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Dear Mother,
I made 110 on No. 1 this morning. The wind was fierce both morn-ing and afternoon. I should have had 100 - I had a 10 on a hole that should take five or six, and an 8 on one that should take five, and a 5 on one that should take three Father and Mr. Wintringer and I played. This afternoon Mr. Lawrence joined the party. He
Mr. Wintringer left tonight. He surely is nice. The only thing I have against him is that he talks like Norman E. Henry.
I played miserably this afternoon. The wind got the better of me, and made me tired later on, so I stopped after fifteen holes. in accord-ance with your and Dr. Jonah's instruct-ions. I feel fine now,
I got a long letter today from Marian.
After writing to Gdpas tonight, if it isn't too late, I shall typewrite and read some of the astrono-my Mr. Wells gave me. He surely set me going.
Has anybody called up for the debating stuff?
Fan's report is so thorough that she leaves little to report. I [notice]she failed to tell you I played well morning and afternoon. This afternoon I had the ball going better than ever this year. The day was [fine]; its raining tonight but tomorrow should be [right]. I am going to let Fan take a couple lessons of 1/2 hr each to see what that will do for her. I see Lesters term exams begin on the 24: I suppose that cuts out Washington as he will likely want the previous Saturday and Sunday for preparation. Will you pls [phone] Leon Falk and ask him for