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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, Father, and Pete, 1920 October 28

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-09_10_030
[addressed to Hotel Traymore]

[Oct. 28]

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete:

This letter reminds me that I am out of both typewriter paper and envelopes. Excuse the paper, Pete.

Helen is in here waiting to be entertained. It is a dreary day and I think it has gotten her freshman spirits.

Thanks for the political literature, Pete. I shall read it this afternoon.

I went over to Students' last night to hear Sophomore Party rehearsal. It is going to be splendid. There are lots of people who are fairly important in the class who are on committees, so I don't feel quite as disgusted with not being in it as I did before.

I overslept this morning and consequently only got the three rolls for breakfast which Helen Reid brought up for me. And then of course we had to have a baked bean lunch.

In history this morning Miss Salmon talked about our false idea of faculty authority. It was very elucidating in connection with American History.

I have lab this afternoon. I certainly haven't hurt myself studying this week. I don't think I have done three hours actual studying. I got so far ahead in English and Ec last week without knowing it that I haven't had any work to do all week in those two subjects. And then I did two out of the three assignments for the week in Spanish last Friday before I left. There are never any assignments in Chem or history, and we have two weeks for this topic instead of one. Hence the vacation. That never happened last year.

i went eight hour yesterday to hear four members of the Princeton Speakers' Bureau debate the republican and democratic campaigns. McCormick was one democratic and Rhodes and Warmer were the Republicans. I did not get the name of the other democrat. The Republicans were by far the better and they certainly were good. Do you know any of them, Pete? It is funny the way people turn out for the young Princetonians when they only come in about one fourth the numbers to hear politicians who probable have some knowledge that they have gathered from experience. Mary Magennis, president of our Speakers' Bureau, who had charge of them, told some of us that they have the reputation of being the four biggest "Lady-Killers" in P. So it was amusing when Rholdes started out by saying that as he looked over this fine audience he wondered how woman suffrage could have been delayed so long!