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Woodworth, Mary | to family, Dec. 1868:

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December 25, 1868
VC 1870

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vassar:25308,,Box 23,VCL_Letters_Woodworth_Mary_1870_031
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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870031001
Dec. 25, 1868.
My dear friends all,
I am here and have been well domesticated for three days- Charlie arrived this morning hale & hearty, safe & sound, but I judge from his looks that the general temperature of his body was not very high. The pier was pretty well filled with ice and the boat much delayed, but he swung off at the first opportunity and got around here about half past eight. We were all very glad to see him. This afternoon we are going up town and shall stop to see Hamilton Palmer at 5*h Ave. Hotel.


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870031002
We have decided not to go to any place of amusement tonight because they will all be so crowded - but tomorrow night we shall go to hear the Oratorio of the Messiah-

I am enjoying everything very much and hope to have a good time for the next two weeks. In regard to dissipation I do not think I shall go into it very hard, but I have been so very quiet for three or four months that it wont hurt me to have a little change.

Charlie says that Seth goes to Lisbon Monday night and he shall go Wednesday. I am quite desirous to go too, but have not made known my wish to any one.

I have got a new hat and it is


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870031003
quite pretty I think. Rilla and I have been at work on a dozen dolls that we took to dress for a small Lutheran church on Atlantic Ave. where she has a class in Sabbath School. We dressed eight yesterday and hope to do the rest today. I got along very nicely coming down here, but did not find any one at the depot. However when I got to the "West St. cars I found Rilla looking for me. She had searched in vain for me at the depot and finally thought she should be more apt to find me waiting for the cars.

There were 150 Vassar girls on board the train and you may imagine how large a crowd


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870031004
there was of the friends waiting for them. I hope to get an opportunity to write Nell an answer to her nice long letter - It was splendid and I would give a good deal to get such a one every week. I hope she will write us what she has decided about her dress. He does not know what she wants and says she wrote him that she would write her decision to me - Have the dress made very long. It might as well have ^a three quarters of a yd. train as one for the injury that will come to it. I hope she will have it trimmed with satin folds. I should advize two or three narrow folds and then below them a plaiting of narrow satin ribbon - the sash should be very short and


: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870031005
bowed up into a big bunch - She has the figure for the Grecian Bend and when she has the lump on I hope she will not yield to the temptation to affect it - ahem! I cannot write much more now but will write again very soon. I hope for a letter from some of you today.

As ever yr. loving

[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]