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MacCoy, Marjorie Newell | to Family, 12 April 1908

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April 12, 1908

Dear Family--
            I hope Dad had as nice a day for his birthday at home as we had here; it has been perfectly gorgeous and you ought to have seen the beautiful red sunset we had this evening.
    This morning we had Dr. [Judson] of N.Y. to preach (he is Miss Margaret Judson’s father,) and he was simply splendid. This morning he preached on, “Christian tranquility,” and this evening he gave us a nice talk instead of our [having] chapel. I wish it wasn’t so hard to hear in the chapel for it is very tiring to keep


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straining your ears to catch every word. 
    Thursday afternoon I went over to Miss Taylor’s to tea and it is so nice to have her back again. Both Mrs. [Prexy] and Prexy have had the grippe, but they are practically well now. 
    Friday Louisa [Chapin] finally arrived after much hustling to and fro and missings of trains, etc., and we are all crazy about her. Saturday was another glorious day after a regular April thunder-shower in the morning, and Rose Brown and I took a grand walk out the Hackensack Road and up Cedar Ridge. The wind on Cedar Ridge made


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such a roaring that we had to shout to each other to be heard at all; it was glorious. Coming back, we sat down on a [wee] bridge to rest, and crawled out to the edge of the planks, and sat there swinging our feet over the brook and fairly [gurgling] with joy. I had to come back and get [gussy] to go to a tea in Lathrop which didn’t improve my temper in the least, but then I went to Julia Lovejoy’s to supper, and to College Singing on Rockefeller Steps afterwards which cheered me up considerably. (I can just hear Jean saying “College singing on R. steps. We never had that


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when I was there. How queer!) We had Choir Rehearsal after chapel because we missed the regular Tuesday evening one. Easter music will be lovely I think. Prof. [Gow] has written the dearest carol, and after we had sung it all through for him demurely, we clapped like anything, and he looked as pleased as anything. He [stung] me once more for Sunday Service this [a.m.] -- he’s never put me in yet -- I guess he’s afraid I’ll tumble down the steps or something, and he roars every time he excuses me -- he evidently thinks it’s a good joke -- I don’t!


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On Tuesday evening I am going to be very proud. You know Dr. Gilmore is our Honorary Member, and long ago when I was “Prexy” I asked her to dinner twice, and she couldn’t come. So she and Miss Mary Bell came over today to ask me to come to dinner with them on Tuesday -- that means the Faculty Table at North! I am trembling in my boots, but I am going to “brave it out.” Next Saturday night comes the Student’s Meeting for nominations for Officers. Doesn’t it seem awful to think


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of that so soon, but they have to get it out of the way so they can elect [unreadable] Officers early to have the old and new Boards work together. 
    I guess my news budget is exhausted. But my love isn’t! And here is a lot for everybody --

P.S. You needn’t worry about K. Taylor. She is far from having the measles, and is working herself to death over “Miscellany” work!


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Postmark:     Poughkeepsie APR 13 2 PM NY

        Dr. Alexander MacCoy
        Mrs. William P. Logan
            Overbrook Ave. and 58th St.