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Name. Mrs. F.B.Sweet
Residence. 197 State St. Springfield, Mass.
Name. Walter Richardson
Residence. Huestis St. Ithaca. N.Y.
Name. Fred W. Reeve.
Residence 443 W. 22nd St.,
Mem. New York City.
Name. Susie B. Ortin
Residence. 2532 Broadway.
Mem. New Y.
Name. Wm. H. Francis
Residence. Box 561
Mem. Springfield, Mass.
Name. Cornelia Lloyd.
Residence. 705 E. Capitol St.
Mem. Washington, D.C.
Name. Susy Ortin
Residence. 2532 Broadway
Mem. N.Y.
SUN. 1. Ther. Weather,
Space is provided for recording the state of the Thermometer and Weather. The Moon's Changes, and Stated Church Days are also noticed as they occur.
Signs: New Moon; First Quarter: Full Moon: Last Quarter.
A.M. Mr. Dixon PS. 65:11.
P.M. " "
Felt blue about Reeve. Beautiful sermon in A.M. This yr. has double gems it its crown, prosperity & adversity, failure & success etc. I taught Miss Shannon's class. Little girls, rather dirty but quite interested. We talked about God & Christ. Juo. 1:1-14.
Very sleepy in evening service. Mother not able to go to church.
MON. 2. Ther. Weather,
Reeve writes that he has no tuberculosis. Letters from Mrs. Porter & Lena. By mistake, Miss Porter got Mrs. P's present.
Daisy came to dinner. Mother didn't come down.
Mrs. Palmer here sewing for Will. Mother pays her.
I wrote letters & studied "Scribs".
Evening Fudge party. Ernest Sedman, Gastin, Dobson, 3 Kinneys, Kittie Elliot, Frank Davis, Russell, Ralph, Daisy, our folks. We had wedding. Agnes married Win & Will was killing maid of honor. Gibson pictures, games, & fudge. Harold came to call on Mother.
TUES. 3. Ther. Weather,
Wrote letters. Made happy by letters from Joe, Smith, & Mrs. Sweet. Judge Lyford discussed Joe's case & called it a dirty trick.
Went shopping & to dinner with Harold, Ruth & Mrs. Hudson. Worked on "Scribs". Will & Ralph returned this A.M. Mrs. Palmer here.
Eve. Read "The Worker" to Mother.
WED. 4. Ther. Weather,
Worked on the "Scribs". Aunt Kate spent the day. Winnie "fixed up" best hat. She took supper at the Kinneys.
Eve. Ruth & Harold called.
THUR. 5. Ther. Weather, Rainy.
Wrote all day on my "Scribs". In afternoon went to Union prayer-meeting in our church led by Mr. Stoddard of Strong Place.
Mother is better.
Telephoned to Jennie. She wants me to go with Miss P. & Lena to Hope Hall tomorrow night, but I refused.
FRI. 6. Ther. Weather, Rainy.
Mrs. Palmer here. Marg. Benedict came over & staid to lunch. Talked about Will Todd & Ray. In the afternoon Winnie returned my toque. I went to prayer-meeting. Subject: What hinders prayer?
Then we went to the Jacobs. It was their 14th anniversary. Met Dr. King Pres. of Cornell Iowa, Dr. [Famiglio], Emma Taylor.
SAT. 7. Ther. Weather,
Finished my paper on the Scribs. Agnes went with me to try my Alpine hat corset waist etc. Mrs. Palmer here.
Mrs. Hudson brought me cookies.
Russell had the blues tonight. I went for Minnie to the Dixons & Jacobs.
Reeve wrote that prob. he would not come to church as he ought to go to his own.
SUN. 8. Ther. Weather,
A.M. Mr. Dixon Luke 15:1-7.
Reeve did not come. I taught Miss Howard's class. 5 little boys. Mr. Dixon wants everyone to come every night to church either this or next week.
Eve. Harrie & Ruth called & H. brought candy. Minnie stayed home with Daisy, Russell & Frank. Minnie thought Daisy was selfish.
MON. 9. Ther. Weather,
Went down town. Changed corset waist & got Minnie's horrid pictures from Dana's. Mother shampooed head. Came to Springfield on 4 o'clock train with Col. Buffington & Eliza, Abbie Tillingharte, Percy Minich & Florence Barker. Ray Wellman got on at New Haven. I stopped at 34 Union Square & saw Jennie Hughes & Gen. Booth.
Told Corie's father has lost his position.
Ethel Van Deusen's mother is very ill.
TUES. 10. Ther. Weather, Cold.
Began school. Mr. Reed invited Miss Gruyer & me to go sleighing. We declined.
I went out. Called on Mrs. Sweet. Her father is dead. So is Mrs. Dr. Pomering. Took Joe soup. He was out. Then called on Mrs. Barnard & she had in Police Captain Berkely. We talked of Joe. Missed call from Mrs. Briggs.
Miss Hubbard. 13. Agnes came back tonight. She has had her [...] [heated].
Gertrude White has gone home.
WED. 11. Ther. Weather, Bitter cold.
Miss Gruyer & Bina have gone to Mrs. [Irwins] lecture.
Mr. Story. 14
THUR. 12. Ther. Weather,
Went to prayer-meeting. Told Mr. Hahn about Reeve.
Miss King, 13?
Letter from Dr. Mosher.
FRI. 13, Ther. Weather,
Gymnastics (2).
Family except Lena, Ray & Percy have gone to [...] in [May Stuart]. I did not go.
Letter from Russell Richardson.
SAT. 14. Ther. Weather,
Read Atlantic most all day. No walking. Rainy & glare of ice.
Miss Hill did not come.
SUN. 15. Ther. Weather,
Dr. Moxom. Disadvantages & Advantages. of Miss. Organ. Expected to read paper. At Joe's I told Prodigal Son to [try] who had never heard it.
We did not walk tonight. Wrote to Harold & Mr. Dixon. Jennie Aiken came to dinner. I called on the Hastings.
MON. 16. Ther. Weather,
Ethel Van D. writes that her mother may have pneumonia. I called on Mrs. Driscoll to tell [Mother] about change in drawing class.
Miss Hubbard. 14
Jennie Aiken came to Outlook.
TUES. 17. Ther. Weather,
Called on Eunice Avery.
Read periodical.
Outlook class.
WED. 18. Ther. Weather,
Wore my dress with red silk & my toque. Admired. Lena & I took dinner at Mip Buckingham's. Saw Jennie Aiken, [Str...], Henry, & 2 sisters boarding there.
Nice letter from Fred Reeve.
Mr. Story 15.
THUR. 19. Ther. Weather,
Miss. meeting led by Mrs. Cone. Mrs. Bill gave a beautiful address.
Sent my letter to Harold.
Mip King 14.
FRI. 20. Ther. Weather,
I wrote to Fred Reeve. Girls gave "Charity Ball". Day scholars came.
SAT. 21. Ther. Weather,
Dr. Moxom. John 21:
Recognition after death. Did not stay to S.S. Went home & had good sleep. Beautiful Mission. 21 there. Gave young man testament & he read.
Man converted who had lost [horse].
Took Smith to church to get paper. He seems blue.
Finished The Workers. East.
SUN. 22. Ther. Wheather,
Letter from Smith to say he [hated] drink.
We went over the Thompson house.
MON. 23. Ther. Weather,
Gertrude Besse seems miserable.
Wrote to Russell. Smith wrote rather blue letter & I replied.
Clarke [Bryan] committed suicide.
TUES. 24. Ther. 32 Weather,
Mip Hubbard 15.
Poured. I called on Jennie Barrows & little Emmie & went down town.
Gave Ed. his lesson.
Fell down twice. Bought [Dooley] Papers.
Ethel Van Deusen returned.
WED. 25. Ther.28 Weather,
Miss P. does not like my different waists.
Mr. Reed telephone an aff. message to Eliz.
Mrs. Reed called.
Went to library this eve.
Mr. Story 16.
Miss Lucinda Howard died.
THUR. 26. Ther. Weather,
Eliz. Gruyer & I went to hear Mr. [Pent...] at South Church.
Mip King 15.
FRI. 27. Ther. Weather,
Dr. Gulick (3).
Girls made candy.
SAT. 28. Ther. Weather,
I went up to South Hadley to see about Abbie [Tillingharte].
Miss Hill did not come.
SUN. 29. Ther. Weather,
Septuagesima Sunday.
The teamster wanted to walk home with from me from Joe's!
At S.S. Dr. Moxom said there was no tabernacle. I did not read paper.
MON. 30. Ther. Weather,
Had stiff neck a little.
Outlook class.
TUES. 31. Ther. Weather,
Outlook discussed "The Workers".
Miss Hastings came.
Dr. Gulick (4).
Mip Hubbard did not come.
WED. 1. Ther. Weather,
Went to hear Marg. Hall sing in the High School.
Mrs. Story (17)
THUR. 2. Ther. Weather,
Rec'd $25 from Anna Goodsell.
Teamster & Joe came to meeting. I played.
Miss King. 16.
FRI. 3. Ther. Weather,
Millie Stevens wants me to go to Rome & Athens with her.
Stormy. No Gyms.
Read & played to girls.
SAT. 4. Ther. Weather,
Mr. Reed & Mad. took Mip Gruyer & me sleighing in the park. Ice scenery beautiful. Miss Gruyer took girls walking & then went to tea at Underhills.
Miss P. thinks she ought to walk more.
Bina has gone to her [boarding] place.
Miss Hill did not come.
SUN. 5. Ther. Weather,
Sexagesima Sunday.
A.M. Mr. Hahn. Grace of God that brought Salvation etc.
Went to South Ch. S.S. Read "Origin of the Scribs" & it seemed to take Dr. Moxom.
P.M. 25 at Mission. Rough fellows but I quieted them & read about Jesus [regreted] at Naz. Luke 4. Joe has curtained off the rim again. Mr. Tapley may stop paying rent. Smith came after meeting.
Did not walk. Eliz. took supper with Bina.
MON. 6. Ther. Weather,
Mr. Reed wrote asking Mip Gruyer on a sleigh ride.
Gt. battle with resurgents at Manila last night. 40 of our men killed. Treaty ratified with a majority of one.
Miss Hubbard very ill with erysipelas.
TUES. 7. Ther. Weather,
My day out. Called on Mrs. Bowman & Mrs. Holbrook. Saw Mrs. Baldwin & Mrs. Prof. Terry. Talked of Lottie Russell.
Sat up till midnight on reports.
Miss Hubbard very ill.
Went in to see Joe & Mr. Barker told about sleigh ride.
Smith writes Joe that he must keep away from mission.
WED. 8. Ther. Weather,
Worked all spare time on my reports & the Prof.
Mr. Story 17.
Letter to Miss Ola Raymond. Invitation to sleigh ride.
Exciting letter from Morsie about Saugerties, Ballston Spa, & N.Y. W.M.C.A.
Wore Eliz. shirt dress & had fun sliding in cemetery.
THUR. 9. Ther. Weather,
Closing exercise.
In afternoon I played Concerto & played on piano.
Mr. Hahn gave a fine talk on the missionaries.
Pres. Taylor has been called to Brown!!!
Miss King (17).
FRI. 10. Ther. Weather, Bitter cold.
Mary Cutler & Marg. Carter have gone to Boston. I took them to the train.
Mip Hubbard much better.
Dr. Gulick (5).
Percy Minich is 15. She & Eliza gave party. Fortunes & Pillow. Dix.
SAT. 11. Ther. Weather,
Bitter cold. Mip Hill did not come.
SUN. 12. Ther. Weather,
Quinquagesima Sunday.
Hard snow storm. Eliz. & I went to church. Went to mission. Beautiful meeting. Mr. Daniels has been sick. Talked about his sin & prayed.
Joe tells me of Smiths horrid drunk. He just cries about his trouble. Called on Mip Hastings. Then went to meet Marg. & Marg. not there.
MON. 13. Ther. Weather,
Blizzard. Mary & Marg. all day coming. Sleigh tipped over after they got out.
TUES. 14. Ther. Weather,
Shrove Tuesday.
Both Outlook Classes came today & tonight. I spent most of my day out in parlor working Alg. for Mip P. I also called on Miss Emerson but she was in bath room.
Miserable with a cold.
WED. 15. Ther. Weather,
Ash Wednesday.
Mr. Story (18).
We walked to Crescent Hill.
Wrote Fred Reeve.
THUR. 16. Ther. Weather,
Called on Mip Emerson. She has terrible swelling. Told of Dr. [Po...] grief & her call from Mr. Hahn.
The family went to the McDowell concert. Mr. Hahn seems blue. May leave church.
Mip King 18(?)
FRI. 17. Ther. Weather,
This eve. girls played & I called on the Porters.
No gyms. I am to take Mip Gruyer's history.
SAT. 18. Ther. Weather,
Read Alyn. this A.M.
P.M. Went to library, Mip Masons, Mr. Hahns, Mrs. Brooks & Cousin Helens.
Edith B. home. Mip Pendleton told me about Mr. H. salary reduced to [2500].
Eve. Read in Mip Gruyers.
SUN. 19. Ther. Weather,
Quadragesima Sunday.
A.M. Dr. Moxom Jer. 2:19.
Punishment of Sin.
Slept instead of S.S. Large meeting at mission. Smith brought his [tooth].
Walked to corner.
Stowe converted.
MON. 20. Ther. Weather,
Very tired tonight. V.C. Alumnae voted to raise $2000000 for V.C.
TUES. 21. Ther. Weather,
Felt wretchedly tired. I called on Carrie King in the new house. Edith Moxom has pneumonia. Came home & slept. Retired early.
WED. 22. Ther. Weather,
Bertha has an honor! Eliz. & I went sleighing with Mr. Reed. Then to his house. Mrs. R. disagreeable. Then the girls, Mr. R, Eliz. & I went to Y.M.C.A. fair supper & basket ball. Eliz. talked to him coming home.
Lena's mother has falled down stairs.
Mr. Story (19).
THUR. 23. Ther. Weather,
Beautiful prayer-meeting. Little Englishman there.
Lena went to her mother today.
Miss King 19.
FRI. 24. Ther. Weather,
I am to have Greek in the A.M. on Friday.
Dr. Grulick (6). Mrs. Grulick came. I had call from Volunteers which kept me from dressing. Children gave a play at Mrs. Porter's. Girls had games at home.
SAT. 25. Ther. Weather,
Wrote to Mollie Stevens, Pres. Taylor & Mrs. Barker.
Studied hard today. Went down town with silk waist. Mr. Reed met me & asked about going to the club.
Lena came back tonight.
SUN. 26. Ther. Weather,
Dr. Moxom Gal. 5:2,5. The Individualness of Christian Life. Staid to S.S.
At Joe's we had about 40. Warren Barney once of [Ilion] was in drunk. My little man gave good testamony. Smith came. Eve. Rained so did not go out. Began [Drummonds]. Mr. R. called on Eliz. at Bina's with chafing dish.
MON. 27. Ther. Weather,
Outlook Class.
I have been reading Alwyn almost all the afternoon.
Lovely letter from Fred Reeve.
TUES. 28. Ther. Weather,
Day out but I stayed in & read Outlook. We discussed Alynn tonight. Bina came to dinner. Letters from Mip [McCaleb] & Gertrude Burleigh.
WED. 1. Ther. Weather,
Mr. Story (20).
Marg. Benedict engaged to Rupis Cowing.
Eliz. Gryer went off & visited with Bina.
Dr. Taylor is to stay at Vassar.
THUR. 2. Ther. Weather,
At prayer-meeting Mr. Storm gave a testimony to Joe's Mission.
I met Mr. Francis & he walked down with me.
Marion went Charlie Wood's birthday party. He is 11.
Mip King 20.
FRI. 3. Ther. Weather,
Lena & I went down to Mr. Barnard's at the [Marsasit] & I bought red waist.
Dr. Gulick did not appear.