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Ladd, Jennie A. | to Julie, Jun. 1873:

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June 08, 1873
VC Ex 1876

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vassar:24479,,Box 71,VCL_Letters_Ladd_Jennie-A_1876_003
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: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003001
Vassar College.
June 8, 1873.

My dear Julie,

It is our day to walk together and I haven't ^got anyone to walk with. I wish yu were here.

I think it was the day after you left that we chose for rooms. I got the seventh choice on the first floor and Maggie got the ninth on the same floor. We are going to room together and we have


: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003002
a double outside
room in no. 15. I saw by the chart that, you had a single room on the first.
I couldn't room another^in the same parlor with Miss Corning
tConsuello F. Corning, prep '70-'73 The freshman lists were read in
Chapel Friday evening and Miss Coming's name was not read. Just
thin'c of being here three years as a prep, and then not being freshm. She
went to see Miss Morse |Ann Eliza Morse, about it and Miss Morse told
her that she hadn't done


: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003003
well enough in Latin to be allowed to pass, Miss
C. doesn't seem to mind it.
Miss Richards ,Emily S. Richards, '76, cried all the afternoon as
she was afraid of not being admitted, but she was and she telegraphed
home the next morning the joyful news to her father. Miss Guerin (Lizzie
Guerin, ex-'77,was conditioned on Latin. There was so much excitement
that night. Miss Richards was lucky in drawing for a room. She got the
first choice for the fourth floor and will have a double outside room.


: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003004
The Juniors gave a party to the Seniors last night. They had a
band and we could see by the remains this morning that the rooms must
have looked very nice. They had refreshments in Room L and I believe
the band was In room M.
June 8, 1873 - 2
The Exoteric Society had a play in Society Hall also last night.
It was Cinderella and was very good indeed. The two best characters
were the Baron, the father of the


: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003005
I think 1 shall go home the Saturday before
Coramencemet;;. If I leave here at 11 o'clock, I can reach Hartford at
about 6 o'clock which will be very nice, and then I can go to Wilbraham
2f I want to.
I wonder where you are now. Can you travel on Sunday, or do
you have to wait somewhere? Another missionary preached to us today.
X wonder if it makes one fat to be a missionary for all the missionaries
who come here are so fleshy. Remember you promised to write me a
longer letter than I did to you.


: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003006
two proud sisters and a page. Miss
Sessions jEditL K. Sessions, ex-'78, was the Baron and Miss Wentworth
(Anna L. Wentworth, ex-'77j the Page. Miss Brockway (Adelaide E.
Brockway, ex-'77,was Cinderella and she looked very beautiful. Miss
Ketcham tJanie M. Ketcham, ex-'78,was the Prince but I think they
might have chosen someone better for that character for she is neither
handsome nor did she act very well. They had also an address by Miss
Townsend (Elcaa A. Towns end, ex-'77,and a criticism by Miss Jackson
(Emma C. Jackson, ex-'76I


: VCLLettersLaddJennieA1876003007
We have had Strawberries here two times
and they were so nice. I hope we shall have them tonight. I am tired and
am going to the Library now so good-by. With much love to yourself and
to all the family I am your loving cousinj
Jennie Ladd
(Jennie A. Ladd, ex-'76,