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Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, 1920 May 4

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-05_005
May 4, 1920.

Dear Mother:

I have not eaten meat since coming to Metcalf. I have eaten chicken once. I get five fresh eggs a day. I eat no tomatoes, and no acids. I also have cocoa that is not made of condensed milk.

I have rarely been able to get the medicine in more than four times a day anyhow. How long am I to keep it up?

I had to get up at night the first two nights after I came here. Otherwise I have not had to. I pass urine five or six times a day.

I phoned for a telescope about ten days ago, and it came the next day.

I have not worn wash clothes except when it was quite warm. I have been wearing my sport skirts and sweaters.

Certainly I can trust your judgement, or rather, your taste, in skirt materials. Don't you think that it would be nice to have one flannel, or some material a little different from the regulation. You know things don't get dirty here or away from home.

I have written Aunt Bessie, but shall do so again. I intended to do that, also. I am not so crazy about telling her about myself because she has been so strongly opposed to my staying all along.

I'd like to see Miss Smith's letter if you don't mind.

I have a room for Father at Miss Mullaly's tomorrow night. I also told her you might come next week. She will be able to take care of you very nicely in case you do.

I have only taken Maltine and Cascara once. I have been taking the vegetable pills. They are very effective, although I imagine that it is bad to take them indefinitely.

I might go off campus and by myself some clothes if it were not that I have not dared to talk as far as that. I did it once-to see about a room for you, and I felt worse after it. I do want to save up so as to be able to enjoy Lester's Commencement. To think of your coming East in the car and my not being able to enjoy it. It is three weeks off, and perhaps if I am real good till then i will be able to have some fun.

My exams are over on Friday, June fourth. Helen has an extra ticket for Commencement, so I can stay if I want. I am quite sure I would not be allowed to stay in my room, but I could stay with Lucy and eat off campus. She has an extra bed. Helen would like to know, because if I don't use the ticket she wants to give it away.


: Page 2, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-05_005
What I will do depends, of course, upon your plans. I might even stay just for a day of it. Let me know so that I can tell Helen.

I suppose there will be no classes on Wednesday, if exams start Thursday. That means I have Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday, and Thursday to pack and study in. I am sure that Lucy will help me some with my packing, as she has always been offereing to do so much. If you were to come up here to pack, would you bring the car up or would you come ahead? I don't quite understand from your letter. I would not want you to miss the trip, and then I really don't think I need you anyhow. Should I have Lucky's store my rug? R. S. V. P.

I feel quite a little better than yesterday, and considering that it is a damp day, I feel encouraged.

The Freshmen have to get all togged up in white this afternoon to have their pictures taken on the steps of Strong.

Otherwise there is nothing new, except that I have to read two French books instead of one for next Monday, inasmuch as I did not read one that the rest of the class read last year.

I had a postcard from Mlle. yesterday. She is going to France--she has decided definitely.
