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Fitt, Harriet (Bradley) — to mother, February 24, 1910

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24 Feb 1910

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vassar:54143,Folder 68.3; VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-02-24_068_003_016
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: VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-02-24_068_003_016_001
Feb 24 - 1910
Vassar College.

Dearest Mother,

If you knew that it is ten-thirty and that I have just finished my work, I know that you would rather that I should write a short letter, and get some sleep. This is the third day this week that I have had to study eleven hours, and tomorrow is not going to be much better.

Your lovely long letter came this morning and I enjoyed it so much, all


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the news and all the advice. I think I shall make the attempt for West Point you suggest.

We had second committee meeting tonight, and cherry blossoms were abandoned for trellises of wild rose. The girls did make wistaria for Phil dance this year, and it was lovely. It was our plan - and is - to make whichever flowers are used.


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I am very sorry that I was persuaded to join a class on the Negro question in which I am not especially interested. It takes up time which could be more profitably spent, and now I feel bound to go.

Hope your cold was successfully avoided. We are having the most wonderful weather changes here imaginable. The winter is merely showing its accomplishments and giving all possible phases of beauty. It snowed yesterday, and last night cleared for the full moon. Today has been extremely windy, and the snow has been blowing, drifting, and filling the whole air.

What an interesting clever letter Mrs. Ray wrote! I should like to see her and know her again


: VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-02-24_068_003_016_004
I do not believe I know Mary Wren.

Caroline [Cougdon?] and Clara Bull - the two Lathrop sophomores I admire so much - were the top candidates in the election of class marshal last week. This is practically a decision of the most “stunning” girl in the class. Clara was elected but neither of them could


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have been a disappointment.

Doss seems quite well now, but is still taking a great deal of medicine. We are not eating meals in the room.

It seemed so natural to have you write that Father looked [hungry?] Sunday night. It would be such fun to be back


: VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-02-24_068_003_016_006
with you, dear ones. Yet this is what I want and Vassar is all right. Did you read that Smith is no longer a college, but a seminary? It is not true, but confirms what we heard last summer.

Most lovingly,

Wednesday night.