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Eldridge, Muriel (Tilden) | to Mother, circa 30 September 1913

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vassar:56180,Box 50; VCL_Letters_Eldridge-Muriel-Tilden_1913-09_050_007
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: VCL_Letters_Eldridge-Muriel-Tilden_1913-09_050_007_001
[Sept. 30, 1913]

Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Dear Mother-
    This letter must perforce to be short for there’s little to say, save that I’m a sight with poison ivy. My face is covered, my left eye’s swollen nearly shut, and it’s on my left hand and leg. Oh! I’m a pretty thing - I suppose I must have gotten it on our trip Friday, but I can’t imagine exactly where. I hope I’ll be sufficiently recovered to attend Senior PArlor and wear that grand new dress. I had intended going to the dentist today, but I think I’ll wait till I can respectably appear on the street. Dr. Baldwin has given me some sort of powder and I’m hoping for relief


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In a day or two. - Please don’t worry about it, though, or I’ll be sorry I said anything. 
    1914 had its Senior group-picture taken today and we start in this week with appointments for individual pictures. I think I’ll have one batch taken in a Peter [Low], and another in one of my dressier “frocks”. What do you think about it? And how would you garb yourself for such an important occasion?
    Quite a bunch of people were in here tonight, and we had chocolate and tea. I think that little gatherings like that are one of the pleasantest factors in college-life, and really and truly expenditure of money upon food more than pays for itself in pleasure derived from such an informal collection of people as that. We talk over and under and in and out everything in college and out, and thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.
    Tables are being made up just no, and consequently there is considerable class-discussion on the subject. Many, including myself, are going to rotate, i.e. be drawn weekly by lot for table-companions; others will have at their request a permanent table assigned them. It’s a big problem to face when it concerns as large a class as outs - that’s certain.


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    I had a postal from Percy J.A. this a.m. saying he was sending me some asters. They’ll probably arrive on the morning mail. I hope so. He;s so careful about the way he packs flowers that they’ll probably be deliciously fresh, too.
    I’ve been doing German till I’m blue in the face - added to the rest - and I think a little slumber might help some. I really think my eye is a little better now
    Love to all - 
Am going to take Edith hilles’ place for the next few weeks at ringing chimes. Much joy!M.