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Raymond, Cornelia M. Diary, 1905

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Entries every day. At the beginning of the diary, Raymond describes her mother's illness and death (Feb 7), an event affecting her deeply. Throughout the diary, Raymond discusses her temperance activism and associated social work through "Joe's mission" and the Y.W.C.A. She describes sermons (particularly those of Dr. Moxom), church services, and outlook class, prayer meetings. Relating to her work as a teacher and her academic interests, Raymond describes giving lessons in music and Latin, her students' graduation, lectures, reading, and a lecture given by Henry James at Smith College (May 16). Maintaining her connections to Vassar College, Raymond reports attending College Club, visiting Vassar (Apr 14-17), and hearing of [VC Lady Principal] Mrs. Kendrick's illness (Apr.14). She encloses a newspaper clipping on Vassar's memorial for Mrs. Backus (Dec 1). She discusses social visits, social news, the wedding of her brother Will (July 6), correspondence, financial investments, her health, and osteopathy. Historical events mentioned by Raymond include the "annihilation" of the Russian fleet in battle (May 20), and the czar granting liberty to Russia (Oct 3), and a trolley accident in Longmeadow (Nov 18).

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North America


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905002
Vol. XXI



: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905003
90\354\ 14)354 (2


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905007
January, SUNDAY 1. 1905.

A.M. Dr. Case Hausam Pl.
P.M. Dr. McAfee Lafayette Ave. Pres. Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God I never heard him before & he is fine. Beautiful after meeting. Several raised their hands.

I took Communion in the A.M. Mother went to Church. Went to kindergarten S.S. with Harriet. She took up collections. Rob Morehouse came to supper.

Began Little Women.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905008
January, MONDAY 2. 1905.

Beautiful letter from Mr. Jump thanking me for Mother's picture. Prof. McGregory came to luncheon. I wrote letters & read from "Common Lot" aloud. This evening Bertha & Frank went to a dinner at her club. Minnie, Will, Ruth & I called on the Cases. We had ice-cream & music.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905009
January, TUESDAY 3. 1905.

A.M. Mother & I called on Aunt Susan finding her very well. Susie Merriam talked about Dr. Dawson. Then we went to Ruths to luncheon meeting Minnie. Mrs. Hudson was there & her cousin Jessie came in. Minnie had a heart attack. I went up to see Winifred about going to N.Y. & had an awful time coming home in the storm. This evening Frank Sharpe came. I read Common Lot.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905010
January, WEDNESDAY 4. 1905.

Such a bad day that Winifred did not bring Harriet to take her to see Miss Porter. I went to see Miss Leonard & took dinner at Clinton Alliance. Then we went to Miss [Wraif's] meeting. Emily [Cunnigan] Porter was there. I had not seen her since her marriage. I came home [tired] went up to Mrs. Cooper's but she was not in. Read a while this evening then went to bed.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905011
January, THURSDAY 5. 1905.

I went to Glen Ridge & spent the day with Marguerite. Left Barclay St. at 10.30 & reached G.R. at 11.17. Left G.R. at 9. P.M. & reached Barclay St. at 9.40. It took me 1/2 hr. to reach Barclay St. via Ed. R.R. & Bridge. Saw Dorothy's School. Dorothy was good except for some fits of [...]. Buzzy was very friendly. The new house is nearly done. Rufus came home to dinner.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905012
January, FRIDAY 6. 1905.

[Nell] [C...]
Ward Bliss died at 2 this morning.

The Springfield City Hall was totally [burned].

This evening Minnie scalded her hands with [cranberry].

I had my white mohair fitted by Mrs. Cooper.

P.M. Went to Dr. McAfee's to Young People's meeting. Called on Nell Irwin. Did not find her.

Read Common Lot this evening.

Began Shakespeare's Cymbeline
" Lafcadio Hearn's Japan


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905013
January, SATURDAY 7. 1905.

Carrington Howard called here to say Aunt Susan was ill & couldn't have us. Staid home today.
P.M. Bertha & I made fudge. Finished Herricks' "Common Lot". Called again on Nell Irwin but did not find her.

Began Josephine Daskam's Middle Aged Love St.
Finished Herriets 'Common Lot'
Finished Meyer's Present Tenses in Blessed Life


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905014
January, SUNDAY 8. 1905.

A.M. Dr. McAfee Juo. 18:37. Mother & I went. We met him. Baby came to dinner. She seems sick. Ruth went out & took tea with the Dobsons & Mr. Flaxington. I called at the Raymonds. They are all sick but I talked with Susy. I called on Lucy Skinner & Ethel kept me to supper.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905015
January, MONDAY 9. 1905.

Spent the day mending clothes etc. I fixed lining of dress & went shopping.
Eve. Long call from Nell Irwin.

Frank's letter
Lucy Skinner


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905016
January, TUESDAY 10. 1905.

Mother, Minnie, Mrs. Hudson, Ruth Raymond & I took luncheon at Winifred's. The evening Rob Jacobs & staid from before nine till 11.30. He is civil engineer on the Subway & has worked on Croton aqueduct. Frank came in a few minutes & Ruth helped entertain him.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905017
January, WEDNESDAY 11. 1905.

I left on the 12 oclock train for Springfield. Edith [Seizham] on train. We did not sit together.
Dr. & Mrs. Moxom, Miss Mary Porter, Clara Reed, Mr. & Mrs. Porter & Edward came to dinner.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905018
January, THURSDAY 12. 1905.

School opened.
Mr. Story 11.
Analysis class.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905019
January, FRIAY 13. 1905.

I went down town today. Staid upstairs this evening while Louise entertained girls.
Mary Porter talked to girls & conducted my Am. Lit. class.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905020
January, SATURDAY 14. 1905.

Miss Berensen. 11
Edward's lesson. 27
I took my first treatment in Osteopathy.
Called with Mary Porter on the Bartletts.
Fixed room.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905021
January, SUNDAY 15. 1905.

Dr. Moxom preached on Revelation.
Miss Buckingham, Gertrude, Besse & Jeannette Appleton came to dinner.
At Mission I spoke of being too late. Several came forward.
Joe says he will take responsibility of rent.
Called on Mrs. Sweet. Mrs. McKinnon was there.
Mary Porter told girls story of [vase].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905022
January, MONDAY 16. 1905.

Dorothy Hooker is to have an operation for Appendicitis tomorrow. I had a lovely note from her & called on her mother. Went to bed half sick with cold. Mary Porter talked to Outlook class today. Ours is to be [omitted]. Lena & I went to Mrs. Porters & met Henry Porters son Lucius.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905023
January, TUESDAY 17. 1905.

Miss Mary Porter went away to Clifton.
Dorothy Hooker's operation successful.
I am miserable with a cold but managed to go to hear Boston Symphony.
Miss Aus de Ohr played Tchaikowsky's Concerto.
Orchestra under Ge played Beethoven's 5th Symp.

Mrs. Starr
Miss Platt


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905026
January, WEDNESDAY 18. 1905.

My cold is bad. College Club met here. Lena read Erich Arden & Mr. Story played the Strauss accompaniment.
Edward's lesson (28)
Mr. Porter gave me whisky.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905027
January, THURSDAY 19. 1905.

Left breakfast table because I felt dizzy so Dr. Brown was called. He orders bed, so I retired for afternoon & evening.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905028
January, FRIDAY 20. 1905.

Better this morning but tired by night. Did not go to hear Hopkinson Smith.
Dr. Brown (2). He says I am in danger of breaking down.

Mrs. Starr


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905029
January, SATURDAY 21. 1905.

Played for Miss Berensen 12.
Edward is in N.Y. so no lesson.
My first pay treatment in Osteopathy. Came home to bed & I am to rest till Monday A.M. Millie & Louise decorated my room with handkerchiefs, medicine, [reading], etc.

Began "Ethel" J J Bell


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905030
January, SUNDAY 22. 1905.

I staid in bed till after dinner then came down to write Bible lesson on board. Then I ate supper with family & retired early. I have written letters & read. Find it a long day. Wrote to Mr. Jump.

Read Tennyson Lady of Shalott, 2 Voices, Oenone, Dream of Fair Women, Morte d Arthur, Locksley Hall, etc.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905031
January, MONDAY 23. 1905.

Went down town & called on Joe. He evidently wants me to keep on begging money. What shall I do? Rather a hard day.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905032
January, TUESDAY 24. 1905.

Mrs. Starr
Miss Platt

Very much better. Rec'd violets from Frieda Powers & carnations from Helen Harris.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905033
January, WEDNESDAY 25. 1905.

Blizzard. Spent afternoon on bed & reading. Very few came to school.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905034

January, THURSDAY 26. 1905.

? Mr. Story
I went to library with Dorothea Boynton.
Feel better.

Did not go to church.

Began Browning Study Programms
Read "How they Brought Good News"


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905035
January, FRIDAY 27. 1905.

Girls gave candy party.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905036
January, SATURDAY 28. 1905.

2nd Osteopathy. Called on Father St. John.
Edward 1 hrs. 28 1/3.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905037
January, SUNDAY 29. 1905.

Smith Church.

Mother walked to church for last time.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905038
January MONDAY 30. 1905.

Outlook Class. Edward worse. No lesson.

Mother went to Dr. Stearns for last time.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905039
January, TUESDAY 31. 1905.

Outlook class. Discussed Japan.
Miss Platt.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905040
February, WEDNESDAY 1. 1905.

Osteopathy. Miss Robeson wouldn't take pay. I called on St. John & heard his story. He gave me Kibbe's chocolate. Called on Mrs. Weeks.

Millie & I went to 1st Church Dickens entertainment.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905041
February, THURSDAY 2. 1905.

I think I went to church.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905042
February, FRIDAY 3. 1905.

Girls gave a fancy dress party.

Mother fell in getting up & called Frank, seemed chilled. Frank Sharpe pronounced it Grippe.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905043
February, SATURDAY 4. 1905.

Edward (29 2/3) 1 hr lesson. Not well enough for a treatment.
At about 4.30 I rec'd a telegram from Will. "Grandma Raymond just had pneumonia. Perhaps you had better come." I reached home before midnight. Frank who met me encouraged me, but I find her very ill. Temperature is 105. Miss Seaman & Johnson are here.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905044
February, SUNDAY 5. 1905.

Mother's temperature went down to 100. I went to Church & heard Dr. Cuyler. Acts 27:29.
I telephoned Miss Porter from Franks. Mother's fever up.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905045
February, MONDAY 6. 1905.

Mother seems better, but Frank thinks it doubtful whether her strength will hold out. I did shopping.
This evening Frank almost gives up hope.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905046
February, TUESDAY 7. 1905.

Franks says "Your mother is a wonderful woman" We are very hopeful.

About now the change came. She seemed to know us but, when asked whether she wanted anything said "No".
She follows us with [her] eyes until the expression left them. She does not suffer at all.

At ten, without a struggle she fell asleep.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905047
February, WEDNESDAY 8. 1905.

Many calls. Mother looks very beautiful. Many came.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905050
February, THURSDAY 9. 1905.

Flowers, letters, telegrams, calls. I love to stay in the quiet room.

Mr. Story
Miss Platt


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905051
February, FRIDAY 10. 1905.

Beautiful services. Mrs. Webb came.

Mr. Jacobs sang "Sleep on beloved". Mr. Case read Rev. 21 & 22. Mr. Jacobs "No night there". Ros Raymond beautiful tribute. Mr. Case prayed. We sang "Shining Shore".
Laid dear Mother close to Father.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905052
February, SATURDAY 11. 1905.

I came home to "The Elves" found Mother's picture framed by Lena & flowers from Louise, Millie, Marion, Miss Platt & Cicero class.
I have told them all.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905053
February, SUNAY 12. 1905.

Staid in bed till 10.30. Then took treatment of Miss Robeson. No change.
Amy Gillette Olney came to dinner. She wants to adopt her brother-in law's baby. I talked with Mrs. Packard, wrote to Minnie & took supper with Mrs. Porter.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905054
February, MONDAY 13. 1905.

School today & all seems like a dream. Louise attended to Outlook class for me.
Call from Mr. Hahn.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905055
February, TUESDAY 14. 1905.

I went into Outlook class but did not recite. Read many letters & flowers from Mrs. Broga & Mrs. Griffith.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905056
February, WEDNESDAY 15. 1905.

Quantities of letters. Took my osteopathy & called on Mrs. Griffith. James was there. Called on Joe. Rec'd calls from Mrs. Sweet & Miss Hastings.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905057
February, THURSDAY 16. 1905.

Mrs. Starr. Mr. Story.
I went to prayer-meeting.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905058
February, FRIDAY 17. 1905.

I went up to Celia Merriam's to spend the night with her & Miss Buckingham. Miss B. played to us.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905059
February, SATURDAY 18. 1905.

Talked about Farrington & Briercliffe. Came home after breakfast. Wrote letters all day.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905060
February, SUNDAY 19. 1905.

Dr. Moxom Revelation, Evangelization, Civilization.
Dr. Harper has internal cancer.
At Mission I talked about Heb. 12:1-11.
Called on Mrs. Sweet.
This evening I wrote to Malcolm Hughes.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905061
February, MONDAY 20. 1905.

Took Marie Seaman to Brighams to have dress fitted.
Wrote letters.
Bertha very ill with [pleurisi] pleurisy & [pneumonia].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905062
February, TUESDAY 21. 1905.

Miss Platt.
Miss Porter & Lena took all but Alice Haugan, June & Marion to Richard [Booth] College Club lecture in Drama.
Bertha holding her own, but her lungs may be affected.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905063
February, WEDNESDAY 22. 1905.

I read Outlook. Called on Hastings. Took Osteophathy. Began Dickens once more.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905064
February, THURSDAY 23. 1905.

Mr. Story.
Mrs. Berensen.
I went to prayer-meeting & in to the Sweets.
Mabel Cohn & Albert Tapley are engaged.
Sadie Parsons husband has brain trouble.



: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905065
February, FRIDAY 24. 1905.

Bertha is worse. They called in Dr. Butler & he advised cupping. She has nine chances in ten of living but I fear cannot work. She said "how nice" when told I would give her Mother $25.
Girls had an old fashioned [donation] party & supper.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905066
February, SATURDAY 25. 1905.

Bertha is some better. She wishes I was there to play.
I played for Miss Berensen, read Outlook & wrote letters.
Called on Mrs. Porter & Josie.
Wrote long letter to Mrs. Harrington.

Dorothea Boynton's sister is here.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905067
February, SUNDAY 26. 1905.

Dr. Moxom "Insufficiency of Religious Toleration" Luke 9:50.
Good meeting Juo 3:1-16. "The New Birth" Mr. converted. Says he will speak to his Mother. Deacon Chapin there.
I took Miss Boynton to train. Wrote to Mrs. Griffin & Dr. Clarke.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905068
February, MONDAY 27. 1905.

Blood vessel broken in my eye. Went to Dr. [Prefontaine] who said Read but little & in 48 hrs bathe in hot water. [Changed] [meeting].
Outlook class.
Dr. Moxom called on me & he staid to [dinner]. Arranged Outlook list with Mrs. Porter.

Louise Bartlett ill.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905069
February, TUESDAY 28. 1905.

Estelle Platt.
Letters from Dr. Lathrop, Lou Dickerson, & Minnie.
Bertha is better.
Outlook class. We talked about Dean Briggs Routine & Ideals.
Louise Bartlett ill.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905070
March, WEDNESDAY 1. 1905.

Ash Wednseday. I met Miss Leonard at library. She expects to start Mission. I took her to get ice-cream. I had washed at Mrs. Whitings. Shopping. Supper with the Sweets. Fred Reeve says his wife has had a baby daughter & may die.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905071
March, THURSDAY 2. 1905.

Mrs. Starr.
Mr. Story.
Bertha continues to improve. I went to prayer-meeting.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905072
March, FRIDAY 3. 1905.

Girls played come card games, so I could work.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905073
March, SATURDAY 4. 1905.

Miss Berensen did not come but Miss McClellan came to take pictures. I went to [c...] & shopping. My little [diamond] is fixed.
P.M. I read. Then I took girls to Lenten talk of Dr. Moxom on religion. Lent begins next [Wed].


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905074
March, SUNDAY 5. 1905.

Mrs. Packard sat with me at Communion. Mr. Hahn is certainly writing poor sermons.
Very small Mission. Mr. Francis says he is going to join the Church.
Went in to see Mrs. Bartlett.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905075
March, MONDAY 6. 1905.

I rec'd letters from Clara & Mary Russell, Mary, Papa & Adelle Bliss.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905076
March, TUESDAY 7. 1905.

This is Father's 91st birthday.

Miss Platt.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905077
March, WEDNESDAY 8. 1905.

Took a treatment but Miss Robison changed [nothing]. Did shopping in a pouring rain. Took tea with the Hubbells & Dr. Price. Said what I thought about Dr. Hahn.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905078
March, THURSDAY 9. 1905.

The girls went to see Maud Adams in Little Minister & Op of My Thumb. I went to South Church to a Y.W.C.A. meeting.
J Appleton Educational
Laura Rice [Primary]
Clara Reed Bliss St. Home
Miss Elush " " "
Mrs. Starr
Mr. Story Analysis


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905079
March, FRIDAY 10. 1905.

Louise gave a party for Misses Borden & Bourne.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905080
March, SATURDAY 11. 1905.

Osteopathy (1/2 hr late)
P.M. Read
Dr. Moxom Religion as interpreter for Jesus.
Eve. Visited with Miss Borden & Bourne. Read.
Miss Wood invites me to Vassar for April 14-17.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905081
March, SUNDAY 12. 1905.

Dr. Moxom True Consecration.
Sent photos of Mother away.
Pleasant Mission Matt 16:21-26.

Miss Bourne went home.
Milly Hoyt came back.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905082
March, MONDAY 13. 1905.

Outlook class this afternoon.
Miss Borden went home.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905083
March, TUESDAY 14. 1905.

Miss Platt.
Evening Outlook class.
Mrs. Griffith invited me to supper tomorrow but I have another engagement.

Republica says two women are in Hartford begging for Joe.

Hazel Brigham & Elsie Miller here to lunch.



: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905084
March, WEDNESDAY 15. 1905.

I took supper with Mrs. Braga. She showed her husband's pictures.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905085
March, THURSDAY 16. 1905.

Mrs. Starr.
Mr. Story.
Spiritual Rally this afternoon & evening at State St. I went this eve. Called at Mrs. Sweets later.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905086
March, FRIDAY 17. 1905.

Great term because Gertrude Dodge is failing in her exams.
Girls studied tonight.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905087
March, SATURDAY 18. 1905.

Miss Berensen.
All but Alice Haugan, Gertrude Dodge & June & Marion went to basket ball at Sweets.
I took June down town.
Read "Americana" most all day.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905088
March, SUNDAY 19. 1905.

Dr. Moxom II Cor. 5:9. Xn Endeavor.
Lena thought the girls behaved badly in Church.
Miss Porter found Marie Seaman & Edythe talking to Gertrude for Minister.
Music. Slavery of Sin - Rom. VII 14-25. II Peter 2:19.
I have written letters all day. Called on Mrs. Sweet but she was sick with Grippe.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905089
March, MONDAY 20. 1905.

Gertrude Dodge & Miss Porter have kind of grippe.
Millie & Louise took girls to Gadski & Damnsch recital. Mrs. Packard went & June, Marion, & Gertrude Dodge stayed home.
Letter from Aunt Susan.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905090
March, TUESDAY 21. 1905.

Ida Eastman seems sick.
Miss Platt.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905091
March, WEDNESDAY 22. 1905.

I took my treatment. Called on [father] St. John.
Went down town and then went for dinner to Cousin Ella Griffiths at Mrs. Philbricks. Met Mr. Sheffield. James & Harold were there. Harold saw me to the car.
Miss Porter is ill.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905092
March, THURSDAY 23. 1905.

Mrs. Starr.
Mr. Story.
Good prayer-meeting. Called on the Hastings.
Miss Porter almost has pneumonia.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905093
March, FRIDAY 24. 1905.

Miss Porter has a nurse.
Louise Bartlett & Marion Maltice coming down with kind of grippe.
Several day pupils absent.
Ruth & June [Neuten] gave a swap party.
Miss Carroll is Miss P's nurse.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905094
March, SATURDAY 25. 1905.

No gyms. Miss Porter better. Louise sick with both her troubles. I spent a great deal of time telephoning about postponed Outlook. Alice Haugan & Gertrude Dodge passed their Chemistry.
P.M. Raining. I took treatment & went to see Miss Leonard in her new home 23 Kenwood Park. Mrs. McDermott there.
Eve. Read.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905095
March, SUNDAY 26. 1905.

A.M. Dr. Moxom. Pillar & Ground of Truth II Tim. 2:19. I Tim. 3:15.
Before Church I went up to see Annie Green & Catharine [Blunt].
Louise Bartlett hurts my feelings my saying I tell things, Is she getting "bossy"?
At Mission Joe St. John appeared. I talked on cutting loose from bad company.
Millie had head ache so I walked.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905096
March, MONDAY 27. 1905.

I had to go to Boston Symphony because Louise did not feel like it it. Millie went too. They played Schubert's 7th Symphony.
Mrs. Richardson is failing.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905097
March, TUESDAY 28. 1905.

Miss Porter is beginning to have some classes.

Miss Platt.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905098
March, WEDNESDAY 29. 1905.

Went to take "Kitty Morse" poetry to Mrs. Schenck. She was out & I visited with Miss Billings (Somerville) & Mr. Schenck till she came. They kept me to tea [berries] told about Dr. Moxom not buying books there.

Photo & long letter from Malcolm Hughes.


: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905099
March, THURSDAY 30. 1905.

Mr. Story.
Mrs. Starr.
Miss Carroll left. Mrs. Richardson is better.
Mr. Baldwin was at meeting, spoke well. Mr. [Bugbee] walked home with me.
Fred Reeves writes Minnie that doctor thinks his wife must be life long invalid.



: VCLDiariesRaymondCorneliaM1905100
March, FRIDAY 31. 1905.

The girls went to park with Louise.
Evening played card.
Telegram that Alice Haugan is to go to Chicago meet [Helgar] & go to Hot Springs.