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Vassar College.
Dearest Mother -
Had such a nice letter from Follett this morning. The cards came yesterday. Thank you for them.
I have met “Dot” [Turmerliff?]. She asked me to dinner one night, and I thought I wrote you all about her. She is most charming. She went to Annapolis last Easter, and has a lot of Kodak pictures of people I know.
I also met Mrs. Maury at
Also, I wrote Mrs. Spencer a long time ago, and she wants me to come. Miss Rogett has a room for Doss and me.
I am going to the dentists this Saturday, and rather dread it. My teeth have not hurt at all, but they [need?] attention seriously.
The second physical exam was yesterday -- I have gained in every-thing but my left hand, which comes, I suppose, from not riding. My back strength is .80 instead of 75, which is an improvement.
I am going out to dinner tonight -- at Katherine Yates, so I must stop and dress.
There was a meeting of Founder’s last night - the model wild roses are lovely - and I am so glad that they have adopted my suggestion.
With much love,