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Sunday (December] 10, 1892
My dearest Mother:-
Three good letters I wrote you last week and only two did I receive What is the trouble? Don't think because I am coming home sometime that I don't want to hear from you just the same. You see you don't deserve a long letter and as there is really little to write letter rather short.
expect it will be very interesting.
This afternoon I have been amusing myself fixing up my accounts, rather a dubious amusement. I come out pretty well, only a dollar behind on the past two
Friday noon Ethel had a little luncheon at one of the cottages - we were seven, and oh how good everything did taste. That afternoon Lou and I went into town, walked both ways and I got material to dress a doll - You will wonder what for - Well the Y.W.C.A are dressing them to send either to some hospital or for the College Settlement in New York. Ethel and I are dressing it together. It would be real fun If only we had more
time. Yesterday Nan
Someone is sweetly singing "Just a Song at Twilight" above me and recalls to my mind that I will soon be singing it for your benefit myself perhaps. I think I hear
College lets out (elegant expression) at noon an Wednesday much to my delight so that I can leave on the 12:44 train which will bring me into S- about that hour on Thursday. We will have a jolly crowd going home Marcia, and Kate Enos her roommate, Maud Walton, and one of her room mates. One of the girls at our table goes as far as Rome and probably Fred will join us at Lyons tho' you need not mention it.
(Nettie (Brand) De Witt, ex-«96,