Vassar College Digital Library

Badgley, Mary M. | to Kate Flanders, Sep. 13, 1866:

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September 13, 1866

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vassar:932,isbn: ,Box 64,VCL_Letters_Badgley_Mary-M_1866-1867_001
1 item


: VCLLettersBadgleyMaryM18661867001001
Poughkeepsie, N.Y., Sept. 13th, 186-

Dear Kate,

I have put off writing to you until I should get established in school, and as I reached Vassar College in safety yesterday, and had nothing particular to do, I thought I would write. Minnie and I had a very pleasant journey, but very tired when we parted in New York. I went directly to White Plains, I had a very pleasant visit there; one day Uncle took me down to New York, we found Minnie, and Mrs. Dunn invited me to spend a day and night with her, and she went back and spent the same length of time with me, so that


: VCLLettersBadgleyMaryM18661867001002
we were together for two or three days. I wish that you could have had some of the fruit that I had while there, such quantities and so nice. Perhaps you would like to know something about the College, well the picture on the front of the sheet is a very a good picture of the building and grounds in front of the house. The chapel where we have morning and evening prayers, and service on the Sabbath Is on the third floor it is a beautiful room, above that is the Art Gallery full of handsome pictures, and below It is the dining room the tables each seat about twelve and they have plenty to eat.

Yesterday morning after I got here I was examined in Arithmetic, Geography, and Grammar to see whether I could be excepted, before I could be shown to my room. The room which I have is very pleasant, it is on the first floor there are three rooms opening into one study parlor, I have the single room of the three and think myself very fortunate; one of the double rooms is occupied by two sisters, Helen and Hattie Palen, from Michigan, they are very pleasant

[along the side] Alice and Kate have come & wanted single rooms & have gone up onto the 3rd story.


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girls, the other room is to be occupied I expect by Alice Holton and Kate Ober, though they have not come yet, so I think I am going to be very pleasantly situated, or at least almost more so than I could expect to be at boarding school. There are persons visiting the College now all the time, and many come out and ride around the grounds even if they do not come into the building. Oh dear! I have so many questions to ask about persons and things in Milwaukee, that I do not know where to begin or where to end. Have you commenced French yet? And what other lessons do you take? Has Jimmy gone back to College yet? Who are in the Senior class at school this year? Has Ella Godfrey gone home yet? Now remember Kate you have got to write me a great long letter as soon as you get this, answering every one of my questions, and telling me every thing else that is going on. If dear little Marion Matson ever has her picture taken, you must remember that I am to have one. I presume that Minnie Bradford is

[along the side] & we have two of the greenest looking girls in the parlor from Iowa


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going to remain in New York, as she is not here, and I have not heard from her, though I expect a letter all the time; and every time I hear any one passing through the hall I think it may be Alice and Kate, though it is rather early in the morning to expect them, as it takes nearly two hours to pass through the examinations. How is Kittie Brodhead getting along? How soon is Maggie Pierce going South and has Willie Sanderson got home from his hunting? I think I must close now for my trunk has come since I have been writing, and I want to get it open and my things put away. I sincerely hope you will excuse the number of I's in the letter but I could not seem to help it very well. With much love to yourself, Mother and Mrs. Dana, and to all the girls, I am as ever your

Aff. friend
Mary M. Badgley.

[along the side] Please write the number of your house in your next letter.


: VCLLettersBadgleyMaryM18661867001005
Miss Kate Flanders

Milwaukee Wis.

(Corner Mason & Jefferson Streets)