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Raymond, Cornelia M. Diary, 1902

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Short entries in a page a day format. This volume discusses Raymond's social life and experiences at work with her students. Her mother breaks her hip this year, prompting Raymond to worry for her mother's health. Raymond also reflects on her active religious life, including continuing to convert and reform alcoholics.

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: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902009
January, WEDNESDAY 1. 1902.
Read "Right of Way" Rec'd a call from George Lunn.
The whole family went to Harolds for New Years dinner. He ... so very happy. He & I talked about Jr. He feels happy that one good year has passed. After coming home I called on George & [Mahl] Lunn. Read Van Dyke while Harvey, Winifred, Ruth & Bertha played games.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902010
January, THURSDAY 2. 1902.
A letter from Miss. Linet says she is much displeased because he has started the [Mission]. About finished "Right of Way" Mother, Minnie, & I went over to take luncheon with Marguerite. Evidently she had forgotten, for she & Harlan were out. The maid gave us luncheon & we played with Dorothy! I left my dress with Mme .... Bright white silk waist at [Nuttings], called to see Winifred. Called on Aunt Kate. Took dinner with Agnes Jones.
Miss Linet writes again that Jn has given up [Mission]. She enclosed nice letter from him.
Helen [Caruwana] sent Mother [$5.00]


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902011
Mother rec'd a contrite letter from Marguerite which I .... Wrote letters, began "Circumstances" Mother and I took luncheon at the Sharpes. Miss S... and I played. Aunt Kate is here for treatment. I called on Lily .... They soon go to Europe & Egypt for a year. Minnie & I called on Mrs. Reen. She has a dear little baby. Went to prayer-meeting. Mr. [Henson] did not appear.
Two years ago to-night Harold & I spent in the parlor!


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902012
January, SATURDAY 4. 1902.
Right after breakfast I went down to call on Ruth. Harold had gone to the office. Came home and read. Wrote to Jennie Hughes explaining silence. Mended stockings. Effie Sullivan called also Louie Richardson. Minnie went to Miss Grahams. Will & I started to call on Kittie Howard. Met Mrs. ... who said she was out. I went to Lucy Skinners (out) Will met me & he went to Mahls (out). Came home & read. After dinner, Will & I went to call on Kittie. He talked of the Babcocks. Came home & read. We are reading "Circumstance".


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902013
January, SUNDAY 5. 1902.
A.M. Dr. H... began his pastorate. Preached about Paul II. L... 3:10, Phil. 3:13, 14. Harold & Ralph came but could not stay to communion. Harold was converted 2 years ago tonight. ... & Harvey came to dinner. I read awhile. Mother taken with kind of chill so Will took me to prayers. L... A.. said: Uncle A was like Jesus Christ. I don't want to praise him above his level. He couldn't heal the sick or raise the dead, but if he could he would have done it. "He was ... of when you can't remember anything that was not pleasant. Some people you have to try to forget what isn't pleasant." ... a letter to Lily, you C... son & brother Alfred Raymond B. Heard Geo. [Lunn] for first time Jno. 19:22. The [Record] of Life.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902014
January, MONDAY 6. 1902.
Bought ticket. Harold comes to say good-bye. Call from Mrs. Miles & Louis Cadmus. Wrote letters.
Frank left this evening. We played Russian Patience. Minnie made me a nutcake.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902015
January, TUESDAY 7. 1902.
Did a few errands. Wrote letters [etc.]
[Came] with the girls on the 4'oclock train. Bernice Taylor had a civil [ceremony] on Friday to Lawrence Chamberlain. Dr. Moxom married them Sunday. Found a paper here from Mr Jessup.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902016
January, WEDNESDAY 8. 1902
Miss Gruyer & Hilda Johnston came to-day. Went to library. Letter from Jennie Hughes; Min has called in Mrs. Taylor. They are [down] on Dr. Moxon.
Miss Emerson has had an operation to-day. They are all very anxious.
Unpacked to-night.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902017
January, THURSDAY 9. 1902.
Went down town. Went first to see Mrs. .... She says Jn has given up [the place] of a mission & of regular work. [Lives] anywhere. I ordered bookcase sent up. Had corns removed.
They are having week of prayer. Good meeting to night. Jn spoke well.
We feel very anxious about Miss Emerson.
Mr Story 24.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902018
January, FRIDAY 10. 1902.
My bookcase came. Sent Ray a letter of introduction to Mrs. Collins.
This evening called on Mrs. Porter. Played letters and Romance.
Miss King. 26.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902019
January, SATURDAY 11. 1902.
Read Outlook & magasines [sic]
Letter from Mrs Griffin
Miss Berensen.(8)


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902020
January, SUNDAY 12. 1902.
Dr. Moxom Psa. 33:11.
Volunteers Mark 10:28-34 Jn was there.
Violet is to read one hr. to club. ... & Lizzy & I alternate walking. I walked to night.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902021
January, MONDAY 13. 1902.
Will writes asking my advice about teaching in High School or College.
Outlook class.
Mr. Story.25.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902022
January, TUESDAY 14. 1902.
Blue, confidential letter from Rob.
Miss King (270
Mrs. Starr (9)
Evening Outlook class. I went to library.
My dress came from Madame ....
Miss Jacobs says that Miss Emerson has - cancer.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902023
January, WEDNESDAY 15. 1902.
Wrote to Will about high school & college. Grace MacFarlane's [wedding] cards.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902024
January, THURSDAY 16. 1902.
Mr. Story. 26
Went to hospital with Mrs. Carmichael. Saw Mrs. Williamson & little boy about to be operated on for ear. Called on Laura Rice (out) then Maxine & Jacob. Mrs. M. was away but I saw Edith, Dr M. & others. Did a little shopping.
Good prayer meeting. There is unusual interest.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902025
January, FRIDAY 17. 1902
Five girls & I went to hear Prof. Story's Cantata "The Admiral" at Northampton. I felt helped spiritually. Then got ice-cream at B....
Miss King (.28)


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902026
January, SATURDAY 18. 1902.
Wrote Mr. Strong. Letters from Mother, Cousin Lizzie, & Mrs. ... 5 music lessons. Want dinner time. Exam... papers.
Read Outlook ... ency.
? Miss Berensen (9)


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902027
January, SUNDAY 19. 1902.
[Adeleson] P. Foster. Sec. for new [Engl for S.S. Union ... gru.10:25.
3 Pres. have ... a division in U.S. Washington estabished U.S. ... for .... McKinley for foreign relations. How shall M meet our responsibilities.
I. City e...
II. Village " have Mission ...
III. Country. Am. S.S. Union.
The country, population is sparse, foreign & different .... So S.S. Union is needed.
Good meeting at [Volunteers] Lottie ..., Mr. P..., Jr & Mr. LeClare were there.
Talked on Receiving Kingdom as child.
Miss [Guyer] walked to night.
Amy Gillette was here before breakfast on the way to train.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902028
January, MONDAY 20. 1902
Mr. St... .27
Analysis class (4)
Rec'd from Mrs. S... E.... Hubbant's Mendelssohn limited edition.
Gladys explained "the pony". She did not use .... ... this was a piece of her [uncles].
Marion is ill.
Aline Underhill returned to school.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902029
January, TUESDAY 21. 1902
Beulah Fleck is 15.
Mrs. Starr (10)
Miss King.(29)
Rec'd letters from Fannie, Balis, Esther [Patchen] & Raymond.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902030
January, WEDNESDAY 22. 1902.
Rolly club at Dr. ... " Medicine" papers by Drs. Parsons, White & .... We saw Roentgen rays.
Miss Gruyer asked to join a whist club & she and Miss Porter have discussed it. - [cussed] it too.
Helen [Keiper] returned from the wedding.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902031
January, THURSDAY 23. 1902.
Mr. Story.28
Lively prayer meeting.
I spent a long afternoon in the library reading up Henry VIII's reign.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902032
January, FRIDAY 24. 1902.
Miss King. (30)
Beulah Fleck gave a peanut party. Hunted for peanuts - [raced] with peanuts - pinned peanut bag on elephant. I won booby prize in last. - a plaster medallion.
Gizzy was ill.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902033
January, SATURDAY 25. 1902
Miss Berensen.(10)
Minnie writes that Mother has gastritis & ... she has a trained nurse. She is better now.
I went down town morning & afternoon to get [s]ight names in Mrs. Hunt's musical programme. Miss Price called. I took Florence Murphy to get head shampooed.
... [Matthew] spent the day here.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902034
January, SUNDAY 26. 1902.
Dr. Moxom Prov.11:11. Sermon on the Church & Civic Righteousness preached again by request.
Did not stay to S.S.
The girls sympathised [sic] with ... when Hilda & Eliza reproved her for being selfish about her chair.
Very small meeting at Volunteers for H.. was at Y.M.C.A. Rained this ev. so no walking.
No word from Mother.
Called on Mrs. [Linet].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902035
January, MONDAY 27. 1902.
Mr. Story.29
He gave me a peanut!
Outlook class.
Terrible explosion in N.Y.
Mother is better.
Francine Bates is coming on Saturday.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902036
January, TUESDAY 28. 1902.
Mrs. Starr ... Miss KIng 31
Outlook Class.
We discussed Shuler's "Individual" & left Fiske's Life Everlasting & Briggs "School College & Character undiscussed.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902037
January, WEDNESDAY 29. 1902.
Minnie writes that Mother is doing nicely. Violet sick to-day.
Virgil examination.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902038
January, THURSDAY 30. 1902.
Called on Miss [Parsons] at the hospital & then on Mrs. .... Her daughter Mrs. Smith is home & the husband in the ... Retreat Hartford.
Then took Supper at Volunteers & attended Annual Meeting. Mr. Allen, & Hunt & Mrs. Smith & some of [Willimansett] came.
Mr. Story 30


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902039
January, FRIDAY 31. 1902.
Miss King 32.
Eliz. Gruyer has gone to N.Y. We do not know why.
Ida Swayne broke her arm sliding down hill.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902040
February, SATURDAY 1. 1902
Miss Berensen (11) Read Outlook & magazine. Florence Murphy & I went down & had our heads shampooed. Then I met Fannie Bates. Mrs. W... came to-night.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902041
February, SUNDAY 2. 1902.
Dr. Moxom. Splendid sermon on Education. It should not be easy. It should not be Elective ... ... Education.
1. Cultivate the mind.
2. Make us capable of service.
3. Discipline the mind.
4. Train the mind.
Very rainy but we had a meeting of .... Talked of Christ the Bread of Life Jn 6:22-35.
Gizzy came home to night. We sang hymns then visited in Gizzies room. She brought us H....


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902043
February, TUESDAY 4. 1902.
Mrs. Starr, 12.
Miss King, 33.
Fannie Bates went home.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902044
February, WEDNESDAY 6. 1902.
I went with Miss Porter to hear her read a paper before the Y.W.C.A. Mrs. Hudson said I remind her of Mrs. Gen. Armstrong.
Wrote to Dr. Moxom about his Sermon for Education & the help it had been to [Bertha Smith] & me.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902045
February, THURSDAY 6. 1902.
Had no day out because of yesterday. This is Amy Gillettes wedding day. I went with Lizzie & played for Ferry St. gymnastics. The came to prayer meeting to see Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chandler were there & seemed very glad to see me again. They had a long talk with Mr. Kraus.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902046
February, FRIDAY 7. 1902.
Miss King 34.
Lovely letter from Dr. Moxom.
Girls made candy to-night.
Miss Porter says I talk too much about family.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902047
February, SATURDAY 8. 1902.
Miss Berensen (12) I read the Outlook [then] worked the rest of the day finishing reports at 12 P.M.
In the afternoon I took Florence Murphy to have her head shampooed.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902048
February, SUNDAY 9. 1902.
Dr. Moxom spoke Jno.8:32 (...) on Freedom. I stayed to S.S.
At volunteers I spoke on Matt.8:23-24. A Y.M.C.A. young man raised handds for prayers. ... was with a man ... I followed in the street. He seemed impressed. Called on .... Jr has ... accus.. Mrs. S. J writing that letter.
Read for my S.S. paper this evening.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902049
February, MONDAY 10. 1902.
Outlook class in the evening because of the party ... night.
Mr. Story 32.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902050
February, TUESDAY 11. 1902.
Mrs. Starr & Miss King were not here. Last day of term. We had no holiday in A.M. but gave out no lessons.
Miss Guyer's sister-in-law is very ill.
Re... party this evening.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902051
February, WEDNESDAY 12. 1902
New term began this A.M.
Mary Porter is 20.
Florence Murphy is 15.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902052
February, THURSDAY 13. 1902.
Called to see the Moxoms about meeting Prof. Bracq, ... Laura Rice, & ... ... 10 Hunt [home]. They had ... that Jr .... I f... from Mrs. [Linet] it was Austin Jn McDonald.
Went to Mrs. ... ... to ... & m attended Union meeting at Belmont.
... Volunteers till 1 A.M.
Mr. Story. 33.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902053
February, FRIDAY 14. 1902.
Miss King didn't come.
Miss Murphy came to see ... My valentines were handed around at luncheon. Took the girls to fire house. D... a little in ....


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902054
February, SATURDAY 15. 1902.
The family went twice to the theatre. ... in Merchant of Venice and Louis XI. I went down town. Got ... - present from C... - corns removed - flowers for Miss Emerson.
Eliza, Mary Porter, 3 children, Lena, Violet & I staid home this evening. [Violet] finished her story.
Miss Berensen. 13.

...finished her story "The Atonement"


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902055
February, SUNDAY 16. 1902.
Prof Bracq. Acts.17:30.
He & Prof. Guillet came to dinner. The Volunteers I spoke on the 3 parables Matt 13:44-50. The Chandlers were there & asked me to write to their daughter. Copeland says he isn't a [Christian] because he .... Smith very last Sunday's friend, came .... Afterward we had a personal talk. Called on Miss Hastings.
Took nice long walk. Mr. [Bostind] is in the Pokeepsie [Poughkeepsie] asylum.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902056
February, MONDAY 17. 1902
Mr. Story 33.
Analysis class (3)
Dreadful Snow-storm & few came to school.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902057
February, TUESDAY 18. 1902
Miss King. 35
Mrs. Starr. 13
I went to library. Did not go to S... concert .... I rec'd complimentary ticket.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902058
February, WEDNESDAY 19. 1902.
Miss Porter & Lena went to hear Florence Kelley.
I feel very tired to-night.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902059
February, THURSDAY 20. 1902.
Mr. Story 34.
S... -- shopped -- prayer-meeting. Mr. Rollins ... S.S. .... Decided not to go to Quality Street


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902060
February, FRIDAY 21. 1902.
I went to Wellesley. Left at 3.18, but train was so late that I missed connection at Worchester. I was met by a cab at Wellesley Hotel & went in a snow-storm to the cottage. I found Mrs. Bates, Fannie [Rathmore] & Kath. Singleton there.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902061
February, SATURDAY 22. 1902.
Very sunny. Katherine, Fanny and I went to Boston. Many stores were closed. Got luncheon & candy. Visited Museum of Art & Public Library. Heard a woman Say to a man. " Let me alone you violent [pupper]. Came home about 4. Slept. Wellesley Glee Club Concert in the evening. Met Miss McN... of Oxford.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902062
February, SUNDAY 23. 1902.
Long sleigh ride through grounds. Went to Wellesley Chapel. I heard Mr. Clark (?). on ... up your .... Met Pres. Hazard. Got 5:51 train home, [reaching] hf at 8.27.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902063
February, MONDAY 24. 1902.
Mr. Story 35.
Ida broke her arm again in two places.
Hilda returned from Vassar.
Miss Porter, Lena & I went to [Braid of Grade] dinner. Thank Pres. .. & Rev. Mr. Anderson.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902064
February, TUESDAY 25. 1902.
Miss King did not come.
Mrs. Starr 14.
All [but] Lena, Gizzie, Aunt Carrie, Florence Murphy, Ida Margie & me went to see Maude Adams in Quality St. Harold writes that he is on M...y's paper The News. John Richardson will probably soon die.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902065
February, WEDNESDAY 26. 1902.
I went to library.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902066
February, THURSDAY 27. 1902.
Mr. Story 39.
Called on Rose Dutton (out) Mrs. [Cooper] (out) Miss Young & ... Mattie .... Cousin Helen (in H...) & Celia. She kept me to tea & she got it. [Talked] with Clare Howard. Mrs. ... & Mrs. Sprague were there.
At prayer-meeting. Mr. [Matthews] relates his experiences. Mr. ... said he wants to join the church.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902067
February, FRIDAY 28. 1902.
Miss King. 37. She comes ... [Now twice] a week.
children played Parlor Tennis. I played "hanging" with them.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902068
March, SATURDAY 1. 1902.
Miss Berensen didn't come.
[Violet] went to N.Y. to talk with Gillettes.
I went to library & downtown.
P.M. Walked - finished Vol. I of Huxley & took 4 .... Rec'd this evening.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902069
March, SUNDAY 2. 1902.
A.M. Very rainy. I went to State St. & sat with Jr. No Service. Anna Jacobson & [Henry] Matthews were baptized. Communion. To South Church, Dr. Selden preached.
Very small Volunteers meeting. I ... about Thoughtfulness Ps. 34. Red-headed Smith gave long testimony. I called on Jr in his room 475 Main & gave him a dollar. ... walked up the other side of State, crossed over & went as far as Dr. Sweets. I didn't find them in, so I called on the Hastings. Instead of going to walk we sang hymns.
Violet returned from the Gillettes.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902070
March, MARCH 3. 1902.
Mr. Story 40.
Miss Porter found that most of the girls had been whispering.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902071
March, TUESDAY 4. 1902.
I went to library. Rec'd a card from Geo. [Lunn] Jr.
Mrs. Starr 15


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902072
March, WEDNESDAY 5. 1902.
Almost a blizzard.
Helen ... Matthews has a baby son.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902073
March, THURSDAY 6. 1902.
Miss Porter ... let me give up my afternoon so Violet could go to dress-rehearsal of College Club. I called on C... King & Ethel Merriam & did shopping. Prayer meeting. Sat between Jr and the Chandlers. All took part. I was introduced to Mr. [Wheeler].
Mr. Story 41
Florence Murphy is to be dropped back to Aline's [Latin].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902074
March, FRIDAY 7. 1902.
Miss King 38.
The College Club gave "The ..." at Bright.... I took up the tickets. I went in a carriage with Mrs. Ma..., Laura, Gizzie, & Margaret Calhoun. Came home by car. Gizzie was Nadine. Miss Madeleine Camp came to spend the night with Hilda Johnston.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902075
March, SATURDAY 8. 1902
Mrs. Rodman came this P.M. In the A.M. I took Ida Swayne & Florence Murphy down to hairdressers. In the afternoon we went to meet Mrs. R. Beulah & I went with Louise but returned by cars.
Gizzie & Violet took some of the girls to [watch] gymnastics & in the evening Gizzie & Violet went to Bright... to see Teacher' Club give ... the Cricket. I read all I could yesterday. Felt too tired to go out.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902076
March, SUNDAY 9. 1902.
Dr. Moxom Gen.3:12 Woman & the Well Being of Society.
In Bible class ... of his ... at Chicago. I call him a Unitarian. I brought him home to dinner.
volunteers. I spoke on Jesus [Love] and Patience Luke 15:1-10. Mr. Smith (red-haired) had [drunk] last night. A drunken man let us pray for him. I called on Jr who took me to see Jennie ... Then ... met me & [joined] me to Dr. Sweets. I repeated my remarks. The [Sweets] howled when I told them.
Wrote on my S. S. paper that evening after I had walked.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902077
March, MONDAY 10. 1902.
Mr. Story 42.
Madame Pedro came for [Corrie] & it took her over 2 hrs.
This evening I got chilled.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902078
March, TUESDAY 11. 1902/
Mrs. Starr 16.
Outlook class. Marjory & Pauline do not read.
Call from Mrs. Cooper.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902079
March, WEDNESDAY 12. 1902.
I went to the library.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902081
March, FRIDAY 14. 1902.
Miss King 39.
Miss P. wants Eliz if she returns to be a missionary. She says she won't come back.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902082
March, SATURDAY 15. 1902.
I worked all day on my Seminar paper on "Sin" Miss Porter & Lena have talked with me about Gizzie & Violet.
Miss Berensen 15.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902083
March, SUNDAY 16. 1902.
Just about sick on this trouble with Gizzie & Violet. Retired at 8. Did not read my paper.
Dr. Moxom - fine sermon on the evolution of the Soul. Luke 21:19. In patience possess ... your soul - In [sweet] [pastures], gain your soul.
Very few at Volunteers. I talked on Sin. Mark 7:1-9, 17-23. Red-headed Smith not there. I called on Jr & the Sweets. Jr wants to join a church which will back him.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902084
March, MONDAY 17. 1902.
Mr. Story 44.
Analysis class.
This evening Lena talked with Violet & reduced her to tears.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902085
March, TUESDAY 18. 1902.
Mrs. Starr 17.
Henry [R...] has had a stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. G... is dead.
Gizzie & I took Hilda & Louise to Elsa [Morrison's] Monologue. Grace [Morrison] ... sang & we thought her beautiful.
Lena not well.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902086
March, WEDNESDAY 19. 1902.
Eliz. Gruyer hears that Charlie's wife has stroke of paralysis.
Lena is sick to-day.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902087
March, THURSDAY 20. 1902.
Mr Story. 45.
I spent my afternoon (out) reading Huxley in bed. At prayer meeting, 8 names were presented by standard committee. Mr. lee was prayed for. Stopped in at Mrs. Sweet's.
Lena held classes upstairs.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902088
March, FRIDAY 21. 1902.
Miss King 40.
Violet went to Vassar to visit Clara Russell.
Children played ping-pong.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902089
March, SATURDAY 22. 1902.
Miss Berensen did not come. I finished Huxley & read N.Am.. Outlook, Scribner's & part of Cent.
Called for the first time on Miss Emerson since her operation & Mr. Hahn came in. Dr. Moxom, Hahn, Quick & [Giliam] have all been good.
All day a married woman hung around the house wailing for a married man. I talked with her. First she was [bad], then partly acknowledged her ... then rushed off to meet him.
Helen [Keeper's] cousin, Mrs. T... called.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902090
March, SUNDAY 23. 1902.
Dr. Moxom. Palm Sunday sermon on Children
Environment: Home, School, Society, Church, God.
I read my paper on Jesus' Doctrine of Sin in Gospel Of Mark. We had a lively discussion. Hilda Johnston & Mary Porter staid & spoke in Volunteers on [Slavery]. II. Peter 2:9-19. Luke 4: 16-18.
Violet came back from Vassar. I retired at 8. Gizzie walked.
I went so see Mr. Hahn. Talked about Chandlers & my paper.

Dr. John Richardson died.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902091
March, MONDAY 24. 1902.
Last afternoon Outlook class.
[Mother] writes that Dr. John died yesterday. Miss Porter does not want me to go to the funeral.
Mr. Story 46.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902092
March, TUESDAY 25. 1902.
Mrs. Starr did not come.
Last Outlook class. Discussed Huxley.
Eliz. Gruyer hears that Charlie's wife is worse.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902093
March, WEDNESDAY 26. 1902.
I came down to N.Y. on the 222 train. Hilda Johnston and L... Rodman were in one car, Beulah H..., Florence Murphy, Eliza Buffington and I (and R... ...) in ....
Laura Richardson was here as Dr. John's funeral was this morning. Harry & Winifred came in.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902094
March, THURSDAY 27. 1902.
I met Ruth Raymond & we ... my checkered silk dress. I went to Miss Dunne's. She then came home to dinner. She trimmed my last year's hat. I called to see the Lunn baby. Went to see Mr. Kim. Called on Mrs. Gulick (out). Went to Lucy Skinner's. She is in Baltimore but I visited with the housekeeper.
Ev. ... to make peanut candy. The Dobson's came in & we played "Artists".


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902095
March, FRIDAY 28. 1902.
I began reading "Cromwell's O..." Al... Rained. This afternoon, I went to shirtwaist place to K...'s & to ... shirtwaist .... Harold called & brought me candy.
Evening. At prayer meeting, Mrs. H... was ill & Minnie had to go out with her. 9 were [brought] before the church.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902096
March, SATURDAY 29. 1902.
Rainy day. I went up to ... measured for shirtwaists. Read "Cromwell's O...". Wrote letters. Mended gloves. Winifred came to luncheon. Slept. Read "Circumstances". Rec'd cards from Mrs. Holbrook to Minister's ... reception.
This evening ... & Harry came in & we played games with the Artist cards.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902097
Easter Sunday.
March, SUNDAY 30. 1902.
Dr. H.... I Cor. 15:57 "Victory".
Mother & I went to Harold's for dinner. Ruth & Ralph had been to Plymouth Church & Harold to Holy Trinity. Harold asked the blessing. I expected to call on [Reens], [but] went with Salvation Army. There I saw a man ... ... who had been Deacon in Memorial Bapt. under Halsey R.... He was drunk, but went forward. Met Mother at prayers. We took supper at C... Callie's with R..., Susy, Lucy, & Hattie Bliss Charlie Ray. Went to hear Paul preach on Pictures of ... Paul.

Carfare 10 Mother owes 10
Plym. 5
C... E... 25
S.A. 25


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902098
March, MONDAY 31. 1902.
Dr. [Strane's] Bible cless.
Went up to tailor.
Slept. Read Absalom & [Achilles] phil.
Blanche Martin came. I made peanut candy & we played games with Artist cards.

[Pelluval] silk 2.69
D. Story 25 Peanuts
Tailor ... 05 Mother 2.79
Carfare 05


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902099
April, TUESDAY 1. 1902.
I met Ruth & [in bright red] vest [hat] all [trimmed] white crown. Took luncheon at Ruth's. Went to tailors & Miss Dunne. Read Cromwell's [Oeuvres]. En. Ruth & Ralph called. I sewed. Then Mother, Hill & I played ...-game.
Jennie Hughes wants me though her mother is very low.
Met Hollis Gibson on [cars].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1902100
April, WEDNESDAY 2. 1902.
I read Cromwell's [Oeuvre}. Wrote to Mr. Jessup. Mother & I called on Mabel King Brown. I say Alice & her Howard & little Mary. We called on Cousin Rachel Raymond, Susan Howard (out) & Bertha [Backus] Brown. Saw her little Helen aged 22 months.
Evening. Read Cromwells [Oeuvre]. Then Harvey & Min came in & we played games. Bertha has [follicular] .... Mr. L... is dead.
My black broadcloth & gray skirt came from the tailor.

Pay ...
Strap 55 Owe Mother 55
Ribbon 15 Car fare 10
Buttons 6 Tailor 37.00
Gloves 20 Owe Mother 35
Ties 50 Owe Mother 50