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Woodworth, Mary | to mother, Apr. 1868:

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April 25, 1868
VC 1870

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vassar:25310,,Box 23,VCL_Letters_Woodworth_Mary_1870_013
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870013001
Vassar College*
Saturday Apr. 25. 1868
Dearest Mother:
I have just received your letter and the elegant collars contained. They came very opportunely for I am going to take the character of Mrs. Nickleby In our next class meeting and it is just what I want. I was going to write to you to send me any old fashioned you might have in my box, as we are to have a fancy dress entertainment in June. I took my first riding lesson yesterday. Saidee came over to see me ride and she says I did nicely and shall make a splendid rider. I hope so certainly. I am very lame today in consequence, but shall get all over that in a day or two as they all do. This morning, at nine o'clock I started for the fifth floor where


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870013002
are drawing topographical maps of the college grounds and worked steadily for three hours. I was so glad when I had made the last mark although I felt very tired. The girls made me stay from dinner and go to bed, but I am up now for I wanted to write you while they were at dinner. Shall get up and dress before tea for I want to hear Anna Dickinson lecture tonight.
Just think of it, no trigonometry at all next week - for only two
of us have our maps done and Miss Braislin allows another week. I can
rest all I want to after Founder's Day next Wed. I would like my ponjee dress very much if you think it best to make it. The skirt is to be 37 by 38 inches. You need not make any waist at all only the pelisse. This consists of a plain sacque very loose and coming below the waist nearly three quarters of a yd. The sacque has a


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870013003
seam under the arm but no where else. The back is to be gathered up for about six or seven inches and fastened to a belt on the inside which I pin around me underneath. Sleeves plain coat, and front perfectly loose buttoning with quite large match buttons clear to the bottom. I checked the picture you have of Saidee will assist you. The sash consists of a belt of the same and two ends made entirely separate which are attached in this manner The bottom of the endsI are to be trimmed with fringe if the dress is and the sides with the narrow heading. Now you can I do as you think best about making the dress at all. W ill it not be too much work? There will be time enough for a waist after I come home if I want one at all Saidee hasn't any. If I have a waist shall have it garibaldi


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870013004
and open behind by all means. I do not think I shall need the lace shawl for I have a sacque you know. I am glad you and Sue are going to have one. Did you send for a black Serige as I told you to ? This will reach you Monday and I shall write you tomorrow about the lecture, concerts fee. If you make me a muslin waist have it open behind. I must not write more now. Hope I have written sufficiently explicitly.
Your loving
Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70