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Woodworth, Mary | to mother, Nov. 1868:

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November 15, 1868
VC 1870

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: VCLLettersWoodworthMary1870025001
Vassar College.
Nov. 15. 1868.

My dearest mother.

Your letters from me will come thick and fast after this I fancy, but may not always be long. I do hope that my letter sent the 10th has reached you before this. You need never expect a letter from me on Tuesday night for I could not send one so that it would reach you then. If I send one from here at 5 PM. Saturday it will reach you Monday but as we don't have any mail from here Sunday letters sent Monday are the the first and these cannot reach you till Wednesday, so you see there is no chance for Tuesday at all.

We had an election of officers


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in our class last night. In the absence of the secretary I was appointed pro. tem. and in the course of the election was one of the three nominated for Sibyl or Prophetess. It was rather unpleasant to be up in front and wait for the announcement, but much to my surprise it resulted in my election: I think one of the others is better fitted for it by all means and she ought to have been elected. They were elected, however, for only six months and I shall undoubtedly be relieved at the end of that time. There is nothing to do till Class Day '70 so the labor will not be arduous. I expect every moment to hear the chapel bell ring and we shall undoubtedly have the pleasure of listening to a sermon of an hour or more in length. There it goes!


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I have made three very dear friends since coming back. One is from Appleton, Wisconsin. Her name is Alice Conkey and I do so love and admire her exceedingly. I will send you a photograph of her which does not do her justice but will give you an idea of her. Please send it back to me in your next letter without fail. If you have an opportunity to show it to any of my friends I would like to have you do so. I have been feeling a little blue tonight and still feel a little too strongly inclined that way, but as I have no reason for it shall probably recover soon. I would give millions if I had the disposal of them to be with you all tonight- I want to see you most of all things and can hardly wait for the time to come.


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I got considerably excited over my essay yesterday and as a penalty have suffered considerable today from a nervous headache.

However, I can afford to have severe headaches when I have them at all for it is so seldom. I didn't sleep very well and that aggravated it of course, but a good sound sleep tonight will undoubtedly cause me to be as bright as possible tomorrow.

Yesterday was one of my roommates' birthday. She recd a beautiful glove box with six prs. of kid gloves, a h'd'k'f' box with a dozen nice hem-stitched handkerchiefs, a set of solid gold jewelry and an elegant blue enameled gold watch, besides nets, a scarf and some confectionary - Dont you think she was highly favored ? Her father has been a widower


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since she was two years old - sixteen years - and she is his only child. He writes her the very nicest letters you ever read- They sound like a woman's and he is as good as many fathers and mothers put together.

You haven't mentioned Harry or Gracie to me in ever so long. Dear children. I would give so much to see them.

Monday - My head is entirely well today and I am in my usual good health and spirits. I recd a nice long letter from father this noon and now I know that you received my letter Friday night. He seemed anxious for me to not hesitate to ask for money if I wish it. I have thirty dollars now


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but I wanted to make that last through my visit to N.Y. and it would have done so if it had not been for this performance. As it is I may need some more before going down. He writes that Harry and Gracie are getting along finely which rejoices me more than any thing else could. I shall see great improvement when I see them next summer, I expect. Nothing would be so nice as to have Mr. Patterson lecture here, but as the trustees and not the students engage the lectures I could have no influence of course. I think I shall get along pretty well on my essay as we have a recess of four days at Thanksgiving and a great deal can be accomplished in


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that time- Several of the teachers seem to take the greatest interest in my success and do all they can to help me.

Tell Nell to write me a long letter right away for I am very impatient & hear from her. I will send you the things for the handkerchief and tell you how to make it. You will probably get it Monday Nov. 23d.

Write me a nice, long letter this week and be sure not to over-work yourself as father says you are inclined to do as usual.

Very lovingly

[Mary (Parker) Woodworth, '70]