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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother and Father, 1921 May 27

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1921-05_06_024
[Addressed to Hotel Ambassador]

May 27, 1921

Dear Mother and Father:

I enjoyed the production of "Electra" immenselfy yesterday. Helen called my attention to the fact that I saw Edith Wynne Matthison in "Henry the Eighth". I had forgotten all about it. The special trolleys left college at four and arrived at this wonderful old estate on South Road at five o'clock. It is a gorgeous place. From the back porch of the house you get a perfect view of the river and the hills on the other side. I would be quite satisfied to live there! The house is very old, but the trees and flowers in that place are gorgeous. The play was given behind the house, in a perfect setting of trees. The choruses danced beautifully and were very effectively costumed. They came from the Bennett School of Applied Arts at Millbrook.

I finished up in chem lab yesterday afternoon, checked up my apparatus, and left it for good. Maybe that wasn't a joyful feeling! With all that I missed, I was the second to finish.

The advanced English Speech class present "As You Like It" in the outdoor theater tonight. I intend to go.

I don't believe I mentioned that the only thing I didn't like about the expedition was that we didn't get back till almost nine o'clock.

At present I am working on the history topic that was due last Friday. When I finish that, I will be completely up to date. I am travelling along this week on schedule, just as I planned it--and not getting behind, either--which surprises me a great deal.

The kimono has not arrived yet.

I think I shall go to a funny little place across the river with Jeanette and Lucy after my last exam Thursday afternoon and come back Friday afternoon. They have been there before and like it a lot. Do you approve?

I am glad to hear Judge Cohen thought Father's speech was so wonderful. Did you stand or sit to give it, Father? I thought so, too, but I couldn't write a telegram like that to save my life.

