Vassar College Digital Library

Aaron, Fannie | to Mother, Father, and Pete, postmarked 1920 January 7

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n.d. [postmarked 1920-01-07]

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: Page 1, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-01_001
[postmarked 7 Jan 1920]

Dear Mother, Father, and Pete:

It is handy to be able to borrow one's neighbor's type-writer.

I came up on the train in my own company, so I got some work done. The red ribbon seems better than the ble on this machine. I came back in a taxi with a California girl in my class. She spent the vacation in Pittsburgh with the Dilworths, on Negley Avenue, your friends, Pete. She is the girl I saw in the Fairmont last summer-you remember, Mother. She came from San Francisco.

I was the fifth back in Davison. I straightened up my room, unpacked my suitcase, went over and telegraphed, and it was then dinner time. After dinner I went to the library and completely finished my history topic, which I handed in today, and al my trig but one problem. I am very much messed up in it. I shall try to straighten myself out today.

I opened all my windows and turned off the heat yesterday afternoon, but in spite of that the room was so suffocatingly hot that I did not get to sleep until after midnight. I got up any covers. i moved my furniture around today, so that the bed is now under the windows. Perhaps I can breathe now.

The letter from Doctor Furniss asking for a weekly excuse for me came today. I shall attend to it now.

I got to the station yesterday just in time to see the gates shut on the one o'clock train. We did not get in from Pittsburgh until noon. The doctor fired the usual line of questions at me. He wants me before exams. He says I can study enough to pass with honors as it is. He wants me for one treatment, no several, as Dr. S. seemed to. He says I can go back the same afternoon. Saturday is his operating day, and he is only there from eleven-thirty to one thirty. I got a twelve appointment, so I shall take the trainleaving here at ten-five and getting in at twelve-five. It is the only one that will work at all. Aunt Bessie says she will meet me at the doctor's office, and can do so without inconvenience, I can return at three-thirty, getting back in time for dinner. Incidentally, Aunt Bessie insisted on using up the money you would not take for taxies, porters, etc. Doctor F. Wants me to take gym unless I find that it hurts me.

There was a fire in Josselyn yesterday morning. It started in the candy-kitchen and quite a little damage was done by water. They had to have the Poughkeepsie fire engines out.

Miss Thallon called me by my first name this morning--I wonder if she does that to everybody!

Lucy came up at one o'clock to work and did not do anything.



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: Page 3, vcl_Letters_Aaron_Fannie_1920-01_001
Dr. [F] came me the [iron] hyperdermic. The [R. Lin] is rather bad today, but I guess it is just an off day. I tell you because you want to know. Let Aunt Bessie meet me this time. And save your [trip] for another week. - Father.