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Fitt, Harriet (Bradley) — to mother, January 24, 1910

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24 Jan 1910

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vassar:54131,Folder 68.3; VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-01-24_068_003_028
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: VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-01-24_068_003_028_001
Vassar College.
Jan 24-10

Dear Mother -

An ideal spring day - warm, with a clear sky - all the clouds pushed, I suppose. I have been studying all day until an hour ago when I went to see Miss [Leach?]. She was not in last week, and today she had an engaged sign up, so I left a note. I stopped at Mary Moores’ on the way back, and she has a


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sprained ankle.

Tomorrow is the Math exam, Tuesday -- Latin, Wednesday -- French and History, Friday -- English. History is the only one which really worries me, and I am spending all my efforts on that. There is going to be a big nervous strain for us all this week, but we have made good resolutions, and expect to come out all right.


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Dorothy Jocelyn wrote me a few days ago. They are at the Astor in New York, and she asked me down for next Saturday and Sunday. I wrote, regretting, without referring it to you, because I know that you would prefer that I should stay here.

It seems to me that you have thought out the best plans for Easter. I have written Miss Roge[t?]. I shall try to “observe the conventions” Mother. Follett, I think, will like Doss all right. They did not see each other longer than five minutes, and as I remember she was not as becomingly dressed as usual.

Doss did mean to speak to you about this summer, but


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it is quite natural that she should not, even if she had not forgotten it, for the plans are as yet indefinite. My invitation is good in case they go to Bear Lake -- in Northern Michigan, and they not yet decided whether they will or not.

My riding crop is in the express office. At least there is some package there for me


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which I shall get Tomorrow afternoon.
I made some good fudge the other night under the directions of one of the other girls. Her method has some radical changes in it, as there really seems to be some reason for the success.

Caroline Langdon is going to teach me to [...sto…?] -- at least she is going to try. She is


: VCL_Letters_Fitt-Harriet-Bradley_1910-01-24_068_003_028_006
one of the most graceful and accomplished dancers I have ever seen, so she ought to be a good instructor.

There has been no skating since last Monday. It would be ideal if it should freeze tonight. We could skate almost anywhere on campus, on account of the puddles.

We went in town yesterday morning and had our hair shampooed. You remember, I wanted to go while you were here, and it has gone until now.

Judge’s last letter gives the news that my chances of winning the bet are practically hopeless. Isn’t that sad? He seems to be sure of [P...g?], and we are of [Carrie?] so I do not see what keeps “something doing electrically” from happening. Do you?

With much love to the darlingest of mothers and fathers,
