Vassar College Digital Library

Aaron, Fannie | to Mother and Father, 1920 April 19

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-03_04_019

Dear Mother + Father,

I [desided] last night to stay in Metcalfe today yet, but I might have saved myself the trouble of deciding, inasmuch as Dr. T. sent word up this morning that I could go to classes today. but had to come back tonight! I got into bed at two o'clock, and will stay there until morning. I have improved a great deal since Saturday morning, but still do not feel as well as I did when I left home. Let me know how long I have to continue telegraphing you. The medicine + your special have not come yet. (2:30 p.m.) Also, my specs were not in my cape, so they must be around home.

The train + delegation came back from Colgate at ten-thirty last night + the whole college turned out in torch-light procession to cheer them. They marched around campus singing the Alma Mater, which is not, as you said, at Lake Tahoe last summer, father, "Bring in the kitchen [stove]!"

Math quiz Wednesday. I have finished most of the math makeup. All I have aft is a long theme in English + a back quiz in math.

Miss [Banrue] kept me after class to tell me that she would like me to take + would therefore give me the necessary recommendation, for a special 2 hr. Horace + 1 hr. prose class next yr!! I have not the slightest desire for it, but she seemed so disappointed I told her I'd come to see her about it.



It is a gorgeous warm day. I was sitting on the porch on a steamer chair for a while, but the sun was too hot.