Mip P. told me she thought I was too old to change my habits. Then I asked her if the girls would respect me if she made fun of my hats. She acknowledged that they would not.

Grand sermon by Dr. Moxom on Cuba war with Spain etc. I am writing to Reeve. Smith was of course at Volunteers. Mr. [Dwhith] told me about Capt. Eva. Smith came over to share my hymn book & later I went for a few minutes to Joe's [concerts] meeting. I got a young man at Volunteers to promise to settle the question.

Called to see Mrs. Dean about singing the Shabat Mater.


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Wea. Mon. March 14, 1898 Ther.

Gertrude Besse (3). Went to library & shopping.


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Wea. Tues. March 15, 1898 Ther.

Clara Russell came to Outlook Class.