Vassar College Digital Library

Adams, Ruth | to family, Apr. 1901:

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April 1901

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Transcript file(s)
vassar:8696,Box 1,VCL_Letters_Adams_Ruth_1904_066
1 item
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: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904066001

Dear people:-
Safely arrived you see. I have hardly time to catch the mail. We have been off on a long tramp and took longer than we expected. We got into a field full of the love- best pussy willows and bough home our arms full of them. Mine look beautifully in my copper pot. Well we just hardly caught the train in New York and got put into


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904066002
a car where there were about 3 girls- the rest all common people. There was a sickening bride and groom in front of us. But when we got to Poughkeepsie there were plenty girls. Cora and I came up on the same train but we didn't know it till we got to the college. We saw everybody and had a grand time we went to Miss Hastings room and found the light out and her in bed but we went in to see her and were sitting on the edge of


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904066003
her bed in the dark, when Cora began pummeling me and in the confusion which inside a glass of jelly which she was holding got knocked on the floor and smashed to smithereens the jelly messed all over the floor. Very unfortunate in the dark. And it looked so on the carpet!!!!! Lessons began this morning unfortunately.


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904066004
Haven't opened trunk yet


: VCLLettersAdamsRuth1904066005
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